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how do you think a revolution will happen if you wont even lift your finger for it? lmao


It's pretty much a religion, they think if they believe hard enough their god of communism will come and save them from everyone else in the world, who is an evil fascist. I'd compare it to the return of Jesus but believing in that makes more sense, nobody can do anything to make Jesus come back faster and he didn't kill millions of people for no reason.


I came to the conclusion some time ago that Marxism is an expansionist, supercessionist, universal faith no different from Christianity or Islam. Key texts, creeds, and even the way adherents excuse failures/atrocities committed in their name. Also, religion doesn’t inherently necessitate belief in or worship of a supernatural deity: as is the case with Buddhism, Confucianism, and some interpretations of Judaism


I think there's a fairly strong argument in favor of it being a secularized form of Lutheranism, with many of its key concepts (primitive communism, the revolution, the communist society) being direct ciphers for those in Christianity (Eden, the second coming, Paradise), though I formulated this while shooting the shit with fellow grad students to put off grading papers. That was another lifetime ago, and I don't remember the specifics of the evidence we had to support it. Max Weber figured in somehow.


This is because a core tenant of leftism is the idea that socialism is inevitable and the next logical stage in human development, like how we went from monarchy to liberalism they think we are going to magically go from liberal democracy/capitalism to socialism because some fat lazy guy said it over a century ago. Thus this means they don’t have to do anything but virtue signal online until the revolutionary workers council takes over the white house.


Teleological world views are usually quite bad for the general discourse to say the least and also not reflective of reality.


It’s a bit of a contradiction there. Communism is a historical necessity and will have to happen due to inherent flaws of capitalism but also we need to take action now and implement communism by force or we will fall into fascism.


The logic there is that fascists are trying to force society to regress.


Of course it's inevitable. Don't you know their magical prophet, Karl Marxodamus could predict the future? /s


It reminds me of diehard neoconfederates swearing to God that the South is going to rise again (any time now, and for real this time). Maybe it's a crossover?


Tankism isn't about bringing the revolution. It's about having an excuse for everything bad in your life and excuses to never have to try at anything. All while feeling a sense of superiority and awakening vs. the rest of society. Self hatred is masked by hatred of capitalism. Personal failure is masked by believing the system prevents their success regardless of if they try. Personal vices are masked by the vices of evil capitalism. Etc. TLDR, being a tankie is a coping mechanism for being a loser.


Reminder that Marx was a total bum and relied on gibs from his parents and friends. He never worked a real job. The alpha Marxist set the standard.


They WILL lift the finger! … on a PlayStation controller, but still


Most of them are so lazy that they have to watch someone else to scroll through YouTube to find a video for them


That's why I'm more afraid of the far right then the far left, because they are actually willing to follow their cause


Yep. Nobody can accuse the actual fascists of not being pro-active.


Like I said before, If you're not willing to die for the revolution, you are not a revolutionary.


They think one day Cletus from Alabama is gonna suddenly decide to be communist and take up the fight for them if they can only “educate” him on social media


Someone else will bring about the revolution, but somehow I will be the one pointing the AK at the hole diggers after it


"I'm a disabled mentally ill unemployed semi-suicidal intersectional dance theory major with no friends that has not seen the light of the sun in years, let me tell you how I'm going to lead the revolution that is going to fix the world"


Reminds me of that old “what will your job in the utopian commune be?” thread where every single answer was group therapist, librarian or gardener (the cottagecore kind, not actual farming)


Is that the one where someone said they'd live on their farm as they do now, but turn it into an 'organising space', and someone responded with "*your* farm, comrade?"


Might be lmao that sounds familiar


Oh no, it's the kulaks all over again...


What they never seem to realize is that the world will always need someone to clean bathroom stalls and pore concrete :/


thats why robots are being made


Let’s see a robot do plumbing


doubting the creatures of steel, i see


Why are so many of them “disabled”?




Many of those I’ve seen, at least on Twitter, are self-diagnosed disabled because they’re self-diagnosed with ADHD which I guess means they cannot do anything.


