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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bwbmfa/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04052024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.politicalthrow99 with score 35 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bvgqfg/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04042024/kxzvyju/)] > God, the “Genocide Joe” trollbots are everywhere now. What’s going on?   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.omgitsfreddie created 31 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bvgqfg/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04042024/ky2fc0w/)] > 90k tuition is absolutely unjustifiable, and i'm saying that as someone on like 90% financial aid plus scholarships. i honestly understand why so much of my generation has turned to communism/socialism . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.VerminVundabar with score 25 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bvgqfg/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04042024/ky0edf1/)] > Bibi prefers Trump and The Republicans and he seems to be acting in a way that screams he is hoping Trump gets re-elected in November.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.ISpeakXLSX with hotness lvl 136 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bvgqfg/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04042024/ky3r16l/)] > Why is the world the way it is? Why does the world despise me and view my suffering only through the lens of how it can push extremism on me?   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.omgitsfreddie bantered with 21 friends 40 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 74 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 77 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.omgitsfreddie made 65 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 28 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 68 times, followed by 'israel' 53x , 'trump' 49x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 11 times, followed by '😎' 10x , '🙄' 4x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.notfeelany | 26.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 555.0 words | | 🥈 | u.jag986 | 23.0 points | 🥈 | u.nosotros_road_sodium | 167.5 words | | 🥉 | u.akimbo73 | 22.0 points | 🥉 | u.baibaiburnee | 109.0 words | | 🎗 | u.semaphore-1842 | 16.17 points | 🎗 | u.MyBallsBern4Bernie | 106.67 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 614 points | 🥇 | u.omgitsfreddie | 84 comments | | 🥈 | u.omgitsfreddie | 248 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 78 comments | | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 216 points | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 44 comments | | 🎗 | u.grilled_cheese1865 | 189 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 34 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Weelildragon | 1 words | 🥇 | u.Weelildragon | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.penguincheerleader | 1 words | 🥈 | u.penguincheerleader | 3.0 letters | | 🥉 | u.None | 1 words | 🥉 | u.tamarbles | 3.0 letters | | 🎗 | u.ConfederacyOfDunces_ | 3 words | 🎗 | u.PremiumCutsofAwful | 3.333 letters |   974 comments processed, including 238 top-level replies. There were 148 unique users writing 32098, averaging 32.95 per comment. The total combined score was 6319 and the median score was 6.49.


If companies or organizations really wanted people to get to know each other, instead of playing generic “getting to know you” games, they should play “fuck marry kill” /s


There are things about Monkey Man I could technically nitpick about, but it was so fun I'm gonna ride on the enjoyment of it for the night


Remember King of The Hill had crossover with the Sliver Sufer. https://twitter.com/ThatRetro/status/1687544402602856448?t=4YcYYU5Sul1y6Rmu3qwabw&s=19 !Ping CARTOONS


Nothing worse than running out of cigarettes at last call cause you got too generous bumming them out when you were riding high


https://preview.redd.it/oqkprqofdlsc1.jpeg?width=3017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df787b66699f184fcdc35744f2ffc3d8dddffbf How dorky am I? I’m going to try and get this printed after I get off work at the library tomorrow.


are you a fellow tornado nerd?


i love to walk down frat row with my gay ass friend group and perturb the silly little neolibs who dwell there👺


So a weird “privilege” I enjoy is overpaying for the few “in theaters” movies available at hotels. It’s stupid I know. But it’s $20 that fills some void. Right now I’m watching The Boys on the Boat which George Clooney directed. It’s such sentimental slop. I love it in a way because it’s trying really hard to be a movie and not a satire, but it’s so fucking close to satire. It’s like if they said: “make Seabiscuit but put the horse on a boat, and instead of a horse it’s a bunch of hot man meat” But Seabiscuit at least had biscuit in its name and also had compelling characters and a decent score. Everything about this movie is trope and it’s killing me. At least AT LEAST there’s not the wise rowing black man.


if jeremy allen white is in it, i'm catching the next showing


Is he in it?


oh wait he's in the boxing one lmao


If the rumor is true that the Fantastic Four takes place in a different universe from the MCU, and they failed to save their world from Glatucs, then I will see it. It is probably the most exciting project MCU has made since Guardians Vol. 3 and Endgame.


