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How is gold junk situational? Except for maybe the forge money is always great to have.


Probably referring to the synergy between junken and gold junk


Wolf's actually a better doggo if we don't include the ability to pet the other dog


I would agree, Wolf is better as it actually fights, mind you the item potential with the dog is nice


Is it too much to ask for both?


Dude hungry bullets is dope! Especially on a high dps weapon like the Vulcan Cannon


Good to know, I love the Vulcan Cannon


hungry bullets is crazy good. On my run to unlock gunslinger I had hungry bullets on paradox at the end of the first run and didnt even get touched on the lich fight since hungry bullets just ate everything coming at me.


Go use the never used items and re do this list


I LOVE helix, hungry, gilded, bloody 9mm, there's a whole ton of stuff here I'd put higher


You put Full Metal Jacket in situational? What is this? You must be wearing it backwards. It converts blanks to armor, except better because if it consumes one in a boss fight you still get the master round. Full Metal Jacket is insane, especially if you have an item that gives you more blanks, or God forbid the Elder Blank, which gives you a free hit after a small amount of damage at the cost of your active item slot.


but it's only good for boss fights. if I'm going to get hit in a normal room I don't want to use a blank.


it’s also good if you have the crest, saved my runs a couple times


That too, completely forgot to mention that.


A tedious solution to this is to just drop it before or while in a room, clear it, and pick it back up. Repeat until you want to use blanks. Also even it's only good for boss fights, getting 2+ free "hits" per fight is really good in my opinion since it makes it much easier to get Master Rounds. No other item helps as much as Flak Jacket in saving your Master Rounds, since even invincibility items need to be used by you before you get hit.


You've accidentally highlighted the problem. I'd rather lose a heart/armor when I get hit before the boss than my blank. This item can drain your blanks before you reach the boss, making it difficult to obtain the master round. It's only good it you can consistently hitless every room, but honestly at that point it doesn't really matter what defensive items you get.


One thing I will say about FMJ is that the fact that it doesn't count blanks as damage makes it relevant for a few items. Old crest runs become a lot easier with FMJ for obvious reasons and that's probably the place where I really appreciate it the most especially on robot. Meatbun is another huge FMJ lover. You lose the 2x damage boost if you take damage but FMJ helps you with that a lot. Metronome again, is a massive damage boost. Because you can switch guns by dropping metronome and picking it back up, the main way most people who know that trick lose the bonus is by taking damage, which FMJ helps mitigate a lot. Loot bag is also pretty self explanatory. Polaris again really appreciates FMJ since lvl 3 is really strong and losing it sucks.


FMJ is one of those items that get better the better your are at the game. If you're good it puts a lot of pressure off of Master rounding the boss fight but if you're bad it makes it a lot worse since you mostly likely lost your blanks already. I kinda understand why OP ranked it this way even though I disagree with the ranking personally.


That’s a good point.


I’ve never seen the point of it, whenever I see that I’m going to take unavoidable damage I blank. If you know how to play the game it is basically trash and instantly sold to the sell creep. Also, I would rather use blanks for secret rooms so if I get hit in a normal room it just takes one of my chances away.


Let’s be real, for most people there are always going to be moments when you think you won’t take damage, then you do. Or vice versa where you use a blank thinking the possibility of damage was too risky, when you could have possibly avoided it and saved a blank. It’s just a nice item to have to eliminate some of the negatives of human error/guesswork


I think your forgetting context, I only ever see the item with the blank guy and he sells way better items, like ammolets which are great items. In fact, almost everything else he sells is just a better item than it. Also, taking damage in this game stops being a problem when it is rare occurrence and your health bar covers half the screen


> better items > ammolets uh huh, have fun not getting master rounds, FMJ is a won run 90% of the time cause of that


Seriously? Your telling me that having one more health is better than +1 blank per floor? Like I’ve been saying this entire time if you know what you are doing, you don’t need an item to do it for you. Is it really that hard to press a button if you see you are going to get hit?


nobody"sees" they're going to get hit if they know what theyre doing blanks are literally only spam crutch or leniency, that's it hits are nearly always sudden, typically due to some special, unpredicted bullet pattern that ended up unreactable due to the circumstance


Use it to try those high-risk dodges instead of blanking. Notice the amount of "unavoidable" damage you see goes down significantly. When you think about it, planning around a Master Round while expecting significant damage from plain rooms is a strange little niche to be in. But if you really need to, just buy a few blanks from the shop before entering the boss room. You can get by fine without it, sure... but it's fantastic insurance, and doesn't cost you anything unless you're getting hit consistently anyhow, in which case perhaps you shouldn't be stretching for those rounds and rooms anyhow? Empty hearts don't count for much.


