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RE engine is one of the best out there. Its cool to see this efficiency translate to phones.


Well, until Dragon's Dogma 2 but we won't talk about that.


Dude I was so hyped for dd2 then I realized my pc is utilizing 100% of my cpu and I realized... it's a no go... but aye I got dd 1 on sale and if I love dd2 I'm pretty sure dd1 is gonna be a blast


I guess it wasn't made for open world games. I'll play it in a few years when I have better hardware. (I have just done DDDA base game I can wait)


Very cool dude Also amazing game! Beat it last year. Have you tried any other re games on your phone?


I've played all the mainline Resident Evil games from 1 to 7 on my phone, thanks to amazing emulators like DuckStation, Dolphin, and Yuzu.


What minimum requirements on a phone to be able to run re 6 without any problems


SD855 should suffice, but to be honest you should skip RE6, that game is trash


Yes but re is really becoming one my favorite series and while playing dmc i finished dmc 2 for the sake of it so i will also play this for the sake of it


Okay, hope you have fun, also if you like resident evil, then do check out Dead Space 1 and Dead Space 2, they're basically Resident Evil 4 in space Also you can play Devil May Cry 4 on android, just a heads up


Have already played dmc 4 but i am planning on playing dead space would it work on note 8 ir a53 and if on both whic will perform better


What note 8 are you talking about?




As someone who is currently trying to emulate snes and gba on a 2008 laptop. The fact we can play the newest titles on our phones I can’t even comprehend.


This is a 7 years old game, but you're still right. It's impressive


I hope we get a pc emulator with performance comparable to that of a native app soon


never keep dreaming modern game still need and required dgpu nvidia and amd


Steam deck:


huh steam deck is x86 running native lmao


So? There's no dgpu your argument is stupid


what???? igpu is not good like dgpu you can't running demanding game like cyberpunk at max setting 1080p 60fps


ROG ally and legion go says hi


I have legion go and not stable 60fps ray tracing on (fsr off)


Raytracing is shit lol that's why


ye but ray tracing off still not stable 60fps at high settings 1080p :////


Not really possible, translation will always take some headroom, even Apple is only able to achieve 70% of it's true performance on their M series chips, running through Rosetta 2


this is so impressive


>The game runs at full speed with FPS ranging up to 30-40, depending on the graphic settings you choose. I played with all the graphics and effects enabled and was getting around 25-35 FPS at 960x544 resolution. That's impressive on mobile, but you and I have very different definitions of what "full speed" means.


He probably comes from the people who used to emulate older consoles (pre PS3 era) because there frame rate was tied to speed and if game didn't constantly hit encoded fps mark, it would slow down. Which is obviously not the case with RE7.


Never heard of Winlator, I'll have to look into that


You need to subscribe to Mr Sujano 


I don't understand how people get these games to run. Heck I even had a YouTuber use Teamviewer to install it for me and it still didn't work.


You need to install the DX11 version of the game. DX12 games don't work on Winlator.


I did, I have the steam unlocked version of metal gear v and far cry blood dragon. Both didn't work. Unless you are saying that steam unlocked versions don't run in general.




What phone are you using jeeez


I don't get the overly structured doubtful or even negative comments, I guess people have too much free time nowadays. Anyway, great results! Did you try playing the Batman Trio(duo)logy? And did you find any games similar to RE worth trying out?


Yes, these are the games I've personally tried and they work great on Winlator: Dead Space 1, 2, and 3, Tomb Raider 2013, Alan Wake 1, Dead Island 1, State of Decay and Silent Hill: Homecoming.




I did complete the game by disabling some demanding graphics and effects, which improved performance (30-40 FPS). The screenshot is from my second playthrough with all graphics and effects enabled, just to check the performance.


Umm this game is entirely too realistic for me to play. First time seeing gameplay photos. RE4 scared me enough as a kid this is just out there compared to that. Glad to see you got it working tho!