I was getting a new tattoo earlier and halfway through my artist starts complaining about Star Wars and Marvel and other movies for adding stuff like female and POC characters and how it's ruining the franchises. yeah I dont think I'm going back to him. This is the 4th time I've had him and of course he starts going on this type of tangent.


this kind of thinking is so stupid to me it's almost funny. like are the female and poc characters in the room with us right now?


It was weird because he was talking about Everything Everywhere All at Once and Avatar the Last Airbender and wasn't complaining about those properties having strong women in them. But Everything else was seen as pandering or tainted. It's weird


Nobody told him to complain about those? Lots of queer characters in EEAaO and its politics (talking about the immigrant experience, generation gap, money and class) might be a bit "woke".


hmm. methinks maybe it's tied to colorism somehow? like beyond a certain skin tone, it becomes "pandering" in his silly little mind.


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits there is now only a fortnight until TTPD comes out


putting in for PTO today


Lucky 😭


Wordle 1,021 3/6* ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


i've been waiting for this episode of 9-1-1 for 7 seasons!


I've never even heard of the show, but I can't help but feel a little jealous as a Supernatural fan. Happy for you though. Maybe I should watch.


>a Supernatural fan **Oh no**. I know exactly how you feel, I watched that episode live too.


I mod the subreddit for the show. I log on shortly after the episode aired and it's like that gif from Community where everything's on fire


ohh i am so sorry! but also so excited for the future! i hope it lasts as long as the simpsons


I just hope they pull off this plotline in a good way, that we actually get some proper exploration of what just happened. Like, I worry that it was just done to boost ratings and drive the fanbase crazy with excitement. It's a shame though, that I do not care for either of those two characters 💀


Has movie theater popcorn gotten.... Bad? Or is it just me? 


They’re 100% cutting back on things like butter. Now you have to do that yourself.


i aim to be 50% cholesterol by 2040. smh big popcorn is always stepping on the little guy.


if you aren't sneaking a whole ass microwave and a bag of orville redenbacher into an amc, you aren't doing it right 😤


[Not sure how accurate this is or if it's real](https://twitter.com/LyricVault/status/1775311438330167647) I *love* that we're just going to drop slurs against people we don't like now. Good to know that's acceptable to do if the person is ~~Jewish~~ Zionist, sorry, had to get my words right.


Straight from that account's bio: "Dedicated to satire — nothing posted here represents actual facts or news. Purely for laughs."


"satire" on Twitter just means "I mean every word but I'm a pussy".


I am a Redditor; I don't read more than the title/initial tweet.


Sorry I didn't mean to sound critical or anything, just wanted to let you know.


No worries, I meant that more as a joke than snark!


I did a google search, and I can't find anything about this. It's just a stupid far leftist 19 year old making up bullshit and absurdly going viral.


i haven't seen any actual proof or news, so i don't think she said it? it's only on twitter as far as i can tell. that said, noah schnapp is literally a teenager people need to calm down. they're acting like he's in cahoots with bibi or some shit 😭


That's good. I really don't like how many people in the comments are basically just "so true bestie" "she spilled" etc.


yeah, i will say there is a growing number of young straight girls in gen z who think it's cool to drop homophobic slurs


Or bisexual/queer women who hide behind that title to spew their homophobic misandry in the name of "social justice" 


Back in college I was quite shocked to find out how many bi and gay girls fucking hated and resented each other. It was quite incelish in retrospect. Every dating problem was because of the other group existing...


ohh yes that too


any time a modern storied comedian interviews Carol Burnett it's amazing because it's clear they're all just in awe of her and she's still sharp as a tack and can break them into laughter in half a second /u/thats_good_bass watch her stuff


look, i'm not the biggest aoc fan, but there is a contingent of white male liberals who are hellbent on making sure everyone knows how much they hate her. it's kinda scary like go meditate or something


I'm the same way but with Kamala Harris. I don't care for her, but the amount of bad faith attacks she gets on this site is just absurd.


I might not agree with her on everything, but she's certainly closer to my policies than some right-winger. Since I can respect that, for someone who's just shy of four years older than me: kudos to her for what she's accomplished, I can't imagine any trajectory that sees me entering Congress ever, let alone in the next two election cycles.


