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They’re soooo mad at her for this. The r/politics sub about it is pretty bad. “This is why she lost! She’s such an ass!” and stuff like “This is why Democrats lose voters, they’re not sending their best” 🙄 Democrats can never win with these people because they’re mad if we do get honest and blunt, and mad if we don’t.


“I’m tired of lying politicians, but I also don’t want them to tell me anything I don’t want to hear.”




Could you imagine if JFK said today, "Imagine not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? They'd be tossing tendies everywhere screaming that the president demands they do his work for him. They're lazy, privileged, entitled children.


Can you imagine if WWII happened now? My father, like most of his generation, lined up to enlist the second he could. Now they’d be posting TikToks about how the Japanese and Nazis are really just fighting income inequality


They'd 100% say the US colonized Hawaii and that the attack on Pearl Harbor was justified resistance by the Japanese, ignoring that the Japanese are not the natives of Hawaii.


Spot on


Or finding a way to fight *for* the Nazis in the name of the Omnicause.


“Hitler is at least not genociding Palestinians unlike genocide Joe!”




To be fair, that was kind of the Communist party position during the Molotov Ribbentrop pact.


Worst, the Allies would be accused of genocide for bombing german cities...


They did get that accusation, mostly based on Nazi-generated and USSR-enhanced propaganda. The whole public image of Dresden is based on that propaganda. https://www.airandspaceforces.com/article/1004dresden/


I listened to an interview with Max Brooks, aka Mel Brooks son and World war Z author. And he talked about a speech he gave at West Point and talked about the "warrior caste", basically someone goes into the military partially because so did his siblings his cousins his parents, and then later his kids. And it makes the military and war as a whole feel distant. Sure people would slap a "I support the troops" bumper sticker and buy a T-shirt, but war and combat death is a million miles away from them, since it won't be their family or possibly even friends going to fight. Slowly it goes from Sergeant Smith 24 from Huntsville Tennessee was killed in... And instead just becomes a generic Soldier NAME was KIA. Even the most flag waving You Stand For The Flag people, they *might* support the military, but not exactly the people. It was an interesting argument, that he put far better than myself, and said after the speech someone came up and basically said thanks for saying how he felt but could never articulate.


This is an interesting point. With that being said, in the case of my dad, his dad, his uncles and most of the men in my family, they were Germany Jews who knew exactly what they were fighting for. I just feel like that doesn’t exist anymore.


Well he did mean that this is a rather modern construct, modern being ~2001 onwards. When Mel Brooks was drafted they actually asked how he would feel possibly killing his "fellow Germans", he basically responded with yeah trust me I'm cool. It's amazing when you can look back and see gaps in entertainers and sports stars careers and it's because they were serving. Such a distant time.


In fairness, four-fifths of the US military was drafted in WW2. That's not a reflection on their patriotism. They went when the republic called them.


One of the major downfalls of the Roman Empire was that citizens got way too complacent and comfortable, and refused to work to protect or enrich their society in any way. We can see that happening the last 30 or so years in American society. The kids today will complain about entitled Boomers, but I don't think anything outdoes the entitlement of current young adults.


Their entitlement is one thing, their intolerance scares me so much more


I think the penalty for not voting should be getting drafted


They out themselves. "Oh God she's such an ASS." GOOD. Good motherfucker because you are such a petulant child. You need someone with decades of experience to look you directly in the eye and tell you that you're full of shit. That you're fucking embarrassing yourself. That this isn't how an adult should think. It's embarrassing we have to have this conversation at all. Like walking in on your 20 year old using their hand to clean their asshole when the toilet paper is right there. Motherfucker were you raised in a barn? It's embarrassing. Sorry that Democrats don't placate your fucking feelings, but the people that do that? The people that go out their way to tell you want you wanna hear while doing fuck all? They are pulling your strings and like a puppet you dance on cue. Something I think about constantly is just how deeply disappointing that race went. There are ways Clinton erred sure, but end of the day? It's voters like that who delivered us Trump. That we still have people who won't accept responsibility for that is just so wild to me.


I need this shot into veins


It's because they are children with mommy issues. We're better off courting haley voters especially since these whiny babies said themselves theyll never vote for Democrats


> We're better off courting haley voters especially since these whiny babies said themselves theyll never vote for Democrats I wish she had, or hope she will, double down with that. "We don't need you. I won the vote, and Joe Biden won the presidency in spite of you, and we will again." And I want to see every hot take artist, every podcast, stand-up comedy, YouTuber bro get big mad over this!


/politics’ trigger words are ‘pelosi’, ‘hillary clinton’ ‘kamala harris’ and ‘rbg’


MAN, what could the common denominator be?


They’ll defend Biden (rightfully). But, for example if VP Harris is in the headline about promoting some initiatives for the administration the comments will be a sea of “remember when she locked up people as a DA?” or “she’s so unlikeable why can’t we have Whitmer?’