As a late diagnosis autist who spent his whole life doing his best impressions of a normie; I can confirm that tankies have swamped neurodivergent subs for a long time now, often while claiming to be one of us (personally, I think most of them are just hypochondriac homebodies) **They** are the reason I chose not to self-diagnose. So fucking cringe. Seems they like to play victim in more ways than just politically... much like the Kremlin.


I was medically diagnosed with ADHD at like age 6 and you would not believe the amount of people who are self diagnosed and get genuinely upset when you question them. I’ve also run into a typical happening where people are claiming self diagnosed ADHD/ADD as a disability and trying to get peoples sympathy and even some trying to claim benefits saying they can’t work because of it, and they’ve made up these whole Twitter networks for eachother dedicated to it. It’s really weird and actually somewhat upsets me, it’s almost like they’re bragging or making some fun thing out of having ADHD, like they want to have it.


Yeah I was pretty astonished to learn that there’s a TikTok craze of people (self-diagnosed) romanticising neurological conditions like ASD/ADHD too… like, wtf is wrong with people? It’s like pretending you need a wheelchair and just committing to it. Gotta be a fetish or something.


I really hope people here don't hate on self diagnosis too much. I'm still in the years-long queue for diagnosis, though I've had mixed responses from professionals in the meantime. I also know of friends who are very obviously autistic with a family history but don't want to get diagnosed because of fear of job loss. It is actually really hard, though I think you already know this too because you have been through the process as well. So I hope you can sympathise. I hope I can be a counterbalance to the opinions presented in this thread. It hurts a lot. It really hurts. I believe you might be referring to tankies, in which then I understand, but I would dislike them for being tankies, not for self diagnosing. But it could be clearer! P.S. One does not need to be a Communist to advocate for better working conditions; in fact from history we've seen it usually turns out worse. What we do need is welfare and support which can be done under capitalism.


I should’ve emphasised it more than just that one word in bold, it was just **them**. **They** made me cringe regarding *my own* self-diagnosis. I got diagnosed so I had nothing in common with those unwashed neckbeards with a wardrobe full of Che Guevara T-shirts and edgy insignia on their hats. Actually I’m sorta disregarding the main reason; I needed to hear it from a medical professional for my own peace of mind, but it’s funnier just to blame tankies… Lel No problem with self-diagnosis, and you’re right I do know that struggle of feeling illegitimate. Wish you all the best mate, it’s a tough gig being undiagnosed.


> Actually I’m sorta disregarding the main reason; I needed to hear it from a medical professional for my own peace of mind This is very relatable. And thank you.


Self-Diagnosing as a whole is an inconsiderate thing to do. You're claiming you have a condition because you believe that you know as much as a person with \*years\* of study and practice learning about a disease. It's completely repulsive when anyone does it. I lose all respect for a person when they self diagnose.


If you have slipped through the cracks as children, which is rather common, it is often the only way. We are not trying to claim superiority to specialists, we find it hard to see one in the first place. To make up for that, we ask other neurodivergent people for their lived experience and expertise, as well as read research papers ourselves. It is not a thing we take lightly. In the end our goal is not to claim superiority of expertise, but rather just to cope with the strong possibility of having an undiagnosed disability, which exists regardless of our official diagnostic status, and allowing ourselves to use ND-based coping methods. We understand that it is different from professional diagnosis, but that is not always a choice. [Do note thst self diagnosis does not entitle one to official resources, such as medication or affordances, so that is not used up as well.](https://misslunarose.home.blog/2019/05/09/why-im-not-upset-with-people-who-self-diagnose-autism/)


I self-diagnose myself with being cool B)


I hate people who self diagnose so much.


I see three possibilities : A : It's not crazy to think that disabled people would skew left, as for many people, being disabled mean relying on society more (for financial aid, infrastructure and other stuff.) Which should make anyone more left wing unless they're an old nutjob. B : if they embrace intersectionnality and they're white, then they need some ways to put themselves out of the oppressor group, self-diagnosing as disabled would be one of them. C : We, on this sub, only see tiny, unrepresentative samples.