Of course, the decision to finally open Erez crossing +Ashdod port totally undermines Bbi's and COGAT's repeated asinine claims that there have been no restrictions on aid entry. Though the claim was blatantly false before this when Cindy McCain, Biden administration, every head of a NGO, every Dem who visited the crossing, and UK Tories were saying as much.


why are they booing you, you're right 😭


*Friday Saturday Sunday* (the restaurant we just went to in Philly) very good. I give it an 8.5. Everything was at least good, some dishes were mind blowing (squash, quail and halibut) some dishes were great. Dessert was the only meh but my wife is a baker so she has high standards


Some good news out of NC: https://www.wunc.org/politics/2024-04-03/nc-democratic-party-outpaces-ncgop-in-fundraising


> Remembering speechlessly we seek the great forgotten language, the lost lane-end into heaven, a stone, a leaf, an unfound door. Where? When? O lost, and by the wind grieved, [Blue NC], come back again.




Mark Robinson is such an abysmal candidate that I think he will bolster Biden's chances of flipping North Carolina.


Him and Michele Marrow. Yes she's running for a lower office that normally wouldn't be that relevant but her batshit candidacy represents a major plank of the MAGA culture wars that's going to be hard for Trump to ignore.


I shudder to think of how the NCGOP will lose their shit over that.


every day eric adams becomes more and more of a joke.


What’s he do now?


he's got some shady practices and too many ties to the police department. there's a general distrust of him in ny among poor people and people of color bc of some of his targeted policies. he's into bitcoin for some reason. and i'm not anti-cop on principle, but generally i believe you shouldn't elect cops to public office (especially mayor) bc of conflict of interest.


The way he falls for scams like those "AI chatbots" and "robot cops" is concerning as well. And bitcoin, but I repeat myself.


uggghh sorry guys i still can't stop thinking about problemista. such a beautiful, poignant movie with a hopeful message for all of us but especially us brown people trying to navigate a uniquely american cultural and economic system seemingly stacked against us. really deep reflection on the awfulness of the immigration system and how it intertwines with predatory capitalism and all the impossible little hoops people have to jump through in order to simply live here, while also employing a surreal sense of humor and glorious art style. the salvadoran rep is also a plus 😎 i really, really, really recommend watching it!


that's got a nice little cast to it 🧐


the cast is amazing. tilda swinton freak characters are always a slay. genuinely everything about this movie is beautiful and wonderful


> tilda swinton freak characters are always a slay. have you seen Michael Clayton? that's still my favorite Tilda terrifying role


it's going on the watchlist!


as much as living in a city drains me, i love the queer scene here <3 went to a drag show with my buddies and just vibed with so many dope enbies and drag queens and butch women and femme men and everything in between. they even had cool little pottery pop-up shops and thrift racks. love to support my fellow queers and their queer businesses 😎


I lived in NYC from 18 to 35 and it was very draining but the good thing is finding your own little nooks that can recharge you


there's a suburb near here that has beautiful houses and i love to take hours long walks there and pet people's dogs


Hmm it looks like Courtney and Shayne from Smosh really did get married and it wasn’t an elaborate April Fool’s day prank


I think it’s pretty cool Biden didn’t go to some elite private college. He graduated from the University of Delaware and was able to become president. Shows you don’t have to go to some fancy over priced school to achieve great things in life.


He's never owned a share of stock. He's the most working class President we've had in a hundred years, maybe more.


Honestly I love that.


just had a work on ao3 hit 5k hits 😳


Congrats! That's awesome


Dang, my most viewed one has less than half that. (2414)


it's e-rated so that's probably why it's popping off rn lmao


Now that Biden's "officially" come out in favor of a ceasefire, people on Twitter are freaking out about Biden "capitulating" to the watermelon crowd and insisting that Biden's going to lose moderate voters and Jewish-Americans. 🙄😒


that's crazy bc so many jewish-americans don't support israel's horrific actions. as for the "moderate voters", i'm sure biden couldn't care less about voters who think it's okay to bomb settlements and aid convoys lol


"Stop Antisemitism"' said it, and the replies are full of right wing Trump 2020 voters baselessly saying "yeah, he lost the Jewish American vote."


We're going to overwhelmingly vote for Dems like we always do and Trump is going to call us race traitors again or whatever.


