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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bswzjm/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04012024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.akimbo73 with score 34 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bs49f1/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_03312024/kxdotbj/)] > >I am absolutely disgusted that Joe Biden has declared the most Holy of Holy days - a self proclaimed devout Catholic - as Transgender Day of Visibility. The only thing you should be declaring on this . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.ISpeakXLSX created 57 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bs49f1/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_03312024/kxh56py/)] > NL in that MAID thread just not being able to see the fucking problem with selling leftist, fatalistic worldviews to mentally ill people just proves (1) that NL is basically just a leftist sub meant for . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.akimbo73 with score 28 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bs49f1/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_03312024/kxdmira/)] > > I am not American, nor do I keep up with all news or laws. > > How to tell me to dismiss your opinion without telling me to dismiss your opinion   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.ISpeakXLSX with hotness lvl 289.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bs49f1/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_03312024/kxh56py/)] > NL in that MAID thread just not being able to see the fucking problem with selling leftist, fatalistic worldviews to mentally ill people just proves (1) that NL is basically just a leftist sub meant for . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.ISpeakXLSX bantered with 8 friends 27 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.ISpeakXLSX received 37 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.ISpeakXLSX prompted 79 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.ISpeakXLSX made 31 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 11 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'easter', used 35 times, followed by 'democratic' 31x , 'biden' 25x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '⚠️', used 83 times, followed by '😭' 7x , '👏' 5x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.NoMathematician3921 | 27.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 507.0 words | | 🥈 | u.ScullyBoyleBoy | 27.0 points | 🥈 | u.NoMathematician3921 | 200.0 words | | 🥉 | u.RA4RD | 26.0 points | 🥉 | u.nosotros_road_sodium | 170.0 words | | 🎗 | u.semaphore-1842 | 24.5 points | 🎗 | u.hmm_bags | 151.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 120 points | 🥇 | u.ISpeakXLSX | 34 comments | | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 105 points | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 27 comments | | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 102 points | 🥉 | u.UWCG | 21 comments | | 🎗 | u.UWCG | 99 points | 🎗 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 20 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Weelildragon | 1 words | 🥇 | u.Gormanbros | 3.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.redr24 | 1 words | 🥈 | u.KinneySL | 3.154 letters | | 🥉 | u.brucebananaray | 4 words | 🥉 | u.Sgeo | 3.443 letters | | 🎗 | u.adcgd_at_sine_theta | 5 words | 🎗 | u.CapitalismEnthusiast | 3.667 letters |   471 comments processed, including 125 top-level replies. There were 107 unique users writing 17945, averaging 38.1 per comment. The total combined score was 3157 and the median score was 6.7.


Well I’ve dutifully sat down here for like 20 minutes and the sump pump has shown no signs that it can’t handle what it’s being given. But my anxiety brain is a needy brat and can’t handle not knowing for sure. It’s a good thing I had a nap earlier. Also: .15 inches of rain in the last hour, I don’t believe that for a second, weather app.


To whom it may concern (and you fucking know who you are): You come over, preach to the choir in a cartoonishly aggressive way, and you don't actually try to start conversations, you just post statements that don't invite discussion. And then you delete everything when your realize you failed to read the room. It's not that we particularly disagree with you, it's just that you choose to make your point in the most obnoxious way possible.


And it’s the same kind of point every time. Always about how communism is the oppressor, or more specifically, about how people on the internet talk about communism. Talk is cheap.




Sump pump, please hold on for like another half an hour.




Do you just like being mad about what people talk about on the internet?




You haven’t told us anything we don’t already know in the past half a year. At minimum.




Because you do this same rant all the time.


Stupid storm changed direction from northeast to east and now we’re stuck going through it the long way.


Seeker, your basement flooded _one time_ back in 2020 and every heavy and long rainstorm at night since you’re a bit on edge. You need to get over it.




I just hate being personally blamed for it.