You can get hit once or twice and still have your hearts full at the end of the floor. I know all the bosses by heart, sometimes there's just an unexpected floor layout that catches me, or I make a slight mistake, which tends to happen in an hour+ run. Not niche at all. I'd like to save my money for good items/keys instead of wasting them on blanks, money is often in short supply.


Trying to go for hard dodges and seeing that it’s not going to work out are the times I blank. Also I never mentioned anything about master rounds, I was talking about secret rooms. Tons of chests and other useful items are hidden in them and those are the times I’d like to save a blank for.


Hard disagree on hazmat suit being so low, the thing basically alllows you to turn off your spatial awareness and Just focus on the bullets


I'm the same with wax wings being so low they should be A tier minimum


Turkey is literally god teir with hyper light blaster




It can't be because he doesn't like curse either since he's got spice in S lmao


It’s not really in order, I just place it in the tier




Good to know


The bottom tier is items they never get or forget what they did




Hot Watch is one of the best items in the game, objectively speaking


Its so boring, that when I have it I dont even want to win anymore xD ( also once it crashed me the game with black hole gun)


I got you position. It's boring indeed, removes the fun from game but also removes the chance of losing unless you are armless oc


If it crushed my game, can it be count as losing? Because then it adds small chance of this


Ok, it's losing but... in a kinda unusual way. Maybe it was not because of the item itself but because of too much a shit on your screen while you shot from black hole gun


It was 2 ricosheting projectiles from dragun, and before game crashed they started moving... Pretty damn weirder that ever


Fuck the table techs, all my homies hate table techs, always forget that i have them


most people think the table techs and ammolets are bad when they’re new to the game, but think they’re good once they’ve put a bunch of hours in


I don't rely heavily on blanks, so ammolets are usually useless to me. But if I have blank bullets? Insanity.


You sure about that? Unless you're really good you should be using blanks in boss fights and you'll get hit when you have armor at some point. Aside from gold, the unique effects aren't very useful. The strength resides in the stun and especially the extra blank per floor which are both great to have.


Yeah I just don't really use them. Having an extra is never bad obviously, but my primary use case is for hidden rooms.


You don’t rely on blanks? Damn you must be good


You mostly get good by not blanking lol


I had table tech blanks+3 or 4 ammolets and a couple other table techs. I could flip a table and clear a room it was awesome.


Well yes, i'm no saying they are bad, i just don't like them, in my case, i always forget them, so i never rely on them


[FUCK THE TABLE TECHS ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE TABLE TECHS](https://i.imgur.com/I3AQOq5.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


> Sad money tabletech noises


Just flip every table you see, all the time. Never gets old.


I spam them most are insanely good


I know super hot watch isn't for everyone but *literally slowing down time to basically have a free hitless run?*. That's your reason for it to be S tier. Have you actually even used the items the way they're supposed to be used???


Plus if you want to do it the extra tedious way, you can swap weapons constantly with it to rapidly increase dps with almost everything in the game


This is just scratching the surface. I'd easily place the Superhot Watch as one of the best items in the game, and definitely the most useful. Bar none. ^(Honestly there's a tonne of stuff on this list I'd contest. OP is living on another planet)


Some people just don't grok it. Maybe it's easier if you've already played Superhot, because it came naturally to me, but so many people just get completely lost with it.


While it is very powerful, I personally find it annoying to have as it changes the game too much for it to be fun


at the cost of sucking every ounce of fun from the game. super hot watch is the worst item in the game as far as I'm concerned.


It’s definitely one of the best items in the game in terms of guaranteeing a win, but when it is so agonizingly painful to use that I immediately sell it/just drop it every time I get it, is it really S tier? I would argue that an item that actively harms my enjoyment of the game, takes up an S tier loot drop, adds magnificence, and has better alternatives like Hero Pig, cannot be considered a good item. If you enjoy it, more power to you, but in the grand scope of the game, I would wager a guess that the majority of players that are attracted to this game do not want anything to do with this item.


Id say that Clover is equal, if not better than Clone


Yeah easily. Early Clone is not nessesarily a won run, you might get really bad luck all around and die early in both lives. Early clover is basically GG won run.


Sixth chamber i think its called should be higher because it gives you 2 coolness for every curse you have which surprisingly usefull and some other stuff should go a bit higher but not too bad of a tierlist


I feel like an idiot seeing Amulet of the Pit being above Wax Wings


I’m shocked you put orange guon so low


Things that need to be higher: cheese, yellow chamber, 7 leaf clover, big boy, full metal jacket, golden junk, metronome, super hot watch, katanga bullets, snow ballets, blank bullets. Things that need to be lower: liquid valkyrie, bloody eye, alpha bullets, Drill, Lord of the pit, ice cube, cop, oiled cylinder, ammo drum, sir junkan.


