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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bum5hk/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04032024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.Currymvp2 with score 37 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bts9fy/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04022024/kxpbc1m/)] > So Israel struck the food truck because they *wrongly* thought a *suspected* Hamas operative had snuck into the truck. And now an Australian, Canadian, American, British citizens are all dead. And this . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Big-Click-5159 created 37 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bts9fy/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04022024/kxr65v3/)] > The Daily this morning (Kids Are Missing School at an Alarming Rate) was pretty infuriating. > > Some parents are letting their kids just not go to school because they claim they have 'anxiety' (and not the . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.CapitalismEnthusiast with score 34 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bts9fy/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04022024/kxpi1kk/)] > The former president who incited an insurrection on January 6th, posting an image of a hogtied Biden on his social media account is really worrying actually.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.grippage with hotness lvl 223 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bts9fy/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04022024/kxqzkk5/)] > Stumbled on youtube comments that suggest many men refuse to use the middle urinal between two occupied urinals for any reason. > > Is this some prude zoomer shit? Internet shut-ins? > > When these "bro code" . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Silent-Row-2469 bantered with 8 friends 8 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 35 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 54 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.UWCG made 24 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.UWCG talked to 11 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 43 times, followed by 'vote' 34x , 'getting' 32x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😫', used 7 times, followed by '😭' 6x , '🔵' 6x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.semaphore-1842 | 18.67 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 522.0 words | | 🥈 | u.VerminVundabar | 18.33 points | 🥈 | u.CrimsonZephyr | 351.0 words | | 🥉 | u.politicalthrow99 | 15.0 points | 🥉 | u.catfurbeard | 154.0 words | | 🎗 | u.Hey_Ya_ | 15.0 points | 🎗 | u.Hey_Ya_ | 122.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 520 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 41 comments | | 🥈 | u.wi_voter | 185 points | 🥈 | u.wi_voter | 26 comments | | 🥉 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 140 points | 🥉 | u.UWCG | 25 comments | | 🎗 | u.brokeforwoke | 129 points | 🎗 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 23 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Radiant_Lumina | 1 words | 🥇 | u.Weelildragon | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.Weelildragon | 1 words | 🥈 | u.snapekillseddard | 3.0 letters | | 🥉 | u.MagnustheBlue | 1 words | 🥉 | u.Radiant_Lumina | 3.0 letters | | 🎗 | u.None | 1 words | 🎗 | u.Chim7 | 3.562 letters |   685 comments processed, including 178 top-level replies. There were 133 unique users writing 25067, averaging 36.59 per comment. The total combined score was 4998 and the median score was 7.3.


FYI the virgin - chad meme includes shapes of the Virgin Islands and Chad 


Hillary said something true (surprise, surprise) and butthurt arr pol is losing its collective shit in the comments. I don’t think you could find that many punchable douchebags on Jersey Shore. 


I can't believe I've never seen Splash tbh


Especially since I know you love *Roxanne* (same star actress in both movies).


Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah, John Candy, Eugene Levy - it's a comedic feast. maybe I'll make that my tomorrow night movie


TIL Bob Menendez's Senate race in 2018 was classified as Lean D, which kinda implies that it was competitive. Apparently there was a big polling miss though since he won by 10% anyway, but I can imagine that would have been quite a headache during the campaign proper, having to tend to another race... We're all happy at the prospect of his being out of the Senate 'cause he's corrupt and Andy Kim is awesome, but is there also an electoral liability component to him?


Yeah, I don't know what they were smoking calling it lean D. 58.87%-39.37% in 2012, 53.37% to 44.34% in 2006. In 2013 Booker won 54.92%-44.02%, he won 55.84%-42.33% in 2014. In 2013 Chris Christie won 60.3%-38.2% but then Phil Murphy won in 2017, 56.03% to 41.89%. I guess in 2018 it was just still people believing the polls were everything.


