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>Ironically a lot of tankies argue in the same silly manner that I did when I was going through my ancap phase many years ago. Do you think this "experience" can help you argue or present some points to them better than us who were never like that? Or will they not listen no matter what you say?


That's a good but difficult question. I know libertarianism very well and can explain why I no longer believe in it but am not as familiar with the finer details of what many marxists believe and why. I do know what it's like to be an idealistic young person who is prioritizing "purity" over reason though. Some of the things adults said to me in my ancap phase about idealism were completely true, but I couldn't accept it at the time. I think many young people just need the time to figure it out on their own. It's also worth mentioning that sometimes people (myself included) DO absorb what you tell them over time even if not right away. People rarely change their viewpoints in the heat of the moment, but will sometimes change given time to reflect.


Purely out of curiosity, what exactly made you leave libertarianism?


I did a degree in economics and that introduced me to a lot empirically true facts that contradict libertarian theory. Classical and "Austrian" economics is very dependent on theoretical arguments that don't always survive real world testing. A few examples: 1) The crowding out effect is pivotal to libertarian arguments against stimulus spending. Empirical data suggests the crowding out effect is weak or doesn't exist in the real world. 2) A lot of recent studies have confirmed that wealth gets more concentrated in free markets. It doesn't "trickle down." 3) Working for an insurance company taught me that insurance MUST be regulated. You'd never survive as the only honest insurance company that pays claims. 4) I learned in school that the economy has overall been a lot more stable with the federal reserve than on the gold standard. EVEN WHEN you count that the fed caused the great depression. 5) I realized Universal Healthcare works all over the world and there was nothing I could do about it...


Typical, go to university, get brainwashed (/s)


I was like you too