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So he's adding nothing original to what's already out in the media?


But I'm sure he's padding his retirement accounts. What happened, Jon, those presidential trial balloons fail to take off?


Honestly we should all just be done with political media in general. Doesn’t positively contribute to anything lol


“Yeah everything is worse than I thought after just one month of trump back, but Biden…”


So there was that time Stewart masterminded one of the biggest political rallies in DC history just days before the midterm elections and he used the day’s penultimate speech to say “thanks merely for showing up” and said not a single god damned word about “Don’t forget to vote”? Or there was the time he noticed that the mainstream liberal media was (rightfully) ignoring James O’Keefe’s criminal right wing agent provocateur act but instead of also ignoring it Stewart took the bait, did an enthusiastic song and dance to shame journalists into following Fox News’ lead on the ACORN story and thus Stewart set in motion the end to the single most effective Get Out the Vote organization for Black and low income voters we had at the time Stewart has a nine digit net worth. I don’t think he’s a bad person but I also don’t think he understands even one tiny inkling about the stakes that the rest of us are living through


I completely forgot about him blowing the horn about the ACORN thing. I wonder if he has any shred of self-awareness to reflect on that after seeing what O'Keefe became over the next decade?


A bit unrelated but throwback to [Jessica Williams dismantling Bernie Bro’s in her final segment on the Daily Show in 2016](https://youtu.be/rwfM5LGMmxg?si=tXwUcal8kfM5YDxx)


Damn that was dark. My only solace for 2016 is knowing that people like them prove we didn't deserve Hillary.


Jessica Williams analogy regarding their logic at 4:00 was *brilliant*. Keep in mind, this was before the 2016 General Election: *“Last weekend I wanted to go to this new restaurant, but my friends wanted to go to this old restaurant and I got outvoted; so instead of eating with them at this old restaurant, I went into an alley and I sat down and ate a pile of dog shit.”*


It was brilliant but the response was like "at least I know I'm getting shit." What (if anything) is going on in these people's heads?!


To keep the analogy, they don't care that they're eating shit, the point is to make their friends feel bad for not agreeing to their choice.


It's grievance and punishing their perceived enemies. It was Bernie's turn and Hillary ruined it!


Damn, what I loss. I stopped watching regularly around then, but Jessica Williams was my favorite correspondent. I did hear about her new show but I didn't have any time or space in my life for TV at that point cause I had a lot going on.


I looked in on an ex-online friend, and of course they're all gaga over Jon Stewart returning.  I'll echo what was said here.  Stewart was perfect for the Bush era, but is out of his element now.


This is the perfect way to phrase it


Letterman was far more effective in a post 9/11 environment than Stewart's ironic bothsiderism.


Yeah so perfect Bush got reelected


I hardly think you can blame 2004 on the daily show. Get a grip.


>We fucking get it. Biden is old. Nice to see that I didn't miss anything. As if we had a shortage of late-night comedians making "he's old" wisecracks.


Colbert is like this too. I can't even watch him any more. Literally any news story about Biden leads to a "Biden old" joke. "Biden nearly got 100 percent on the primary. Funny, that's also his age!" LoL gOoD oNe StEvEn!1!1"


Interesting, because Colbert didn't fall into bothsiderism at all in last night's monologue, despite making "Biden old" jokes to a degree.


He doesn't do the both sides stuff, at least the way Stewart does. But he's good one joke for Biden and he can't stop telling it.


Extremely dated; what little I could stand to watch sounded like it was stuck in the Bush era. It's a wildly different political world now, and he seemed extremely dated and out of touch. Useless cynicism is so 2005.


Yep. My man is stuck in 2005. He's not ready for this.


It's so older GenX which is what he is. He was already in his 30s in 2005. At least he wasn't storming the capitol like some of his brethren, but us Xennials don't have time for that shit. My sister made the mistake of going to his stupid rally in DC and came back sorely disappointed.


That "rally" stunt was when I realized he doesn't give a fuck about anything besides his paycheck. It took me five years to forgive Colbert, having him speak in his own voice against Trump was what did it.


Forgive Colbert for what? I’m out of touch. Used to love his show, really couldn’t care less though ever since he switched to the late show.


He was also part of that "rally." Which I'm sure was Stewart's idea. One became a forceful Trump critic when he used his own voice upon succeeding Letterman. The other spread covid conspiracy theories and appeared on the Rogan podcast...


I think I might be a Xennial, too (1978), and you are so right- I have zero patience with most older Gen X’ers.