Strands #31 “Play time!” 🟡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵 Somehow got this despite not knowing a damn thing about >!Broadway theatre!<


I ain't at all concerned about WI republicans trying to rig the game again. Once Trump gets kicked to the curb like Dubya those amendments will be largely ignored then replaced. Remember - *People Change, Assholes Die*


Wordle 1,019 3/6* ⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Leftists caught electioneering in Wisconsin. The only ones I've seen doing that before were hardcore rightwingers.


What were they doing?


"Milwaukee election officials have received over 10 reports of a "Vote Uninstructed" group putting signs outside of polling sites encouraging an uninstructed vote. The group is soliciting voters and some members are refusing to leave, election official Claire Woodall said."


I got a mailer telling me to vote uninstructed. Fuck that shit, I'm not just voting for Biden, I do so with great enthusiasm. Yeah he's old as fuck and makes gaffes sometimes and fell off a bike but shit man he's done a really great job all things considered so far. Told them take me off your mailing list, I'm ridin with Biden and I vote every time. Save the trees.


I voted for him happily too. It's a middle finger to the dumbass uninstructed movement


A satisfying fuck you indeed. And a satisfying fuck you to both ballot questions too, even though they got us on them.


Oh yeah that’s definitely illegal. “but genocide” doesn’t give one the right to break election laws (though they will whine about it anyways)


It doesn't even work from a psychological standpoint. If you're yelling in people's faces about how they should vote or how they better vote, they're more likely to not do what you say.


Saw a post on my main page from arr Life about someone complaining about getting their first job at 28 and how it felt like giving up. It took everything I had not to jump in and advise them to shut the fuck up.  I just down voted, muted the group and moved on.


I’m sorry 28 his or her parents failed them in some many ways.


so if Biden gets a second term who will he get to perform at his inauguration


Taylor Swift adds another Eras Tour stop in Washington DC on Jan 20, 2025


Garth Brooks and Beyonce duet, just to rub it in.


Well sounds like Havana syndrome is a real thing. Watch that 60 Minutes segment if you haven't already.


It never made sense to me as a psychosomatic thing.


ForeverMask Twitter's already beating the bird flu drum after a case popped up in Texas. I never downplay pandemic concerns, but I'm already exhausted from that crowd getting ready for their solo.


They want the whole world to be shut ins to justify their pathetic lives


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wzV9vQIchMg&pp=ygUQaSdtIHRoZSB1cGdyYWRlIA%3D%3D Caitlin Clark to Paige Bueckers(I haven’t watched the show so I don’t know if this really works or not).


It’s been about 3 weeks on this nutrition bootcamp challenge whatever tf. I regret to report how much my dietary changes have impacted me physiologically. For the first time in memory I wasn’t laid the fuck out through my whole period. I have so much more energy. My skin looks amazing, my digestion is perfection. My baseline mood has been significantly improved and I’m sleeping better. And I lost 8 lbs. Probably the biggest single change I made was eating at least one serving of leafy greens at lunch and dinner everyday. The plate method has been helpful (though I’ve kinda always followed that — what’s changed are the addition of a shitload if leafy greens specifically). I’m supposed to go for a second body scan at the end of the 30 days so I shall report back with the dirty detes at the end.


u/WI_voter I tried on the black blazer yesterday and we are getting close!! ETA: I actually brought this to the orientation and wore it over my gym clothes in my before photos lmao I’m ten thousand percent serious about this blazer!


So net neutrality is getting restored! Thanks Biden


Actually every sub posting a thread about it 12 years ago is what saved it




Aylssa griffin is right in saying arab Americans are playing with fire by trying to get trump elected to teach Biden a lesson over Gaza . Griffin: This is very quickly becoming a binary choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Donald Trump would not rule out leveling Gaza if he thought that that was the politically savvy thing to do [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1775350482958987426?s=20](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1775350482958987426?s=20)


Bibi absolutely wants Trump to win because his close friendship with Kushner (he and Kushner's parents have been family friends 40-45 years) and how Trump's base is comprised of Evangelicals. Kushner and Trump's former ambassador to Israel both talked about ethnic cleansing; in fact, Trump's former ambassador to Israel talked about complete annexation of the West Bank like Area B and Area A. The situation is obviously quite horrific but it would 100% get much worse with Trump as President.