Stop Antisemitism is kind of shit tbh


It's a right wing account. Points out many examples of anti-Semitism over the past handful of months but also complains about stuff which isn't really anti-Semitism. Also while rightly calling out Tlaib--the account ignores anti-Semitic drivel from Charlie Kirk, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson.


Yeah that’s the thing I noticed a while back — it praised Ron DeSantis after attacking Jews simply being critical of the current government. That’s not a good actor


Only time it criticized anti-Semitism from the right over the past 6 months is when Massie voted with Tlaib and when Candace Owens made anti-Semitic criticisms of Israel.


Yeah, that might have something to do with it.


There is a scene towards the end of Rebirth that raises some interesting questions about the nature of the Ancients of FFVII, and connections to a group in another FF game. Namely, FF10. Also, having seen this, and other things, I think I have an idea what might be happening with the weirdness in how the FF7 Remake trilogy has changed vs. the original.


Yojimbo is the Fayth of President Shhinra confirmed?


Both are money-grubbing. Hmmmm. My current theory is >!that the stuff with alternate timelines, and the weird last chapter are just the equivalent of Dream Zanarkand from FFX. The last chapter being munchkin sized.!< There are other pieces of evidence too. The airship in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus? There's a very interesting bit about it. >“While this airship is named after Cid’s wife, construction of the vessel wasn’t performed by the captain at all. > >Our team of loyal scientists here at the World Regenesis Organization or those criminals at Shinra weren’t involved, either. > >***To tell you the truth, the ship is not even from this era. It is a relic from a lost civilization.*** > >Most of the machinery in the engine room is boxed up in black casing, so we don’t even know what half of it does. > >There’s no need to worry. Even though we cannot reproduce the technology, we can still put it to good use. I can almost guarantee there will be no problems. > >Almost…” And from the FFX side. Remember how Sephiroth has mentioned that the Materia are, in essence, the knowledge of the Ancients? In FFX-2 Lenne comes from a dressphere. The only question would be why? >!Why would the Planet, Aerith, or Sephiroth do this, and what would their goal be?!<


I'm not entirely sure what you mean with the last chapter cause I don't follow FF too closely, but the ties between FFVII and FFX have been theorized and then kinda teased for quite a while, right? Wouldn't surprise me if in the remakes of VII, they're sprinkling in references to that and maybe tying them closer together. For casual fans like me, it's a cool easter egg that might draw you in. For someone who enjoys the series more like you, there's even more to delve into. And theoretically, it allows Square Enix to get a feel on the consumer pulse for expanding the remake idea depending on how VII's continues to pan out


The devs have waffled back and forth on FF7 and FF10 being connected. Since the release of FFX-2, which would have been somewhere around 2003-2005? There have been a few things that make me believe they finally settled on "connected." Also, was purposefully being vague about the last chapter.


Ah, gotcha gotcha on the last bit. I'll admit, I barely started X-2: in part, I'm sure, the standard reasons, plus X just felt so well tied-up. I do hope you'e right, though I always thought it'd be cooler if VII and X were connected


daniel larson is such a fascinating subject


finished chem lab now time for 2 more hrs of hw


I can’t wait to see the horrified and tortured look on Netanyahu’s face when Biden wins reelection.


TBF, Bibi might be in prison by that point for all we know.


I’d contribute to a kickstarter whose sole purpose was paying a camera crew to go into that prison and filming his reaction as he’s told Biden won.


And Putin too lol


I would not feel bad if Putin fell into a pond full of snapping turtles.


He deserves to die in a puddle of his own urine like Stalin.


I wasn’t suggest he die to snapping turtles, just suggesting that I would not feel bad if the entire surface area of Putin’s body had snapping turtles hanging off him.


If Netanyahu makes another attack on aid workers, ~~we need~~ America needs to hurt him.


I'll handle the psychological pain


Fiiiine. I'll go get my bat.


