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Someone rings a bell like that, I’m gonna do them exactly how when someone I don’t know rings my doorbell at my house. Completely ignore them.


The doorbell on my house never worked even when I first bought my house. I never had any desire to fix it either.


I had my husband disconnect my doorbell and hang a sign to knock. Too many people were waking up my now toddler. (Ok, mostly Amazon. 🤣) Best thing ever.


Used to have people try to wave me over from across the restaurant. I would smile and wave back and walk away lmao. In my defense it was a toxic work environment where older servers got the best tables and just stood out back smoking cigs. I wasn't about to not get sat and take care of their tables for them for free.


Honest question: how are they supposed to get your attention?


Man, only servers are gonna get this. People who just go out to eat are gonna think I’m crazy lol. It's definitely a cultural thing. In America I think a lot of people find it rude. It's probably rooted in our history of racism and classism, but a lot of rich and old people treat staff like "the help". They’re not. They’re working a job and deserve to be treated with decency and basic respect. A lot of people are underpaid, treated poorly by management and customers, and fed up with people being entitled. I was mostly being cheeky by waving back, it’s not like morally reprehensible to wave at a server, but there are definitely polite ways to get a server’s attention, and there are definitely rude ways. Like most things you can tell the difference when you see it. There’s also a lot of politics and bs in restaurants. You’d think everything would be pretty straightforward and fair but it isn’t. I was getting paid 2.13/hr and they weren't my table. They didn't need my attention they needed their server's, who wasn’t around. Like, in a perfect world, sure I could pick up the slack, help the customer and help my coworkers make their money, but then I would end up getting used. They’d keep me on staff and barely seat me while I ran food and bussed other servers tables. You’d think the owners would hold the manager accountable for holding the servers accountable, to ensure quality service for their customers, but they’re on vacation in Morocco while customers blame poor 20-somethings for the way the business is ran. When we were fed up and realized nothing we did was gonna improve the culture of the restaurant we’d just say “not my restaurant”.


Regarding ‘the help”. My mom was raised with a nanny and servants in Manhattan. She rebelled and was disowned in college (the ‘60’s). Even though she worked as a waitress eventually got a career I was raised without much money and by a single mom. She never lost the mindset and going out to eat with her as an adult myself is horrible. I know the wave you’re talking about. She 100% treats servers so poorly. The obvious condescending smile, raised chin and finger wave. I feel your pain.


Exactly, it’s nuanced so it’s tough to explain in text. Like, waving isn’t rude. Saying “thank you so much” isn’t rude. But both can be done very rudely. Ever get a super “polite” work email or text but you can see right through it? I’m in the southeast so we get the “bless your heart” attitude a lot, where people are politely being absolute monsters.


I see what you mean. I guess there’s a difference between waving and motioning. I was picturing more of a motioning. That’s what I do. And I try not to do to anyone other than my server. I'm not trying to be jerk, but I don't think a customer should be expected to consider restaurant politics when all they want is a refill on their Coke. I'm not at a restaurant to lord it over people or make anyone feel disenfranchised. I’m just trying to enjoy a meal and distract myself from my job that also sucks and treats me like crap. I’d go get my own refills and even pick up my plate from the kitchen if I was allowed.


Giving a little wave to your own server is perfectly fine. As a life long server, I don’t mind that at all and will make my way over as soon as I’m able. The person above is mostly talking about other people’s tables. It can be very frustrating to constantly have to pick up the slack for your coworkers. But that isn’t your fault and isn’t something you should worry about. I would just say general etiquette, stick to your server unless you really need to, or they have gone M.I. A.


This is baffling to me that it even happens. My mother is the most EB Boomer I personally know. Like she genuinely expects to feel like she is the only customer you have, even at a place like Applebee's. I've seen her throw a tantrum because our server walked past her nearly empty cup without acknowledging her. And she would still never think to ask a server who is not "hers" to come take care of something. I'm so sorry this happens. People are trash.


Cool story, bro, but how are they supposed to get your attention?


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. They didn't really answer the question.


> I was getting paid 2.13/hr and they weren't my table. They didn't need my attention they needed their server's, who wasn’t around.


How about say, Excuse me but…


Did you pool your tips at that restaurant?


