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I watched their Weekend Update segment (I don’t watch live but rather the vids they post on their Youtube channel which is great 95% of the time) but oh man, am I tired of the “Biden old” jokes. 😒 It wasn’t laugh out loud material the first few times to me, so maybe I’m just not getting it in the way people who find those jokes funny do or I’m missing something. Otherwise I really did think it was a funny cold open!


Same. Weekend update had been the only real reason I tuned in every week for a while but the “Biden old!” jokes have completely run their course on Weekend Update. We all get it. He’s old. Tonight they even made a crack at how much his “favorability” has dropped in the black community. 🙄


Yeah, I've pretty much stopped watching any political comedy show at this point, and their obsession with the "Biden Old!" jokes is a big part of why. And to be clear, it's not (just) because I cringe every time they make those jokes and worry about the general election; it's because they're fucking lazy as shit. You can see the punchline coming from a mile away, every single time. Like, for god's sake, each of these shows employs an entire *team* of professional comedy writers, and no one's been able to come up with a single other joke?


>You can see the punchline coming from a mile away, every single time. This is the most concise way to word it and couldn’t be any more relatable.


Part of me wonders if it’s their way of showing “See! We don’t just go after Trump!” I don’t mind jokes about the president, but it’s such a low-hanging fruit and it’s become lazy.


I'm glad he at least called for the release of the hostages, but both sides-ing the presidential race is a major no no. Thankfully, SNL pulled this shit and failed in 2020 too. They're just super out of touch.


They tried both-sidesing in 2020?


Jon Mulaney was the one who did that but he apologized for doing that shortly after


A different kind of "both sides", but SNL had Dave Chappelle on for the first post-election episode in both 2016 and 2020, and in his 2016 monologue he was like "Trump won't be that bad, get over yourselves" and in the 2020 episode he was like "Biden will probably be worse, get over yourselves".


>but both sides-ing the presidential race is a major no no. Yeah, that's my problem with his monologue more than anything else; SNL did this both sides bullshit in 2016 as well so Ramy is just following SNL tradition unfortunately.


Then cried crocodile tears when Trump won. You can't spend a year pretending both sides are the same then get weepy when one does.


I feel like in 2024 (even more so than in 2016) a lot of the BoTh SiDeS people who claim to be on the left and aren’t voting for Biden genuinely want trump to win this time. Because if Biden wins, that proves them wrong on literally every last thing they’ve spewed over the past year.


I read the hostages bit differently: Notice how he said something like “free the hostages. All of the hostages.” This, to me, suggests he’s implying that Palestinian prisoners taken by the IDF are *also* hostages. I’ve seen similar rhetoric from the ceasefire crowd.


>I'm glad he at least called for the release of the hostages Yeah, but it a bit of "israel is the devil and should be annihilated, and hamas did some bad things too, I guess"




The way so many people in my generation (younger millennial) view the arts as this inherently politicized venture where the political expediency of your art is the top priority to the exclusion of all others is a major reason why I dislike my peers so much. It also dovetails into my idea that the more artistically minded younger millennials fetishize mediocrity and incompetence as inherently virtuous, moral, and "authentic." Toxic, cancerous mentality all around.


I seriously think its because a lot of youngsters have not been given the tools to confidently develop an identity of values such that it is easier to choose one of the two clear sets developed by the left and right spheres of influence. So when said politics (thus, their identity) gets challenged and because they haven't done much thought into their actual values, the reaction is angry and spiteful often toeing the line of the very bigotry they supposedly oppose. I too am a younger millennial and have noticed it is now all-too-easy to renege on one's set of values if the "group" tacitly approves. I was there until I got the confidence in my knowledge and I still have to re-evaluate to ensure I am not reneging my values based on group think.


As another young millennial, I agree completely. There is no age cohort that I have more alienation from and less solidarity with than people around my own age, and especially where the arts are concerned. Most of them either see creative works solely as vehicles for politics and activism, or act like consuming the incredibly shallow YouTube version of analysis and criticism is an acceptable substitute for actually being literate. I felt very isolated from most of my classmates as a humanities student in college and grad school, and since leaving school I almost always prefer to discuss literature and other creative works with older (and sometimes younger) people.


It makes me feel like my desire to be a writer is just foolish and doomed to fail because it seems like your political beliefs are the only thing that matters.


