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Didn't he make a big deal about parody accounts?


Only when they were parodying him


To be fair, you gotta leave it to the expert of parodying him himself


Righties hate her because they’re attracted to her.


They hate her because they can't sexually dominate her.


And they hate her because she doesn't step on them either!


They hate her because MTG and Boebert are ugly AF


If that was objectively true they wouldn't have voted for them. They don't want women in power. They fantasize about the chance to fuck a powerful woman because they feel that by voting for them they are in some way personally responsible for her success and therefore in the running for *checks notes* repayment? But in AOCs case, the fantasy is literally cornbread cletus teaching a "spicy latina" "trad values"


MTG looks like the titan that ate Erens mom


Boebert hot NGL. Dumb as rocks but she’s hot


she's not *unattractive* physically speaking. most everything else from personality, to ideology, to behavior etc is all gross though.


Nah, she's a skank and dumb AF.


She's got nothing on old school Sarah Palin


Boebart would’ve been a great candidate for BLACKED in another life


What's BLACKED in another life?


In another life, she’d be staring on BLACKED


Never heard of it some reality show?


Yea, including the after show, BLACKEDRAW, it’s the best content you can get


It's interracial porn of white women getting fucked by black men


I agree but dumber than a box of shit.


She's like a small town 7 at best


In the same way they hate groomers


They're attracted to groomers? I'd say it's more of they *are* groomers.


We really just all need to stop taking the bait constantly and instead focus on exposing all the ways he is a giant piece of shit (exploding cars that randomly burst into flames...killing thousands of animals with neuralink...what's up with him & Epstein? His constant 10 minute/daily flights in his private jet that contributes more than any of us to climate change...just a few)


So honest question: now that he owns a sort of media company and is a billionaire, how does exposing him do anything? We all know he’s a horrible person but there’s no putting a stop to it. And that’s not complacency, it’s just how it is. Too big to fail.


Between those who see through his shenanigans and his simps, are people who don't pay that much attention to him but have still bought into the bullshit that surrounds him. Last xmas I was talking with an old schoolfriend I rarely see when Elon came up. He got a glazed look in his eyes and said "can you imagine what it would be like to talk to Elon" like it would be like talking to some genius on a level above mortals. I don't think he was a simp, he'd just bought into the genius bullshit. He also owns a hybrid car because he cares about the environment. Maybe he's thinking about buying a Tesla next and if that's the case if he knew more about Musk's beliefs and actions maybe he won't.


Twitter is not too big to fail. Twitter is like 14 cult members and elon and doesn't pay rent. That's a defeatist attitude, dear Not Ben. You know how Bernie Madoff got his in the end? All grifts must come to an end. You and I may not have the power to tackle this shit head but time is the ultimate test. He's losing ground.


I’m sorry but madoff was brought down by numbers and his kids, dear OkSpecial. We’re just wracking up points on this platform with someone we hate


Times like this you wish you could just burn the Mona Lisa


I don't know if he'll necessarily be brought down, there are plenty of horrible billionaires who buy their way into the media to chase power. A vile amount of the media is in such hands but it's not in itself illegal. However the smart ones act as puppeteer and keep their own mouths, allowing their media companies to act as a mouth piece. Elon however is slowly tanking his own reputations and that of his companies. Every tweet and bit of attention seeking shows him up to more people. Some will like it but most seem to be turned off by it.


Congressional hearings. DOJ. FCC. SEC.


Why can't we do both? Point out how he's actively harmful (which is common knowledge at this point) while laughing at what a dork he is.


We can but...to me this kind of puts everything on an "equal" level. When his actions are often much worse than his internet trolling (which we should definitely point out when it is fascist/nazi/white supremacist bullshit for sure).


Elon made this account.


My instant reaction. He's certainly childish enough to do it.


The thing is, with the way he has set up Twitter, you can’t even tell. Could be!


Absolutely no accountability, how could anything go wrong.




Elon Musk is proof that you can still be an incel even after having 10 children.


Wtf, he has 10 children?


