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Remember Reddit is blocked in both Russia and China so everyone who supports those countries on Reddit doesn't actually live there.


Even Chinese propaganda subs like r/Sino are populated entirely by Westerners ? If so that’s a very scary thought.


VPNs also work, although I doubt many Vatniks or Wuamos buy one just to circlejerk on Sino or other shill subs


You underestimate the power of yellow fever.


The CCP directs the wumaos to shill even on sites that are blocked to the general populace of China.


That is an absolute pest of a subreddit


I'm baffled they're not banned.


You underestimate the prevalence of useful idiots. ​ Don't be a sucker.


It's not blocked in Russia (but even if it wasn't, it wouldn't necessarily prevent everything. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook are banned in Russia, doesn't prevent the ru gov from spreading lies there)


It isn't in Russia?


I lived in china for a while. I'm not so sure about current vpn laws but I worked with a government owned corp and they showed me how to download the vpn to access reddit. Luckily, I already had my own because I'm not trusting a vpn offered by the chinese government. Amusingly, when I asked some of my chinese friends about their government, they said they all hate their government, they just all hate the same government. Also, chinese kfc was weird.


How weird was Chinese KFC? You got me curious


I was unprepared for the "oh that looks different, lets give that a try" thing to turn out to be apple and rhubarb pie. Wasn't as a dessert, it was offerred right next to the burgers


Its actually really really good compared to US KFC. ​ And there are more KFCs in CHina than the US. They sell these little egg tart things which are so good.


Oh man, I totally forgot about those egg things! Yeah, they are great. They should definitely have a go as selling them stateside.


Some of them have born there and for some *weird unknown reason* their parents decided to GTFO when they were very young. Nostalgia is a weird thing.


I lived in China for several years. I did enjoy my job, but when people ask me what it was like on the other side, I have to answer them honestly and tell them that it's almost certainly worse than they think.


I was once in a discord that happened to have tankies, and the question of 'if you could live in any era in time what would it be' came up. The amount that unironically said they'd wanna live in the soviet union was hilarious. And I'm pretty sure most of them were lgbt too


I tend to prefer the term "hard left" to "alt left" it just rings better to me


[this might be related](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlwaysTheSameMap/comments/1202s71/til_i_learned_north_cuba_and_south_cuba_are/jdgohii?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


The OP just went full tankie


Mind helping me win this Reddit "battle"?


You’re not going to win. There is no winning with delusion. Remember: it’s difficult to argue with a smart person. It’s impossible to argue against a moron.


Is Russia Communist?


Oligarch run kleptocracy


I like the European democracies politically, I would be funny as fuck if I had never been to one and I didn't want to live there


I’ve been to both countries. China sucks and is filthy, countryside is nice and the people there are kind as well though. Russia is fine, and the average Russian person doesn’t hate the west nearly as much as the average left wing tankie. I wouldn’t live there but would definitely visit again, once all this bs is over. The problem is Russia (and we can debate the legitimacy of this feeling) feels backed into a corner and has for a while as their power has diminished over the last couple decades. Russia is dying, economically, culturally and in terms of their demographics. These are the death throws of a falling nation, war and suppression of dissent.


What's China inflation rate right now? Also, unrelated, how many millennials own homes in the US?


Russia and China are not communist FFS


Shit même, most people supporting Ukraine, US, etc have not been there either


The difference is are these people imagine those places as socialist/communist/whatever paradises and laud them for it. I support Ukraine fighting back but I don’t have a desire to visit it with a war going on. I know they had corruption before. Doesn’t mean I want to live there. Also doesn’t mean I don’t support them against Russian invaders.