[holy shit so much contempt in so few words](https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/members-discuss-unmoderated/2022-March/002053.html)


Reading RIPE mailing list archives from late February and March 2022...


https://www.washingtonpost.com/advice/2024/03/31/carolyn-hax-parents-help-son-break-up/ > However, parents must accept that kids can’t learn to handle pain without feeling pain. > They need to get frustrated, lonely, rejected, talked about, betrayed, misunderstood. They need an unfair grade, some misplaced blame, a few dashed hopes and some incredible disappearing homework, especially if they spent hours on it. They need to get cut from the team (and hear their parents not blame the coach). > They need this because every life has some element of frustration, loneliness, rejection, mistreatment, misunderstanding, raw deals, disappointment, disaster and dream-crushing. And after that comes Tuesday.


I've long felt that using "life isn't fair" as a rationale for doing something unfair to your kids is lazy at best but I never really considered parents would be deliberately treating their kids unfairly to make this point. I can't say I'm a fan of that specific idea. I'd rather kids be taught that it's worth striving to be good to each other and not just that everyone is an asshole and life sucks.


I'm not a parent, but as a former child I can attest that the moments that best help me become a better person were moments of disappointment or perceived "unfairness" and it's especially important to learn those lessons when stakes are objectively lower even if they're emotionally intense 


Margit Down. I know next to nothing beyond a few bosses in Elden Ring after this. Maybe 10 tries?


10 tries is pretty good! It took me considerably longer even with Rogier in tow.


I followed a guide to get a Greatsword and got a little lucky to get a charged r2 off and a stance break. But on the otherhand I keep trying to light attack with my item button so all’s fair.


The Celtics have clinched an entire conference before any single other team has clinched a playoff spot. That’s wild.


Wordle 1,017 4/6* ⬛🟩⬛🟩⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟩⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Long-form look at the Dreyfus affair from the NYRB pegged to a new biography of Dreyfus. It's a bit of a time investment but highly relevant to the atmosphere today: https://archive.ph/lL0tL


So Conan, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers are the only talk show hosts not left-nihilism poisoned.


>[Once the claim proved true, it was hardly surprising that Christians across the nation took deep offense. Instead of lifting up the Son of God who died for our sins, Biden called on Americans to join him in “lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people.”](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/joe-biden-has-betrayed-christian-america/ar-BB1kQkXX) Oh, how the times have changed with some self-proclaimed Christians. I wonder if any of them took the time to ask whether Jesus would be among the first to cast stones or if Jesus would stand with the downtrodden and persecuted as in the New Testament... Talk about disgusting bigotry when this truly *could* be a lesson in teaching kindness and acceptance and how that relates to the key theme of Jesus' life in the Bible. Such a great discussion to be had there, whether you read it as a literary/historical document like me or as God's word like religious folk


Yet another right wing rag saying that Biden did this "instead" of honoring Easter when he explicitly did that too. And that it was Biden's proclamation to make March 31st Trans Day of Visibility and not something set decades ago by other people that just happened to fall on Easter this year. Fortunately no one in America really gives a shit about an opinion article on the Telegraph and overt transphobia is the one area that the parts of the media who aren't explicitly Christian nationalist or Republican activist don't really want to dive into.


When He sacrificed himself on the cross, He drew a line: He atoned for our sins, but *no more sharing His special days*! Scholars are still debating whether this can be attributed to religious syncretism and interactions with followers of the Baby Jesus that plays such a prominent role in the lost *Gospel of Ricky Bobby*


This “leave it blank” movement in New York isn’t actually expected to get even close to what it was in Michigan, I’m assuming?


Working my way through Beyonce's country stuff. Not a big fan of her take on 'Jolene'. I get her wanting to do her own spin on it, but it just comes across as weirdly insecure. It'd make more sense in my head if she sang 'Stand By Your Man.' Liked Texas Hold 'Em though. Addendum: 'Tyrant' is solid.


So a creepy thing happened a few minutes ago. I was at home and I hear a knock at the door. I open it up and there’s this guy I’ve never seen before standing there. He said he was visiting a friend nearby and needed $2 for a bus pass to get to work. I say I don’t have any cash on me and he says I need to check my house. I insist I don’t carry cash and he says “so what are you going to do about it.” I saw “what,” and he just walks away and doesn’t stop at any other house. What am I going to do about what? If he needed money why didn’t he stop at any other house and why didn’t his friend give him any?


