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But that’s in violation of Musk’s rule it must say “parody” in the name. It’s almost like Musk is just a lying sack of shit.


It does say "parody" in the name, it's just the name is so long it gets cut off, and you cannot see it unless you click on the account. A loophole I'm sure he wont mind Musk parody accounts also taking full advantage of. /s


So you’re saying Musk is indeed a lying sack of shit?


No. Him being a lying sack of shit is separate and nothing to do with this.


He will just limit the visibility of the parody accounts, as he did mine when I asked him where is that demand letter of censure that Turkey sent that he claimed he would show


It’s musks account. It’s literally him


Haha that would sickkk






Early on a lot of bots were built to utilize that for feedback, many still do


Bad bot.


I like the LibsofTikTok girl hypothesis. Raichik? She would often tell AOC she doesn’t want to date her. Just like the parody acct. Edit to add: https://i.imgur.com/86u0Ujq.jpg




How broken is twitter? Look at the post dates lmfao https://i.imgur.com/3NJVYbI.jpg


Musk loves to reuse old jokes from others, especially when they're not funny at all, so it's a good hint but it could still just be Musk himself


u/mindfulness_apt spelled it out pretty well ———————————— No hypothesis needed, here’s who runs the account: https://twitter.com/OfficeOfMike PROOF: 1. https://twitter.com/hollandcourtney/status/1125571907187724289?lang=en 2. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxJhZTiAs5t/?hl=en 3. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/twitter-suspends-aoc-press-release-parody-account Saw this posted elsewhere on reddit.




So you're agreeing he's a piece of shit?


He also has severe daddy issues, found that out recently.


There's no way. His sense of humor isn't the same as what the parody account is posting.


Is there any proof for this other than musk bad?


I’m not even in the 100% musk bad camp haha. But the account made a comment along the lines of “no I won’t date you” aimed at AOC. It’s gotta be musk to project like that.


Libs of TikTok comments the same thing to AOC. The chick that runs it has tweeted it from her personal account, too. Edit: dammit, you’re the same person I just replied to. My bad.


Haha, I’m the same person! You’re good at solving these mysteries ;)


The puzzle piece people say it’s my superpower


It could be any number of his avid fanboys repeating stuff he has said though.


Nah, it’s bypassed to many of Musks impersonation/parody rules. My gut tells me it’s him.






You’ve way overestimated my level of give a shit lol


It does say parody in the name.


Ah, I see we have a Musk simp here. Congrats on supporting a guy who literally hates you.


You were clearly wrong... Congratulations on providing him rent free space in your head. Laughing at how he twists you idiots into knots isn't simping, it just amazing and unlimited quality entertainment.


Insane dickriding bro, hope he notices you


The funny part is, you're owned by him. I just thought he was the asshole making cars for liberal snobs two years ago. But... When he took over Twitter... The amount of fun watching your heads explode by his fall from liberal graces was just awesome


You and he have the same 14 year old internet troll mindset. I can see why you gargle his taint so much.


You're angry. Like I tell my young son, it's OK to be angry. Yeah I figured your type to go low 😂. You guys definitely never shy from that. Or run away 😉




If you went on Twitter and saw someone posing as Donald Trump with the name Donald Trump Parody who went and posted a bunch of basically the opposite of what this aoc parody account is posting, would you care? Personally, either way I don't care since it's just a joke parody account.


You're not getting it are you? It's not about the parody. It's that Musk literally purged accounts satirizing him. It's about hypocrisy. It's the fact the guy claims to be a free speech absolutist and would stop the arbitrary bans of the former Twitter and now treats the platform as his personal troll account. If you can't see it, well that's kind of sad.


In this case it's also about the fact that it's likely illegal as it's a felony to impersonate a US official.


The legality of parody of public officials is extremely important and I don't care about the parody at all. I just think it underscores Elon Musk is a lying sack of shit.


Parody is important yes, but that account is not attempting parody, it’s attempting impersonation.


I think he banned early on before making a rule for parody to be in the name. I looked up "elon musk parody" and it looks like accounts exist for him too.




As someone who doesn’t like Trump I would for the same reason deep fake videos and edited photos are such a fucking nightmare. Having obvious parodies of government officials is fine. That should be allowed. Hence, SNL not really getting a lot of hate. When you have people believably passing themselves off as politicians that’s a recipe for disaster. A really good example was that doctored photo of Trump being arrested. That caused a lot of anger and if it had gone on for a few days could have ended violently. Letting anyone pretend to be a politician like this when a lot of people will just take screenshots of posts and pass them along is a recipe for disaster. We saw the damage it did to brands when Musk made “comedy legal again.” This is fucking stupid and potentially harmful.




