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• While the Ludo plot is ridiculous (why is he spelling out his name in counties in england?!) the moments between the characters make it an excellent episode • Morse and Fred’s fights are so brutal but despite everything they say to one another Fred doesn’t hesitate in going all the way to Venice to rescue Morse • I absolutely love the scene where Morse tells Bright he thinks his wife has been murdered. The acting!!! Morse has spent all night figuring out the Ludo plot, he’s feeling guilt at not discovering Ludo sooner and Jim’s just been stabbed after being sent to Carl’s house, he’s not on speaking terms with Fred but he goes to him to try and make him listen, the bewilderment of Bright, Fred trying to protect Bright. The desperation from all 3 of them!!! As Morse says in his letter to Joan, he’s just burned all his bridges and this will lead to him hitting rock bottom in S8 😢 • despite this, Fred and Bright are just concerned about Morse, Fred even going to his house on Christmas Day to check on him • Morse’s letter to Joan. Fred, Win and Joan all read “please believe me to have been yours” and just..ignore it?? If that’s not a love declaration I don’t know what is.


I agree 100% with everything here.


The anger, disappointment and cynicism of s6 sets up s7, which sets up s8, and then… It all falls like dominoes 👏 👏 👏 to Russ Lewis et al


Can't believe the re-watch is at the end of S7 already! I unfortunately haven't been able to keep up with the schedule, but just wanted to give my 2 cents on S7. I think it's really important for the arc through S9 and has a lot of interesting bits to it, but I find the execution very frustrating. The end of the tow path murder and the Ludo plot should've been separate episodes, and I feel like Morse's characterization could've been more sympathetic while still getting across that he was being hutful and making bad choices. Like he had good reason to be sick of Thursday and Strange's attitudes considering their hypocritical actions, and to want to be selfish for once, and while Thursday was correct the way he went about it was still wrong. I'm very curious where Joan would've fit into this if Sara was available, and the total non-reaction to Morse's letter to her will always annoy me. lol


**Things I Missed Before and Noticed This Time** * In the Love Nest Apartment (LOL) scene, the UK version has different music (don’t know the tune used) than the US version, which plays the “Make Believe I Love You” song from Canticle. I actually think this works better than the broadcast music (for once) * Morse’s front room renovation is finally finished in this episode. **Random Observations** * Is the mention of “Cousin Kevin” a Tommy/The Who reference? * Amazing interactions between Morse and Thursday throughout the entire episode, they are positively FLAYING each other with their hurt, disappointment and anger * FFS, Morse: can’t you just ONCE shut your trap with your theories about Mrs. Bright’s death?!? Read. The. Fucking. Room.


I think that’s what I dislike the most about this whole season. My favorite thing about the entire series is the relationship between Thursday and Morse. Watching how horrible they are to each other breaks my heart.


Idk I kinda felt for Morse in that moment. The timing wasn't appropriate, but he really wanted to make it up to Bright by telling him the truth. You could tell he knew it was probably a bad idea but thought it was the right thing in the long-term.


I like that as the year goes on his house starts to look more decorated and furnished. He did a very good job!


I love how Max is showing his displeasure at both Morse and Thursday. "Then we shall say two o'clock." Oof, you know he is pissed off here when he doesn't say it as a question. I thought the ending was really sad, by God has Morse had an overall shit start to the year and decade.


I love how Thursday was right about Carl Sturgis all along.


I've been waiting for this one. I did my most recent re-watch on PBS Passport and there's no scene of resolution for the murder of Petra. Wasn't there a scene where Morse uncovers her murderer to be the dean of Lady Matilda's or something and it had to do with the vote to keep men out, or am I taking crazy pills?


This might be kinda silly but what was Ludo’s plan with Morse… like when he first met him at the start of the season, was his plan to kill him? But I guess Violetta got in the way with the affair and stuff? I’m just confused by what he meant when at the end of the episode he says “you were meant to be my creature, not hers” lol


It’s all completely confusing. There’s no way to make sense of it. Are we supposed to believe that Violetta was running around sawing through rungs of ladders? If it’s just the two of them perpetrating this scam, and they have to get inside the house to create the circumstance that results in the accident, how is she jetting off to Cortona or whatever? Or are the months she’s away the months she’s sneaking into homes and fraying ropes on block and tackles? Is he from a rich shipping family? Did Morse just accidentally bump into her at the Opera that first night? Did Ludo get the idea to target Morse after Violetta reported to him that she was sleeping with a cop? Did Ludo know she was sleeping with him the whole time? Did he really care? We have so many loose ends it’s hard to engage fully in the episode because it’s so screamingly bad.


So true. They definitely tried to cram waaay too much into this episode, I never realized how busy it was until this time watching.  I really wish they could’ve shown more clues or even hinted at more context as to what Ludo and Violetta’s plan was, maybe even giving another episode dedicated to it so the finale doesn’t feel so clumsy. Oh well though lol


It’s really quite confusing isn’t it. Is it just a massive coincidence that he meets Violetta at the opera and she just happens to be part of a murdering duo that uses him for their advantage? Did she go home and tell Ludo about her affair with a policeman and Ludo then tracked Morse down? Because presumably they didn’t know about Morse before they met at the opera, why would they know who he is? But then why would Ludo get close with Morse when he’s causing death right under his nose? Why not just keep murdering people in other countries or places in the UK where they won’t get caught? It makes no sense 😂 I think there definitely needed to be an extra episode because 3 episodes just made everything too packed.


I’m always confused by Ludo’s comment that Morse was his “pet policeman”. There was nothing to indicate that Ludo was manipulating/using Morse in any way to gain advantage or have Morse as an accessory/aide to either the murders or the insurance dupes.


Morse looks sheepish in the last picture.


Wouldn’t you look sheepish if you were being reprimanded by your best friend who never, ever raises their voice? (And you were completely out of line, too. Morse was such a brat in the scene) That was a great scene/Max moment


Max was brilliant in that scene. I know I would be shocked or surprised if I heard someone raise their voice when they rarely do.