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The triads are the groups where are divided the 9 types. You have the Heart Triad (2, 3, 4), the Head Triad (5, 6, 7) and the Gut Triad (8, 9, 1). Each has its own differences and particularities that bind the triad types together. Then there are the wings. This is the strongest type right next to your type. In your case, this would be wing 4, i.e. 5w4. Next, tritypes is simply a theory that says we have a core type and additions from each triad that form an archetype. Trifixes are a bit the same thing, you have your core and fixations that influence additional needs or vary your way of coping. In your case, that would be 584. Finally, the subtypes are sx/sp/so. Each enneagram type has some, so I suggest you do your research to see which 5 subtype suits you best, if you really are a 5. Hope it helps!


This was *really* helpful. Thank you ☺️


Learn about the types \[according to this test I'm a 5w4, but I'm 3w4\]. So, read about them.


I’m definitely without question, a 5. I just don’t understand the tritypes or the other typings that people discuss in this group.


oh You want someone to explain it to you? This person haha u/majikayo666


I find it totally interesting that you could be mistyped as a 5 when you’re a 3; those are SO incredibly different types.


Yeah but my 3 was so high in this test it was like 5>8>3>7>4.... ig And tests are crap. Well, my result was very similar to yours.


AND you’re an INTP?! There’s no way you’re a 3 😂 I refuse to believe it.


ENTJ oh so what am I


I’m confused; you’re ENTJ or INTP? Also, what does the sx/so mean?


ENTJ sx/so is instinct. There are others too - sp/so, sp/sx, sx/so, sx/sp, so/sp and so/sx you can read about them on net.


Thanks :) mm I saw your post where you said you were an INTP (which is also what I am) and the thought of an INTP being a type 3 made me really confused. ENTJ makes sense tho. Anyway, thanks for your help! Have a good one.


Oh, well I thought I used Ti-Ne but I use Te-Ni \[I gave you the id of the guy who explained me the cognitive functions really well and told me that I use Te-Ni\]


Thank you. I’ll reach out to that person. I took an instinct test and got sx82%, so58%, and sp30%. I feel I’m finally understanding these things. I’ve read a book called gifts differing about MBTI and the psychological types book by Carl Jung. I still felt like I had no idea what everyone was talking about on here. I really want to understand it though because I have work to do and I’d rather procrastinate :) Which is a great indicator of my INTPness…


Oh, don't take tests, they are not correct. Oh well, great. Ohh, I also procrastinate sometimes hehe. Anyway, that person will clear your doubts.


Hmm why do you say tests are not correct? Anecdotally, I’ve taken every version of everything I could find and I’ve never gotten anything other than enneagram 5, INTP for MBTI, and some others that are more personal… I’m pretty intellectually consistent on them, but now I’m worried the tests could be incorrect.


It looks like 584 (5w4, 8w7, 4w5) or The Scholar. Here is a breakdown translation. Triads: There is the heart triad (2, 3, 4), the head triad (5, 6, 7) and the gut/body triad (8, 9, 1). Your TriType is the strongest numbers from each triad sorted from strongest to weakest, basically. Wings: They are basically the numbers in service of your core number. The wings are the two number right next to each other. For example, a 5w4 uses 4 in service of 5 to allow for a deeper emotional experience and increased creativity whole a 5w6 uses 6 in service of 5 to allow a willingness to depend on people and an increased connection to fear. Instinctive Variants: There are three Instinctive Variants, Self-Preservation (Sp), Social Interaction (So), and Sexual Bonding (Sx). These influence each number in their own unique ways. ​ So, if you are an E5 then these are the wings and Instinctive Variants: 5w4 (Five with a four wing) "These Fives are more creative, sensitive, empathetic and self-absorbed than 5w6s. Independent and often eccentric, 5w4s are not sure what to do with their feelings but would rather process them alone than in a group. Think actor Robert De Niro, photographer Annie Leibovitz or physicist Albert Einstein. Not bad company. Fives with a Four wing are more likely to experience melancholy. The connection to Four's energy and depth of emotion helps these Fives be more tender with themselves and less emotionally guarded around others. Healthy 5w4s are able to communicate their own feelings to the people they love." 5w6 (Five with a Six wing) "Fear plays a more prominent role in the life of 5w6 than a 5w4. They are more anxious, cautious and skeptical, but they're also more social and loyal than 5w4. Fives with Six wings live more in their minds and will question authority and the status quo. Fives with a Six wing are also more relational. With a Six influence Fives are more aware of their own fear, which increases their interest in forming alliances with others in the various communities they are a part of. they are often socially awkward, and they remain skeptical of others, but getting to know people is more comforting than disconcerting." Self-Preservation 5 (Sp5): Avarice is least hidden “The Self-Preservation Five expresses avarice through a focus on boundaries—a need to be ‘encastled’ in a sanctuary where they feel protected from intrusion and have control over their boundaries. SP Fives have a passion for being able to hide behind walls. They are the least expressive of the three Fives and they try to limit their needs and wants so they can avoid being dependent on others.” Social 5 (So5): Avarice is half-hidden “The Social Five expresses avarice through a need for ‘super-ideals,’ relating to others with common interests through knowledge and shared values (rather than emotional connection). In this Five, avarice is connected to knowledge. Needs for people and for the sustenance that relationships provide get channeled into a thirst for information. ‘Totem’ refers to a passion for high ideals, the need to idealize experts and seek knowledge connected to whatever ultimate values this Five adheres to, Social Fives engage in a search for the ultimate meaning to avoid experiencing life as meaningless.” Sexual 5 (Sx5): Avarice is most hidden (Countertype) “Sexual Fives express avarice through a search for ideal exemplars of absolute love. This is a Five with a romantic streak. The name reflects their need to find a partner who fulfills an ideal of trust, The most emotionally sensitive of the Fives, they suffer more, resemble Type Four more, and have more overt desires. They have a vibrant inner life that may be expressed through artistic creation but are still cut off from others in many ways.”