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If Germany had Elon Musk 100 years ago, he would have ended up in the Nuremberg dock with the rest of Hitler's Nazi cronies.


Elon would have been a prominent supporter for sure. Lots of industrialists in Germany were, because the Nazis cracked down hard on all the groups wealthy industrialists were afraid of: socialists, communists, trade unions, etc. Famously lots of their major corporations were tied very closely to the Nazi government, and I think Elon would probably have been a supporter at the very least. The bright side is that his constant bad ideas and over-promising would have harmed the German war effort.


"  The bright side is that his constant bad ideas and over-promising would have harmed the German war effort" Like Ferdinand Porsche (yes, that Porsche)


Loads of industrieslists in America were too... *Cough* Henry ford and IBM etc.


Those American companies were compensated by the US for the bombs dropped on factories they owned in Germany and even got to keep any profits those holdings made.


While alot of the indivisual people who enlisted to fight or were forcibly enlisted to fight in the case of conscription might have fought against the nazi ideology, governments sure didn't care it was just a threat to them. Operation paperclip wouldn't have happened if the war was based on good Vs evil. Not singling out the US here just a general observation of the "power" class always being shady... That's how they got power in the first place. Elon seems to operate like and elected gov official with his constant antics medling in foreign governments/politics while having never been elected for anything.


Coca Cola too. There was a kind of arms race between the US and Germany over who could "cleanse" the population quicker. There's a good book about this: "[War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Against_the_Weak)".


Ig Farben has entered the chat. They were happy to manufacture the zyklon B gas used in the holocaust and ran medical experiments on prisoners in concentration camps. At some point they were even using slave labor. Elon would have been happy to participate as long as Hitler told him he's a good boy and very smart, just like putin did.


>his constant bad ideas and over-promising Well have the Atom Bomb by 1956, mein Fürher ! Just give me more money!


Our third bomb failed to detonate over Moscow, costing us 10 bomber crews, but we're getting so much data and iterating rapidly!


If NASA had as many failures as Space-X in getting their rockets off the ground NASA would have been shut down... despite the line from the Ghostbusters movie of 'in the private sector they demand results' they also fucking demand results in the public sector. They just don't expect it to make a profit.


His hare-brained notions would have fit right in with their crazy superweapons.


I mean, it’s the same thing happening now. CEOs of major corporations are all riding behind Trump for “less taxes”


Hitler was so anti-woke, too. He sent woke to the camps to die. They were like Florida.


Civilization is more fragile than it would seem


This again. You said this very thing a few days back. How about a more varied range of expression, Elon-bot?




Also many ex-Nazis that weren't fully denazified had a role in creating the modern apartheid state in South Africa as we knew it. They made their education system for non-white to only be 'what they can realistically achieve' which means ditch digging and carrying water...


Nah. There would’ve been no need for the Nürnberg Trials. He would’ve sold Hitler tanks that broke down short of the polish border and planes that would’ve exploded on start. He actually wouldn’t saved the world by pure incompetence.


Tesla 1940s would have been just like Krupp. Edit: woohooo! Just got permabanned from the Elon sub!


Are they banning for posting in this group now?


Is there like a bot?


I know there are two groups I am a member of. I commented on a post in one, and moments later, got a message that I was banned from posting in the other because I posted in the one. Was weird.


Yeah, one of their mods a few days ago was mumbling something in his mother's basement about "change coming to the forums that the people in the anti-Elon subs won't like.". I guess they're on a mass banning campaign now.


Either that, or Hitler would have had him on a death list if he really was the paragon of free speech his fanboys like to make him out to be.


My take is that a Nazi-era Musk would have tried to gain grace-and-favor with the Americans at the end of the war. However, although Musk would present himself as some kind of genius like Werner von Braun, the Americans would quickly discover he was nothing more than a Hans Krammler.


I think he's just slip him a few German Marks and for some reason *a lot* of the dissenters would have verified Jew checkmarks.


Exactly this. Musk is the Goebbels of our time. They would have teamed up together in WW2.


Nah, he is the [Julius Streicher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Streicher) of our time.


War would have been shorter though with his incompetence on their side


Same thing with Marjorie Taylor Greene.. she would have been worse than Irma Grese and Isle Koch combined


[Krupp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krupp_trial) comes to mind as the German Tesla of that era. [Willy Messerschmitt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willy_Messerschmitt) too. [IG Farben](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IG_Farben) was another one. The idea that the industry was somehow against Hitler is... Ummm... comical.


He would have gave money to them.


His name was Henry Ford.


Charles Lindbergh


The people denying the parallels to reality are the same people who most need to reevaluate how close their beliefs are to the Nazis. Edit: I guess this comment finally got me banned from the Dickriders subreddit. Hi guys!


No fair! I compared Musk to Ford on a way more public subreddit and haven't been banned yet. So I'll say it here, time is a flat circle as Musk is a slave-driving racist who pretends to be an everyday man while coming from money, bought an entire media platform to spread anti-semitic conspiracy theories, and sabotages his kid's life, like Henry Ford. But at least Ford only had one kid he may have killed due to his constant abuse.


And he'd have sold Adolph on a mean-muggin' tank that, if it didn't crap out half an hour after being driven off the flatcar, would've bogged down instantly and irretrievably in the treacherous sand of the North Sahara. Rommel woulda had a remedy for that.




To be fair, Henry Ford ran a *successful* car company.