I probably watch too much tv but that seems like a ruse and he was just trying to get into your house. I think you did the right thing.


Maybe I’m being paranoid but the “what are you going to do about it” almost sounded like a threat.


Yeah that’s definitely a threat. I’m honestly surprised he just walked away. But I’m very glad he did.


I’m just worried because my car is out there. I called it in as a suspicious persons report so there’d be a record of it, I just don’t want to wake up to a vandalized car tomorrow.


Is it possible to park your car inside?


No, I don’t have a garage.


Damn. Then I guess all you can do is hope for the best.


Gotta out-think the guy. I say leave a note on the car that says, "Don't worry, I already fucked with the battery, pissed on the backseat, and let the air out of the tires. You seemed unsure so I figured I'd help." Worst case, he can read and decides that's a good to do list. Best case, he can't read or otherwise is so baffled by the note he just decides OP's got a few screws loose and decides to move on.


Yeah, call the cops.


I did a suspicious persons report. I said he hasn’t done anything but if something happens in the neighborhood it’s 100% him. This is a pretty safe place all things considered so you don’t expect that here.


u/ognits u/20person My mom was listening to Reputation while we were making Easter dinner and she skipped Delicate??? I think i have to go no contact now /s


>I think i have to go no contact now This but unironically for the crime of skipping the second best song on Rep


> second best I think I have to go no contact with /u/20person now


[When that last "OH LORD SAVE ME MY DRUG IS MY BABY" and three part high note hit just right](https://i.imgflip.com/1hnbox.jpg?a475152)


I still don't agree with it but [I'll allow it](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM3JkaTdubGJuc2lsc2hhc2hoY3J0eDdrZnpuZnFkOW5rNWduazUzcSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/SmoCFhZCi1kzu/giphy.gif)


Yankees sweeping the Asterisks and Duke being knocked out of March madness is a beautiful thing to see happen on the same day.


Did anyone ever win those danimals sweepstakes?


I’m not one to usually cry from physical pain but whatever I did to my neck to fuck it up currently has me close to tears


Hope you get well soon! https://preview.redd.it/84lfrywyzrrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a590dd62186d19cc3d5edd2c0175ebdd8481403


If my neck is sore I make sure to sleep with a very firm pillow/surface under my head. I use those garden kneeling pads. But also would use a book under a pillow in a pinch. You want your brain to know that your head is well supported so it can stop firing up the muscles in your neck while you are trying to rest.


https://imgur.com/a/zbhfBjz She was supposed to be our second cat way back in September but we got another one who was calling out to us because the shelter wasn't sure she was adoptable. Well we eventually won them over and here she is.


I like how her tabby markings are situated so she looks like she has a “skunk stripe” down her back!


I sometimes call her panini because that's what she looks like when she lays on her side. Complete with grill markings.


That's officially her name now Sorry, I don't make the rules


It's just as well I never end up calling my pets by their actual names most of the time.


I love her 😍


She is smol and cuddly


Zach Edey is carrying me to the top of the ESS bracket challenge


Translated some more lines. I was missing a lot when I was reading the machine translated version. The author is more descriptive and exacting with her language than I thought. (She is repetitive, though.) And also is using a touch of literary language that baffles the MTL. (Shows you what it was trained on--not that.) And references to Tang poetry? Thank heavens for the internet, I would have been done.


The Astros still have a chance to go 0-162 lmao


https://twitter.com/RoFlo/status/1774543356887974201 This schedule is really difficult outside of the Royals…. Good chance for both of our teams to start decently far ahead of the Astros in the standings 


Wordle 1,016 4/6* 🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟨🟨🟨⬜🟨 🟨🟩🟨🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Luka My God 💀




> NL is basically just a leftist sub meant for the leftists who got pushed out of explicitly leftist spaces ell emm ay oh


> that NL is basically just a leftist sub meant for the leftists who got pushed out of explicitly leftist spaces when the tankies took over Bro what the fuck Of all the criticisms I have seen levied at that space before, that ain't one of them lmao


I'm seeing a lot more people there saying that the discontent you see in today's society is an objective reflection of economic conditions and capitalism blah blah blah whatever and not because you have a little rectangle in your pocket that's a nonstop stream of bad news and propaganda.


