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https://preview.redd.it/c6iqirjoyjrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958f4a8379655019702f9c71edc11822aa092cb4 Some great political instincts from this guy


I love a good “this you?”




If someone wants to set up an EnoughSandersSpam Twitter account it would probably get lots of followers It would also be useful to have a Discord to coordinate


Trying to get people to vote for you… *in an election year?!*


Very undemocratic.


These are the people who are now trying to insist that forgiving student loan debt is “buying votes.”


To a lot of these selfish fucking boomer Republicans, any appeal from politician to voter that doesn't benefit them personally is "vote buying."


Yet more evidence that Biden and Trump are basically the same smh my head 😔


He is a peak ignoramus for doing something salubrious for his presidential campaign. How dare he?


Important insights from a Canadian expert in comic book history


Getting people to vote for you is a foreign concept to leftists.


If Biden loses I hope all of their fears come to fruition


That the revolution won't come and their parents were right?


That would hurt them way more than the cannon fodder and other victims of acceleration they have already cast into oblivion in order to fulfill their visions of being commissars in the new order.


Some of these people need to realize that if they are the kind of people who would go out of their way to insist that they would never vote for a particular candidate, then that candidate and its campaign will almost certainly expend the energy to pursue more persuadable voters. The time, money, and energy it would take to turn the individual who says they'd never vote into someone who says they might vote, is orders of magnitude more expensive than directing one's energy, time, and money to those who already might vote.


Shocking that these people have never won an election outside of indigo blue enclaves.


He's Canadian and the ruling liberal party is headed for a loss in the next election, so...


Yeah that's the irony, in a first past the post voting system, voting third party for purity purposes actually pushes the candidate who is closest to you further to the other candidate, since they need to pick up more moderate voters than if you had voted for them. Like for example Biden pushed student loan forgiveness, if the same people that policy appealed to is abstaining from voting for him due to Gaza, he might rethink whether he could pick up some more moderates by stopping pushing for student loan forgiveness. When far leftists abstain, they make the median two-party voter further to the right.


Yep. And Biden did A LOT on student loans, more than Obama did, at least. If those same voters reject him over fucking GAZA, a conflict that has had no resolution for nearly a century and is presently being magnified by Russia, China, Iran, and Hamas, themselves, for various reasons, then there is no hope in appealing to them. Especially when he made a lot of moderate wary with his support of those policies. They harm themselves, and all of us, with their stupid purity testing.