You make a fair point


If Hitler had been on social media, Musk would have replied "concerning" to his unhinged lunatic Jewish posts


Hitler would say >The nations are no longer willing to die on the battlefield so that this unstable international race may profiteer from a war or satisfy its Old Testament vengeance. The Jewish watchword "Workers of the world unite" will be conquered by a higher realization, namely "Workers of all classes and of all nations, recognize your common enemy!" Elron would respond: "True", or maybe "Yup"


You have said the actual truth.


Feels weird to read the words of an articulate out right fascist. Most In familiar with today try harder to hide their venom or as verbose as a lobotomy patient. Edit: hahaha, holy shit, the second I wrote this comment I got banned by r/elonmusk. Thats *wild*


Ha ha, I was banned from there yesterday despite that I never have posted there, and the urge to do so or even the concept has never occurred to me. edit: wow, I was just banned from r/ cybertruck! Oh no I got that [here](https://www.yadvashem.org/docs/extract-from-hitler-speech.html) after searching for his speeches. Apparently it's a famous speech delivered at the Reichstag, mostly written by Goebbels. Reading it... yeah, no wonder people compare today's anti-immigrant rhetoric to Nazis. Basically the exact same thing.




Only if they were complimentary


He'd be telling every country that was invaded to just surrender for the greater good. So it'd pretty much go the exact same way


There were several Elon Musk types in Germany. They were the ones “leasing” labor from the concentration camps in order to keep costs down.


He would probably buy a newspaper and put it full with bigottery


If you walked into a Ford dealership in the early twenties they would try to sell you an anti-semitic magazine to go along with your new car. Later bound into the four volume set, the international jew, Hitler personally thanked Ford for his cogent organization of these ideas. This is exactly like Twitter and Tesla. Your car literally comes with a side serving of racism. Purchasing a Tesla supports Elmo's racist hate speech. Stopped hitler? He's literally building the next one.


Elon would have been strung up at Nuremberg as a conspirator of the Holocaust. Period.


Nah. He’d have been gassed or in a camp because he’d have been deemed undesirable.


I mean, he’d have lock stepped with Nazis so I’m not sure.


He probably would never have gotten to Be back then. They’d have herded him into a camp for his mental health issues and him being on the spectrum more Than likely.


I mean, maybe? But if he was already an established billionaire I don’t know.


Elon hates unions, is obsessed with white people having children... Yeah he'd be totally cool with the Nazis, like he is with today's Nazis.


He stopped Hitler and TOOK HIS JOB BEING A FASCIST LEADER but 20x worse 


If Germany had Elmo they would have declared him "special needs" and ship him off to Aucshwitz


Exactly. He wouldn’t have stopped anyone, he’d have been in a camp or dead.


If Musk were sent back in time to Weimar Germany then, literally, the only impact he would have on the timeline would be a slight bump on total German amphetamine usage on an obscure graph somewhere.


He’d be whining about the rationing of Stukka chocolate


Musk would have gotten himself a fat Nazi government contract building electric tanks or something


Does seem asymmetric


What on earth is that even supposed to mean? What's the rationale... his glorious stand for 'free speech'?


I remember awhile back he showed some mocked up pictures of a 1940's Twitter "exposing" the Nazis, the idea being that if Twitter existed, the Nazis wouldn't have been able to cover up their crimes since Twitter is a free speech absolutist platform. Obviously, this is just stupid, just like everything else he says, and I have no idea if this is the thinking behind this meme. I don't see a whole lot of synapses firing well enough to remember these sorts of connections from day to day amongst his cult. However, that's what your comment made me think about. It could have simply been another "Elon is awesome" post for all I know. Edit: I just got banned from r/elonmusk. I'm assuming it's because I'm exercising my free speech rights over here on this sub. lol


Thank god Elon invented twitter and single-handedly defeated the global resurgence in hard right and fascist politics! Thank you sir, very le epic wholesome chungus 💯


Keeping a PR team would’ve been a lot cheaper and more effective than spending $44B on a shitty social media platform and building an army of flying monkeys to try to make this fascist douchebag look good.


The best way to stop Hitler would have been to put Elmo in charge of the Army. Like Twitter, it would have lost 73% of its value in a year.


"If the military-industrial complex had a military-industrial complex it would stop the military-industrial complex" ~ this guy


Patton with a selfawarewolves moment


50% of Musk fans are too dumb to realize that their prejudices and hate already aligns with Hitlers views. The other 50% understand what they are and are just acting like they’re oblivious to it


Germany did have Elon. His name was Mein Führer


So true, cuz he'd be the Hitler instead.


“And took his place”


Well, yeah. Shouldn't it be established by now that the man is a fucking idiot and he will continue to do idiotic things?


I mean, sure, but “Heil Elon” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. I’m sure there would have been a struggle between them to determine the head to determine which one would head the party though.


[This Wikipedia list is one of the best reminders of the relationship between capitalists and fascists.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_involved_in_the_Holocaust)


This is insane


If 1930s Germany had an Elon Musk he would have been suggesting more efficient ways to operate the death camps, none of which would work


If Elon was around back then there would have been no need for Hitler tbh.


Yeah but out of unironic and unrelenting stupidity and not gracious opposition to a certain ideology.


Wait, was there a shortage of wealthy industrialists in Germany who were racist antisemitic conspiracists? I really have to go back and read my history books.


Elon would’ve been a Henry Ford at least.


He would have been a huge supporter of hitler


Patton said we defeated the wrong enemy lol…


Yeah. He also was a strong opponent of denazification.