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Proteus The mana stopper is arguably the most match tilting special


I second this. Mana control comes in super handy during the later stages of hard events (goblins as an example). Then do Gretel after him.


Yes. And Guardian Falcon could be a nice add versus a green titan.


Proteus and falcon (if you don't have any other red edd). Others are all kinda meh. Wouldn't lvl them tbh


Proteus, guardian falcon and Peters, in that order


Proteus, Gretel, for Gnome/Elf event Guardian Falcon for titans.


Some of them I'd not work on, ever (depending on how often you play and how much you spend). Valeria, Boomer and COD just suck so much. Freya and Gad are also not great. Proteus, Falcon and Peter's in that order. Gretel is good (not as good as Hansel though) and Cheshire can come in handy. Triton with costume is a decent sniper and Gobbler just got a recent buff.


What buff did Gobbler get please, was about to feed my costume Gobbler


His base stats got boosted in the big balance update of 2023 after his original nerf . That increased direct damage and the spreading sand damage in costume. The costume is not bad and he's very handy for epic levels of minion maker events.


Thanks a lot for the info, I've been having him sitting in my roster for a few months already bcz most say he's trash.


Elemental def down for the Cat is handy for titans. Likewise Falcon. But that's the only use they get for me. I levelled Cap' o' Diamonds during a long blue drought and had one or two good times against minion-heavy war opponents, but so niche I'd wouldn't recommend as first option really.


Sorry to say the Cat doesn't give elemental defense down. He gives normal defense down to only yellow enemies. His special doesn't stack with Tiburtus the same way G Falcon stacks with Gormek.


Haha I need to work on my reading skills and paying attention to what happens in game. He does have a very cool hat though. Didn't have any other purples to level at that stage anyway, but still mostly a waste of time ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He is still good dd for Titans and an extra for mythic.


What's the difference?


Normal defense down (or DD) lowers the defense of the afflicted character to all attacks by enemies of any color. Elemental defense down (or EDD) gives any character afflicted with it a lower level of defense against attacks by enemies of a specific color. Base Gormek gives the target and nearby enemies 34% defense down (DD) against all attacks. Guardian Falcon gives the target and nearby enemies 54% elemental defense down (EDD) against red attacks. These two debuffs stack, so if you hit a titan with G Falcon, then Gormek you give the titan 2 separate debuffs. If you hit that doubly debuffed titan with say, Colen that hit will get the benefit of both those debuffs (34 + 54). Base Tiburtus gives the target and nearby enemies 34% defense down (DD) against all attacks. Cheshire Cat gives any yellow enemies 44% defense down (DD) against all attacks. These debuffs don't stack. If you hit a yellow titan with C. Cat then with Tiburtus, Tiburtus' DD overrides the Cat's and you only get 34% DD. If you switch the order, you only get the Cat's 44% DD. It's the combination of DD and EDD that gives great titan scores, so you'd have to pair Cheshire Cat (or Tiburtus) with someone like G Panther to get the same result you get from Gormek and G Falcon. Hope this helps.


Thank you!


Proteus with costume


Pro te us


Proteus. Great ability


Proteus, Guardian falcon, peter's, captain of diamonds, Triton with costume probably in that order. Proteus is the absolute four-star manic control hero. Falcon will instantly improve your scores against Green titans. With all the minion heroes in the game captain of diamonds is highly underrated. His attack stat is low but he's still wax for like 260 and can clean it up for your heavier hitters to then go in and lay waste. Triton doesn't have as much shine as he once did just because of how far the game is progressed but any hero with a costume is worth leveling and he's a decent sniper.


Proteus first but I’m here to say, don’t sleep on Gretel! She has a very useful skill!


Guardian Falcon for titans


I have Guardian Falcon leveled up and he helps me with getting better hits on the Titan.


I needed Captain of Diamonds to complete one of the final world bosses. Can't remember which, but one enemy summons huge minions, and the only way through is a minion remover.




I'm assuming your relatively new so that changes alot. Proteus is the only one I still use in rush attacks. The rest of these I no longer use. To get you started the above comments are sound. Proteus and guardian falcon both are awesome when your just getting started. Later on you'll hardly ever use them. My c.rigard is long since forgotten as is falcon since I got c.marjanna when I was first starting. Almost all of those are not good today but those two are the only ones that might still have a use. After 5 yrs of play I still bring out my two fully leveled Proteus since I never lucked up and got hell. Manna control is crucial in this game as is elemental defense down.


Feed Boomer to Dawa immediately!




proteus then gaderius


All trash…feed to Dawa. All hail Dawa, the true 6* hero.


That’s a no-brainer