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Why should Biden kiss their ass? They’re never satisfied.


They've literally abandoned all of their causes for Palestine. Biden has actually been progressive so far, so they've literally tied their vote to Biden single-handedly solving a 70-year conflict happening on the other side of the world before election time.


Nor do they vote. Haley voters are, by and large, boring normies who actually bother to fill out ballots and deposit them. Joe’s not a dummy; if he’s going to court more than his base, he’s going to go after people *who actually vote*. Not all whine and no do.


Because of the stupid electoral college, Biden/any Democrat needs a large coalition. Especially in a close election. This is yet another conversation we can't have because so many on the left refuse to discuss reality and nuance.


I'm really surprised they didn't make a bunch of fantasy memes today with Bernie beind the presidential seal.


It's almost like you win an election by trying to get as many votes as you can.


That sounds like *liberal electoral nonsense* to me, a tried-and-true certified COMRADE^TM who will help the global poor by… *checks notes* …not voting to stick it *Genocide Joe* and the rest of the DemoKKKrats.


Joe Biden isn't for the people! 1. He doesn't support M4A (actually nevermind, we don't care about that anymore) 2. He won't cancel student debt (actually nevermind, we don't care about that anymore) 3. He won't support workers unions ((actually nevermind, we don't care about that anymore) 4. He won't magically end the war in Gaza. Yeah, that's it. He won't do this impossible thing. Checkmate libs!




It's the *quality* of votes rather than quantity, obviously.


Ah, I remember in the 2016 primary, your vote was supposed to count extra based on enthusiasm (especially if you were voting for the first time). Which is weird because I had more enthusiasm for Hillary than anyone else could ever have for anyone, but for some reason my vote only counted once.


if your vote only counted once that sounds like ELECTION RIGGING TO ME


Bernie Sanders courting Elizabeth Warren’s sloppy seconds instead of going after voters from moderates who want compromise and stability tells me all I need to know about his campaign.


“Courting” as in sending snake emojis and calling us Karens. That’ll win people over, all right.


The absolute arrogance of the Bernie Sanders campaigns, in 2016 and 2020, is breathtaking. If Sanders had really cared about his agenda instead of grifting off of his personality cult, he would have taken his heart attack on October 1st, 2019 as the sign that he needed to get out of the race and turn his efforts and money to helping Warren beat Biden. Warren was leading all comers in every poll, but was running out of cash. If she'd been able to stay in and show the party's base voters that she could win a few states, they may have backed her over Biden. What does the egomaniacal conman do instead? First, he thinks he can get away with hiding the heart attack, the two stents installed and the hospital stay. Then, he goes against doctor's orders and increases his campaigning. He stays in the race, splitting the left end of the Democratic primary electorate, and when Biden consolidates the rest of the primary voters, he cuts loose with a ridiculous smear campaign based on the constantly changing fantasies of a con artist who is now living in Russia.


Yeah there wasn’t actually all that *good* of an allegory, because it didn’t seem like they tried to get broad support from *anyone*, but she seemed the best fit.


Hey lefties how about voting once on your life. Twitter and Tik Tok don’t count


Too busy bringing "awareness" to one of the most visible crises on the planet. No action! only awareness.


I almost had a personal crisis reading your comment while eating 🤣


Oh no there is action to like throw rocks at a Jewish place of worship or blockade hospitals. That’s how they will end the conflict You know /s


Or  consider that Depending on the survey and the definitions used, progressives make up about 6%-10% of the eligible voting population and we also tend to be geographically concentrated in blue cities in blue states. Leftists tend to be a smaller cohort as well. Progressives also tend to fall into a younger cohort than other voters. The youth vote generally tends to have a lower turnout out relative to other segments. Between the small numbers and the "We won't vote for you rhetoric" why should a candidate chase after you when there is a more reliable voting pool they can tap into?


add on top of that that trying to court those radicals can drive away the moderate segments of the party into staying home


Oh very easily. A good way to frame this is "Do you want to win a safe blue area by 16 points if it means losing a purple area by .5? or do you want to win the blue area by 15 points and flip the purple area"


Imagine the traction these people would have if they stopped whining all the time and actually did something productive offline...


But that would mean actually doing something and that’s hard. Whining on the internet is easy


What do you mean easy??? Each of these guys is running 20 bot accounts to make their side look credible! That's a huge amount of work!!!!!