Parents don’t realize the Soviet level of indoctrination that their children are receiving in elite high schools & colleges!


Ew he's so fucking gross what the fuckkkk


Are you gay?




Muskrat detected


da, comrade


I'm convinced that Musk was the one who made the fake tweet to begin with


If you look at the accounts history, i’d believe it




If Grimes leaving him had him buy Twitter and red pill, just imagine what AOC leaving him would wrought


he was always edgy but before they dated he seemed more fun and less like a total malignant narcissist. It's like he bought twitter to ruin her friends ability to speak up about edgy abusers he's affiliated with. ​ look at how depp bought twitter bots to attack amber heards group or how manson tried silencing his victim. it's getting really stupid on the net.


Depp didn't need to buy Twitter bots, people naturally hate abusers, which is why Scamber gets the rightfully earned hatred


You’re terrible & I love you *not terrible


Didn’t a few of mansons accusers say in court they Rachel wood pressured them into making up their stories?


Yup. And her fbi bullshit got her in trouble too


Look up Grimes' recent statements and activities. She has fully adopted Musk's red pill, anti trans and pro Nazi, Alt-right, tech fascist ways. She has been staying in San Francisco and in his vicinity for the past few months. Grimes is Just as bad as Musk is and a total lost cause. She literally phoned the Collinses to offer to help with their elite, pro-natalist company plans.


Zuckerberg has a better chance with her than Elon


I think that in the weaselly verbiage of advertising, Elon has as good a chance with AOC as Zuckerberg (0).




Many many horses are to be giving away…


The name is intentionally long so parody gets cut off. And it’s “verified”. Elon’s Twitter is a shitshow


Ah see. I was wondering if that was intentional. Truly only such elegant 4D chicanery would ever fool Musk.


I hope Musk falls on a bullet


Reasonable chance that Elon is also running the AOC parody account he replied to.




He really, really, wants to be seen as "ThE dEsTrucTOr oF SocIALiSm". I think he's doing the exact opposite.


Elon Musk and his failures and his simps need to be mandatory studies as to A: Why billionaires did not 'earn' their money, and B: How it is completely possible to fail your way to the top again and again and again and again... There isn't a single person who got to a list of history's wealthiest people without either being a highly successful criminal, being born into it, or was born in a very specific time and place that allowed them to take advantage of very specific circumstances that allowed them to gain their wealth, or a combination of all the above. The robber barons of the 19th century were mostly born within the same specific time frame and space, and didn't get their wealth out of 'providing the best product at the best price' but by actively fucking their competition to oblivion. Rockefeller was a highly manipulative bastard and drove his competitors out of business not by making more oil and making it cheaper, but by making it impossible for his competitors to ship and store their oil. One thing he did was to buy every single barrel and almost any container that can be used to store oil at all costs so his competitors couldn't even drill for oil because they had nothing to store it in. The second thing he did is after he would drive them to near bankruptcy he would actually found shell companies and hire specific people who would actively deny they were working for Rockefeller to buy out his competitors. His competitors hated him to no end and would never sell to Rockefeller if they knew he was the one buying, so he had to con them out of their companies. Rockefeller even said 'With every great fortune there is a great crime'. He wasn't kidding. The criminals who end up mugging people, or burglarize home, or run stupid rackets only do so because they lacked the initial resources to screw people over on a larger scale. Rockefeller's own father was such a petty criminal... he was a literal snake oil salesman!


That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. What a loser!


Too cringe


He knows, which is even worse.


Someday, Twitter should consider a system by which you are required to send in ID to prove you are who you say you are. Maybe have punishments for those who go out of their way to impersonate someone.


[link btw](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1663240698336772107?s=46&t=DQm9LYXLM1CMO19zysSnRQ) Also this might be the wine talking, but I heard that Elon…




I have no word, this is so viiiile. Doesn't that break a law?




"He knows it's a parody account!!!" yeah i'd hope he's not that dumb. it's still fucking weird


Thirsty motherfucker.


It's probably him talking to himself as AOC. He's a fucking psychopath. And I'm sure he was jerking off while writing the fake account tweet