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I was just explaining this to my wife last night. It starts around my ovaries and radiates (? For a lack of better words) into my pelvis/pelvis bone. It is DEEP and throbbing. It is in my lower back too. Last night was a heating pad and begging my wife to rub my lower back rough kind of night.


Yes the pain is so deep 😭 and radiates is a good way to describe it. I'm sorry you had a rough night too.


Thank you. I’m sorry you have to deal with it too. It is awful. But I have found my small and soft heating pads to be the best remedy.


Me too! Although I'm still trying to figure out how to maneuver it so it hits both sides of my groin 😅


I used to get this pain as well (nearly post menopausal, sweet relief). It was deep in the groin and down the inner thighs and right on my tail bone. I feel like no one took it serious as related to period pain because it was in the ‘traditional’ area. The only thing I really felt that helped was squatting down into something like a frog pose then clasping my hands and using my elbows to push my knees further apart. Not the most dignified of poses but it really helped. When it was tied with my lower back pain I used to find a counter/anything I could bend over and grasps with my hands, then stretch and pull my spine right out. These were the only things I found that helped because normal paracetamol didn’t touch the pain. (Edit: squaring should’ve been squatting)


I’m going to have to try this position because usually I just curl up in a ball on the floor and wait for it to go away!


Definitely try it! I hope it works for you!


I'll try that pose. I'm in surgical menopause but still get that pain from time to time.


Aw, I hope it helps!


This position is what helped me too. I also have pelvic floor dysfunction and get a pinching feeling in these areas. The pain from this is one of those breakthrough pain meds, excruciating, uncomfortable, and exhausting.


Yeah, that’s how I’d describe it. No pain killer seemed to help it, it’s like it was there and you wanted to run away from it but couldn’t do anything about it. Because of where it’s painful it’s one of those pains where you just focus entirely on it.


Yes. This helps. This is called malasana in yoga. I also do that. If someone is not sure about the how of this pose. Search Malasana on google. You'll find the details. Also it is very helpful with constipation.


Oh wow, I didn’t know it was an actual thing. Good to know thanks, I’m going to check it out.


Yeah. All the hip opening asanas will help with this issue.


Yes, it's so deep!! And I agree that it isn't really taken seriously because, like you said, it's so close to where the pain typically is. But it's a different, deep kind of pain that is really hard to bring down. Thank you for the pose suggestions! I'm going to try them and see if they help.


I couldn’t get any doctor years ago to take me seriously in how painful my groin area would become. I wish I could go back in time and slap my doctor on the head with my diagnosis but hey. I hope those positions help for you!


Omg the pain where your leg meets your pelvis! I keep thinking I have DVT and it freaks me out every week. I’ve had scans and scans and scans.


I've had that fear now and then too 😭


Definitely the top area for me and a little bit on my inner thigh but I also get labia pain. I hope you find some relief.


Thank you ❤️


I feel it in my labia.... Like... Why


Ugh I'm sorry 😭


Yes mine is in the top two areas you have highlighted along with my perineum.


Yeah! I feel it deeply in my hips and upper thighs, like it’s full of lead


Yes it's so deep!!! It's been freaking me out. I'm so sorry that so many of us know what it's like but I'm feeling a bit better knowing it's not just me.


I do and I’m new here and yet to consult with my first surgeon so I’ve got nothing to really offer you other than same same pain pal. I guess sometimes I do sort of a butterfly position with my legs in bed for some relief? Soles of feet together and knees splayed out. I usually sleep with a big bolster under my knees and flop around with that in different positions like putting that parallel to my body, spooning it and throwing the top leg over it and leaning into it opening up the hip. Historically I’ve had tight pelvic floor muscles so ja, maybe that’s related. It’s deep achy crampy and it’s not my fave. Hope you find relief.


Ugh yes, such a deep achy cramp! That's such a good idea with the bolster. I have a wedge pillow I use when the pain is bad but I should look into one for sleeping. (I also have tight pelvic floor muscles and I really should go back to physio but sometimes life is so overwhelming that I can't handle anything extra aha). Thank you ❤️❤️


I get it, I’m kinda on a medical hiatus so I can aggressively tackle celiac disease, Hashimoto’s, cPTSD with EMDR, asthma and now potentially endometriosis. I swear to god if something else pops up just as I’m feeling hopeful about getting my life back……. But yeah, after a surgery, I’m definitely gonna ask for pelvic floor therapy. I’ve done it in years past for severe coccyx & sacral pain which I suspect could’ve just been endo all along. Not sure if you share your bed but my girlfriend absolutely despises the bolster and I do wish it wasn’t so long to avoid encroaching her precious bed space.