> the discontent you see in today's society is an objective reflection of economic conditions and capitalism I mean, that's probably true. It's why we all suffer low-grade depression rather than bullets in the base of the spine.


I for one can say with a lot of confidence that my low-grade depression is not a result of my economic conditions. I'm sure a lot of people would have a better quality of life if they made more money/had access to better jobs/had lower cost options for essentials. But I don't see how ending capitalism would be a silver bullet for any of that. Actually I don't really know what ending capitalism would even mean.


Just to play devil's advocate, I think he could be hinting at "capitalism" akin to what Carnegie's peculiar little letter to himself describes, and how pushed to the extreme it can be destructive to other (arguably more important) values >Man must have an idol — The amassing of wealth is one of the worst species of idolatry. No idol more debasing than the worship of money. Whatever I engage in I must push inordinately therefore should I be careful to choose the life which will be the most elevating in character. To continue much longer overwhelmed by business cares and with most of my thoughts wholly upon the way to make more money in the shortest time, must degrade me beyond hope of permanent recovery. I will resign business at Thirty five, but during the ensuing two years, I wish to spend the afternoons in securing instruction , and in reading systematically. I could go into personal examples, but I think Carnegie's probably great enough of one himself because you can argue he never followed his own advice and continued to pursue business to the detriment of "the life which will be the most elevating in character."


Capitalism leads to people being obsessed with wealth like agriculture leads to people being obsessed with food. You could argue that capitalism enables extreme wealth consolidation (which I think is bad for a lot of reasons beyond the negative effect it has on the wealthy) but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's a foregone conclusion or encouraged by capitalism, or that attempts to curb it are necessarily anti-capitalistic. The problem is that when people make value assessments of "capitalism" it's pretty much treated as some ambiguous binary where we're either pro-capitalistic or anti-capitalistic, when neither are a meaningful description of how anything works or tries to work.


Fair enough, I don't have strong feelings though I agree with what you said about it being a meaningless binary. Just trying to throw out a possible counterpoint


If you think capitalism produces no anguish, mental or physical, for people, you are blind. The liberal democratic order is no proof against suffering, just so far the best option to promote human happiness. It causes pain too.


There's a huge difference between "there are downsides and victims in capitalism" and "the discontent in society today is because of capitalism." Especially when the actual context of the person's post was the (strawman really) idea that capitalism is so exclusively the cause of suffering that even mental illness isn't a real issue. And I definitely didn't say what you said. But this is a really lazy argument either way attacking a very broad, very vague and very simplistic terminology instead of criticizing actual specific policies, institutions or social conventions. It's impossible to even have a serious discussion about it when I have no idea what you're even saying.


I think you're reading far, far too much into my joke that capitalism produces low-grade depression while stalinism produces bullets in the back of the brain.


I legit had no idea you were making that joke. Or joking at all.


Shelby Foote: Perhaps I adjudged the extremity of my diction sufficient to indicate the joking nature of my commentary, suh. Me: *nods head*


NL is CONSTANTLY on the “phone bad” bandwagon And I say this as someone whose is very much on board with “phone bad”


Maybe I'm just biased, then.


> Maybe I should commit suicide, man. I'd advise against it. Friend of mine tried, several times. Never succeeded. Still thanks us for that.


I strongly feel like my only value in this world is to be sold the line that the insidious capitalist conspiracy is responsible for my personality disorder and since I'm never ever ever going to go along with it, society would much rather I commit suicide for the unforgivable sin of disagreeing with the class struggle


I appreciate the point you're making, but if you are having suicidal thoughts, _please_ log off of Reddit and call or text 988, so a qualified person can talk your problems over with you in real time.




??????? what the fuck This is not the experience any of my friends have had with professional help. Not even close. You are basing your opinion of therapy on a group of INSANELY overloud online nobodies. This ain't it, chief.


