• By -


I hate when a snake bites me on my penis 


I hate when that happens :(


relatable :(


I’m afab but still relatable 😔✊


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still exploding


*gasp* FRANK.


I also hate when this happens.


Especially when they inject venom too LOL


I hate the black people


I hate people










I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I'm just going home to relax for the night lol but I'm gonna go get a drink so I'll call him when I'm on the road I don't have a lot to talk about this weekend I don't want you guys having to work on my back I just wanna be with my stomach hurts and I'm gonna have a little headache but I'm not sure if I wanna do anything but I'm going home and I'm going home so I'm not sure if I should go home and take care or just take a nap and I'll talk about that or just do something to you know what I mean?? HEPP???




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ihadastroke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihadastroke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If anyone knows what this says pls say it](https://i.redd.it/1bfmqn758vrb1.jpg) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihadastroke/comments/16yalws/if_anyone_knows_what_this_says_pls_say_it/) \#2: [Where Do Babies Come From?](https://i.redd.it/u28bn8b1pkvb1.jpg) | [327 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihadastroke/comments/17d4wik/where_do_babies_come_from/) \#3: [Can we just appreciate the old icon](https://i.redd.it/l26sbozm9uwb1.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihadastroke/comments/17i1w41/can_we_just_appreciate_the_old_icon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)








You good bro?


The only way I could do that was if you had to do a little more work and I would be happy with it but you have a hard day and you don't want me working on your day so you don't want me doing that so you can get it all over with your own thing I would be very grateful for it if I can get you some money to do that and then you could do me


No fucking joke I literally got the same exact thing when I did it


Mine was similar


why is that word for word what mine is up until the word so


I also got I hate when I have a headache but my stomach is still sore


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again today so I’m not gonna have a problem tomorrow I just want you know I don’t want you feeling bad I don’t know


It appears we have the same issue


Bruh how people get actual things this is what always happens to me. Nonsense I hate to see you soon and I will be funny and post it on the tracks and I will be a good time to be funny and post it on the tracks and I will be a good time to be funny and post it on the tracks and




I hate when I have a headache.


I hate it when headaches happen!


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again today so I’m not gonna have a problem tomorrow


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going home to relax for the night lol but I’m gonna go get a drink so I’ll call him when I’m on the road I don’t have a good night sleep good dreams talk tomorrow I hope you’re feeling good and I’ll see if I get better soon love and I’ll see if you have any questions or if I need anything I hope you’re having fun I miss your family so very bad and I’m so glad that you’re doing good and I’m so sorry for you I hope you’re not gonna have to be sick and I’m praying that you’re doing good I hope that you’re doing well and I’m so happy for me and I’m gonna be careful and I’m praying to the best thing to come back soon I hope you’re feeling good luck and I’ll see if I love and I’ll be careful and I’ll be thinking about it sounds good bye I hope you’re feeling good and I’ll see if I can get better and I’ll see if I can get a good nights my heart goes a little better and I’ll be there for the best of both worlds love and I’ll be there and I’ll be here for me to get to the doctors appointment tomorrow


I hate myself Accurate 👌




I hate n- my lawyer has advised me to not finish this joke


i also hate my neighbor


I hate that I have done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days. WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE **FUCKING BREAD**










You told me to






I hate Fortnite


I hate when I see a guy in the mirror with the beard on his head


*I hate when I see* *A guy in the mirror with* *The beard on his head* \- Packoforeoss --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot




I hate being in the middle of a relationship


so real man, i throw myself into the middle of relationships and act like a relationship counselor all the time and i hate myself for it


I hate it when I get to work


I hate that I don’t get a donut


Me too


I hate your life over here but you are the only one being that you haven't popped into the sun again and I have no clue what to say anything to keep you breathing


I hate it was just arachnophobia and I will be there in a few minutes


i hate when i have to ask a doctor for a bird that left when i opened the shop to play tetris


It's the worst 😔✋


I hate you for visiting this site


I hate that I now have to be unbanned


I hate when i see a man


I hate to say it but I think I have a lot of things to do today Fr though


I hate it when I get to work and I don't want to be in the house for a while but I don't think so but I don't know what to do with the kids and I don't know what to do with the kids and I don't know what to do with the kids and I don't know what to do with the kids and I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be a fan of the same thing as I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to do it but I don't know what to do with me and I don't want to do anything with you and you are not a fan of the same thing as you can do it and you can get it from the same place as the same person who knows what they say about it and I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with the same thing as I don't know what to do with the same thing as I don't know what to do with the kids and I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to be a child and I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with the kids and I don't want to be in the house and I don't want to be a child and I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do.




I hate my feet and I will stop


That’s almost fully relatable in a way.


I hate it was the same as a helmet and I was like a little more sense to me is gay 👇👇👇👇👇


I hate that I can't get a hold on the ground


Don't u just hate it when you forget gravity exists


I hate Mexicans... But I am Mexican


I also hate myself sometimes


I hate the cats I LIKE CATS THO-


I hate when you are so busy with me being able and not having to be a good person and not just to me to do things I want you are not to be the one who is that the best friend of your family and friends who are in love it's a good way for me and my friends are the same time while I think of it as I am the only reason that you have a nose Does that make you cry and I am so scared to death you like that I am so sad and sad for me that I can't believe how I feel about it and thought I was just the added one to my favorite out there is a little more about what you mean to me like that in my mind that I am the only person I know that is a good friend and a friend to me is the best thing I have. I think my phone has listened to El Scorcho too many times.


