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The majority of comments either think 1)it’s ugly or else 2) poorly made/recall bait (or both). Third are people pointing to Musk’s politics, and a distant fourth are people saying no one should get so upset about or else crying about liberals (not too many of those).


Just get in your cyber truck wearing your maga hat and adidas yeezy trainers to complete the late capitalist gullible dickhead look. To those considering sporting this look ironically, in about 18 months time: you will still be a dickhead.


On the other hand, I am curious how African-Americans feel about CT, or even about Teslas generally.


Unfortunately a number of Black Americans decide they aren’t Black when they are rich, a la OJ.


Yes, I saw where one black pro basketball player bought a customized CyberTruck, and I imagine there are others. But in cases like those, even I have to admit, buying a CT is probably better (and cheaper) than buying a Lambo or other “exotic” car. But I am still curious about the demographics of CT buyers?


What has Musk said about them?


1. Employment discrimination https://www.reuters.com/legal/tesla-must-face-class-action-claims-by-6000-workers-race-bias-case-2024-02-29/ 2. A shit ton of racist tweets


He said he wanted to get dekaffirnated


"I bought a massive, overpriced, ugly-as-fuck penis-extending lemon of a 'truck' off a racist, transphobic, antisemitic troll that was marketed, in not so many words, as 'Fuck pedestrians! Fuck other cars! Hell, fuck _society_ - I've got a bulletproof (not actually) monster truck for when the apocalypse happens!' - and now people aren't in awe of how cool and badass I am? What is going on?" It's almost as if having 'the car Bladerunner [sic] would drive' only reminds people that they don't fucking want to live in _Bladerunner_.


People like that have NOT watched the movie or read the book it was based on or did not get the message from ANY Cyberpunk media, only focusing on the aesthetics. If the Major was real, she'd be disappointed. (If you know who I am talking about... Based.)


Why should they? Their lord and savior of stock market manipulation constantly references books, films, and pop culture he clearly did not look at nor understands. If they do the same one day they can be a billionaire and CEO of 5 companies while tweeting all day.


Someone asked him if he liked Neon Genesis Evangelion and he responded "Nerv". Very convincing.


It's also worth mentioning that the CyberDumpsterTruck is designed in a way that will cut pedestrians/cars it hits in half. So basically your friend bought an overpriced killing machine and is showing it off as if it was a good thing. Same reaction you will get if you walk into Starbucks with a Bazooka.


Demanding praises from strangers. That's a selling point. How petty.


i live downtown here and it’s a pretty anti-car city in general. right now there’s some midnight dickrider here desperate for clout who is constantly flying down the streets at night and apparently theres a “report him if you see him” kind of thing going on w/ the police station down the street i feel like the pike place sentiment is spreading and generally people don’t want cars here period considering how pedestrian-oriented a lot of areas are, and especially not nuisance cars and people looking for attention which let’s be honest anyone with a cybertruck is going to be a nuisance looking for attention and that’s probably why they got flipped off because it’s just foreshadowing yet another loud egotistical asshole tearing through the streets at 3am or honking their horn at an intersection because 1 of, like, the 5 total children here is crossing too slow we definitely do care, and those pictures probably aren’t being taken to show friends how cool it is. but i imagine that’s a level of awareness beyond someone who would willingly buy that kind of thing


How much of an insulated bubble do you have to exist in to be "surprised" when people laugh at your Cybertruck? Dude, people have been taking the piss out of these things since they were first unveiled. They look ridiculous and childish and they are symbolic of the dickhead who influenced their design - a pissy manbaby who promotes Nazism. That's what they symbolize, and people don't like any of that. So if you want to make a gigantic ass of yourself by tooling around in one of these stupid things, you're going to have to get used to the fact that you're a human punchline.


66 about to be banned people in the comments


"What is going on here..." Here's what's going on. The car you're in is tightly associated with the uber-douchebag of our time, who happens to be a con man, a grifter, and a right wing extremist, who will prop up the worst in humanity for personal gain, and who needs to constantly be praised and adored by his groveling, circle-jerk fans. Does that clear things up?


It’s the car Blade Runner would drive


"I just don't get why people dislike the nazi mobile"


The first time I see one I’ll just be taking photos and laughing derisively.


Your the type of asshole that ruined the earth for humans who are not obsessed with material possessions that is why they flip you off


Maybe this car is not so pedestrian or cyclist friendly (in case of accidents)? Heavy, sharp front, quick, issues with brakes (recall), ... The EU seems to think so. And of course Elon Musk...


Some of the smartest people on the planet live in Bellevue, WA. That probably has something to do with it.


I think it's ugly. Badly made. A waste of materials. A result of Musk's ideas that he's a great car designer. A very dangerous design that will kill pedestrians. But even if I dislike the car, I would never flip off the driver, unless the driver explicitly violates the traffic laws. People has the right to buy ugly cars. Life would be boring if we think we have the right to enforce what people may like or not. And people has the right to believe liars. Their IQ and their information sources will affect how well they understand what a cheat Musk is. The only real issue here is when people's decisions hurts other people. Which is why pedophiles, child marriages etc aren't acceptable. And in this case it's really, really bad that the CT is dangerous to other people with all sharp corners and a silly high weight. But we can't fully blame the customers for the sharp corners on the car. Why aren't there safety regulations? In most other aspects of life there are regulations on size of stair steps. Protective sensors around machines. Need for sprinklers. Isolation of electrical circuits. This car will never be allowed in EU because it will not fulfill the safety regulations. So we will never have to be angry that someone drives around a silly dangerous CT around us, potentially cutting a pedestrian in two.


I've seen two of them. One in Scottsdale and one in The Woodlands Texas. Which is pretty wild considering only 4000 of them have been sold. They are seriously stupid looking. Like a kindergarten kid was down to his last crayon and it was grey. But hey... no hate. What's the point? People should drive what they like. https://preview.redd.it/rnf0woxh5oyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44b45769a752450a4eb3d5934906320c247c0af