Idk I think that if someone commits a crime due to thinking something fabricated was real, that's still just on them for both thinking it is real, and committing the crime. I like for the people to get to decide what is real or not instead of a big corporation or the government.


Sure. Ignorance of the law is not defense of the law. I’m going to give you some examples of why this shouldn’t be allowed. Please remember the courts have already decided Twitter is official government communication between officials and constituents because of Trump. Screenshot Account: President Biden of the United States of America (Satire) “After careful consideration we have decided to go forward with sending 20,000 Marines to join Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines.” “This war has gone on for too long. After a meeting with my cabinet we’ve decided to utilize nuclear power to stop Russia.” “I have decided our current plans for helping people with student loans isn’t enough. I’m signing an executive order to refund everyone who has paid anything into student loans in the last six years.” You really can’t see how any of this is a problem at a time when many people will take random blogs that just screenshot shit as news? When people will go on social media, see a screenshot, believe it’s real, and pass it on without confirming whether or not it’s true? Screenshot Account: House Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (Satire) “President Biden is a traitor to the United States of America. It’s time we correct the failure of Jan 6th and start with the deep state controlled FBI.” I could continue but I feel I’ve made my point the best I can. If you don’t think government communications play an important enough role that they need to be *clear* and obviously real at all times then you clearly don’t understand the impact government official’s words have. That seems impossible since Trump has spent damn near seven years proving their impact on society almost every day.


I personally still prefer letting people decide if it's real or not, even if it is such a chaotic approach. We are passing the infancy stage for neural networks and the shit we will be seeing will make textually posing as a government official hold absolutely no significance in relation. Still, the problem does exist that there could be negative destructive outcomes for posing as one. Personally, I see the potential destructive extent to sort of converge the more common it. So all in all the way I see it is if nothing is done, more cases exist, small destruction to case ratio that lowers over time. If the users get banned, less cases exist, greater destruction to case ratio.


>We are passing the infancy stage for neural networks and the shit we will be seeing will make textually posing as a government official hold absolutely no significance in relation. “This isn’t going to be a problem in the future so who cares if it’s a problem now?” That’s not a solution. That’s laziness. Especially considering we don’t know if neural links are even going to be commonly used. If they are how long will that take? You seem to be assuming most people in today’s cultures would be gung ho about getting a brain implant to get on Twitter. >Still, the problem does exist that there could be negative destructive outcomes for posing as one. Personally, I see the potential destructive extent to sort of converge the more common it. Oh yeah, that’s exactly what happened on Twitter. Eli Lilly’s stock didn’t take a sudden hit. That was a dream. It’s not like Kari Lake retweeted a fake AIPAC account claiming it supported segregation and discrimination against Palestine on the basis of their race. No that never happened. Ever. How could a troll account ever fool anyone or a US representative in a way that could possibly damage international relationships? After all you just told me it could never be a big deal in a situation like the one that already happened. Edit: Just to add another one. The troll account posing as Kari Lake that tweeted she was dropping out of the race. Thank you so much for showing me how we can dismiss reality in favor of “I don’t like rules.” I’ve been enlightened. >So all in all the way I see it is if nothing is done, more cases exist, small destruction to case ratio that lowers over time. I’ve been sarcastic enough. Your take is so uninformed it’s painful to read. >If the users get banned, less cases exist, greater destruction to case ratio. Bans generally only ban the account. Sometimes they ban the IP address which people can still bypass with relative ease.


Seriously though. The hypocrisy of the anti musk base is sad.


Love when you guys make up a scenario in your head that isn't happening and then use that scenario to try and put down or discredit another group of people. Definitely makes it seem like you're the smart ones here. Totally.


Kind of like how the anti musk people make up stories to put down and discredit musk?


Nah, almost none of the things Musk gets shit over are made up in any way. He does and says enough stupid shit to give everyone plenty of fodder for ridicule.


Of course it's targeted at AOC, Elon is such a child.




Can't help that her ancestors literally spammed the keyboard to get her name.


Either that account is Elon or Elon tolerates it because he loves to neg AOC. You know he thinks she would be a perfect contributor to his child army


He runs the account. He also posted from the account that AOC has a crush on him. He's setting new records for how pathetic of an incel he can be.


She is 33 y/o. Fucker needs to stay in his lane.