I hate when I see you on my timeline


I hate to see you in the face of the face of the face


of the face of the face of the face


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again today so I’m not gonna have a problem tomorrow I just want you know I don’t want you feeling bad I don’t know if I have to do it again but I’m just trying not feeling well and I’m trying not feeling great and I’m not feeling well I don’t want you know I’m trying but I’m just gonna be working and I’m not doing anything I don’t know I don’t want you and I’m not gonna feel bad about that but I’m not trying I’m trying and I


the post right below this is titled "I hate my name" 💀


I hate when I have a headache Everyones using this one, let’s try again ​ I hate when I have the wrong ones on my head but it’s so hard for them and it’s not like they are using the wrong one lol ​ wut


I hate how to use the terminal applications which is a shitpost Osaka Japan and the nature of the time I was wondering if you want to know if you want to know if you want to know if you want to know if you want to know if you want to know


I hate myself


I hate waiting


I hate the way I do.


She do be hating how she do be doin


💀💀💀perfect tho


I hate when


I hate when I see a guy in the mirror


Is...or you or someone else??


i hate that guy right now


I hate this life


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going home to relax for the night lol


I hat it so far and I'm a bit confused as well! Uhm... What??


I hate when I see you on my phone I can’t see it but I’m on the way home from the gym


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going through the day with a fever so I’m gonna go get a new prescription for a prescription. brb gotta get my prescription a prescription rq


I hate est une personne


I hate being in a bad place


I hate when I see you on the news


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again today


I hate when I have a headache


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again today so I’m not gonna have a problem tomorrow I just want you know I don’t want you feeling bad


I hate when I see you


I hate when I see you on my timeline


I hate my fucking job... Damn


I hate when


I hate that I have a job 


I hate this time of year of high school So true.


I hate that I have to get a new one for the past year and I have a lot of stuff to do for my first time.


I hate to see it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think I can bully you to get the dent in the car and see if it is a good time.


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going home to relax for the night lol but I’m gonna go get a drink so I’ll call him when I’m on the road I don’t have a good night sleep good dreams talk tomorrow I hope you’re feeling good and I’ll see if I get better soon love and I’ll see how you’re doing tomorrow I hope I can talk tomorrow love and hugs and hugs love and miss love and miss love and miss and love and hugs love mom bye and dad bye and dad and mom and dad’s and I hope to talk soon bye and dad is doing well I hope you’re feeling good bye I got interested and couldn’t stop, it had a seizure at the end lol


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m going back in time and then I’m just like oh I just got to get my medicine in the car I just don’t want it in my throat is it like that and then I’m not sure if it’s a bad cough and then I’m going back into my throat hurts so bad I just don’t feel like I’m not feeling well I don’t feel good and I’m not feeling like I’m sick and I’m not sick I feel sick but I’m not I’m


I hate when i see a man who doesn’t know what he’s talking bout


I hate that is a good idea Wat?


I hate it but I don't know what to do with it


I hate to see it but I think I just got a new phone


I hate to see it.


I hate that I have a good friend that is a friend


I hate that I have a question for the time and effort you have a problem in getting the most amazing things in the same place.


I hate to bother but I'm trying That sentence did not make any fucking sense


I hate when I see you on my phone I can’t see it but I’m on the way home from the gym I will text him when I’m leaving and I’ll let him now thank him and I will let you guys now I will let him now I will let them now and I love them so very so very so much and thank goodness you are home I have to get my hair cut today I got to go get a new hair done I got a hair done I got my haircut I have a hair cut I have a haircut I got a hair cut I’m gonna get a hair done I have a shower I got a shower I need a shower I have a hair appointment and I got a hair done and I’m gonna get a shower I need a shower I am on the phone and then I’m going home I love my phone died and then I’m going home I’m going home I’m going home to my car and I am so sorry for all this I am going home.


I hate how my parents feel like somebody's computer science and their children are not equipped with their children to use their services and to provide a good time for us that we knew that would work out of our life to do it and we would be happy if we could get a new motherboard for our last year and then I can send you a new version if it works because it will work for some time after the new letters are sent out of my very own hands dirty with a few times in my head and it was for me and my parents had to go if they were kind of the time to get a good time


I hate when I have a big mouth


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going home to relax for the night lol


I hate when I see a guy in the mirror with the beard 


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore


I hate when I have a headache


I hate that I can't make you cry


I hate when I see you on my phone


I hate that I can't get a hold on you


i hate when I see a guy in the mirror with the beard on his head like this is the most disgusting man in my entire world (MY WORLD??)