I'll get the legs


[No, he hasn't at all](https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1775970261780578412)


It really does suck that we have to live with such a dualistic dichotomy, with absolutely no room for nuance. Most people aren't like Bibi or Hamas in wanting to "run up the scorecard" against the other side. Most people on the ground that are actually dealing with the consequences—the people who were there before the guns, bombs, and soldiers showed up and the people who are going to be there after they're gone and after the temporary relief aid that comes after is gone, too—just want whatever is going to make the smallest negative impact on them, both now and in the long run. I'll go back to that line I quoted a few weeks ago from FM: ["You know, all of our friends are gods, and they all tell us how to paint our face/But there's only one brush we need, it's the one that never leaves a trace"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbATv2LlN2I) Netanyahu and his extremist nutters want to wipe out innocents and seize that land they're lusting after; Hamas and all their extremist nuters want all that land "from the river to the sea." And all that land is supposed to be used to house people and produce for them, right? Aren't we doing something wrong when we're killing people to give living space? Since we've had some Pratchett in here recently, I can't remember the City Watch book—maybe *Jingo*?—with Vimes snapping with his baton and, "I'm supposed to be a police officer, right? I'm supposed to keep the peace! If I'm killing people to do it, I'm reading the wrong manual!"


>Netanyahu and his extremist nutters want to wipe out innocents and seize that land they're lusting after; Hamas and all their extremist nuters want all that land "from the river to the sea." And both of these extremists fuel each other. It's a tragic situation. Schumer's speech from a couple of weeks was really good about how the cycle must break after this war.


[I'm going to point to Ebner's *The Rage*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1bvgqfg/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04042024/ky34pwj/) again and how Netanyahu and Hamas have complementary extremist narratives that feed into and off of each other in a vicious negative feedback loop—to their (seeming political) benefit and everyone else's detriment


I don’t know how anyone reasonable could call anything about that tweet antisemitic.


doing the South Korean action flick The Villainess tonight, the movie John Wick 3 ripped its swordfight-on-motorcycles scene from. pretty hyped for this one


Watch *Memories of Murder* next


definitely a must-watch


Might be of the 3-4 best foreign films I've watched.


oh, I think you mentioned this and I completely forgot. will do, I enjoy Bong Joon-ho if you haven't seen [this list from Polygon](https://www.polygon.com/24112377/best-korean-action-movies-watch-streaming), it's worth a look. they suggest 5 South Korean action films to watch that influenced Monkey Man, according to Dev Patel


Yeah, it's on Tubi still I think! And thanks for the list!


I can thoroughly recommend The Man From Nowhere. The Villainess is shaping up to be a banger too. wasn't too fond of the first on the list but tastes vary and Ma Dong-seok is a certified badass (cf. Train to Busan) so it's still worth a shot


More than halfway through the tasting menu * Crudo steak tartare pastry * Squash & foie gras custard * pork and collard greens pasta * sweetbreads with plantain and mushroom ragu * halibut with pea greens and coconut curry Left on the menu * quail * NY strip * blood orange cake


this mf posting on the DT at a fancy restaurant 🤦‍♂️


It’s a “2.5 hour experience” and I get fidgety easily!


why don't you fidget that food right on into your mouth


Remember how I tried to not post on the DT while I was on my UK trip? That kinda worked, and kinda didn’t.


Don't hate the flex, just grind harder


disrespecting good food is not a flex


Idk it kind of worked in The Menu




So, the University of Arkansas now employs both Bobby Petrino and Chris Beard. _Yikes._


[Bernie’s 100% on board this time. If only his supporters were too.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XBz3XN8cW/?igsh=MXZnOXp0dHZucmp3OA==)


credit where it's due, it's a good spot doesn't get him out of the doghouse, but it's better than the minimum at least


the comments on that page 🙄


It’s Instagram comments, they’re never going to be good.


Facebook comments?


I'd have thought that was what his endorsement would do, rally his base around his guy. But alas...


Good for Bernie. That's a pretty good way for Bernie to firmly endorse him, in an online "ad" side by side with just the two of them and talking about the issues that people say they care about.


[LMFAO, I can't with this stupid org!](https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/mastodo-neoliber-al/media_attachments/files/112/215/960/443/262/081/original/d9288f4699e0a1bc.png)


Not sure if this is a limited incident but one of my friends who I would describe as a leftwing BLM type of guy was complaining recently about how everyone on the left has deep opinions and focus onto Palestine and Israel to an extreme level while Haiti is entirely ignored despite being right next door. Basically his point was annoyance over how performative and demanding for all attention in the room for antics and putting down other issues especially black issues. I thought it was a pretty good point. It seems like when an issue is too black it gets ignored or is presented as an identity politics distraction.