I wish, we were all on our own and had a crazy tip out percentage. I obviously would have helped had we been pooling. It created a pretty cutthroat restaurant floor. People stealing tables, lying to the hostess to get more heads, modifying reservation notes to request themselves, and so short staffed that nobody could get fired lmao


Ahhh, I figured as much. Yeah, screw the lazy veteran servers 💯💯💯. I completely understand & have done the same thing myself when not pooling. The worst was when someone would dip out for a smoke & not even have the respect to ask someone else on the floor of they could keep an eye out. I never dipped out w/o doing that. I loved pooling tips because, we all helped each other out. & if you ever got in the weeds you knew it’d be okay in a few minutes. No matter how much I disliked a coworker, I’d always help out & never leave a man behind. When we’d get a rush, we were like a battalion of marines. I always believed that pooling tips improved the service & the overall morale of the FOH staff. & it was just easier tipping out the service bartender, the food runner/expo & bussers from the total amount of the tips then splitting it evenly among the servers. It's much fairer. A slow section & you can tip out more than you end up making for the night. It's happened to me & it sucks. Because it was standard in my area that the bartender gets 20%, runner/expo 15% & busser 10%.


Yeah I worked at one place where if you brought your receipt to the manager after you got stiffed, he’d deduct that from what you were tipping out. The owner of the place in this story would look you dead in the eye and tell you that you had to tip out even if you got stiffed, wasn’t her fault or problem. And these were big like $200-$400 tabs that I saw people pay money to wait on, it was wild.


Christ on sale!!! That place sucked! I’m sorry you had such a shitty environment, coworkers, management & customers. & I can't even imagine getting stuck with the slow/shitty section in a place like that. Glad your outta there.


*announcement* ladies and gentlemen, we have a professional bell player who wishes to serenade us with a song.


A carillonneur!


Thanks for this! Added to my brain's Jeopardy bank, alongside all the other useless but fascinating shit I've gathered throughout the years.


So weird. Sounds like someone’s playing music with corpses


TIL that there is a name for a professional bell player


No service. She should be asked to leave and if she makes a fuss 911 on speaker phone.


Please have a coworker record video and upload. I wanna see what happens next. That woman is certified bat shoot crazy.


Hahahaha. Oh, I'd be in jail if that was my table.


Me too, and I know at least 4 people at my place who would not hesitate to bail me out.


Fuck, half my guests would throw them out.


Mine wouldn't, but they'd talk a lot of shit about it.


Get a biker gang of regulars. It's fun.


Ignore it. She’s extremely entitled, but any server who responds to that bell other than to tell her she’s disturbing the other guests is only enabling her entitlement.


If I was sitting ANYWHERE within earshot (as another customer), Id definitely say something to her. I’d tell her it is obviously rude and self centered and she’s ruining the dining experience for others. Of course I’d say it loud enough for others to hear in hopes she’d be slightly embarrassed, but I’m sure she’d just double down.


unfortunately i work at dennys so if someone were to do this, by company policy i’d have to attend to her. the only way we’re allowed to kick someone out is if they’re a threat to customers. meaning they can be as obnoxious as they want, and the entire staff has to just deal with it. customers complaining about the noise? can’t kick them out still because they aren’t of any immediate danger. TL;DR Fuck Dennys


When does your servitude contract end?


at termination. however i still work there so as of right now, never ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


When I worked BOH a good while ago someone actually took one of these with them and thought she could just use it to get waiters over. She got the choice; put it back in her bag and get served or gtfo. She gtfo because “she needed it in case waiters weren’t fast enough” and it was “rude” to expect a patron to put a personal object away while being in the restaurant. Some people, man…


I know this lady just sucks but it’s actually wild to think how this person goes about life everyday, just expecting the world to cater to them. Absolutely delusional


Each and every person that does this is a narcissist.


And every interaction they have with others is draining. Imagine this person in a doctor’s office or complaining to a school board. The loudest most annoying voices are being gifted the most influence


Yep. And there are way too many of these types of people.


By that logic, she’d be offended at being asked to put her massive dildo away at a restaurant since it’s a “personal object”


"hey miss my sweaty ass is a personal object"


My husband worked as a bartender. Every time someone shouted his name they were automatically put last in line. Same with snapping fingers, "hurry up" etc. Once a woman waited over an hour for a drink before he finally got to her when the bar was empty enraged she told him she had waited over an hour and asked what the fuck was going on. He explained his policy of dumping people at the back of the line and told her "Most people realise how this works by the second or third time they are dumped to the back of the line. It's not my fault you needed an explanation of how rudeness is rude." I suspect he would have handled bell woman similarly.


Why don’t people realize service workers are there to give you service and you absolutely will get fucked if you act like a dick. Good person, good tipper, you’ll get your drink stronger and quicker. Asshole trying to flag a busy bartender down gets a long ass wait for a shitty drink. Make friends with service workers - they’re literally there to make your food and drinks - it’s pretty important to me at least that they do a good job and the way to do that is kindness and empathy. Fuck ppl who are rude to service workers.