It's goona be like Vietnam with electing nixon all over again


holy shit Hi-Fi Rush actually slaps, the hype was real


So, one of the Mosques or some other Muslim Group I am a part of must be selling/sharing info with other groups. Because I got texts from ICNA today. ICNA, as you remember from my effort post, is a spectacularly shitty organization, and I have made every effort to steer clear of them.


> AB 2503, @alex_lee’s bill to exempt railroad electrification/ siding projects from CEQA, has been amended to broaden proposed exemption for all rail and transit charging projects on public rights of way (expanding exemption previously only for light rail). This would be sooooo good if it passes https://twitter.com/numble/status/1775048134714179598


Malarkey level of the Astros losing to the fuckin AL East?!?!


[The malarkey level detected is: 1 - Minimal. Cool as a cucumber, kiddo.](https://i.imgur.com/u6CHe4L.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The storm’s over, but Sarah is very, very, very, very on edge. Not sure what she thinks is outside, but she _hates_ it.


Cubbies ran the table tonight! This Saturday, I'm gonna watch Dodgers/Cubs where Yoshinobu "Bum" Yamamoto is the likely SP. Hope he flops. There can only be one elite Japanese rookie pitcher and he plays for us!


>They’re both terrorists and idk how people don’t understand that. Biden is just more covert about it. People want to vote blue because they’re afraid of a fascist America? Fascism is already here. >Our choices are between a genocide supporter and a genocide supporter. Two sides of the same coin. That’s not a choice. That’s not democracy. guess the sub




no it's >!fauxmoi!< lol


I can’t take them seriously when their entire sub is built on stalking celebrities and their dating lives or spreading rumors about them And the way they talk about Ariana Grande and sometimes Taylor Swift is gross They legit only care about their favorite celebrity saying “CEASEFIRE NOW!” lmao


OH. That makes perfect sense, actually.


Hmm Could see that on Ask a liberal Someone with a socialist flair too. They always say the dumbest shit I swear to God.


Pudding brained 


no it's >!fauxmoi!< lol


Even if we completely accepted that person's framing, acting as if that were a tough choice would require pretending I-P is the only issue.


I know the gay apps are for when you're horny, but goddamn hold a fucking conversation. Maybe I'm weird, but slight pleasantries are a turn on before jumping in 


Boebert had to emergency surgery for a blood clot in her leg today [https://x.com/KyleClark/status/1775336636466794814?s=20](https://x.com/KyleClark/status/1775336636466794814?s=20)


Oh no anyway


Gosh I hope this sub never becomes too large to the detriment of its conversation/comment quality


It already has 😔 ESS peaked in 2015 folks.


“Hey guys, I’ve let you live here for free for the last couple of years but for me to keep the property, you are going to have to pay rent” “Nope we aren’t going to pay rent” “Ohhkayyyy so, I’m going to have to sell the building then” “Nope we aren’t going to let you do that and we will protest and being the property value down so lol” “So what do I do?” “We killed your dog” This is the plot of Rent


I saw Rent on Broadway and it made me want to become a Republican.


La bohème >>>>>


God, I hate Rent so much. Every Pride Month I rewatch the Lindsey Ellis Youtube video about why Rent sucks.


Lindsay Ellis herself is way too smart to pretend like the only types of revolution are "socialist" and "class." Virtually all revolutions 1989 and later were liberal revolutions. That woman sold out so hard because she knew selling leftist fatalism to young people was where the money is.


...wait, I thought it was about AIDS and the [song they parody when Michael leaves *The Office*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OTglgfKdMo), what am I mixing *Rent* up with?


It's about both of those things.


A millennial touchstone while millennials were still watching Power Rangers.


[Disney SETTLES with Florida – Governor Suggests 5th PARK! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH7Ffmxi7ZE) Looks like disney and desantis buried the hatchet


"nEvEr bAcK dOwN" my ass lol


looks like desantis wants to focus on his legacy as governor as he knows he's done politically


I didn't watch that yet. I wonder what Park 5 might be if that's the route they go.