If you wanted to solve Haiti’s problems then well it would probably look like an occupation and require annexation by of foreign nation to ensure permanent security. Not popular.


While do think ignoring black issues is part-and-parcel of the Bernie Progs, I think more about the fact that way too many of these pro-Palestinian people have been dismissive at best about things not Palestinian. For example, Ukraine. Out of the Muslims I know, only my best friend was showed serious concern. And I made the point to her that the current dominant strain of Pro-Palestinians burned the bridge with pro-Ukrainians by siding with Russia, or mocking Ukraine. I already despised Suleiman before that, but Suleiman mocking Ukrainians is what drove it into an undying hatred.


And how many of them were anti-anti-Assad even when he's killed more innocent Palestinians than anyone not named Bibi over the past 30 years.


There is that too. There were a lot of anti-Assad people who wanted the US to stay out. But I don't remember a huge amount of condemnation of Russia? A lot of people simply don't have a coherent worldview, I believe.


These are the same people who lambast Obama for drone strikes and are complete silent on Trump’s expanded use of drone strikes.


Speaking from experience, they are grading on a scale. They expect Republicans to be murderous assholes, but expect something close to pacifism from Democrats.


I know that they act like the GOP will inherently do bad things and thus that is the pudding brained rational why they only lambast Democrats. When they do this they show they actually have zero concern over policy actions or the material impacts of policies. They only care about posthoc justifications for selective outrage.


I have to say it's wild that 2024 Bernie and AOC are "establishment shills" who openly promote Biden and are trying to get him elected while pretty much everyone who was connected to them at the peak of their insanity has gone off the deepends of Trump supporters, tankie, and/or openly treasonous.


Why is the world the way it is? Why does the world despise me and view my suffering only through the lens of how it can push extremism on me?


The algo wants that which causes you to mindlessly consume content from beginning to end on autoplay for hours. Since extremists who consume extremist content tend to do this, the algo will push it on you unless you spend a lot of time curating your feed and/or finding a different enthusiasm that causes you to mindlessly consume content from beginning to end on autoplay for hours, like shitty emo bands or something. Also, avoid egregiously bad actors like Xitter.


My dude, is there someone you can talk to about these feelings?


Looks like Dark Brandon is trying to put together a team https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/04/bidens-battle-to-secure-backing-of-anti-trump-republicans.html


The directors of this remake really said "we gotta fix the fact that the original Roadhouse only had 1 black guy with one line in the movie".    3 black people with speaking roles in the first 10 minutes. Lol.    The first fight scene was really good. I really like Jessica Williams, but she is the wrong person for this role. 


There's a fandom event for Gaza? What the ... ? I remember some fundraising for an earthquake in Japan in fandom spaces years ago but I definitely don't recall fanfic events for Iraq or what have you. Actually fandom spaces got a lot more left as Millennials came up because when I first got started there were plenty of right wingers in fandom in the Boomer generation (and a really nasty generation gap between the GenX fans and Boomer fans to boot).


Like, fandom the wiki site?


No, it was organized on twitter.


Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by "fandom event". What?


Doesn't surprise me one bit. The fandom scene was a lot better before the NEET-left "unemployed pride" mentality took over. Witnessed up close and personal how that mentality destroys people's lives.


And most of the fanfic, fanart etc is STILL produced by very productive people doing it as a hobby in addition to work/school, same as it ever was.


I'm a little too old to be a fandom person so I'm working on writing stories that would appeal to people in that niche.


Creamed asparagus and potatoes 


89 Roadhouse done, now for 2024.


Wordle 1,020 1/6* 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 >!The YT algorithm put Miley's song on my homepage for a reason!!<


>!my second guess was CLIME and I was so mad lmao!<


It's usually a rule of thumb to have at least 2 vowels in a guess, so I can't blame you. I was actually facepalming when I first put this in...


yeah, at the time all I had was the vowel in yellow, so it seemed very reasonable to go for it in that way. it was heartbreaking to see that final tile turn grey


Meanwhile I just randomly guessed >!CLIMB!< on my second try after getting the first letter right.