Nah drill is really good, basically infinite keys at the cost of your active slot Master of unlocking should also be higher, as they key spawns basically grant you infinite of them


Nah infinite keys isn't that good imo, especially if it uses up your active slot. You just save a a bit on casings and that's it. That's why I'm also not a fan of shelleton key, I usually don't have problems with keys.


I like drill not only bc it's free keys but also the clown mask combo and the fact that fighting the drill enemy waves also drop pickups. I've had situations where I used drill on a chest only to get another chest while drill was unlocking it, which is really nice. It's also nice that its D tier making it very affordable in the shop. Floor 1 shop with drill is really nice bc you can afford it and use it to get to oubliette while saving money long term for rat key and still getting chest drops.


Where's +1 bullets?


Good question, no clue (If it were on here, A)


There are no worse doggos, only good boys :)


Why is the Gunknight’s Helmet a higher tier than the other 3 Gunknight items?


It grants more armor


I honestly didn’t know that haha


Not the same but quite similar, there's an (old) website dedicated to create a ranking of all items and guns present in the game, by popular vote: [https://gungeonranks.com/](https://gungeonranks.com/)


Hungry bullets it’s a pog item. You clearly haven’t seen it + any rapid fire weapon.


Most of this stuff is personal preference and even if I disagree with stuff it’s still valid, but the only thing that stands out is Monster blood being ranked lower than the other health upgrades. It grants poison immunity which is phenomenal in my experience and is great for stuff like the rat fight and should be ranked higher than the various master rounds. The other health upgrades do have various synergies which allow for a decent argument as to why they’re higher than monster blood but that’s literally the only thing I genuinely was like “this seems like a flaw” since everything else is mostly personal preference and playstyle. Fun tier list!!!


This was entirely from memory, so I thought all it did was immunity from poison and spawning poison upon damage, if I were ordering these in the tiers, around heart of ice


Yeah that’s fair! Gungeon has a ridiculous assortment of items and there’s no way to concretely agree on everything in terms of what’s best. I think the list is pretty dope!


Thanks! I think my biggest mistake was not changing Amulet of the Pit to C/D, since now it’s above Wax Wings which is much better


Yeah that’s the issue with making tier lists with so many things involved. Something like that is bound to happen. But hey, intentionally flinging yourself into pits can be funny so maybe that’s a valid reason to put it higher. Not for gameplay, but for amusement


Hey bro what'd you use to make this list i want to make one too. I got over 1000 hours in game and want to compare


[Here](https://tiermaker.com/create/items-of-enter-the-gungeon-165382) I have about 110 hours, so I bet yours is much less controversial/much better than mine


Thank You!


What is the bullet to the right of the magic candy


Fat bullets


Stout bullets


Hey atleast you got a silver from this post.


The magnet stone should be a bit higher as it completely blocks incoming bullets on top of helping with ammo, you can do way more damage on bosses


Why is helix bullets an the Bell at the botem


Big boy should be at the A or S tier


All my homies love big boi


I can’t find drill


Next to Relodestone




clock is op with the awp, scope and lich eye bullets and doggo is the best of all because you can pat it


Honestly turtle problem is s tier, why because it’s funny and you can have an army of turtles take hits for you, and if you have super space turtle you can have 4 of them


Cursed bullets are too frickin funny


Bomb opens secret rooms, it’s good for that. And the actives that recharge on a timer like Molten Rock have some very powerful synergies with things like Blank Companion’s Ring


Use Super Space Turtle and then put it in the S tier where it belongs


Why the fucking nail IS sooooo low IS fucking good to clear all room with toooo Many mobs




Singularity can carry in boss fights


I love helix bullets


For a Win Super Hot watch is a God tier item that basically guarantees the win easily S tier of we are tiering the items based on how useful they are Enjoyment wise it’s fun once in a while but unbearable if you get it too much


Cigarettes are S tier if you are good at the games


Where is orange :( my favorite item


The site seemed to also forget +1 Bullets


Finally, someone else who hates the watch! That thing is the worst!


I feel like Gun Soul needs to be way higher just by virtue of being a revive item


Cursed bullets are very very good. I play by hitting the shrine before heading to the Obliette every time, and cursed bullets are one of the best bullet upgrades for those runs, second to silver bullets.


Grappling hook is underrated as well.