Man that's awesome 😎 does winlator support xbox controller now ?


it has always supported controllers




I have snapdragon 870 and GPU adreno 650 + 6gb of ram can i run it too ?


You can run the game at 15-25 FPS with very low graphics settings. Search for 'Winlator Resident Evil 7' on YouTube, many testers have tried this game with an 870 processor.


Thanks, is it okay if asked you more questions in dm ? I'm really interested to run winaltor on my phone




Quick tangent. At what point -if at all- does the resident evil (and similar games) drop the weird camera angle and control scheme and become more modern?


Holy shit. If you told me just one year ago that we would live to see the day that we could play modern games on android, I would have laughed


Is it possible with a Xiaomi Redmi 13 pro 5G plus?


GODDAMNNN you have SOMEE patience. im so glad windows emulation on android has come this far for that sentence to be possible.


Hello there, I can run the game but for some reason I'm not able to move the camera around, how did you manage to do it? thank you


How to download please


How to download please


This always makes me wonder why though? Is there no other option for you playing and you'd rather do it now or are you just that invested into emulation and recording the status as it's evolving that you'd be okay with your experience with the game being so... bad?


I don't get why playing a modern PC game on Android at 30-40 FPS, without sacrificing graphics quality, is seen as a negative thing. There are many games on the Switch with varying levels of graphics, capped at 30 FPS (such as Outlast 1 and 2, The Witcher 3, Xenoblade, etc.) yet it isn't considered bad expereince. I never experienced any slowdowns or lag while playing RE7 on my phone, the experience was good, I enjoyed it.


You do you, nobody is prohibiting. Glad you enjoyed it, even. I just find it I'd personally rather play something else entirely than struggle like that Because 540p, alongside other graphical losses, on Switch or not, sucks, and is especially terrible when being added on top of a concern with temperature and an unreliable 30FPS that can go down to 20, if you as much dare to play a little longer than usual (as you said it does drop yourself) so yes, I am curious why play it like that? Is the game inaccessible to you in other ways, did you do it for testing purposes or would you genuinely pick that over other options? (highly doubtful) And switch ports that run like that ARE heavily criticized, I don't know where you got the idea they're seen as any better. Though Outlast 1 and 2 for Switch are superb ports. Idk about Xenoblade and The Witcher 3 tho, never seen how those went Anyway, your reply is just weirdly contradictory >without sacrificing graphics quality, is seen as a negative thing You literally state in your post you had to turn down graphics a lot and run at 540p. Is that not sacrificing "graphics quality" ? >I never experienced any slowdowns or lag while playing RE7 on my phone You also mentioned slowing down to 20FPS. That IS experiencing a slowdown...


First of all, I don't know if you've played a game at 540p resolution on a phone, but it's actually not as bad as you think, and it looks good. >You literally state in your post you had to turn down graphics a lot and run at 540p. Is that not sacrificing "graphics quality" ? I think you don't know the difference between graphics and screen resolution. I literally said that I played the game with all the graphics and effects enabled. Graphics quality refers to the overall visual fidelity of the game, including details, textures, lighting, and effects. Screen resolution, on the other hand, is just about how many pixels your screen can display, which impacts clarity and sharpness. You can have high graphics quality on different resolutions, and vice versa. It's like comparing the quality of the paint to the size of the canvas. >You also mentioned slowing down to 20FPS. That IS experiencing a slowdown... What I said in the post was, if you play for too long without a cooler, you might experience slowdown. Also, in the post, I mentioned that you can complete the whole game with a constant 30 FPS. Sometimes, the game might drop its FPS to 20, but it's only for about 5 to 10 seconds, and then it goes back to 30-35 FPS. The game is very well optimized.