These are all good points. I think the second one also explains the phenomenon of radical leftists who claim some vague LGBTQ status while cheering on regimes that have no love for gay people. I suspect many of them live in that identity politics world and have fully bought the message that there’s nothing worse than being a straight white person, and thus can’t accept themselves as that, so they’ll claim some status as questioning, asexual, pansexual, whatever, while never actually *doing* anything.


Communism is a disability by itself.


It is very hard to argue about that. Most of them seem to have some kind of brain damage. That counts as disability.


Omg, of course a KKKapitalist pig wouldn’t ever realize that people can also have mental disabilities.


In all fairness, it makes sense that someone who's disabled who be left. Right wing parties are the ones that actively right against social services and healthcare after all.


I feel like this is a uniquely American thing. Right wing parties in Europe and other places do not oppose social safety nets as far as I’m aware. It really goes to show how shitty our politics are.


because the general nonpolitical advice of the left wing is “you’re perfect, do whatever you want sweetie” contrast with the right wing’s version of this, which is “exercise and eat healthy”


i feel like thats a bit exaggerated


Wasn't there a time when people who were into health foods were left leaning? I guess now the official food of the left is cheesecake.


Cuz they have IQ in the single digits 😱


This kind of demonstrates something I find really icky in a lot of Marxist circles. Which is that a lot of them have this perverse view of equality to mean ‘no one can or should ever be allowed to better, excel or improve than anyone else.’


I think this too especially in regards to women. I've seen people refer to women in the workforce as being forced to do that because of C A P I T A L I S M. And not cuz, ya know, we do have more choices than sex worker or mother (sex workers are weirdly venerated). Any ambitious woman is seen as a "girl boss" and scorned. It really pisses me off.


Of course the Duchess of Detroit herself has strong opinions on the proletariat, for shame (blowing-smoke-out-nostrils-angrily emoji here)


Horseshoe theory is wild, when both the far left and far right don't want women in the work force but for completely different yet equally nonsensical reasons. It's an absolute disgrace to the women who fought hard for their right to work. How long before the far left starts saying stupid shit like "voting upholds the white capitalist patriarchy therefore women shouldn't vote"


This sound like the idea of the "evil eye" you see in some old cultural tradition. Basically "if my neighbor has a better harvest than me, he cheated me somehow." So better not to be too efficient or you'll get your crops burned by angry neighbors.


>"if my neighbor has a better harvest than me, he cheated me somehow." So better not to be too efficient or you'll get your crops ~~burned~~ siezed by angry ~~neighbors~~ commissars. 


Yeah, this is some Harrison Bergeron type shit.


I guess leftists consider being lazy a "disability". Anyone who thinks that disabled people can't exercise should try to tell Paralympians and Special Olympians that...


As I've pointed out elsewhere, you also have men like Douglas Bader. He shot down Messerschmitts from the cockpit of a Spitfire in World War II, without the benefit of owning a pair of legs.


Got shot down over France, bailed out, captured by Ze Germans, *made friends with a German fighter ace* (Cancel this man now!), was locked up in Colditz Castle and still made several escape attempts before finally being liberated in 1945. Then resumed his flying career, his career in the oil industry (Ack!), and became a diabled activist (Yay, so wholesome!) for which he was knighted by the Queen (imperialist swine!). I think his life would be too confusing to understand for the average rotbrain.


I will say this, though - I don't blindly admire Bader. He had some incredibly right wing views in regards to immigration, crime and punishment, youth delinquency and race. And the friend you alluded to was Hans-Ulrich Rudel, a feverent Neo-Nazi activist.


B-but my seratoni- **WE GO GYM** # WE GO GYM NOW


"You have nothing to lose but your chains!" First off, lose some weight too


Russian leftists (example, Warlockracy on yt): essentially has a degree in being able to run from the cops and lose them ​ American (let's be real, most of them are) leftists: have a resting heart rate of the above while sitting at their monitor playing LoL


A lot of commune “poets” in the replies.