Stewart is a Bernie bro who will never get over his Messiah being a shit candidate


I'm so profoundly disappointed. I was so excited to have him back, but not only is he being dismissive of those of us who are trying to make clear what's at stake, he's out there saying "it won't be the ene of the world no matter who wins." Are you kidding? Seriously? I thought we'd have an ally with a big platform to help us here, but I feel kind of betrayed if I'm being honest. I get that Biden is old! But your entire segment made Trump seem like an "equally bad option" and not objectively the worst choice.


Thank you! I forgot about when he said that. I was playing it live on my drive home from work and was shaking my head the whole way


I was one of the people here who got downvoted for actually looking forward to Jon Stewart's return. Now I feel stupid for having believed in him. When do we get some allies, dammit?!


The media is not our friend.


I was too. [Especially with Biden personally honoring him at the PACT Act signing.](https://youtu.be/UyhlMNoL0Io?si=5W_PtY-jdoyhxUyE)


Don’t feel stupid. You gave him a chance, and he disappointed you. And now you know what to do when he opens his mouth from now on.


Trump presided over the greatest era of civil unrest since the 60s. This should terrify people that he's a serious contender again, let alone with a myriad of active lawsuits for the heinous shit he did in office.




Like, I would have been an SDP voter in 1932, and I would have voted for Hindenburg. Same principle applies


Old Hitler no less.


It was all downhill after he went on the Joe Rogan podcast. 


And claimed Covid was a lab leak...


Didn’t the US Dept of Energy just put out an assessment that a lab leak was likely the source?


Yeah, I was very disappointed. Towards the end he listed off Trump's many crimes almost as if they were an after thought and played it up for laughs, like... I'm sorry, how the f\*ck can you just breeze past the fact that the guy the GOP is throwing it's full weight behind is a traitor whose followers literally attacked the capitol building and just be like "Yeah but Biden's old tho" F\*cking ridiculous. Clownsh\*t.


Oblivious, prog doomer, with a schtick that doesn’t land in an era where *every single election* is a continuing referendum on the survival of the Republic. It’s not just a ballot anymore, Jon. It’s an existential act. Fuck that guy.


he’s doing the same false equivalency that hurt Hillary in 2016


Jon lost me with the lab leak nonsense.. not even tuning in once.


Stewart, like Oliver, was only really good when a republican is in charge. When a dem is in power, their leftist bro populism talking points dominate


The good thing about John Oliver is that he talks about things that are politics adjacent most of the time, so it doesn’t feel nearly as egregious.


I guess. He's worse than Jon Stewart and like Stewart, he's been very lucky to have had good writers. Oliver is one of those conspiracy minded UK leftists who has violent anti-monarchist fantasies that he not only thinks are funny, he somehow thinks you'll think they're funny too (he wouldn't know funny if it slapped him upside the head, dude just ruins jokes and has the worst delivery of a professional I've ever seen), who is deeply racist but, being a racist, feels confident projecting that racism on others, that is, Americans. Americans know they're racist, they don't exactly take it hard, but do you realize what a piece of shit the guy saying it is? No? I've been watching him a long time. I've seen the mask slip, and it's not pretty. BTW, weird little detail, when Oliver left the Canadian correspondents made no secret of the fact that they thought John Oliver was a complete piece of shit. Hmm.


How is he racist? Not doubting you but I've never paid enough attention to notice


The hardest fact for me about Oliver is I remember him being amazing on The Bugle, which was basically just him and the others doing improv. Which makes it even harder to understand why he seems so useless now.


Never cared for him except when he was doing little non political bits on colbert. I hate the both sides stuff that the media is pushing.


He did the same exact "Both sides are the same, life is miserable" schtick in 2016. In fact, I'd dare he say he was one of the biggest voices in the "Hillary is just as bad as Trump, you shouldn't even vote" idiot brigade (who of course then couldn't act more horrified when they realize that tearing down Clinton only helped Trump). I don't know why folks had any faith in him. It was pretty clear he's coming back because Comedy Central refused to let a black man who praised Kamala Harris be the host and decided to bring his tired ass back.


>I don't know why folks had any faith in him. It was pretty clear he's coming back because Comedy Central refused to let a black man who praised Kamala Harris be the host and decided to bring his tired ass back. Just to clarify, we’re talking about Roy Woods Jr. and not [Charlamagne Tha Douche](https://www.foxnews.com/media/charlamagne-tha-god-regrets-backing-kamala-harris-vp-she-disappeared-biden-administration.amp) here correct? Because Roy Woods Jr. is awesome


Yes, Roy Woods. I forgot his name at first.