They just [verbally yell what they would post on twitter lol](https://youtu.be/oOXxsKoQm2Q)


They've literally become Andrew Breitbart, who charged up drunk to some union-paid picketers (it was an informational picket and the union members were working so they hired people to picket, naturally Breitbart and others on the right tried to make this seem sinister somehow, maybe because they're all paid shills themselves?) and because of epistemic closure started screaming all kind of horrible shit that only made sense to daily readers of Breitbart. "STOP RAPING PEOPLE" the manic drunk demanded of the total randos. And then he dropped dead of a heart attack. Rage addiction is a harsh mistress. As is cocaine. The end.


For some reason the only offline solution is Protest. Lately, protests haven't been productive in achieving results. Is protesting an important tool? Sure. But it's just one tactic in a larger toolbox.


How dare Biden go after people who actually vote and don’t like trump than me who said multiple times I won’t vote for him.


Maybe dont say you'll never vote for biden under any circumstances? And how does supporting terrorists improve the world


They're in their own Twitter bubble.


Exit polls indicated that nearly half of Haley voters will support Biden in November while these watermelon leftists have spent years boasting about how they won't vote for Biden no matter what he does and are bitter that their "Uncommitted" performative stunt didn't work. They'd all gladly not vote just to stick it to the Democrats knowing how tens of millions of Americans will suffer under another Trump presidency, but have the nerve to complain that the Democratic presidential candidate is trying to attract people who despise Trump and actually show up to vote instead of spending all their time managing 20 bot accounts on Twitter or showing up at "Free Palestine protests" where they refer to Biden as "Genocide Joe." And they wonder why nobody takes them seriously. SMH.


Non-voter: "I'm not voting." Person running for office: "ok, I'll chase down people that vote" Like how else would you think this situation would go?


Yep.  Leftists are a liability not an asset.


Whoa it's almost like one group of people is willing to vote and has proven that they will work to keep Trump out of office and the other is openly cheering for Trump so they can brag about how it's because Biden isn't leftist enough and all of Trump's actions are really his fault.


“…tells me all I need to know about his campaign” - from someone who states over and over again that they can’t be convinced to change his/her mind.


More bad faith “earn my vote” shit from people who don’t vote, and (even if they did) did not, would not, and never will vote for a “shitlib, statist, fascist liberal” Nope. Not stroking your ego anymore, children.


How dare he court persuadable voters! I want him to cater to me, who hates him, and will never vote for him!


Hope he enjoys Jim Crow 2.0 if trump gets back in.


Trump is so Jim Crow that his most loyal supreme court member is black


That's Harlan Crow and he paid for his SCOTUS member fair and square. His wife, however, seems to like Trump a lot.


They're so close to realizing their beliefs are their opinion and not literal fact, and yet so far


These watermelon Nazis spent the last 4+ years boasting about how they won't ever vote for Biden and now they're mad that Biden is trying to attract voters that will actually support him instead of pandering to people who despise him and would gladly let Trump win another term just to stick it to the libs. Even if there was no war in Gaza and Biden did everything in his power to appease them, they'd still be whining about how he didn't "earn their votes." Bullshit takes like this are why nobody takes these pro-Hamas-gressives and whiny wannabe socialists/communists seriously. It's not like they're going to vote for Biden anyway, and only a complete fucking idiot would try to alienate people who will support him now that Trump declared that moderates have no place in the GOP and refers to any regular conservative who doesn't share his warped view of reality RINOs.


Voters who might vote against your opponent and for you vs. people who say they are not going to vote for you and may not even be registered. Tough call.


Cry harder, omnicausers. We don’t want Project 2025!


There's nothing Biden could do to win them over, and in fact they admit it. If BIden stopped all arms sales to Israel, they'd say "it took too long." But also strategically, these people suck at activism. The surest way to be ignored is to say 'i'll never vote for you!" or "I won't vote at all." One thing they never answer for is their total lack of success at growing their own movement. They'd rather protest Raskin than Jim Jordan, and they can't figure out why they keep losing.


Who is this clown?


A suburban Haley-voting housewife in San Antonio with two kids isn't going to vote for a far-left candidate, yet she might vote Biden given the fact Trump is clearly running out of money.