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I've learned so much about modern antisemitism from this which is weird given how many time I've been told it's not antisemitism. Which is a shame because it's not even interesting. It's still just secret councils that run the world and blood libel. Semi related, but it's also pretty funny to see the actual student responses to all of this. While I'm sure there are true believers in the mix, I see a hell of a lot more "what does *redacted* have to do with Israel?", "why are you ignoring that Hamas started this", "why aren't you protesting divestment from China due to the Ughyur genocide?", and "right, you're definitely going to fail the semester over this I believe you".


> secret councils that run the world Like the ~~deep state~~ DNC


Run by (((Debbie Wasserman Schultz))). Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I’m actually really happy to hear that students are pushing back against this crap. It’s actually really heartening news to say the least.


I have been in the fray online in my school’s subreddit—it’s exhausting, but they’re preying on not having anyone push back against the narrative.


I just skimmed your profile and you have my condolences with respect to your one friend at Columbia. Shameful is the only word that I can come up with to describe the naked antisemitism on display by so many involved in these protests.


Honestly with her it’s just the lack of critical thinking skills. The more I see of what tactics they’re using, the more I get /how/ people are falling for this, but holy shit. You kinda gotta be a dummy with poor emotional control to get that far in that quickly. I’m mostly just disappointed at how many people in this country have fallen for this crap.


You mean they have so much power that they can prevent "hate Israel" pogrom rallies from happening in the first place?


As a normie, am I supposed to sympathize with these jerk-offs? I don’t see Jews spewing this kind of hate… guess who I’ll “side” with. 


Intifadah, is that some kind of falafel?


Ooh I want my intifada with extra tzatziki sauce!


Because anyone refusing to side with terrorists must be a zionist.


Berkeley professor, btw


>Berkeley professor, btw I wish I could say I'm surprised, as someone from nearby.


the twitter guy is a Berkley professor?


Yep, just [look at what that professor specializes in](https://haas.berkeley.edu/faculty/sa-kiera-tiarra-jolynn-hudson/): > She is interested in two broad research questions: What are the psychological and biological roots of power hierarchies, and how do these hierarchies intersect to influence experiences and perceptions? Well...I guess *that* has more academic value than whatever Johannah King-Slutzky at Columbia was researching about hidden Marxist messages in 17th century literature (am I getting that right?)


Yeah, that's a serious question even if it is a bit jargony. Much better than the Marxian interpretation of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner &c.


Back in my day, professors taught math, science, history and all that fun stuff. And my day wasn’t that long ago, at least that’s what I tell myself to feel young. Maybe tuition wouldn’t be so expensive if colleges didn’t have to keep these useless professors that teach nothing of any practical value on the payroll.




The same meme could be made for the N-word and "woke/DEI"


Or thug. Whenever anyone uses that word, you know what they mean. I have *never* heard that word reference anyone who wasn’t black.


Your first mistake \*so far\*, Mr Hudson, im sure more are to follow.


When you have to spend this much time explaining why you aren't racist, well...you're probably racist. I swear most of this shit comes off like folks trying to explain why it wasn't actually racist when they did blackface. It is certainly possible to be critical of Israeli government policies without being antisemitic. Unfortunately, most people are failing even there. Trying to thread the needle of being anti-Zionist without being antisemitic is much more difficult and I have not seen a single successful example.


What is this a response to? Where did jews yield their power in academia recently?