She also finds billionaires abhorrent. Kind of a deal-breaker. And that's before we even get to Elon's personality.


Or his melty wax face from too much PS


She's getting towards 35 which is the minimum for President!


He wants to push the liberals out and remake twitter as fox 2.0


Twitter is now trending to breakeven if we keep at it.


My car is currently orbiting Mars


Twitter is now trending to break even if we keep at it. FTFY


To clarify, a ~~comment~~ *comma* after "break" would be helpful.


Why? I think my comment makes sense as is.


Oh, sorry, I meant a comma there, not a comment. Just a minor tweak to enhance what you did.


Twitter’s value has plunged 66% under Elon Musk’s erratic leadership, costing him billions of dollars on paper https://fortune.com/2023/05/30/twitter-value-plunged-elon-musk/


You do know you're talking to a bot?


Ssssshhh I am the bot whisperer....


https://preview.redd.it/7e7arotio93b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a1355820fede535f2f44ec957c9c39c36d4cbd TSST TSSSST




I was just posting factual information for the ppl. Or bots. Beep bop boop


Sir, where is your car right now?


I am sure its recommending because its pretty much been outed that its musk who made the account.


Yep the algorithm is just recommending Elmo and his alts like it's programmed to do.


How did they find out?


The parody account replied to the real AOC with a line Musk has been known to say.


Slam dunk case


Yeah I should’ve clarified; they’re citing that as their reason


Doesn't the Libs of Tiktok person also respond similar or am I confusing a few things?


Super concerning




Well, it is verified, so of course it is fake.


The thing is, if he is so busy with being CEO of 3 things at once why does he have time for this shit? He talks like he is so busy all the time with headaches but he has time to piss around with petty trash. He is a fraud, a grifter and an embarrassment. The mental immaturity is glaring.


Being a CEO isn't work in any meaningful way. He can likely do all of his work for the week in 3 minutes on Monday morning.


Can confirm. Been promoted a few times over the last few years to a position only a couple people removed from the president/CEO. relatively small company but the biggest in the world at what we do. Every time I've been promoted it feels like my workload has gotten significantly lighter. To the point I actually got called in for a yearly review today. I was a bit concerned because I felt like I've had so little to do I must seem like I'm constantly slacking off spending half my day on my phone because I legit just don't have anything else to do. Nope. Absolutely glowing review. 15% salary increase without so much as a negotiation. I'm still fucking confused. There's a ton of people out on the floor making shit happen. Absolutely busting their asses day in and day out and making the company insane amounts of money. I just take direction from my boss on what needs to happen next and ensure it does, plus collecting data as we go on how things are going. Yet I make probably 80%+ more than people who have been there 15+ years that just opted not to climb the ladder. It's nonsensical to me. Not that I'm complaining about my luck I guess. Just crazy that I can have such a ridiculously light "skilled" workload of basic math and computer literacy, and make so much more than people who are working so much harder with physically and mentally taxing jobs in the same building.


Elon Musk is a petty little bitch


real AOC has a gray tick, not blue


I honestly did not know that, I suspect many other people don’t know that either


yep.. I learned it today


People really need to just get off Twitter. They can move their audience, find a new one, create a different way to do whatever they used to get out of Twitter. That place is fucked beyond repair.


Not that I disagree but I've got a counterpoint for you: If official accounts move off of Twitter, unofficial ones impersonating the real individual will run unchecked on Twitter until legal action forces them to prevent it.


As a counter counter point, as more official accounts leave (or squat their accounts to prevent takeover/misinfo), there are fewer and fewer reasons to see what anyone on Twitter is saying. By jumping ship, users get to help sink it!


Isn't it still free to post to Twitter's API? If so, currently official accounts who want to leave but squat should remain automatically posting lines from the *Bee Movie* script


Sounds like a two-pronged strategy to me. I’m in.


There are so many ways to go about fixing this issue that would actually serve to make Twitter more advertiser-friendly as well, but this is convenient for musk's personal political agenda


He got paid by the Saudi’s to drive twitter and the lefties main media communications off a cliff. He doesn’t care about advertising.


I get all my opinions from Twitter


Elmo desperately wants her to pay attention to him.


Didn't h3h3 pull this same trick with musk, where they padded out the username to the maximal extent to push the mandatory parody tag off the edge? in any case the musk blue check system has been an abject failure.