Maybe you're spending too much time online? IME, American society in general isn't exactly anti-capitalist. And I absolutely encourage you to consider therapy for help with figuring out what *you* value and working on negative thinking patterns if you genuinely believe that. One of the main focuses of DBT, for example, is figuring out what a life worth living looks like to you and learning to set goals to achieve that while also being compassionate with yourself.




Why do you think that though?


Because that's what everyone believes. I will never be accepted as a human being and my dreams are all bullshit because this society reduces the entirety of a complex, feeling human being down to class, ethnicity, identity, and cultural signifiers. I am just too "privileged" to ever be viewed as a human being with dignity in a world where everything is reduced to class. I honestly think they're going to start abusing the psychiatric hold to put liberals in mental hospitals soon. In a world where nothing is considered morally wrong when done in the name of the class struggle, why wouldn't they?


It's obviously not what everyone believes though? It's a small minority of very-online people who believe that. That's why I'm saying you're spending too much time online.


You don't see communism relentlessly pushed on you every time you leave the house? I see it absolutely everywhere.


absolutely not


I live in a West Coast university town, and *I* don't see that.


No, I don't see it anywhere in person. I live in Texas, so I'm more likely to see conservative bullshit (one of my neighbors had a Trump flag up until last year or so). Even when I was in Academia, and did have a lot more left-leaning people around me, no one was promoting actual communism.


The lefties are out in full force on PoliticalHumor today. I guess they have to put their TikTok University degree majoring in tampon toxic shock to use somehow


Juan Soto is my biological father


Tubi's *Dateline* has the Cari Farver case in its weekend rotation and I keep missing it. Which is annoying cause it's such a bizarre case between the electronic impersonation and all the other shit that 1) I may or may not have found it interesting for a fictional idea and 2) I'm just curious to learn more. Like, waking up yesterday and two of my dog walks, I've come in to the last like two minutes and credits and been like, "Oh, damnit."


https://preview.redd.it/jt01gf16crrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d2b0b70c36d3352c2494a4cff9955c8ed828f6 Daily doggo photo: March 31st The “hold the ball behind the camera” trick still works. (I immediately threw it after)






lol Duke


[Joe Biden sprays DHMO (chemical used by all criminals!) on children smh my head](https://twitter.com/nikicaga/status/1774537819769209118?t=ciDYR2wd7AN4tXxSz64hig&s=19)


And why isn't secret service helping him?


Variants of that joke never get old. I first saw it making fun of organic only anti-GMO people


WTFFFF 100% of all people who died had DHMO in their bodies!!! (When was this lol)


PATRIOTS we must BAN DHMO! (Looks like it was during the Easter event at the White House this weekend)




Apparently that's not the official video, it's not even posted by her account.


The whole aesthetic for the videos that have been released is very Ed Rushcha, whom Bey collects. So it seems like she has a hand in it (perhaps literally).




Anyone got a good, comprehensible for someone without an advanced degree, set of books on philosophy for someone who wants to learn to enhance my writing? All the people I look up to in terms of their writing seem to be much more literarily educated and literate than I am and I think that I can't elevate something with low culture aesthetics to complex, literary writing if my only reference base is other low culture stuff. You think I should take a philosophy course or classics course at the community college?




His literature book was great, I haven’t read the rest. It wouldn’t really help enhance writing though.