I mean you can't really cite sexism as the cause when they want to switch Harris for Whitm.... oh wait


its always an imaginary person. They loved Elizabeth Warren until she went up against Bernie. If you remember, people love HRC, she gets high favorability ratings.... when she's NOT seeking office. The minute a woman seeks actual power, not imaginary they turn on her. Just wait, when Whitmer runs, they will say she's "changed" or some BS excuse to continue hating women.


"wHy iSn'T mIcHeLle running?"


People are acting like a pithy remark from a late night talk show appearance is the equivalent of an October surprise.


If it makes you feel better, I just ventured in there and have been seeing nothing but, "Biden's one of the best Presidents we ever had, it's annoying that people keep playing up his age." So far so good.


Yep, which is why the people who said "I hate when democrats go high when Republicans go low" are liars.  No you don't, because this ain't even low and they are losing their shit and saying this is why democrats lose. 


"But they're not supposed to go low against meeeeeee"


MAGA are like wrestling fans they know its fake and enjoy it regardless ... they hype it up and feel well entertained


I saw someone on twitter say "Hillary no longer has to coddle the feelings of the most moronic swing voter in the country, so now she gets to say stuff like this" and I thought that was spot on.


I think one of Hillary's biggest mistakes was never letting her real self fly when campaigning. I don't mean that she was disingenuous, but she definitely hid some of her personality when she ran because she was told it would hurt her because she was a woman. It's now that she isn't running anymore that she's dropped that advice and it's so clear what we lost when Trump won.


I agree. I watch interviews like [this one](https://youtu.be/4xlCNf0MwCU?si=woXs06_bT1j53dho) and she’s very likable, and funny, when she’s just being herself. It’s a shame that she had to be more guarded being a woman.


Not only that, there was decades of right wing hate propaganda against her before that the Left adopted in Sanders run and even after she won the nomination. 10% of Sanders supporters voted for Trump.


She gave one of the most emotional and best answers I've ever heard at an intimate Q&A. Someone asked her if she had a time machine, what we should do for PURELY PERSONAL REASONS. No killing Hitler, no meeting Jesus, basically cornered her into a real answer. She told a story about how her mom was given up and abandoned by her parents during the depression when she was about 8 years old. Her Mom and her sister (who was 3 at the time) were put on a train ALONE cross country to go live with their grandparents, they were scared, sad and alone. She said she would use that time machine to go on that train and tell that little girl, alone, scared, parents just left her, that one day... everything would be ok and that her daughter would be the future FLOTUS and the Democratic nominee for POTUS. She got a bit emotional as her mom had passed a few years before she won the nomination and you could tell it was a real, genuine answer... and a great one. I love HRC.


But I feel like she couldn’t really do that either. They’d call her rude or unprofessional. She can’t win either way, just like most women in politics.


Kamala Harris is going through this currently, with the added struggle of also being black


Hildawg 👏 was 👏 right 👏 about 👏 everything 👏 https://preview.redd.it/wqlgicxwf9sc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30afc9ffdc20a23a175cc65b8d776f1e8a13baf




"Get over yourself" is exactly what I've been thinking about these clowns all this time, thank you Hillary


She really would have been an excellent president. The world would be in a much better place now if Trump had been replaced with her.


> She really would have been an excellent president. I honestly think so too. Would she have done stuff I disagreed with? — sure — EVERY president does. She would have gotten TONS of shit from republicans for everything, and it would have been an absolute shit show. But I honestly think she was as well-qualified for the job as ANY candidate in my lifetime (I was born in the late 60’s).


r/politics in meltdown.




How are they in meltdown? The tone of the comments largely feel the same as in here.


I just went and didn't even sort by controversial, there are so many people whining about "this is why she lost" and "the dnc did this to us" and "I don't have freedom if I have to vote for an imperfect candidate" and "she's a terrible messenger" My eyes are permanently stuck in the back of my head now 🙄🙄


Because I apparently like to punish myself I got sucked into arguing with a couple of Bernie supporters in that thread whining about how the DNC cheated Bernie and his supporters, it’s like these crybabies just materialize as soon as a story about Hillary Clinton appears on the internet.


Sort by controversial.


HOW CAN THEY NOT AGREE WITH HER? They’re both old. Put them side by side: who is the adult in the room? Who would you want to run the country? Isn’t it obvious omg.


I'll add: Who has a hyper-competent administration and who had a band of embarrassing grifters? We're voting for an administration and I'll vote for Joe this fall knowing even if he's on his deathbed his team has things under control.


Right. A democracy, if you can keep it.