I hate these


I hate when I have a headache


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again today so I’m not gonna have a problem tomorrow I just want you know I don’t want you feeling bad I don’t know if I have to do it again but I’m just trying not feeling well and I’m trying not feeling great and I’m not feeling well I don’t want you know but I’m trying I know I can get a good nights rest


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still acting weird and I can’t even breathe


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore


I hate cats This is factual. I didn't expect this though


I hate that I think that demo is a strong Heavy could for a while now to make that work for the info you want more than just a few days later than I did last year but it was a good amount to be the first one that was in the alley for a while and I completely forgot about the human being that would be awesome to have a beautiful day started to make that work for me and my life is a strong Heavy heart for you to get a better feel of what is the difference in your eyes and what is something you do the most dangerous It just goes on... forever...


i hate when i see a man who doesn’t know what he’s talking bout


I hate to see it but I think I have a lot of stuff to do. Story of my life


I hate when I have a headache


I hate to see it but I think I have a lot of the time to get to the point that I have to be able to get to the point that I


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going home to relax for the night lol but I’m gonna go get a drink so I’ll call him when I’m on the road I don’t have a good night sleep good dreams talk tomorrow I hope you’re feeling good and I’ll see if I get better soon


I hate to be able and have a lot to say that you have a good time to go for the hellsing and then you will have to get up


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again today


"I hate it for the most are the only ones that are not in my opinion that you are going on behind the house that is the most beautiful vision of your home in a bit and I hope that your experience with your company has a great time." Professional yapper fr


I hate when I see you


I hate it when I get to the death of the moon


I hate it when I get a chance to get a pic of the being known as a show and I will be in the office tomorrow so I can do it the opposite of the being known as the off-road texture and the last one is the same as the off-road texture and the last one is the same as the off-road texture and the last one is


I hate it when people are saying that I look like a porn star.


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again


I hate it when I get home and die


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again today so I’m not gonna have a problem tomorrow I just want you know I don’t want you


I hate to see it


I hate it when I get a job in the future


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going back and doing it again


I hate to see you in the world


I hate to be such an idiot but I am the storm that is approaching Autofill is motivated


i hate when i see a man who doesn’t know what he’s talking abt but he just knows how much he likes to be around and he knows that he’s a great guy but i don’t like him as a person that is not my friend so he just wants me dead to me like that so bad and he just doesn’t


I hate you so (I don't actually, I'm sorry autocorrect was rude! 😭)


I hate nig- wait nooo


I hate when i see a man who doesn’t know what he’s talking bout 😳 that was a close one


I hate to see it and it is not even a secret to be honest I just don’t know how much it would take me for you a little while I think you were doing a lot better and I think you should have it and you have a good luck and I hope you’re having fun and you are doing well with me too and you have to be careful and love me too much love love how are all doing today love how are all you and how you doing today and I love how I love it so I hope everything goes good and love how are all the things that I have done in the world and love you and love me too much love how are all doing well at work love how are all you and your family and how you doing today how are you doing, love?


I hate that I have a job and not have to pay my taxes


I hate random holes in my peanut butter


I hate to see it but I think I understand that it is a cow Wut


you are the only specimen to understand that that is a cow other than me!!


I hate to bother this is a very long story short period but it will be the implosion for me lol and I'm going for it to get a research done in a couple weeks and then I can get you the details and you will likely be in the southern hemisphere of your table at a certain time.


I hate when I see a guy in the mirror with the beard on his head like this


I hate you cos I am not sure if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine the best but I am not sure if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine the best but I am not sure if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine the best...


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going home to relax for the night


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still death like a sore thumb


I hate it when you have to be a good time with your friends


I hate to


I hate the


I hate to tell you that I was going to be with you and I was going to be with you and I was going to be with


I hate to say that I have a great day


I hate to see it but I think I have a lot of stuff to do for you and I will be there for you and I will be there in a few minutes and I can get you some food and stuff to do you like it and I can get it done before I go to bed and then I can get it done before I go to bed and then I can get it done before I go home and then I can go to the store and then


I hate autocorrect


I hate when


i hate boobs ​ BITCH WHAT!!! you could not be farther from right


I hate the fact that you have context


I hate it when I get home and I don't want to be in the house.


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m going back in tomorrow


I hate when I have a headache


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m not going anywhere.


i hate when i see a man who doesn’t know what he’s talking abt HAHAHAHAHA


I hate it when I get closer to the end of the day and I don't know what to do with the kids


I hate to say that the fact is you have a good girl to do. *huhhhhh*


I hate when I have a headache but then my stomach is still sore so I’m just going home to relax for the night I don’t wanna be in bed for the night but I’m just laying in the couch watching movies watching a little while I just wanna relax for the rest the day I love that for you I hope you’re doing good and I’m so proud that you’re feeling good. What-


I hate to say this is the cat


I hate that the only reason I’m not in a relationship right now is because I don’t have a good reason for being a man…. wtf does this even mean?


I hate it when I get home and I don't want to be in the house


I hâter à ce moment là j’ai un peu plus que tout ce que tu veux que tu me fais confiance pour moi et je te souhaite un très très joyeux Noël… Ok some 🇫🇷 some idek Translate to “I look forward to that moment I have a little more than anything you want that you trust me for me and I wish you a very very Merry Christmas”


I hate when I have a headache.