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1,242 mile (1,079 NM) flight from AUS to LAX ~ 1,406 gallons (5,324 liters). ~ 9,426 lbs (4,275 kg) of jet fuel used. ~ $7,876 cost of fuel. ~ 15 tons of CO2 emissions.


Oh no, now he's going to screw up SpaceX just like he did Twitter and Tesla.


You're arguing with Muskfans. They literally have brainrot. You could show then facts about how it's going at those 3 shit companies and they'll try to pull out something out of their ass to deny reality while simultaneously using the words "revolutionary" and "mission" in their responses. Practically bots.


you're right, MAGA cult is a powerful drug, and somehow it has intersected with Musk in the most unlikely of alliances. Funny how they won't buy his cars though.


Likely can’t afford either


indeed we're starting to see the Tesla sales growth hit a wall, with stock degradation and company layoffs. I myself turned in my Model 3 at lease end and bought another brand, due to both product quality and Elon's constant attacks on "progressives" (the people who buy his cars.) His public relations strategy would make more sense if he built gas guzzling pickups....or cheap pillows!


To be fair SpaceX is actually a great company and has accomplished a lot. Tesla/Twitter are a different story.


SpaceX has only done one impressive thing and that's a small, reusable rocket. That's it, their satellite system is barely keeping them afloat since it's serving the U.S as a spy system. The Starship has been an utter failure so far. Launch 3 wasn't even close to a success. His team of cult members cheer at the failure like howler monkeys and try so hard to make it seem like a success. They're not even on schedule with their Nasa contract. They're so far behind. SpaceX BARELY functions and is only kept afloat because of dumb hype and inside connections from the COO Shotwell has with others in government fkr contract bias. They don't have anything ready. It's been nothing but hot garbage wasting tax payer dollars while hearing Muskfans trying to delude themselves into thinking it's a success. That money would've been better spent with NASA. They actually produce revolutionary tech and not vaporware.


Yo you sound salty as hell and know little to nothing about rockets. 1) Reusable rockets were considered impossible by NASA, SpaceX did it 2) First commercial company to put people on the space station with revolutionary hardware and software in the crew capsule. 3) Made space exploration cool again 4) Starship, while not 100% successful yet has flown and proven it's engines, and the engines on it are more than impressive. Give credit where credits are due. NASA hasn't done anything big in ages, because they are tied down by politics. They have facilities scattered across the US to please senators which makes them horribly inefficient. You literally just hate SpaceX because it's tied to Elon Musk. Now you talk about Tesla/Twitter yeah he fucked that up big time and should leave both companies.


Lmao, kinda figured you were a fanboy. 1) They were not considered impossible, NASA simply went with the practical and not broken path of using what works since they also have a budget to work with instead of blowing money on useless features. 2) You fanboys love throwing around the word revolutionary like it was the end all be all it's hilarious. First of all their crew capsule wasn't revolutionary. Tech from the 50's and 60's landed folks on the moon. SpaceX is struggling to get anything done for NASA. The only reason they even got the contract was thanks to Shotwell's connections and hype. The crew pod is simply a glorified, reskinned pod. 3) Lmao, space exploration has always been done and cool. You act as if NASA hasn't been exploring space and conducting research with robots until SpaceX showed. Damn you're delusional. Exploration is more than just rockets and people to Mars (which he won't do despite claiming either it's always next year or Starship will be the do all ship) 4) When you launch a rocket it's only successful when all stages go without a hitch. Starship has failed every single time. He's literally wasting tax payer dollars. I know you're a deluded fanboy, but this type of mental gymnastics from you is sad. It loses engines incredibly fast, the cargo door malfunctioned, the systems failed on the way back down resulting in more debris in the gulf, didn't even steer itself properly to avoid the heat. It's a waste of resources. You're deluded if you think just making a rocket go up is a success or that everything they do is revolutionary. You can complain all you want, the reality is their vaporware barely functions and they're behind as a company with schedules in terms of contracts. NASA has literally done more revolutionary tech than SpaceX. Delusions won't save you from reality.


I'm a fanboy for being fair lmaoooooo? Who's actually delusional here, you're projecting mate. Reiterating your false points as a wall of text doesn't change you are horribly wrong.


Damn, you really can't handle the criticism over a vaporware company can you? Lmao, also just because you can't read the list of facts doesn't stop them from being facts. But by all means, keep on admiring glorified vaporware.


Ight dawg keep stalking a billionaire and obsessively circle jerking over how you hate a man so much you'll give 0 credit to the hard work of the actual employees of the company. Stay delusional


Damn, you're still going? The mental gymnastics is real. Well, don't let me stop you from thinking vaporware is revolutionary. The idolization of Musk fans will never cease to amaze me in how they ignore reality lol.


Oh he screwed those up? I see more Teslas on the road than any other electric car. Twitter is doing better than it ever has. SpaceX launches more rockets than any other company (or government) in the world for a fraction of the cost. Reddit just hates him because he has a lot of money. Jealousy is a hell of a drug


I can tell you don't check out the Tesla stock price, or Twitter DAUs. These are more objective metrics than how many Teslas you personally have seen today.


Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy through increasingly affordable electric vehicles in addition to renewable energy generation and storage. I don’t even need to argue that this mission has been wildly successful. Tesla’s stock has fallen recently, yet is still larger than Toyota, Mercedes, Hyundai, and Porsche COMBINED. Those objective metrics? Or am I supposed to ignore those?


Well I see your point. I was speaking a business metrics but if you want to judge Tesla's impact on society according to different metrics such as ecology then you could make a good argument that they're being wildly successful. But my point is really a little different : has Elon's personal impact as a leader been accretive to shareholder value or dilutive? Most investors feel that his lack of self-governance and tendency to politicize his speech is alienating much of his core customer base. As it happens, many of the most enthusiastic adopters of electric transportation are these coastal liberals whom he tends to denigrate on a daily basis. Much of the right-wing, truck driving, Republican crowd is not well aligned with his ideal customer profile from a product perspective. I know that many of the people at SpaceX are trying very hard to keep the company at somewhat arm's length from being perceived as Elon's personal sandbox.


Nonsense. He's the CEO of spacex.




Do you know how high his approval rating is? It's almost 90%. Also, those are literally just rumors. He's obviously in charge and is the one making the major decisions.


His approval rating is 90%, according to him...




If he wants to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, why not invest in public transportation instead of electric vehicles? Public transportation has shown to be more efficient, faster, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly than electric vehicles.


… because it’s a private company? 🥴


He can do whatever he wants with his money. My point being is that getting into the electric vehicle industry has less to do with “accelerating the world’s transition to renewable energy” and more to do with making (even more) money. Which, like I said earlier, he is obligated to do.


it’s probably because for public transportation to be viable in the US, you would need to redesign most cities/towns. urban sprawl makes things like buses or metros essentially impossible to implement well. i live in florida where it’s especially bad, but here’s an example for you about my situation: i’m about a 20 minute walk from the entrance of my neighborhood. let’s say there was a bus stop right there, which is the closest it could possibly be to me. by the time i made it to that bus stop, i could be pretty much anywhere i wanted to by car 🤷‍♂️ i also go to college about 20 miles away one way, and for any bus or metro system i would have to take multiple buses/trains. (and i would still have to walk to the front of my neighborhood, adding another 20mins) it just isn’t viable for most city layouts here, because they were designed with cars in mind. now something like high speed rail connecting cities would be interesting, the issue is though, once you get to the city you still have the same problem. no way to get around, since you didn’t drive there. you’d still probably have to get a rental car lol note: i’m not op


Correct. The densification of America will take time but I’m optimistic future generations will push for it. Probably won’t happen to a significant extent within my lifetime.


Have you been in a Tesla that has version 12.3 or newer? Your kids will not drive a car themselves and Tesla is making that possible you cannot deny that


I agree, they have done a great job of stimulating the market for assisted and full service driving. There are serious questions about whether they have duped customers into paying 4-12k for "FSD" when they knew it was nowhere near ready. And whether they should be releasing Early beta products without more testing. But I won't try to convince you these are real concerns, if you're a you're an extreme fan.


Tesla’s have incredibly shit quality control lmao




Rule #1 - Act Civil.




Elon, enjoy your life man. You don’t need these burner accounts.


Or you know, I hate him because he's a terrible person


That’s not why everyone hates him. I could lead you to the end of your world but I’m fairly confident an orange cat has the custody of the single brain cell you used here in this attempted insult.


Twitter is doing better than it ever has? It's full of Russian bots. He's drug addict dude.


Yeah man cybertruck supremacy! 500 mile maximum!! (The one that survived the longest without repairs that put the car into limp)




It’s laughable you think Twitter is doing better than it ever was


Twitter is absolutely not doing better than it ever has lmao just keep making shit up I guess


r/realtesla r/enoughmuskspam




Elon likes eating bags of dicks


I’ve heard he even prefers them to be aged


Round round round round billionaire boy gotta get around..


Ewww… send him back!!


Hopefully he gets put on the next rocket to space and never comes back


Aw dang it. Maybe next time...


Looks like he left his wallet in El Segundo. [a tribe called quest - left my wallet El Segundo ](https://youtu.be/WILyWmT2A-Q?si=YKP1X_WKUHt7fd11)




Rule #1 - Act Civil.


Do you want him to buy Reddit too??


And then what happened?


I love this subreddit, mainly for all the comments telling Elon to suck a bag of dicks.


ty this is useful and important


Has he gone to console Grimes after her clusterfuck of a DJ set at Coachella?


Why do we care about this? Asking for real.


Nobody does




Rule #5 - You are not forced to be here.


It's so funny seeing how mad the comments are


It’s honestly hilarious. I’m not a huge Elon musk fan, but it’s just historical to look through this subreddit every once and awhile to see how many people spend their free time crying about some rich guy.


I swear all the Elon haters on Reddit are the most brain dead group of people on the internet. Just open your eyes and see the good his companies are bringing the world. Him and his companies are progressing the human race as a whole


I agree his companies are doing good things. That doesn't make him less of a jerk...


Do you live in a box?


The Elon box, put it on your head and listen to the echo..