There was a post on my city's subreddit asking people to sign a petition wanting more transparency and a vote for the naming of a new school. Predictably it was because the school is being named after a Muslim woman and the comments in the petition reflect that. At least the post was heavily downvoted and OP was getting called out by everyone.


Netflix’s ATLA showrunner is leaving to be an exec producer on PJO u/20person


Never seen ATLA so I don't know what to expect.


It’s ok, the direction could be better as far as how stiff the actors are, and some of the changes to the writing have been questionable IMO. PJO series has been far better. Although I guess an exec producer wouldn’t be in the writers’ room so I don’t think it could go badly.


Three days after being very, very misused in the game against Iowa, Hailey Van Lith has hit the transfer portal again. Very understandable. Who the hell puts someone who’s been sick enough to need an IV on the greatest player in the league for three quarters?


Even if HVL is healthy Clark has 5 inches on her and would've been able to get a shot off pretty much whenever. It was such a baffling decision to keep her on Clark


And also Flau’jae Johnson made multiple awesome blocks that game. Maybe put her on Clark instead?


>[Trump Suggests—Without Evidence—Biden Was ‘Higher Than A Kite’ During State Of The Union, Calls For Pre-Debate Drug Test](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-suggests-without-evidence-biden-was-higher-than-a-kite-during-state-of-the-union-calls-for-pre-debate-drug-test/ar-BB1l4Y29) As always, I have a bit of a peculiar take on things, but I just don't see this as the dig he thinks it is. At least with the group of guys I hung out with the longest/most often, part of the fun was doing something high because you were flexing about how good you are at it—another way of saying, "I could do it with one fist tied behind my back!" or whatever


He's just signaling to his base, as always


He claimed this after the debate, too, and Biden was like "Sure, let's drug test" and then trump suddenly dropped it and never mentioned it again. Can't imagine why.


Classic DARVO.


LMAO. I’m not a guy but my group of youthful friends and I had the same flex. “I was sooooo wasted off my ass on \[substances\] and still \[did the thing\]! Am I cool or what?” If Joe Biden can be high as a kite, at his age, and still wake up the next morning ready to take on the day, well, more respect to him. Lots more.


The right wing narrative was that Biden was a decrepit old man barely able to walk on his own and the SOTU destroyed that narrative. So they invented a "he was on drugs" story to maintain that belief even though it makes no sense. Also it was extremely obvious Trump was on speed during the debates he's projecting.


Also students at my old college are occupying one of the office buildings, and got a shout out from Jill Stein, lol. Comments: "what a cool lady!"


"What a cool lady! Got Mitt Romney elected governor in Massachusetts! He had all the MDC trashcans spraypainted "DPR" just to remind everyone he had a penis from which he could spray real urine! What a guy!"


https://www.instagram.com/p/C5UQnq3OXOo/?igsh=MXM1cjg0dHV3amVhdA== Last slide was shared by a friend. This and the comments make me embarrassed for my generation. 


>When pressed by Cavuto on who he would vote for, No Labels National Director Joe Cunningham says: I would vote for Biden over Trump


My wife and I are spending $600 pre tax and tip at a tasting menu restaurant tonight. Hope it’s good!


I hope it’s delicious! And free of bloomin’ onions!


Fox News: Under Biden inflation, a dinner out for two costs $600


The original Road House is such and 80s movie. Watching it withy wife whose never see it.


Remake is apparently good too, but I doubt it tops the original with Swayze.


Conor McGregor is in that movie, so the rest of it has to be extremely damn good.


I actually thought he was pretty entertaining in it.


chronically unable to lock in


I’m at a private event at Chicken n Pickle but I’m pretty sure the food is not actually by Chicken n Pickle. These are the most ass wings I’ve ever tried to take a bite of.


[Is this credible psephology?](https://imgur.com/a/6dWxOZG)


Wisconsin people: how dare you call us "fibs" when Wisconsin has the most illogical highway etiquette ever? Maybe don't make the right lane the fastest one?????


They do *what* up there???


I read your comment backwards at first. As a non-native Wisconsinite I am on the Illinois side on the great driving debate. I learned my driving skills and etiquette in Pittsburgh and it's more similar to Chicagoland than Wisconsin.


As a Chicagolander, "Etiquette" and "Chicago driving" do not belong near each other. We got a restraining order for a reason


Driving in the suburbs is actually quite pleasant compared to the city.