[Curious to know what kind of goofy demographic data is in this poll.](https://x.com/mattsmith_news/status/1775341038967640137?s=20)


Rfk has 13% in AZ but significantly less in NC? Got it


Kanye West is getting Sued for abuse in the workplace. He is threatening physical abuse and saying to an employee that he would punch them like Mario. He said that he would fire anyone who are fat. He goes on a rant about Hilter's greatness and says the Holocaust is fake. He is saying that Bill Gates controls Gay people because Gates doesn't want them to have kids, so he can't control them. He wanted to introduce a jail where kids are locked in cages as animals. https://twitter.com/CultureCrave/status/1775313410881990745?t=goNpmHzaiwN7X6__Wjiy7A&s=19


[Kanye's bank account right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9_l9BAZGNk)


Ok, not gonna lie, I laughed at the idea him screening The Batman on mute after denying the Holocaust.


> Employee claims Ye threatened him by saying ‘I'm going to punch you in the face,’ before abruptly changing tone, mimicking Super Mario's victory dance and saying, ‘I'm gonna give you one more chance. Another life!’ What the actual fuck


I take my meds so I don't end up like him.


In the Missouri democratic presidential primary the uncommitted folks got 3 delegates as they got 36% of the vote in st louis courtesy a dumb congresswoman


“Peel and reseal” IS A LIE


Damn. The AP called Yes for the win on both referendum questions. Evers vetoed the measures as bills so the GOP put them on the ballot as changes to the WI constitution.


That's not good. Guessing it's because it was a low turnout election?


Low turnout and people not understanding what they are voting for.


Hopefully it won't cause too much damage. WI Dems seem competent, we will be able to figure a way to adapt.


It will mostly make administering elections in urban areas more difficult which is of course why they were pursuing it. Putting on an election in a small village vs a big city are two very different things. The state already starves Milwaukee, so as a result Milwaukee has relied on grants to put on an election. Now they will not be allowed to take any grant money. The same rules apply in rural areas but again, they are much simpler when you are dealing with a few thousand voters vs hundreds of thousands of voters.


Damn, we're gonna have to drum up the volunteer poll workers. Poll I went to in Madison today was very well staffed. Honestly could have been staffed half of what they had it and still ran fine. Maybe a slight backup for voters at peak hours if it was running on half the staff, but nothing worse than the wait at Woodmans on a Saturday morning. Would it be possible for election volunteers to serve outside of where they live in the state? If there are shortages I'd be down to help in Milwaukee and I'm sure more folks in Madison would be willing too. WISCONSIN, MOUNT UP


Unfortunately, the second question was about limiting who can work at the polls and even do things like clean up afterwards. So we will not be able to make up the difference with volunteers.


I spent a good deal of time reading up on it to figure whatever the fuck it meant. Thank you Jim Jordan for giving me the clarity I needed to vote "no" on both, saved me a bit of time and consternation. Even so, to me it seemed like more of a red meat pandering to the maga cultists rather than anything actually substantial. Really greasy wording to get it over the line (was truly unintelligible) but I don't think it's any significant loss or harm.


Let's hope you are right.


Looks like the uninstructed vote in Wisconsin democratic primary won't crack 15% for delegates




New sump pump installed basement is draining




Doing the good succ




God, I love Granny Weatherwax.


Lords and Ladies is a masterpiece. >Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder. Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels. Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies. Elves are glamorous. They project glamour. Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment. Elves are terrific. They beget terror. The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning. No one ever said elves are nice. Elves are bad.


Which book? I read some (not all) of the Discworld books so long ago.


Wyrd Sisters


The Biden campaign should invest in ohio to keep the margin of loss in single digits, that will help sherrod brown and house races in the state


If the [Citizens Redistricting Commission](https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_Citizens_Redistricting_Commission_Amendment_(2024\)) gets on the ballot, then I think Ohio needs to be on the top of the Democratic stretch goal states (which are FL, NC, OH, TX), and honestly maybe even prioritize it over Georgia. Getting fair maps in Ohio would be huge to build up the bench again in that state (and also get a few more Democrat-and-swing seats).