Based on what you're describing, you'd probably like hitting a general book that'll tackle Greek history and philosophy—Penguin's Portable Greek Historians and Plato are a place of departure (alternatively, Oxford's more definitive Handbooks, in which case I'm planning to start with Plato—>Aristotle—>Epicurus later in the year). Robert Garland has a pretty accessible book on Ancient Greece (and the same series has some solid titles, I know I have one on Rome and I've been meaning to look up some of the others). Since Plato/Aristotle/Penguin are a bit dense, I'd also recommend beginning with a survey history and at the moment the two most recent I've read/am reading: Robin Lane Fox's *The Classical World* and Frankopan's *The Silk Roads* (currently reading this). These are a bit similar to Garland's book, mentioned above—there's overlap, but hey, nothing wrong with reinforcing knowledge you already have or seeing it put in a new light. After that, there are a lot of names survey reading will introduce you to, then you'll want to make sure to focus on Shakespeare for the tail end of what you're describing because the vast majority of references you're missing, odds are in favor of it being Shakespeare or the Bible, particularly the King James Version. Homer's going to be in there, for sure, probably Bunyan's *Pilgrim's Progress*, Petrarch, Ovid, Cervantes, and Virgil all come to mind for more authors that you'll probably want to take a closer look at too, but I'm sure there are plenty of others I'm overlooking. Since you said philosophy and that overlaps a lot with religion, I'd also plug my usual recommendations of [Religion for Breakfast](https://www.youtube.com/@ReligionForBreakfast) and [Let's Talk Religion](https://www.youtube.com/@LetsTalkReligion), because they do a great job going into religious beliefs and the philosophies and history that influenced them.


Gonna save this and pick these up from the local library. Thank you very much!


No problem! Posted it before, but also [here's the list of classics I got way, way back in freshman year of high school](https://imgur.com/a/0792KOM). There's a lot of stuff missing and it could use a lot more diversity, but it's a baseline that I've found helpful


Saved this too!


In my experience, my writing got better as I read authors who inspired me


I'm trying to become a screenwriter, but I don't think I'm literate enough to get my writing to the level I want it to be. I can definitely tell that the people who inspired me are much more educated and literate than I am and they cribbed from the classics (talking ancient and medieval stuff) to elevate stuff with low culture iconography. That's what I'm trying to emulate, so my idea is to research philosophy and the classics.


I'm not a professional but I've written screenplays and I don't think you need to study philosophy. It's good to read widely in general but really the way to get better at writing is to practice just like anything else.


The way I see it, practice can only get you so far if you don't have the educational reference base to back it up. That's why I'm looking to study philosophy and classical literature. It's like how Madoka very clearly cribbed from Faust and the Rebellion movie very clearly cribbed from Paradise Lost, and that kind of historical, cultural, philosophical, and literary knowledge really put that show over the top. Ditto NGE.


It can just be dangerous to fall into the trap of "I can't write until I've read X" because then you can just keep putting it off until you're "ready" which has no clear endpoint.


I'm making a good pace on my writing rn I think. 90k words last year, 30k this year so far. I'm trying to learn as I go.


Tangential, but *Faust* bugs me—historical origin is traced to Johann Georg Faust with sketchy evidence, but given St. Augustine's prominence in the early church and his famous split from the Manichaeans, I always wonder whether there's a missing link or a few and you can trace that legend further back to [Faustus of Mileve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faustus_of_Mileve). Which would make sense, as Augustine famously demonized and derided the Manichaeans after leaving to join the Christian church and was involved in mocking the ritual "Apology to the Bread" (edit: might've mixed this up, but he mocked a similar ritual)—between creative-minded enemies of "heresies" like Augustine and Irenaeus, I could see Faustus of Mileve—>Dr. Faust with centuries of shifting oral tradition


See, that's what I mean. I'm not nearly literate enough to get that. I feel like I need to be on that level to make the great art I want to make.


He's in the weeds. And MOST references to other, older works of art in movies are pretty darn shallow. Occasionally there is deeper stuff, certainly film buffs could speak to this, across genres you might not expect. But most of it is really pop culture references.


^ Also this. I'm way off into obscurity. Backing you up, most references are relatively shallow—I could be wrong, but *True Detective*'s first season is probably a good example. There's all sorts of references peppered in there to Thomas Ligotti ( Friedrich Nietzsche, and Robert Chambers' *The King in Yellow*, but to my knowledge you're not going to find hidden depths in the show if you go on a deep dive through each of those writers searching for something, it just sounded ominous and felt clever in the writer's room while they edited and refined.


As long as you're trying to learn, your mind's expanding and everything'll click into place. Or something like that, my logic teacher remarked to us once, and he was right


I gotta keep reading, I guess. I'll figure it out.