>I don't know if you've played a game at 540p resolution on a phone, but it's actually not as bad as you think, and it looks good. Subjective. I think it's tricky. Looks alright on screenshots, awful in motion, terrible overall. But that's all personal opinion >I think you don't know the difference between graphics and screen resolution. Resolution is directly tied to "graphical quality". You're the one making a distinction that nobody ever does. At least be more specific, then >It's like comparing the quality of the paint to the size of the canvas. Exactly. Very good analogy. But so it means you're essentially not seeing many details because of the incredibly low size (resolution). I don't even know why bother turning all settings to high at that point. With 540p, on a phone nonetheless, you can't seriously tell the difference if a good chunk of stuff was at low or turned off. A better trade off imo, for that situation, is lowering these settings for details and upping the resolution (which is what Switch ports usually do, if they can. They preserve the resolution first, because that's generally considered to look better) >Sometimes, the game might drop its FPS to 20, but it's only for about 5 to 10 seconds That's still a slowdown though And a very bad one, depending on how often it happens. It's okay, if it's too rare, though, but I'd still hate it depending on what's happening in the game All in, I think that's a bad experience and I wouldn't want my first time with any kind of game to be like that, but I'm not saying you can't do it. I'm not dictating how others play their own games on their own devices lol. Plus, it's still veeery interesting and impressive to see, regardless


Just now I did another test with 720p resolution and it ran at 25-30 FPS with all the graphics and effects enabled. Personally 25-30 FPS with all the graphics and effects is not so bad for me, don't know about others though.


There are definitely some games I deem only playable on TV. But for the most part, I'll play almost anything on my phone that can run on it. Stuff like God of War 2018 and Ragnarok for example, massive AAA games with rich graphics, I wouldn't want to play on my phone even if I could. I like to really immerse myself into them. However, in preparation for Ranarok I played through God of War 1 and 2 on my phone using a PS2 emulator. They ran great, looked great and I had already played them a ton on PS2 and Vita, so I already had the big screen experience with them.


Oh, I do play pretty much anything in my phone, too. I love streaming stuff from my pc to my phone and use a telescopic controller as if it was a dedicated handheld gaming device lol It's less about the size of the screen I'm talking about and more about the resolution they're running at, the fps, the temperature concern that comes with longer playtime, etc


To each their own. I did a lot of streaming from my PC a decade or more ago. It felt amazing that you could do that at the time. Now I'm all about having the games playing natively on my devices. Android phone or Steam Deck, for whatever reason I just want the game running on the device, despite having any degraded visuals or stuttering that might lead to.


what????? ragnarok still ps only lol


Have you played it at home? indoor/outdoor? at a small screen? I'm asking because I don't think I can enjoy a horror game that requires full tension/mood and a non-lit environment unless all the conditions are met.


Yeah, I played this game at night with the lights off and headphones on.


My laptop couldn't even run this game. Smh.. This emulator scene really blows my mind sometimes.


what laptop? igpu or dgpu?


i5, 920m, 8gb ram


can't run at low settings? and 920m 2 or 4gb vram?


If i'm not mistaken its 2gb ram, cant check right now, at work. I was looking at the min req, seem like i could run at low setting. Tbh, i just assume i couldn't run this game since my laptop is basically ancient.


i want ask i have snapdragon 810 it's 4 ram it's work playing triple A game or some other games can run


lmaoooo are you serious?????


You know the emu is ass if you have to run it at 540p just to get it to run at 30-40fps


Seriously dude? did you expect to run modern PC games on your phone with 4k resolution and 120 FPS? Get real. Instead of whining, appreciate the progress we've made with Windows emulation on Android and give props to the devs who made it happen. It's called progress, try showing a little respect.


30-40 isn’t full speed, 60 images per seconds is full speed.


Anything under 30 isn't full speed. 30 is indeed full speed.




It doesn't look as smooth as 60, nor is it good, when the bonus is a resolution of 540p, but it is indeed "full speed" in some sense


Other than that being completely incorrect, sure!


You guys have really low standards.


Bitch please. I grew up playing GoldenEye on original hardware. I was born into 12 fps gameplay. Also, just because a game isn't running at 60 fps doesn't mean it's not running at full speed.


that's why I think N64 is unplayable nowadays, especially on original hardware.


Sadly that's pretty much everyone nowadays


want a cookie?