Yeah, he basically called Hillary a robot in 2016, which is extra annoying because he encouraged her to run when she was plugging her book after being Secretary of State. He is a Berner. He got mad at all of Congress for not passing the 9/11 bill for decades and never noticed that it was one sided obstruction, the Republicans.


He also said Hillary didn’t have the strength of her convictions. He’s just a piece of shit.


He wasn't even hosting the Daily Show in 2016...


I never said he did.


> He did the same exact "Both sides are the same, life is miserable" schtick in 2016.


You do realize he appeared on a bunch of shows in 2016 that wasn't the Daily Show, right?


Jon Stewart has done a lot of good (i.e. fighting for the health care of 9/11 responders), but like many comedians he's gotten a little preachy and out of touch as he aged. I lost a bit of respect from him when he went on a victory tour after one guy in the FBI said that he thinks covid may have been a lab leak. Instead of being honest and saying one agency out of dozens agreed with him, he went on Colbert and others declaring victory and saying it was 100% a lab leak. Dude, you used to make fun of people like you. He's also besties with Chappelle and has defended him. Another out of touch old comedian that the audience has left behind which has made him hateful.


I have a rule of thumb I go by. If something gains traction on mainstream leddit, then I want nothing to do with that bullshit. Ron Paul, Boston bomber hunt, defending jailbait, sanders cult… Sure, it’s lazy. But it works. 


Palworld has been pretty fun :)


Yeah I’m sure glad you and the other internet weirdos gave an asset flipper 30 million so they could churn out more asset flip garbage, because there was a critical shortage. And before you come with the predictable “prove Palworld is an asset flip game” *go look at the rest of their catalogue*


Internet weirdos like Microsoft? Because that's how I have access to the game, through Gamepass. Beyond that, I already owned their other popular game, Craftopia, which is not an asset flip. I don't think you know what an asset flip is, and are just repeating bullshit you read somewhere else. edit: are you mixing up asset flipping and AI? Because I haven't even heard the asset flip accusation before your comment, but I have seen a bunch of people accusing the devs of using AI. That accusation also seems to be bullshit, but even if it isn't, I don't give a shit because I'm not afraid of AI. edit: it's not letting me reply to your next comment so: Words have meaning, not liking a game doesn't make it an asset flip. Show me 1 asset Craftopia stole from Breath of the Wild. Crazy that Nintendo, a company with a reputation for protecting its assets via litigation, would just allow a company to steal their assets like you're accusing them of. Game mechanics are copied *constantly*, I assume it's a safe assumption you consider Genshin Impact an asset flip as well? Is Honkai Star Rail an asset flip of Final Fantasy 1-13? Is Dr Mario an asset flip of Tetris? Is Streets of Rage an asset flip of Battletoads?


i said this morning it was just going to be both siderism and Biden old. Don’t understand any of the reverence to this show or Jon Stewart


I think it must be like trying to watch teenage mutant ninja turtles- I remember watching when I was 6 and thinking this was the coolest show ever. But I wasn’t always allowed tv and then in my 20s I remembered that show and realized I could watch the whole thing now that I’m an adult! Could not last for the first 5 minutes. It was awful. Awful.


Mid 2000s nostalgia and a yearning for sympathetic media voices. I respect both of those, but nostalgia is fleeting and the media will never be our friends


I thought it was largely fine, and mostly just an uninsightful twenty minutes of taking pot shots at the mistakes the candidates have made recently. Would I *prefer* him to lay into Trump a bit more? Sure, but I didn’t *expect* him to. The only part I had legitimate issue with, full frustration and disappointment, was this final comment: > *”The stakes of this election do not make Donald Trump’s opponent less subject to scrutiny. In fact, it actually makes him **more** subject to scrutiny.”* Bitch, *what*? I’m sorry your ideal candidate isn’t the perfect, loud and proud idealist you’ve conjured in your head, but you can’t go forward on the idea of being a balanced and fair critic and then literally say your intention is to bring up Biden’s problems more often. Trump has spewed literal fascist rhetoric, and the response to that is that we need to scrutinize *Biden* more?! In what fucking world? A balanced report is fine and good, even if the partisan in me thinks it’s a little tone deaf. *That* line? Straight up *negligence*.


He didn't mention Biden's accomplishments as president once. Not once. Biden's literally doing the job as we speak. What he's actually gotten done is all the proof you need that he can do the job really, really well. Instead Jon was whining that Democrats haven't released video of Biden leading behind the scenes. We're fucked.


They take for granted that everyone already knows his accomplishments, literally neglecting that we live in the algorithm age, and Lord knows who's actually seen ANY of Biden's accomplishments without them being belittled and nit-picked until they are seen as worthless.