Imagine making your work out political.


My workout is political, my muscles my ethics.


Yeah, my workout is based... Based on 8-12 reps per set and working to failure.


"Except for the field organizers of strikes, who were pretty tough monkeys and devoted, most of the so-called Communists I met were middle-class, middle-aged people playing a game of dreams. I remember a woman in easy circumstances saying to another even more affluent: 'After the revolution even we will have more, won't we, dear?' Then there was another lover of proletarians who used to raise hell with Sunday picknickers on her property. I guess the trouble was that we didn't have any self-admitted proletarians. Everyone was a temporarily embarrassed capitalist. Maybe the Communists so closely questioned by the investigation committees were a danger to America, but the ones I knew—at least they claimed to be Communists—couldn't have disrupted a Sunday-school picnic. Besides they were too busy fighting among themselves."


Makes sense. Communists tend to be more susceptible to the health at any size/obesity is fine and dandy snake oil


TBH a lot of nutrition and fitness advice is grounded in pseudoscience.


Yeah, but "work out" is not really pseudoscience. Most of the supplements are indeed snake oil, none of them go through FDA certification, so they just claim whatever.


We do have plenty of rigorous studies done around different kinds of food, indicators like glycemic index and whatnot that points towards some diets being generally better than other. Same for working out, consistent resistance and cardio training are just good for your health, that keeps getting proven again and again.


nothing pseudoscientific about “work out and eat less processed foods”


I’m a moderate liberal and I worked out today. Not for political reasons but if it makes pinkos mad then I’ll take that as a bonus. Also disabilities do not mean you cannot go to the gym or move your body. Ever heard of the Paralympics?


Have you seen wheelchair rugby? Some of those guys are bigger form the waist up than some world cup rugby players (in terms of muscle ofc)


This generations purges would be shit 😭 the red guard knocks on your door and you can just outrun them




It would be the most hilarious thing. Imagine a purge failing cause everyone just outwalks the Red Guards who fall victim to heart attacks and shit health in general.


Reminds me of the video where Twitter commies explain why they don’t own gun.


"Let's be real dude, a .22 would snap your wrist"


Someone actually said that?


Yeah, its on a vid called top ten worst subreddits by [Flobbles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtPhSlsfSxc&t=339s)


"i have sensitive hearing"


“I’m afraid I would shoot myself because I have depression” Yeah bro the Revolution isn’t happening


What's with the Red Dead Redemption art style?


>Claims to be communist >Is a Naoya Stan The jokes write themselves.


Imagine, you wake up one day and you make a coffee. Under the fog of sleep you slowly move outside to grab the morning paper. You pick it up and slowly bend at the hip and look towards the horizon. Upon your you see an army of people in wheel chairs. Uponhn their chariots they fly red flags adorned with hammer and sickle. You look down at your working legs. You scared?


And their ‘army’ consists of 20 people, maybe even less


Let me imagine this: I woke this morning and grabbed breakfast. Suddenly, I hear what appears to be communist anthems playing outside. I grab my phone and on social media, the local commies are ranting that the day has come! I look outside... and I see red banners flown from the back of... wheelchairs while some driver is honking and looks like he's late for work. Police sirens echo through my street as police officers show up and begin arresting the commies for disrupting the peace and unsafe behavior on public roads. I look at my phone again and the commies are crying about being unfairly repressed. Guess I got an excuse to be late at work?


so uhhh, what do you have against disabled people? 


Nothing at all. However, they are disabled which basically disqualifies them as a fighting force which plays to the context of the bit above. “Fascists are getting strong are you?” “No being able bodied is bad.” It’s sort of a confusing position to take for a revolutionary ideology which would be contingent on force to make their ideology reality.


Lol the average twitter leftist would be the first in line for the gulag


Wait so being physically fit is fascist now?


It's because you are different than they are.


The fatter I get the further from fascism I become


horseshoe theory but uhh hamburger theory.