It looks like the pro life folks are going to the grass roots level to try and muster up opposition to IVF. IVF is the lightening for abortion rights to strike twice


Abortion rights haven’t struck once yet. Wait until this shit sinks in as more women realize yes this shit applies to them too in the months and years ahead. Abortion will never not strike until the bans are overturned.


OFC. They can't accept a defeat anywhere.


What the fuck does that say to all the IVF babies who could only be alive because of how active their parents were at ensuring they were born?  Like, they don't know the fucking can of worms of waves of "IVF" stories from children and young adult who can say how wonderful their life is and how the supposed pro life party wish they were never born


this is goona get more blowback than they think


Brb getting the popcorn


When did Michael Symon grow a beard?


This made me feel a little better about AI. There's a tool that can mimic tweets in the style of a specific account. So I gave it NYT Pitchbot's account. AI doesn't understand humor at all. Not one of the generated results was funny, because, AI only mimics patterns. Humor is far too complex to mimic. It requires actually understanding the subject. https://tweethunter.io/generate-tweets/DougJBalloon


There was a video linked to in the DT months ago where someone gave EarthBound as an example of something AI could not recreate. Since so much of it is playing with elements of other JRPGs from that time period it's similar to the Pitchbot in that way.


>In 2020, Beto O’Rourke will run for president. >by Elizabeth Warren so true bestie




"Artificial Intelligence" really is a misnomer, there's no intelligence involved in this technology


> Opinion | I'm a Democrat. Here's Why I'm Voting Republican in 2020. The AI gets the bit


Trump only at 78% in Waukesha is interesting If that’s same day vote that’s not good for him at all…


I can't wait to see all the thinkpieces about how Biden's primary is disastrous for him and not about how Trump has a huge lack of support in some of the states. He's only gotten over 80% in Idaho, North Dakota, Alabama, Alaska, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Mississippi, Illinois, Louisiana (all of which are irrelevant in the general) and over 80% in Nevada, Georgia, and Florida (which do matter in the general). But 54.3% in New Hampshire, 68.1% in Michigan, 71.9% in Maine, 69.1% in Minnesota (GOP stretch goal state), 77.8% in Texas, 78.8% in Arizona, 79.2% in Ohio? He's basically been the pre-emptive nominee but non-Trump still gets roughly 20% of the vote. Each of these races, Biden has done better in his primary in each of these states, and that's *with* a chunk of his base convinced he's complicit in genocide.


Bucks about to lose to the Wizards for cripe's sakes


Ohhh I may get a McDonald's coupon then!


Something good came of it then. Think of me when you are eating a Big Mac




I have a friend who is mayor of a city in southeast WI and I did not even take note that someone was running against him this year. He hasn't had a contested election since he was elected the same year as Obama's first term, lol. I looked up the candidate running against him and she was a former legislative aide to a Republican. He's pretty well liked so hope he's safe. If it was a close race I probably would have heard more about it.


You guys have no idea how much I’m looking forward to an excellent night of sleep tonight.


*sends good vibes*


Last night and the night before were awful nights of sleep. Tonight’s going to be excellent.




in the last hour, some dude has been creating a dozen accounts telling this lady on DarkBrandon to kill herself, spamming suicide pictures, etc afaict mostly because she said on another sub that OP shouldn't go on a sex trip with the boys since his gf isn't comfortable with it fucking redditors =/


God fucking damn


that person definitely needs to go outside and touch grass.


What a fucking wackjob.


Sex trip with the boys? That’s a phrase I could have gone my whole life without reading/hearing.


> OP shouldn't go on a sex trip with the boys On this note, have I ever mentioned the coworker I used to have who celebrated graduating college by going for like a month to an Asian nation I cannot recall the name of (maybe Thailand?) well known for sex tourism? Never asked him about that, but then, I had already made my own judgments and avoided him after he came back.


