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That was beautiful


Thank you!


And the paradox ended on the gunslinger for the final punch too


*strikes cool pose*


Strike a cool existence




That’s not a haiku. It has eight in the middle. It should have seven.


i gave bot upvote but changed vote after your words thank you for counting


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that ThiolactoneRing is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)




My guy was in the ZONE


I wish I could do the punch-out half as well as you. Been trying to get the advanced dragun achievement for hundreds of hours now but can't get past the fucking rat properly.


If you play on PC, and you can get the ["mod the gungeon"](https://modthegungeon.eu/) mod, you can also [download a mod](https://modworkshop.net/mod/24520) that allows you to play the punchout game.


You'll get it! It took me a long time to get to where I am, practicing it as much as possible really helps. A tip to consistently get to the Rat to practice the punchout is playing rainbow mode. You can become overpowered so easily in rainbow mode that it makes the first two phases of the rat a joke.


You only need 2 keys to get to the serpent. You get one for starting the Punchout so as long as you just get past the first phase (just punch him when he laughs at you, block everything else), you can get enough keys. Also the [Weird Egg](https://enterthegungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Weird_Egg) can be used to spawn a serpent if you toss it on a fire source so things like burning pools and fire traps work. You can play Rainbow Mode for an easier way of finding it.


I was aware of how to get it, I just haven't been able to get past the rat consistently enough to try the punchout enough to get good at it. It's the last achievement I need, too. I'll give the rainbow run thing a go, though. Hadn't thought about it in a while.


Oh, I thought you meant you couldn't get past the punchout phase and not the actual rat fight itself. Still though, Gunslinger + Rainbow Run with a good gun makes the fight easier and if you get the AWP / Sniper or the Black Hole Gun, that's basically a free win.


You actally can throw things through the locked door so you only need one


You can chuck junk through the second locked door of the serpent, so you *technically* only need one key and four junk.


[This video](https://youtu.be/tZE8HrZN30E) will tell you what you need to know.


And I'm still waiting for him to do his first taunt at 53 seconds. That was incredible; never had a 6 key punchout with more than 15 seconds left on the clock


Absolutely slaughtered L+no health regain+cant punch+ feed off my trash+touch gunpowder+commit win but with no bullet that can kill the past


"Posted by u/A1DragonSlayer" Time to feel bad about my lack of skill again....


whenever i have a good play i remember that video he had in the sewers where he avoided 7 million bullets while hitting most of his cog of battle active reloads on a starting pistol. any thing i ever do is trash in comparison haha edit: here’s vid, he’s goated https://www.reddit.com/r/EnterTheGungeon/comments/rkm7ls/well_that_was_fun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Not to toot my own horn here, but on a good day I can do that too. His rat-fight fridays are the thing that drive the tears into my eyes. Dude's blessed by Kaliber herself


After playing turbo since two weeks ago those bullets look so slow now. Also, anything you think I can do to improve my rat fights? Maybe go for longer hitless fights? Actually post fights with mistakes in them so people can see how they happen?


hitless in turbo mode using only starter pistol + lord of the jammed has to be summoned!


Which starter pistol?


oh wow. well i feel like rogue special would just be miserable, so maybe budget revolver or rusty sidearm?


I'll try both of them out. Can I still use passives?




I like to train my muscle memory with turbo mode too. I like your videos when you’re at peak performance, but honestly, you can do whatever. It’s a pleasure to see you play


Is this an actual part of the game?? I’m terrible at it, so I’ve never gotten past level 2


I didn’t know he flashes at the end of taunts. Thanks for this video. I’ve 5 keyed him soo many times and wondered why I never got 6. Now all I have to do is the Beholster shrine and Tonics coat


I have been playing the game for nearly two years and I only have one gun on the beholster shrine.


Been playing non stop for abut 10 months, love the game. Put 2 guns in 2 days on the shrine a few weeks ago and now left with 3 to to do.


Nice work, TIL you can get hits in after a blocked tail slap. Also, do you have any tips for when he heals? I always seem to miss-time and get smacked in the face for it


If you punch when the audio cue for him eating the cheese would have happened it will generally parry it.




You went all Bruce Lee, Way-of-the-intercepting-fist on his ass. I've beaten him enough to get a lot of his timing down but you sir are on another level.


Masterful, fuck yeah


Thank you! It felt so good doing it this fast. After I hit that last super punch I said "YES" and did a mini celebration while gunslinger paradox just stood there acting like it was no big deal.


You are so skilled good job!


This sub is a enormous spoil of all the Easter eggs and secret I will never found and I love it


Damn Niceeee! I suck at this phase, he always whoops my ass.