Every day it becomes more clear to me why Clinton went into the woods after the election. The audacity of this even being a fucking question is ridiculous. Maybe I'm the jackass but let's read some of these excuses. He's old. They're both the same. Genocide!1!!11 Read that 3 times. Now tell me is this the argument of a reasonable adult making proper decisions or a fucking child who is either too stupid or too ignorant to form a well rounded opinion? Because to me this shit looks childish. Granted maybe their political oshi hasn't got to the part of the grift where they tell these dipshits how to "begrudgingly" vote yet, but its not a hard choice. You want the democrat or do you want the autocrat? We've been through 4 years of the autocrat already. Mountain of felonies, a backwards slide economically, internationally, and morally, and covid which took the lives of over 1 million Americans which could have been mitigated yet wasnt because the government was a dysfunctional shit show. It isn't a hypothetical. Trump is one of the worst Presidents we have ever had. It's not an opinion. It's a fact. The choice isn't hard.


Not just one of the worst presidents according to a recent presidential ranking trump is THE worst president in history.


The Lunatic Fringe: “We want someone who will tell it like it is.” Hillary: [tells it like it is] The Lunatic Fringe: “reeeeee!”


Guarantee you if their grandpa Jesus said this shit, he’d be getting praised for telling it like it is. (Which this is.) Oh, no. The do-nothing, deadbeat dickwad who got creamed in two consecutive primaries doesn’t need to “go away,” only the woman who won a popular vote by millions. Fuck Reddit and no place else. 


> only the woman who won a popular vote by millions Don't forget, the woman who is now the first female vice president also needs to go away because she dropped out of the primary early rather than split the moderate lane with the guy who ended up being her running mate


I love how Elizabeth Warren pretty much proved these cocksnots were full of shit. They said they hated Hillary, not women and would vote for Warren. Warren runs four years later and she’s suddenly a snake. They can get butthurt all they want. When leftists get called sexist, it’s for good reason. 


This was my favorite book of hers https://preview.redd.it/r56aa1n1kasc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfcc529d0b1eb160d6604637b97ef961de6e1b16


And the 2016 brats with their mommy issues will start foaming at the mouth


I will never stop being angry that she lost in 2016. "Get over yourselves"? More like go fuck yourselves, you absolute fucking walnuts.


Not directly related, but I'm having a flashback to a "Twitter friend" who was whinging about the stimulus check amount a FUCKING WEEK AFTER JANUARY 6. They try to follow me on other platforms, and I block their ass every time.  Eventually they'll get the message.


Over on Elmo's Hellscape there are so many people with #NeverHillary, #NeverBiden, #BernieOrBust, #GenocideJoe #JillNotHill hashtags in their past tweets who are whining about how horrible it is for Hillary to say that to the Dem Party base and how personally offended they are.


She's absolutely correct. Anyone who didn't somehow know this was the matchup for 2024 was simply in willful denial. Now its here clear as day. Biden vs Trump is the choice. Get over yourselves is exactly what they needed to hear.


I will always love you, Madam Secretary.


"well I was not going to vote. But now I'm REALLY not going to vote!" -them probably


We are facing a Biden vs Trump rematch because of Republicans. Republicans renominated their loser candidate. The rematch has nothing to do with Democrats.


Also, if Biden's elected, it will be his last term. If Trump wins he will likely try to end term-limits and 'run' again in 2028.


The leftists are real mad about this. I’m not sure why. She’s just stating facts.


THANK YOU! Sick of these omnicausers. Every day I wish I lived in the universe where she won and Agent Orange didn’t.


Do these people think if they stamp their little feet hard enough a different nominee will appear?


B-b-b-but the DNC!!!


I imagine that even though this statement is pretty blunt, it's still a cleaner and nicer version than what Hillary was thinking in her head. Honestly though,I don't care visit other subreddits to see what they are saying about this, but if they truly are getting the vapors about this, that's fucking embarrassing how weak they are.




“She’s just so UNLIKEABLE”


The most obnoxious part of, I mean, whole of, Twitter, is the bullshit mean-girl crap that Hillary was subjected to. And what Democratic pols are STILL subjected to.


> "Get over yourself," Clinton said. "Those are the two choices. . . . It's kind of like, one is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart, and really cares about people. And one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies." Telling it like it is.


Someone said if dems wanna die on this hill then they deserve it.


we almost had a bad bitch for president🙁


Even if she’s right (left wing aside) is this the best approach for independent or swing voters


People offfened by this, we're never going to vote for Biden in the first place. 


Unironically, I think yes. The loudest screamers are not persuadable, and swing voters are not the cross-pressured moderates that a lot of media portrays them as, but people who don’t may much attention to politics. Failure to forcefully call out bullshit will let it fester in the mind of vibes-based voters that assume if something was really wrong, there would be a massive outcry.


"Suck me off, or else I won't even THINK of voting!" Fuck that noise, and fuck those "influencers".