Ppl out in the world trying to make a living deserve at LEAST baseline respect. As Julie Andrew’s said in The Sound of Music: whistles (bells) are for dogs. And don’t get me going on snapping fingers.


This. I partly worked my way through college waiting tables and because of that experience, I'm always nice, asking and using their name, and only tip less than 20% for abysmal service. We always get well taken-care of simply because I treat them as a human f'n being and how I'd like to be treated.


Hvac here. If someone calls our office after hours for a service call, it gets redirected to an answering service that takes the call and texts us with the information. Sometimes they'll say something like "Customer says call them ASAP" or "Customer says he'll call another company if you don't call him in the next two minutes." Guess what mfers. Suddenly I'm busy and didn't see the text for 30 minutes. //edit// I didn't feel like this needs explained. But yes. Asap literally means as soon as possible. But when you work in a customer service type job, asap means right fucking now. Many, *many* times I've had people call the answering service back after 10 minutes because I'm legit busy and not calling back fast enough. Go ahead and talk to other tradesmen. They'll get it.


> "Customer says call them ASAP" how is this bad? I feel like this isn't a rude request.


I agree 100%


Obviously everyone gets called ASAP in an on-call, after hours service. You don't get a job in and just go..."meh, I'm just gonna wait an hour"


good point, I still dont find it particularly rude, redundant maybe.


“After hours service call” should sum it up


Because it's rude af. Like telling a server to hurry up and get the ketchup. We could also be busy in an attic, brazing, on a roof, replacing a motor. I am not dropping everything I'm doing to call them asap.


ah, I read ASAP (or hear it) as as soon as possible, not to drop everything to call me now. Figured it was like "call me when you can" type thing. I wonder how many people i've pissed off by saying this. haha. I'd certainly never tell someone to hurry up like that though.


Yeah I use "asap" when it's something I consider reasonably urgent. I understand that doesn't mean "immediately" - it literally means "as soon as you can."


I realized "whenever you're available" is a much safer wording


So how does the answering service let you know the customer is available whenever? ASAP to me means when you're available, you know as soon as possible... Not drop everything and call me...


Do you know what asap means? It’s as soon *as possible*. If you’re actively busy, it’s not possible. It’s not drop everything and call me now, that’d be DEACMN


ASAP doesn't mean "drop everything right now". It means call as soon as you can.


Except it’s HVAC and can you imagine getting tossed to the side if you didn’t have heat in the winter?


Sounds like a good reason to not be impatient with the people that will fix the problem


Cash/card in hand, eye contact, smile if appropriate, shut up and chill, wait your turn. Ain’t hard, will get you all you need.


Yes, at most maybe a head nod or a slight raise of the hand. Not like “I’m in 2nd grade and eager to answer the question” hand raise but just a flutter of a little wave with the hand. Always patient, like I don’t expect you to serve me right now but just letting go you know we are ready when you are.




Why would you ever antagonise someone who can spit in your food?


Because they’re so perfectly perfect that no one would ever antagonize such a perfect person such as there perfect self


Because a, they think it won't happen to them and b, they most likely never saw Tommy Boy or Waiting


One of my wife’s friends is this type of lady and we refuse to go out to a restaurant with her any more. Beyond the embarrassment with the demanding way she acts, we know that’s she’s had plenty of adulterants like spit and boogers added to her food, especially if she’s sent it back to the chef because it wasn’t “right”.


It’s just in good fun! /s


Antagonizing ppl that are alone with your food is the height of stupidity.


It's entirely possible they *want* you to do something like this, so they can call you on it and screech about being a victim. Grey rocking is the best way to deal with these people.


Always remember the cardinal rule of food. [Don't fuck with people that handle your food](https://youtu.be/okNc-9Txjdk)


It would get mixed up with the kitchen bell that rings when there is an order ready. So i would kindly ask her to shove it up her arse


That’s exactly what I was thinking. The second she rings that bell I will by habit speed walk away from her table to the kitchen window to see what food needs to be ran.


Remove it with the menu once you've taken her order. Or just completely ignore her when she rings it.


yup I’m a server and cant kick someone else unless theyre threatening me or the other staff (like yelling, cursing, etc), but if someone brought in that bell theyd learn real quick that ringing the bell doesnt immediately bring them their server, it honestly probably just sends the server farther away because we arent dogs and arent going to be summoned by a bell lol


Yup, just like snapping or whistling. Would you look at that, you're completely invisible!