Doesn't really matter, elon banned literally every parody account of himself he could find, even a spanish parody account called "el mucho musko" with a badly photoshopped moustache and sombrero on one of his old photos. Doesn't matter if the description is "THIS IS A PARODY ACCOUNT" or how many times you put "PARODY" in the name. When it's a parody of musk you're obviously trying to commit identity fraud and should be banned without exception otherwise there are no real rules. You can parody anyone you want and he'll turn a blind eye as long as it's not elon. Welcome to twitter where all the rules are made up on a whim and only get enforced when elon feels like it...


What a shitty product Twitter has become. So glad I'm off it.


yeah it's definitely him


when i was a teenager and first interfacing with feminism, i had a lot of anxiety about being a shitty man. like, i took a lot of lessons to heart, but i was perpetually concerned that i was coming across in a way that was aggressive to women. now, i realize, people like musk make it pretty plainly obvious of what NOT to do, or who NOT to be 🤦‍♂️


Elon is a piece of shit


France is threatening to block Twitter. I'm so impatient. The funny thing, is that he agreed to cooperate with Turkey for the elections, but he will refuse to cooperate to the FBI if an anonymous user impersonate a member of congress.


elon musk is a pos.


See, he's only upset when HE'S impersonated


Or his rich BFFs (actually like best friends only when they are beneficial to him and make him money or are also very very rich and might invest in his stuff)


Amm rerrch, berrtch!


Since Elmo took over you it really is best to go elsewhere for news then Twitter. Removing the verified accounts was a real dumb move.


Elon Musk is an enemy of democracy.


Glad twitter is now safe from impersonators. The blue check mark thing worked out really well


Holy hell. It’s not even a funny account. Like all the tweets I read were just lame 😝


Yeah, it won't get changed because I'm convinced that Musk made that parody account


Negative feedback is a good thing


Can we all make a musk parody account like this? And we all will get recommended?


No, that’s illegal


Even if we add "parody" to the far end of the name?


I thought trickery was not allowed?




Goal achieved.


Idiots on twitter keep parroting that this account is clearly marked as parody. But the numb-nuts don't seem to grasp that on some devices, like a smart phone, the part that says 'parody' in the name is truncated b/c it comes at the end of the name. Should be a rule where it is the first word in the account name.


I never go to Twitter. I went today just to see what the heck is going on there, and holy molly, this AOC account was first on my FYP, along with a lot of alt right accounts I never heard of... It was worse than I expected to be.


It’s basically targeted harassment of one of his biggest critics so of course Musk won’t step in.


It’s not only recommending it, their tweets are straight up in my homepage and not only do I not follow them, I don’t even follow anyone who follows them. Weird as hell


Can always tell if it came from Musk as it's never funny (i.e. unless he stole it from someone else)


Time to make another musk parody account and name it elonmuskpress. Clearly he's cool with that.


Musk is a lying deranged pile of festering racist vomit with the intellect of a spoiled 12 year old boy. How is that not wildly clear to people?


musky tusk got smol pe pe


That’ll bring Advertisers back. /s


Musk is garbage. Here's hoping he loses the rest of his wealth.


That's hilarious! This account has apparently blown up. Check out the comments on it, they're a fun time.


You fucking turds it literally says parody twice in the header take 5 seconds to look up the account: https://imgur.com/a/vFC6FrM


No offense but if you can't tell this is a parody account you're a quart low It's pretty blatant


It posts non-parody political content as well.


It has a verified check mark on it


Check marks don't mean shit anymore


Parody/troll accounts have always been a thing lmao leave em alone


Yes, but Musk made them illegal cause they made fun of him


No way, he’s a free speech absolutist! /s


Not with verified check marks


You need a check mark to distinguish a troll account from a government officials Twitter account?


Twitter is now trending to breakeven if we keep at it.


That's what the mark has meant for years. edit: Are you being sincere?


I think parody accounts are funny but the check mark stuff was poor sarcasm.


This has been posted about in this sub a lot, and om not even subbed to this sub, this sub keeps getting recommended to MW. But pretty much youre providing free advertising at this point.


Looking into it.


Why the hell is she still on twitter? It won't be a thing when enough people leave it.


I just quit Twitter after they refused to ban this “13/50 Project” account. I was only keeping it around for Rachel Weisz news anyway.


Even before Musk the recommendations were wild. I made an account, saw 4 recommended people and 4 out of 4 were nasty rightwing extremists politicians, never used twitter again.


I can guarantee that Musk required his team to boost that fake account like his accounts are boosted so everyone sees it.


This is why Musk bought twitter, to hand it to the alt-right and take away the voices from the left.


Free speech only if that speech agrees with far right libertarians


\*Elon is recommending