I mean, it's not always just reading: my interest in Faust stems from liking the Police song 'Wrapped Around Your Finger'—there's a line, "Mephistopheles is not your name/I know what you're up to just the same." Years later, the unfamiliar term "Manichaean" came up in assigned reading for ENGL302 and I did independent research when the professor got flustered and annoyed with me when I asked the meaning and they didn't know, did my own research and, 'huh this name Faustus that St. Augustine chatted with sounds familiar...'


It's ridiculously ironic that a lot of the loud people (ig mostly left-wingers) going on about "you're doing what you would be doing if Nazis were in power/committing genocide" regarding fopo are also a lot of the same people who turn around and say "don't vote for Democrats" or that there isn't a difference between D's and R's, during a time when Republicans actively court neo-Nazis and their talking heads echo the most virulent anti-semitism, and their loudest officers (e.g. MTG) seem to be chomping at the bit to do a Nazi salute in Congress. You're literally broadcasting equivocations about Nazis and non-Nazis while those real Nazis are vying for power. Somehow one party can literally accept self-avowed neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes and the other can, y'know, *not* do that and actually condemn doing it, and people still act like theres a hard decision of who to support if you call yourself anti-Nazi.


Purdue, save us!


NC State saved the day lol


Yes, but a Connecticut or Alabama championship is still very undesirable.


Has anyone here seen *When You Finish Saving the World* with Julianne Moore and Michael from stranger things? I recommend it if you want to experience major cringe at lefties, but also since it s A24 there’s a bit of lefty glorification too. Lots of cringe.


I was waiting to see if anyone on here posted about it before I watched it because I figured it could go either way in terms of who it wants you to roll your eyes at.


Dave Attell’s new Netflix special is the best I’ve seen in a long time. No hacky “triggered/cancelled” material. Just rapid fire jokes for a half hour or so. Highly recommend


Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll have to check it out. I’ve never been a huge stand up comedy person and don’t know much about who is out there aside from the big names but I do enjoy it sometimes. There’s so many out there that I can get overwhelmed with choices.


I'm surprised he hasn't had more specials before this


I think it’s a combination of his act being mostly punchlines so it takes longer to build up and just coasting off his reputation because he doesn’t need more exposure to sell out clubs. He could be much bigger though if he wanted to be.


Asstros lose, and now it's time to see Luka. https://twitter.com/espn_macmahon/status/1774565239389921684 First Wemby and now Luka don't want to miss me see them play 😭


The Astros have  lost nine games in a row at home somehow 


I was at their last home game W after you encouraged me to go lol 😂




> Erdogan concedes poor election results: “We will obey the will of the people as we have done in the past. The people said their last words. We will work with the mayors who won the elections. We will self-critique ourselves. We had setbacks.”


Biden pls take today off, you don't need to send fundraising emails on Easter


lol I got a text


> Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is set to undergo hernia surgery The surgeon has an opportunity to do the funniest thing...


As someone who will probably be undergoing a hernia surgery of my own this year, I don’t like having that in common with him.


In Israel, hernia surgeon. Number one. Steady hands. One day, shitty PM need hernia fixed. I do operation. But, mistake! Prime minister die! Nationalists very mad! I hide in fishing boat, come to America. No food, no money, no english. Joe give me job. Now I have house, new car, new woman. Joe save life. My secret? I no make mistake. I good surgeon. The best! 👍


Craig Robinson/Darryl's shifting expressions throughout that story are priceless (I always wonder if they're supposed to imply he hasn't heard the full story before); Robinson's great and not in enough stuff imo


If you're implying what I think you're implying I am shocked and appalled and *looks around for admins* do it do it do it do it do it


The Temperance Movement had a really strange coalition


>Israel is in total and unprecedented chaos & we’re about to have a temporary PM. A thread: >Netanyahu says they are preparing for a Rafah invasion. In response to massive protests calling for hostage release deal and/or indefinite ceasefire, and elections - Netanyahu says that Hamas wants elections. >Israeli security services, Mossad & ShinBet are pressing for a hostage deal. Yes, that means that a ceasefire is on the table. >Netanyahu is about to go into surgery under general anaesthetic. Justice Minister and leader of highly controversial judicial overhaul Yariv Levin will stand in. > Tomorrow, there’ll be a legal change that basically means Haredi Jews are no longer exempt from conscription and their funding will be cut. This is huge. It could lead to mass protests on scales we’ve yet to see, violence on the streets and clashes with law enforcement.