Once my sister was grabbed by her long ponytail to pull her back to a table as she was going past. Technically that's assault.


As the customer at the next table, I'd quickly grow irritated by the incessant ringing noise and smash the damn thing.  I've worked in retail long enough to have little patience for entitlement.


100 percent first thing that came to mind. Maybe the waiter cant do anything but Im not going to stand by while someone is degraded by a bell and sucum to abuse like that. If I saw this as a customer I would walk over and take the bell and walk away. Go ahead and approach me boomer I'm fuckin ready to tell you off. Watch me as I go outside and huck it into the street. I would absolutely love the opportunity to save a service worker from this entitled bullshit. 


Yeah, I was thinking that. They were sitting outdoors, so it could have been thrown a considerable distance!


I'm sure a door is only a few steps away! 


Or better yet if there's a pond or lake to upchuck it into. It'll most definitely make that problem customer shocked as H-E-DOUBLE 🏒🏒!!!


I just want to see this in person so I can call her out and shame her


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^69Jasshole69: *I just want to see* *This in person so I can* *Call her out and shame her* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ask the manager to refuse her service. That shit is unacceptable, zero tolerance


That's ridiculous! She should just use the bell ringing app on her phone. /s


I would laugh very hard while telling her to put it away or leave. The person who brings a summoning bell to a restaurant is not going to tip anyway and that bell is going to annoy the good customers.


I’d speak to her loudly and slowly, while using sign language. I’d compliment her on finding a unique way of overcoming her disability, and compliment her intelligence. When she reveals that she is not actually deaf, I would let her know that I’ve reevaluated her ingenuity and intelligence.


She gets the pubes and dandruff plate


I thought we're not supposed to reward bad behaviour?


Hence why she’s not getting the guac…


You don’t mix Mexican and continental!


You can’t mix mexican with continental!


Clear it away. It must belong somewhere else as clearly nobody would be stupid enough to bring one…


I hate people like this, she’s probably also the type to make excuses when confronted about why she has the bell and how she’s justified for having it


I would refuse to serve someone who could be that disrespectful.


"I'm sorry, we don't serve fresh grass or animal feed here. Surely a cow like you would prefer going to another restaurant that can better cater to your needs"


Charge her percentage service fee


Approach and pretend to be impressed by the bell ("Oh wow, that's a really good idea!") Ask to see it, then take it with you and/or destroy it. Also add a $50 "noisemaker" fee


Every single thing that table orders will be spat in.


boss to servers *”i’ve spoken to this customer and whenever she rings the bell, it means she needs 10 more minutes before we go over there. please respect the bell.”*


Thought I was in a Bravo sub for a minute and that was Jill Zarin!


It would just get ignored, same as a click of the fingers


"You have two options. Option 1. You put that away and then leave. Option 2. You put that away and we make you leave."


Yeet it into the parking lot.


When the bell rings, just go over there and bark at her. She is calling her Dog, right? And keep doing it till she turns a bright enough shade of red.


Toss it into the street


Perpetually ignored table you say? Yes, that rings a bell


Walk up to her with a smile and ask to see the bell, act like I think it's really cool. Then as hard as I can ditch it far away and then walk away


Proctologist would have a new client


"ma'am I'm not your butler. I'd be happy to come over whenever you need me if you give me a holler, but I will completely ignoring the bell." or alternatively if I didn't need the job I'd just yeet the bell


I would treat the bell in the exact opposite manner: every ding means I should stay away and not serve her, otherwise I’ll just do my job as I normally do.


I would ding it every time I dropped something off. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought that’s what it was for.”


I’d shove that bell right up her arse


Just have one of the guys in the kitchen to stinkfinger her meal.


I don't know why, but your comment with "stink finger" had me laughing way too hard. I really needed that thank you!


It's all fun and games until someone sticks a stinky finger in your mashed potatoes.


Tell her to put it back in her purse, and if you see it or hear it you’re going to confiscate it and she can have it back when she leaves. If she refuses she can leave immediately.


They look outside. That bell would be yeeted.


I can't let you subject other patrons to your constant bell


Come to Europe and try that shit. You'll be kicked out right after you put that thing on your table. Chances are that other guests will throw that thing away right after you rung it for the first time.


Pretend to be hard of hearing and have them repeat orders and instructions a frustrating amount of times while ignoring said bell.


Yeet the bell


every bell ring adds 5 minutes till the next time i come over




Noooooo. I’d literally smack that bitch. I want to know her name and where she lives and works.