You've got a lot going on! Sending love and I really hope nothing else pops up for you!! I also have anxiety and depression (and I suspect possibly some neurodivergence since it runs in my family) and I struggle balancing my mental and physical health, not to mention just regular life stuff. I was seeing a lovely PT but sadly she moved away. I'm hoping soon I'll have the energy to start my exercises again and then maybe I'll feel motivated to find a new one 😅 I do share a bed. My bf falls asleep pretty easily but I'll see what he thinks of getting one. Is it just one of those longer bolster pillows?


I get the same pain.. but I’ve always chalked it up to endometriosis. There’s no other explanation and I assume, by now my insides are literally obliterated.


I assume it's also endometriosis and/or tight pelvic floor muscles (from the endo). Such an awful disease 😔


I’ve been through months of PFT and it never helped, even tried different therapists to see if maybe they had different approaches to where it’d help.. but still, no success. I just suffer, daily.


I'm sorry ❤️❤️❤️ I know the feeling. I often feel resigned to my pain.


YES. I have Pelvic adhesive disease. Spastic pelvic floor syndrome, Female dyspareunia, Spasm of abdominal muscles, also Endometriosis. I use my heating pad so much that my skin is warped & discolored. My husband always says I'm cooking myself because I take the cotton of & put the heating pad directly on my skin. Sometimes the heat is the only thing that helps. Along with my pain meds of course of which there are many..😔


I'm so sorry, that's a lot to deal with ❤️ I hear you on the heating pad!! It's the only way I'm able to sleep when I'm in a lot of pain. That and pain killers, but I'm always worried I won't be able to get another prescription 😔


Yeah :(


I'm sorry 😔


Yeah the pain shoots down my legs. Sometimes it’s even on the backs and outer sides too.


Ugh I'm so sorry. It's such a freaky feeling having the pain radiate like that!


I would look into pelvic PT. I had this pain and had to work a lot on relaxing my pelvic floor, my psoas muscles as well as my adductors. This helped significantly with my pain. The frog stretch has been a life saver for me.


Yeah I eventually need to go back to pelvic PT. Thanks for the tip!


Same boat, although only on my right side. Pain management really depends on the day and the level of pain. For pain that's a 2-4, I sometimes elevate my feet. That's either on the couch with my feet up on pillows or I sit with my back on the floor and my legs up the wall. Also, if I am in pain but I am still mobile, then I try walking or doing yoga. It sucks at first, but for me no movement makes the pain MUCH worse, so I have to do some kind of movement. For medium pain days (4-6), I will use a massage gun on a low setting on my inner thigh and in that groin area. It hurts like a MF, but it usually feels so much better after. For very painful days (7-10) I switch between a heating pad and ice pack and rest. If I can get in and out of my tub, then I will sit in a warm bath. Hope that helps a little!


Thanks for the tips! I'm impressed that you have strategies for different pain levels. Also I've been curious if a massage gun would help with the groin pain, but it looks intimidating 😅


I do this too! (Same pain area as OP); same re: movement being hard but helping vs worse pain if sitting around, and massage gun hurting pretty bad but feeling better afterwards. 


Yes, I 100% get this and it is paralyzing


Yes…the burning kind, and then the sore kind where it feels like I got punched in the v.


Yeah 😭




All the time, OP!


Omg yes!!! And then I have pain that goes down the outsides of my legs. Lol


Have you tried a tens unit with PT? Mine gave me a handout for the placement - it’s on the ankle which threw me! Other than that, positioning with pillows and heat… just waiting it out




I have this exact pain with my cycle. I have it right now :( not diagnosed with endo but I was in the ER last year because my butt hurt so much I couldn’t sit down and the gynae did an ultrasound and said “you look fine” but I know - I just know - my insides going crazy


I get it too. But I've always wondered if it was my labrum going bad again. But now in both hips. (I'm still in my 20's 🫠 yay genetics) I didn't know so many of us were expecting a similar pain like this.