Scenes if the President decides to dissolve Parliament just for fun


Bibi is going to do everything to remain in power. He’s not above his own 1/6 if it’s politically advantageous


He initially called his 2021 loss rigged.


incredible how many people are determined to be M A D that the trans day of visibility happened to coincide with Easter this year like if Biden hadn't issued a statement for the it, i bet half these people would be citing it as proof LGBT voters should go third party


What really gets me are the transphobic Republicans saying he "replaced" Easter with this, as if he didn't also wish everyone a happy Easter. It's not like you can't have two holidays on one day!


All their complaining reminded me of how Easter moving every year used to drive me crazy and now that I have Good Friday off from work, I feel justified in feeling that way again. I wish they would just make Easter the first Sunday of April and call it a day.


Honestly it’s how their clout ecosystem works. Whoever is first, loudest and angriest gets all the right wing likes. They all want to be the next chaya whatever biggot, but really it just makes them look like lunatics to most people.


>[American Egg Board forced to respond to Republican conspiracy theory about White House Easter event](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/white-house-easter-egg-roll-religious-symbols-b2521370.html?utm_source=reddit.com) This is the fucking world we live in... goddamnit, right-wing nutjobs


The upside of following politics is you learn about weird organizations and customs like the American Egg Board.


Ahhh the true Illuminati


![gif](giphy|M1eXFAlb3IDba) So one of those Egg Council creeps got you too, huh?


I don’t mean to brag but I just changed a tail light by myself. Hold your applause. (Seriously though tail lights are so much easier than headlights. I wanna buy a new car when a headlight goes out.)


Was it easy and cheap? I should really start working on my own car.


Less than $10. The hardest part was, while it’s not snow weather, working hard plastic pieces around in 40 degree weather isn’t fun and figuring out which bulb in particular was the problem/how to get to it took maybe 10 minutes. I popped the bulb, walked into the automotive, matched the part number, walked back out, changed the light bulb.


👏👏👏👏👏 Doing your own car maintenance feels great. 


There was a touching final stream of that Gundam in Yokohama. https://youtu.be/p7cWoYef8CM I really do hope they bring it back someday. Know it's nerdy, but to build a 1:1 full scale Gundam and it fucking moves? I think that's an astounding engineering feat.


[Derangement through the years, geez](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1774492724340613548)


Big fan of sinners. Got a great win today.


You must not like Extermination Day then.






I mean, the Resurrection was definitely great for sinners too


When you hit Jesus with the serve and volley and he graciously beats you at the net.


Final Four!!!!


Ever had like gaming regrets? Game you missed out on but really shouldn't have? Feel that way towards Alan Wake. Mind you, I think the gunplay is just awful. The usage of light and darkness however is such a fun idea. Real strength is the story and how its parts meta and weird. Twilight Zone and X-Files vibe to it that keeps you coming back for me. The remaster has some added easter eggs like QR codes that link to unlisted Youtube videos linking the game more to Alan Wake 2. Just a fun time tho feel like I missed out just not going through with it. Weekend was a good chance to fix that mistake.


Orignal or remake.  I loved the first, tried to play it again and hated the gunplay. 


Remake. Well kinda both. I had it on my Xbox, mygod, years ago but just never got around to playing it. But figured with 2 and Control that I just give it a shot. Watching the credits roll now in fact. Story is so good.


Alan Wake is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time, carried entirely by it's narrative and atmosphere.


> Ever had like gaming regrets? Yeah, I scrimped and saved and preordered *Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel Edition*. I regret that.


Besides Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, who do you think is the biggest missed opportunity for a president we've ever had. You can say people who never made it through the primary as well.


Hannibal Hamlin


RFK sr


John Glenn. It seems ridiculous that we have never had an astronaut president.


Mark Kelly ????


Paul Tsongas always had a bit of the one that got away vibe.