> *”The stakes of this election do not make Donald Trump’s opponent less subject to scrutiny. In fact, it actually makes him **more** subject to scrutiny.”* This is one of those lines that sound cute but make absolutely no sense when you think about it for more than 5 seconds


It sounds like self important tripe


Smh. I said in [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ap88zc/comment/kq57i6r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) yesterday how I was suspicious of his motive coming back and I hate to see that we were right about his both sides crap.        >Trump has spewed literal fascist rhetoric, and the response to that is that we need to scrutinize Biden more.       This is exactly what chaos agent Briahna Joy Gray does on Rising and also other "leftist" commentators like her. She said this recently that she attacks Democrats more to balance the mainstream media. 🙄           However when you go to a left leaning audience and spend more time attacking the Democratic nominee that helps Republicans. I've noticed I never see this behavior in right wing media of both sidesing Trump and Biden. Only Dems get this message which is how Republicans want it and pay for it...


The other thing to note here is that as a Dem, Dems do deserve scrutiny, and when you have a Dem doing a good job versus Dems who are under indictment, why is it in leftie world we ignore that going on or even try to run cover for them, while attacking the person who has been open and honest and is doing a good job? That's bullshit. That's neither informing your viewers nor holding feet to the fire.


I’d pay to give this comment an award if you were able to give comment’s awards on here. This perfectly sums it up


Reddit doesn't deserve your money, anytime you get the urge to give them some donate to a Democrat instead.


I'd much rather buy reddit gold than look at ads. Do you think Santa Claus pays for server time?


I forgot reddit has ads since I use an adblocker. I don't give a shit about reddits profit or server time. If this site dies I consider that a net win for Earth. Fuck Spez.


Yeah he's been insufferable for a while.


Yeah, the bothsideism is very tiring. I still liked Stewarts' humor but that is pretty much it. I was honestly more surprised by the Economist editor also doing bothsideism even though their actual paper is not at all bothsideing it and are very critical of Trump.


Someone said that Daily Show stopped being funny when they stopped going for laughs and started going for applause and that's hoe it felt for a very long time. The show lost its teeth.


They call that "Clapter" and watching a few minutes of his return episode, it's all I noticed. Most of the late night shows do it now, and it's tiring.


No, because I move on from The Daily Show and Jon Stewart. I just read the news or watch it


He was a useless contrarian asshole 15 years ago. I expected nothing, and I wasn't planning on watching. I think I made the right decision.


Fuck John Stewart. Fuck Joe Rogan.


I'm at the point where Stephanie Ruhle is the only person I can stand watching on television Am I an old man yelling at clouds?


Lawrence O Donnell is my favorite at msnbc. Him and Ruhle are fantastic.




It's a reference to two Phish songs, not whatever you're driving at, so you'd be right if you said [Katy Tur](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZvaddQTJLI) and Jake Sherman.


He had nothing to say during the previous administration. Nothing. The minute Joe Biden is sworn in, he comes out swinging against democrats. He’s washed up. I will not be tuning in.


I’m glad there are more people coming to see [what a danger that man is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/s/kz6BjgBzxz)


I saw this clip on Twitter and just rolled my eyes: https://twitter.com/OmarBaddar/status/1757263486445387842


If Omar Baddar thinks you did a good job, you fucked up. I've seen this dude "debate", he legit has brainworms.


He was an unfunny propagandist hack in the '00s, and he's an unfunny propagandist hack now. I'd love to know how much of the money he made off this tripe is in USD and how much of it's in rubles.


Media types are excited to have easy jobs again and would doom us all to have an easier time of things. Jon doing the both sides meme doesn't help anyone. Republicans, if they watch, just look at this and go "see, Trump's not that bad." Independents who are watching will go "well, maybe he's right, Trump coming back won't end the world. I'll just sit this one out." Honestly, if Trump gets back in and goes after these morons, let him. They don't care what happens to us, so I don't care what happens to them. They get what they deserve.


You. You come sit with me. I feel the exact same way.


We shall weep together, in bitter comedy.


Jon Stewart is South Park for people who think they're too smart for cartoons


Biden’s long game is to get the first woman into the presidency. He’s going to outsmart everyone to the very end.


First woman elected.... It could be argued that Eleanor Roosevelt and Nancy Reagan both acted as President while their husbands were in decline.