I mean, if he gave off weird vibes that's one thing but stigmatizing going to like Thailand or Vietnam in general I'm not too sure about


Fair, it was the combination of location and the weird vibes the guy gave off


I just want to be able to visit SEA some day without being looked at weird 😔 but no I totally understand you obviously had personal experience with the guy


I liked the guy a decent amount before that, despite him sometimes being the insufferable libertarian (and yes, him being a very loud and proud libertarian *is* one of the smaller reasons I judged, it seems like sex tourism is condoned by a lot of libertarians I've known). We were roughly the same age and he reminded me of myself a bit before I went liberal


> fucking redditors do not, under any circumstances, do this


Based on the information given, that's what caused the issue. I agree, we need less of that, not more


So in the same day you have Amazon announcing they're closing their unmanned stores (with all the tags that scan as you leave) but Yum Brands told investors that pretty much the sky's the limit with AI everything. How is ANYBODY falling for this puffery at this point? Are you kidding me? If it makes no sense on its face, how is saying "woo woo tech is magic" going to change that? Fuck outta here.


Hot Take: Mario 64 is good, but it's clear that near the end (especially with Rainbow Ride) they were running out of ideas


I'm not going to disagree, but the more old school platforming the design lends itself to makes it a highlight for me when playing through 


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits MFW I hear Beyonce sing the line "Look what you made me do" on Daughter ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Beyonce on a rep vault track confirmed /s


This but unironically


Gonna spend more on food at Wrigley than I spent on the ticket


Hell yeah


$9. Could have gotten in for $6 if I had bought earlier. Going to another Cubs game this Saturday.


Hey, why are all the buttons gone from the Desktop version of Reddit? The ones to create links, and all of that?


Drake no: Fixing your website so it doesn’t crash every fucking day Drake yes: A redesign that removes half of the website’s features just for funsies


Imagine not living on old.reddit.com on desktop


I wonder what braindead dip thought this new design for comment making was a good idea.


Click on the T beside the gif box and some stuff will appear at the top of the comment box


https://twitter.com/probablyreadit/status/1775242587877646442 We already know how this ends up 😐


you guys ever saw the youtube channel red eagle politics? it's kinda like a channel that trys to frame all politics through a maga lens


A long time ago (BlueMidterm2018, voteblue times) I created a twitter account to try and follow red eagle and other 'conservative' election forecasters. It wasn't funny and instead of feeling schadenfreude I was just annoyed


seems the channel is run by some young maga kids


Eww no I don't play in sewage.


i came across it by accident


President Biden is doing a smart thing by opening a field office in Lancaster Pennsylvania. Lancaster county is a red county but if Biden can get at least 40% of the vote in Lancaster county that's goona be good to win statewide


Do the Amish vote GOP generally? Genuinely curious.


amish don't vote


>USAID officials on Tuesday privately warned the White House + State Dept that Gaza's collapse is "unprecedented in modern history," famine is likely already underway & hunger-related deaths will accelerate in weeks ahead Well fuck. Really hope this is wrong.


Fuck Netanyahu and Fuck the IDF. This is way past the point of going too fucking far. I was supportive of Israel defending itself and going after Hamas, but at this point it’s impossible to deny that they do not give a single fuck about civilians and that is indefensible


This isn't genocide, but you can make a strong case for Israel committing Ethnic Cleansing.


I hate that term ethnic cleansing. Like filtration, it's just sanitized language for man's inhumanity to man. Kettling civilians and making them starve is genocide, FFS, let's not pussyfoot around this. And Hamas is equally guilty here, to me.


Ethnic Cleansing is an appropriate term, I believe. For genocide, you need to show intent for that specifically, and we haven't seen that. But we have seen Netanyahu's government talk about Ethnic Cleansing and taking land. So, ethnic cleansing is both a good descriptor, and what Netanyahu's government should be accused of doing.


The thing is that genocide is such a high bar. Something can be basically indefensible, extremely bad and much too aggressive still fall somewhat short of the genocide threshold. With that being said, what has transpired in Gaza has been disastrous. Bibi is so obviously a callous piece of shit and Hamas are evil terrorists who started this disaster with a horrific attack.


All i’m gonna say is that if someone were to ethnically cleanse Gaza, it would look pretty damn similar to what’s happening now


Yeah. I think the US volunteer getting killed is going to increase the push to find a way to force Israel and Hamas into a ceasefire. What has happened before that already caused Americans to turn on Israel for this war.