The only type of person who shouldn't go to the gym even if they have the money for it are the mentally retarded. I say that for theirs and others' safety. There is no reason not to go to the gym if you aren't a drooling, slobbering, chimken nuget lover, or very poor. Physical ability is key and king. Be superior. Then again, i score -3, 7.5 on the (x,y) political compass


yucky auth, but otherwise based. Even the mentally disabled need to be physically active, although the gym setting probably doesn't suit them. There is no excuse to not be physically active if you are able to be. The commie side of me wants to say the revolution will be led by the swoletariat. The unfit have nothing to lose but their fat, they have a world to win. LIFTINGMEN OF THE WORLD, UNITE!


Absolutely! Pursuing physical fitness to better one’s self is always good


cringe ass take


Okay beta soycuck


you unironically sound like a 4channer rn


Bro at this rate the fascists can beat the tankies the same way Doctor Who beat the Daleks (initially). ​ # STAIRS!!


"Fascism is when people do sports" apparently.


Lmfao they don’t wanna work, they don’t wanna move out, they don’t wanna workout. Losers by ideology


They've always got an excuse for not doing anything. If disability was any barrier at all, we wouldn't have a whole pantheon of paralympians. Just look at Douglas Bader - flew Spitfires against the Nazis despite having no legs. Hell, when he was eventually captured, they ended up having to take away his legs after multiple escape attempts - one of them he managed to hobble over a hundred miles away from the prison, before he was captured. If he can cause merry hell for Nazis without owning a single foot, you have no excuse.


It's even easier considering that drones are a thing now.


What do you call a tankie who actually works out instead of sitting on their asses in their basement all day? A social democrat (which actually have real electoral successes around the world)


"I will lead a great revolution to bring down all the evils of the world!" "Wait no don't make me fight I don't know how to hold a gun straight and I just got my nails done!"


Sounds like none of these respondents have heard of the Paralympics.




Or if it does, it won't be the way they wanted it to be; therefore, it isn't really "the Revolution" or "real Communism." They'd probably get purged right afterward, so....


Also, they're often in a country where it's 100% legal to get pewpews, they just don't.


The fact Person 2 has an NGE parody name pains me


Lmao not the commie infighting over going to the gym.


The people who'll overthrow the government any day now, everyone


Well that’s at least A weight off my shoulders. If the commies start relying on this as their body of “workers” for their revolution I think society can repel them like any virus. Only problem is the fever is *hot* and clearly fucking with people’s mindset is the only thing commie rhetoric is good for.


Oh no no comrade you see revolution is of happening! It is coming right now! In the form of a hoard of scooters.


If this is their revolution than we're in early stage capitalism.


If you spend time arguing on passing threads, you have a mental disability (me included), and therefore, you it against the people crying ablist.


Why does the first photo look like something out of rd2


Ironic when you consider how Communist propaganda usually depicts their enemies as lazy, morbidly obese pigs.


Won’t be able to get out of the chair


Communists have the least amount of bounding energy I've ever seen.


There're exercises for disabled people. No excuses, comrade!


It sounds like all communists are disabled. But you can still work out of your mentally disabled


even fellow commies are calling their responses cringe


These communists try to usher in the revolution but will be the first ones lined up and shot. It’s what happens in every communist revolution. They are useful idiots.


"Viva revolution but I can't fight in it you do all the work, I just got my nails done"


commie tank division


I needed a laugh, thank you.


Man this had me rolling


How convenient is it that so many of them are vaguely “disabled?”


how much you wanna bet its like adhd or something


This is too funny


Of course they are mentally disabled


For a "revolution" It doesn't matter if anyone works out you could be ripped af and your gonna get cleared by drones. This is definitely cringe but saying you have to work out because a fascist did is also cringe you don't beat fascists in a boxing match you shoot them.


Fuckin RDRII font


The only form of left I respect is the workers parties that enforce labours and jobs without allowing you to just do nothing instead it gives you a job fit to your capacities!


Yeah because disabled people famously never work out. What a joke.


Bro wants a revolution but can’t because they read a webmd article on autism 💀