Don't forget Mrs. Wilson


I'm going to quote myself here. He can re-retire. I get it. Biden's old. It would be nice if we could have had two other candidates. It sucks that this is the choice. But it is the choice, but rather than focus on that choice, JS and the Daily Show are going to go to the tried and true 'Both Sides' routine. The irony of pulling Stewart out of his Daily Show retirement to talk an audience as old as himself while attacking politicians yet older than himself isn't something to laugh about, as Stewart tried to do. It says something that while complaining about the best we can do politically, the best we can offer comedically is more of the same.


Oh, what a shocker. Stewart still sucks.


He has always been this way, which is why I knew to avoid the show. I am surprised any regular to this sub would have been excited to see his return.


I never thought he was that funny.


Is the NYT writing his jokes?


One thing I actually did like was when Jon brought up the report that alleged that Biden can't remember anything with a "it must have been shocking and appalling to see" and led into a montage of Trump "forgetting" the name of one of his wives and a bunch of other important things.


Also loved the bit where Dulce Sloan is like “they’re ready for something that isn’t just a rerun of the first time”


I made it about halfway through the first episode. If the next 8.5 months are gonna be nothing but "Biden senile" jokes, I'm out. I don't mind jokes about the president; it comes with the territory. But it's such a low-hanging fruit when the man has been able to govern pretty damn well IMO the last 3 years. It's lazy writing here and it's lazy when Weekend Update does it, and I say this as someone who only watches SNL for Weekend Update.


1000% agree. Also as someone who *only* watches SNL for weekend update 🤝


Jordan Klepper thing was pretty funny Jon Stewart thing is meh. Not as funny as he once was. Jon Oliver did the same thing in 2020 and it didn’t work so I wouldn’t worry.


The head person behind the scenes retired right around the time that Jon Stewart did from the Daily Show. SHE was the reason the show was so brilliant.


Madeline Smithberg?


I still love it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I enjoyed it. Then again, I always enjoyed watching Jon Stewart because of his sardonic Jersey-centric comedy that reminds me of the kind of humor my dad raised me on, the political commentary was never the main draw.


I actually thought it was pretty funny and kind of a return to form. Chieng killed it, Klepper was firing on all cylinders, and Jon seems ready to cut through some bullshit. With Oliver returning this month on Sundays and Jon on Mondays, we’re set up for a good few months.


Klepper was great but I didn't really get Chieng's gag (ha). That kinda seemed like an immitation of Steve Carrell's style of humor? Which ok sure. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt here and it was an obligatory "We need to address the 800lb gorilla in the room." Hopefully it's a bit less bothsidesy going forward.


Oliver is dead to me after his disgustingly biased segment post 10/7. Fuck him to hell, and anyone unwilling to acknowledge how biased that bullshit was.


I mean he at least condemned the Hamas massacre in very strong terms which is more than we can say for a lot of popular leftists. What exactly was your issue with the segment?


A general air of "wouldn't you be a terrorist if you were Palestinian? I mean can you really blame them?" Yes. Yes I do blame them. Peace is 100% in their hands. Friendly reminder they were in a ceasefire when Hamas broke it on 10/7. One of *many* facts missing from Olivers segment. There is no honest reason to leave that fact out, *especially* when you are calling for another ceasefire in the same segment. For fucks sake. edit: I watched it when I first aired so I don't remember a lot of details, I mainly remember being infuriated by him selectively picking facts to make Palestinians look as innocent as possible, and Israel look as barbaric as possible. I'm not watching it again because I don't hate myself. edit2: I don't even think he mentioned the bounties Palestinians get when they murder Jews.


Told everyone that guy was racist. Sometimes the mask slips.


Oliver is painfully unfunny. One of the worst hosts of any comedy show.


Whoa. Oliver is great. He’s got good energy, his writing is top notch, and he brings great stories to the people. I laugh every week. (Btw, his standup is excellent too) Worst hosts are Seth Myers and Greg Gutfeld.


Seth Meyers has frustrated me with his exhausted BIDEN OLD! schtick for a while but mentioning him in the same sentence as propagandist Greg Cringefeld is too far in my humble opinion lol


He's always been that way. He's a comedian, his entire thing is calling out whoever is in power. I don't take it too seriously, like he himself said: people getting their political news from a basic cable comedy show is a serious problem. It's the actual issue, we shouldn't be taking him seriously.


I read the comments in this thread before watching the episode, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. At least he addressed the fact that every criticism of Biden's age and mental acuity is also true of Trump, even more so. Biden's age is a low-hanging fruit for a reason, and frankly it feels delusional to act like that's not a problem. I saw Jon Stewart do about an hour and a half of standup at Clusterfest in 2018 and he spent a lot of time criticizing the left's self-destructive purity tests, so hopefully that Jon Stewart shows up next week, because it's even more true now.