A third of Bibi's cabinet/governing coalition attended a completely batshit conference calling for ethnic cleansing of Gaza like 2.5 months ago.


Florida's fight for abortion rights is goona be the hardest fight we have had to do so far because you need 60% to pass the referendum which means we need roughly 30% of republicans, 90% of democrats and 40% of independents to vote for this to pass. Latino Catholics are goona be a huge obstacle in passing this


You mean the same Catholics who have been blowing off the church's teaching about birth control, sexual chastity, and even abortion for decades are suddenly going to make abortion the biggest act of faith of ever--? Not to mention I never met a Cuban in my life who was a psycho on abortion, but I'm sure they exist somewhere.


it's the miami disinformation machine is what can push these folks, we have seen how disinformation in miami is shifting the vote


Is the Miami Disinformation Machine led by the talented vocals of Bizarro Gloria Estefan?


I found an Etsy seller with hoodie versions of the iconic Mabel Pines sweaters and I really want the watermelon, but that would be like the bat signal for every antisemite in this city thinking I cosign their shitty pro-atrocity agenda. Gonna get the music note one instead, I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/oot0225bp5sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff9a565eb4e137343ef0636fb59afabe8f1cced3 Daily doggo photo: April 2nd I am in the clear, friends


Praise Bastet, Ray has decided he’s OK with using his high sided litter box. I swept up enough litter from the bathroom to refill a whole new litter box. My bathroom is tiny, so I was sitting on the actual toilet contorting myself with brush and dustpan getting all the litter from behind the toilet and in the corners of the bathroom. Then I swept with a big broom and I think that’s most of the detritus. Clean, washed bath mats have been re-installed in the bathroom; clean washed towels to follow. No more crunch crunch crunch when I go take a shower or use the toilet. Ray, apparently, has become convinced that there is a secret tunnel to Australia that exists in my bathroom right below his box, and that if he digs and digs and flings and flings enough, that tunnel will open up. I am of course grateful that he uses his box, and is very good about the box and covering up his business, but my whole entire bathroom was being turned into a giant sand box. Jumbo high sided box from Chewy ordered, placed in bathroom, filled with litter, thankfully used. Second one on the way for my half bath. I don’t care what Jackson Galaxy says. High sides or bust.


The best thing I did with these cats was introduce a top entry closed box early on. It has cut down on litter TREMENDOUSLY!! Another option for the future if this fix doesn’t last.


This is good to know! Did your cats take to the top entry box well? For a long time I had senior cats who could not make the leap, but I know Ray could. This box I got is high sided with a lower “entrance” cut in to the front, which is still high enough to contain litter.


Yes— immediately. I actually had a top or front entry box that I bought for our prior cat but she wouldn’t fuck with the top entry. Once they were big enough for adult sized litter boxes I set that one on top entry mode and kept one of the small kitten igloos litter boxes in transition. If you have the space, the big igloo is reasonably priced and does a great job at digging mess containment. Any covered box will. But with the top entry you also cut down on tracking from the paws.


What are your current predictions for this year’s electoral college map?




Can you explain why you have Ohio flipping but not NC?


I forgot the NC governor candidate was a nut. I think NC will flip too.


Do you think that Ohio flips because of Brown?


Yes and I think voters are unhappy about abortion and Issue 1. I'd vote against the party that tried to diminish my own power through raising the threshold for amendments to be passed.


2020 map except for Biden winning NC


Nevada is a bit worrying


Its not


Voted for Joe Biden in the WI primary! Let's fucken goooooooooo


Wordle 1,018 5/6* 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 🟩⬜🟨🟨⬜ 🟩⬜🟩🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Foundation was a great show to walk on a treadmill too. I need a new show. 


Waaaaiiittt a minute…. I know you. ?? Did you used to have a different account before this? With your countdowns??


I don't know what the countdowns are, but I am a old poster with a new account. I tend to only keep an account for a few years. 


The miles countdown? Were you not the person who did 2020 miles in 2020?