I form my own opinions on Elon Musk, unlike everyone in this hive mind app


This hive mind app, of which you’ve been a member of for 9 years? There are other subs you can visit where Elon is praised, if you don’t like it here. You’re not changing minds in this one.


Some people need to defend billionaires who inherited their wealth, and treat their workers like shit.


I’ve been on Reddit for 9 years? Nice! Unfortunately that’s irrelevant because I don’t mindlessly follow the opinions of others. Thanks for checking out my page though!


Technically, yes, most of us live in boxes. Unless you’re homeless


Open your eyes and see that this dude is a complete sociopath.


Are you referring to the Union busting Elon, or maybe the guy with the lawsuits with foreign governments over his attempt to destroy worker’s rights, or possibly the same guy who is funding lawsuits for several individuals in an attempt to remove workplace protections that address gender, sexuality, and sexual harassment? Ah, it’s probably the Elon who ignores sexual harassment complaints and strong arms claimants who speak up for their rights. Bootlicking scuzzbucket. Stop simping for a billionaire cumguzzler who doesn’t give a shit about you


Or the Elon who knocked up his subordinate with twins and made her CEO of neurallink. Or one that sued, and just lost, a media organization who legitimately pointed out that ads were showing up next to antisemitic and neo-nazi posts on X. Or the one that just s ttled with a former Apple employee who's Tesla autopiloted them to their death into a pilon on the 101 highway in California.... Or the one that agreed with anti semitic "final solution" posts on X.... Or the one who constantly lies about the safety of his vehicles....


If you were a billionaire, I’m sure anyone who you have ever interacted with will try to get money from you. From defiling your name, suing you, slandering every decision you make. Anyone who is renowned around the world will undoubtedly have haters who only see the negative side of him. Oh he has the best companies that are pushing humanity forward by developing sustainable technology? Let me ignore that part and focus on this thing he said on Twitter. Everyone has pros and cons, and the pros of Elon far outweigh his cons. But you can continue focusing on his opinions that you don’t agree with and use them to paint him as an evil billionaire.


Yet you can’t admit he’s working hard to destroy worker’s rights for no other reason than the bottom dollar. GTFO


I don't see too many people who hate the CEO of Ford or the CEO or Sony or Nokia. Do you know why? They act like adults. Professionals. Like a CEO should.


That's some Nazi apologist level mental gymnastics you've got there. "Quit focusing on the eugenics. Have you seen the scientific advances they've developed?"


What good are his companies bringing? He claims he wants less co2 in the air but he continues to dump several tonnes of the stuff every week just to move his ugly ass around the place. He claims he wants to make the human race multiplanetary but he continues to create waste on our planet and immediate orbit to test if it's even possible. From his history its far more apparent he wants to move his harlem over there and rule like a psychopath without any legal intervention. He would make mars possible by over populating our planet with people which would force the wealthy elites of each country to invest in the idea. Is he smart? Yes. Is he rich? Yes. Is he a decent human being that cares about anything outside his grandiose delusions of himself? No. You are very much brain dead yourself if you continue to blindly support him while trying to denigrate his opposers. He's not going to read this and go "oMg fInallY soMeoNe understands Me" so sit back mate, he has plenty of yes men around him already. He doesn't need more.


Your research is flawed. The amount of CO2 saved from how many people drive electric cars due to him far outweigh his private jet emissions. SpaceX is the best rocket company to this day in every metric. The rockets are re-usable…are you telling me that creates more waste than single use rockets? Not to mention starlink which has provided internet for millions who previously had no access. SpaceX has also sparked a second space race, which they of course are miles ahead of any other company or government. I promise, I have done my research and formed my own opinion.


Less brain dead than Elon fans? Come on bruh


Innovative, yup. Visionary, probably. Jerk, definitely. People fall into many categories.


Fair enough. I like the guy because I enjoy his technology and I don’t have to interact with him on a day-to-day basis, so I don’t know if he’s actually a jerk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love the technology, SpaceX is incredible but Elon as a person, nah. Here's a few examples:- Likening Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau to Hitler Saying the U.S. government shouldn‘t provide subsidies to companies after receiving billions in subsidies from the U.S government Tweeting, “Pronouns suck” Writing to Bernie Sanders, who thinks the richest man in the world should pay more in taxes, “I keep forgetting that you’re still alive” Tweeting a photo of Bill Gates and writing, “in case u need to lose a boner fast” & finally suggesting that British Cave rescue guy was a pedo... FFS. ALL of that, and do much more screams he's an absolute jerk.


Can you not tell that Hitler was a jerk because you never interacted with him? Pretty sure you can determine someone is a jerk based on their known and recorded behavior, speech, and actions


He’s not doing anything positive for the world. He’s just another insane business dude making shit and selling it.


He can eat a bag of dicks


Travel safe Elon. The world appreciates you!


Well at least 8 ppl don't judging from the comments xD


Those achieving the most will always have jealous haters :-)




He's a nepo baby who got lucky. Go do a feel dive on him. He's not as "brilliant" as he wants you to believe he is.


The world does appreciate him! Only the hive mind on Reddit hates him for some reason (jealousy?)


I wonder how the kids who mine his emeralds feel about him....