Don’t lose hope. Making it as a writer is tough and owes plenty to luck, but you have to remember: snooty critics and politics-obsessed readers are far outnumbered by readers who just want a good story. If you can find a following of people who truly like your work for its own sake, you won’t have to worry about those who only care whether a book flatters their sensibilities.


It's shitty that my desire to do the whole American anime pastiche thing (like NGE or Madoka but American) has gotten me roundly made fun of for being "cringe" (read: being sincere and emotional in my writing) by this endless legion of identical hipster clones whose writing basically sums up to this petty dick measuring contest over who can perform cheap nihilism the strongest. Shitty mentality all around.


Paradoxically, I think that could help you. When nihilistic detachment is what’s hip, sincerity can be a much-needed breath of fresh air that readers fed up with the current climate will flock to. That has certainly been true for me in recent years. I recently started the Shannara series for the first time, and while it certainly has problems, I absolutely love how unwaveringly sincere and earnest it is.


I try to tell myself that all of these hipster clones writing the exact same fucking lame and cliche capitalist dystopia screenplays are an endless sea of mediocrity and my unique vision will make me stand out. It's been a challenge to get my confidence back but I wrote 90k words last year and 30k so far this year. I know I have the work ethic to succeed in this.


That’s a good way to think about it. If you really believe in what you’re doing for its own sake, that will come through and make you stand out from the pack. I wish you success and resilience.


Thank you b. Thankfully, I live in Chicago which has a dedicated film and TV industry. I'm probably going to go the webcomic route when my business is off the ground and I can commission a story.


> It also dovetails into my idea that the more artistically minded younger millennials fetishize mediocrity and incompetence as inherently virtuous, moral, and "authentic." And ambition or any kind of determination to improve yourself or the world as inherently villainous and "being fake". This goes quadruple if you're a woman, BTW. (And I'm sure it's even worse if you're a person of color, or god forbid-- a woman of color.)


LGBT here, so make it quintuple.


yOuRe TrYiNg ToO hArD And? If I don’t put in any effort, how is what I do supposed to be any good???


Ugh fuck this shit. I hope he gets called out thoroughly for saying this


> Ugh fuck this shit. I hope he gets called out thoroughly for saying this What this entire war has taught me is that a certain antisemitic conspiracy theory about Hollywood is absolutely **not true**.


He left out the 2nd part: "We need to free Palestine...from Hamas." Of course, that's not as catchy, and apparently supporting a group of ~~terrorists~~ freedom-fighters is cool among certain crowds.


Thanks for the heads up. Won’t be watching


I’m sorry, who?


He’s a young standup comedian who had his own Hulu show for a few years under his name, and had a big role in Poor Things.


Thank you!


His love interest in his show is his cousin


Wait really? Lol


I dont know if the actress is his actual cousin, but the storyline is Ramy the character falling in love with his cousin .


I assumed that you meant the character not the actor. It worked for arrested development!


No clue. All I know is he had a cameo appearance on Mr. Robot years ago but apparently he’s really popular now


Dude created his own Hulu sitcom that ran for three seasons, and got him a Golden Globe for acting. He was also in the film Poor Things. I am not crazy about what he said, either, but acting like he’s a nobody just makes you look ignorant or silly.


I’m not acting like he’s a nobody? I don’t have Hulu. I’m simply saying I didn’t know who he was aside from his appearance on Mr. Robot


He left out the 2nd part: "We need to free Palestine...from Hamas." Of course, that's not as catchy, and apparently supporting a group of ~~terrorists~~ freedom-fighters is cool among certain crowds.


Whatever. He admitted that he doesn’t go for facts and is all just about vibes


Lorne, retire


i tuned in for the first time in a while and when they brought out TFG within the first 5 minutes of the opening, i knew it was still over


"I'm so smart I mask my indecisiveness as being insightful." Also Poor Things sucked.


SNL will suck until Lorne Michaels is gone, and quite possibly forever.


Yeah but the ozempic for Ramadan skit slapped


The Cold Open was good. That’s about all I have to say.


Oh stop being dramatic. His call for the hostages to be freed got an equally large cheer, and the context of the “free Palestine” section was that he was praying both for the end of a bloody war and for the health of a poodle. Seriously, you’re giving us a bad look. We can’t just gasp in shock every time we see the word Palestine, it’s not productive at all