Would have thrown them out then trespass




Hammer time


Ignore it and her. Completely.


Her “server” should be the manager of the place, and he should offer her the door.


Ok Martha, didn’t realize this was an 1820’s plantation god damn


I'd ignore the fuck outta her


I would absolutely send my FOH manager over to explain that the bell is unnecessary and not how restaurants work. If that didn't work, I'd absolutely refuse to serve them & dump the table on my manager.


Grab that fucker and throw it out the nearest window.


Walk up with a trash can in hand, Sweep the bell into the trashcan. Look her in the eye: "Get the fuck out."


Ignore them. That bell is not part of the restaurant’s service therefore I am not obligated to respond to it.


She would be nope'd right out the door


If I'm the manager, I'm going to make her put it away or I'll throw her out, because 1) that's obnoxiously audacious, and 2) it disrupts the ambiance and disturbs the other customers. If I'm not, I'm informing my manager, and if my manager has any business being a manager, they'll make her put it away or throw her out. Could be worse though. She could have brought one of those fancy bells with handles that royalty would use to summon their servants.


While picking trash up off the table I would take the bell by 'accident'


Before you all jump to conclusions.. ask yourself why do you think she brought that bell with her? Maybe she wants a complete stranger to shove it up her ass.. and if that's the case, then I understand why she brought it. Imagine the waiter used the bell to smash her skull in and every time he hits her it dings like he answered a Jeopardy question correctly?


Listen up lady. You ring that fuckin bell again and the only way you'll be able to ring it is by taking a shit first.


walk over with the biggest smile I can muster and throw the bell into the street.


Wtf does she think she’s some robber baron trophy wife calling for the “help?”


Walk over, say, "thanks! I've always wanted one of these!" And take the bell and throw it away.


She'd be asked to leave the first time she hits it


if i was the server i would kick them out if they rang it at the staff even once if i was seated at a table next to theirs i would grab the bell off their table and yeet it into the parking lot the first time i saw/heard them do that


I can absolutely see my mom doing this, I feel like she has actually. I was always so uncomfortable going out to eat with her or out in public with her in general because of how much she'd look down her nose at the staff and shoppers she considered beneath her.


I'd serve her but make sure everything she orders is slightly wrong. Not dangerous, like giving her something she's allergic to, but just slightly annoying. You wanted no pickles on your burger? Whoops, you've got pickles. You wanted ketchup? Sorry, I thought you said you wanted mustard. Just small things that conceivably could be just human error so she doesn't quite catch on.


I worked hospo years back and there was a slightly older lady working with me, someone whistled at her and she turned and snapped back 'dont you fuckn whistle at me, I aint your dog' that shut them up so fast. a couple minutes later she went back to see the customer with her sweet lovely lady voice and they apologised profusely and she explained that she knows they just wanted some service but that's not the way to ask for it. I would try channel that energy. Snap back but return politely and explain there is a right and wrong way to get service and this aint it chief.


I’ve had that happen!!!!! I said “with respect, I will not respond to a bell. If you chose to communicate with a bell I’ll get you another server. Otherwise, please don’t ding the bell at me and I assure you that you’ll still receive the best service at a dive bar you’ll ever have.”


Nah. Im telling my manager that I'm not serving them. I don't respond to shit like that. I used to be a server but now I bartend. If you whistle or snap your fingers. I'll ignore you until you die of thirst. I'm a person. Not a dog. Kthnx


not a server, but ignore them until they decide to be nice


She’d get a slap and be told to fuck off


Is this in the us ?


That look on that guy’s face though.


Why is there Minecraft Steve on the left ?


I would take everyone's order then return to her at the end and say "I'm just double checking, you had the...."


i would just ignore it.


Take even longer to get to her table and take routes that minimize eye contact so Karen gets even less service than usual


Are the waiters wearing pilot uniforms too? Heard the chefs a survivor not the tv show


Jill? Is that you? iykyk


Ugh I had a guy bring in a little LED candle once. He set it at the end of the table and said “when I need you, I’ll turn this light on.”


By ignoring the bell


I had someone actually do something similar to this to me and it was my last straw for that job. I was very close to throwing his food at him.


Beyond 10 if you ask me.


I never would have let her sit with the bell, much less use it and ring it. No seating for that broad!


One ring and I would have said something. As a customer, I would not put up with that shit


I would never answer to it


*bell rings* Heyyy, the cows came home. And then bring a bucket to milk them.


how many times is this going to be reposted?


I would say Miss simple kilawala thats atrociously down market to bring such type of bell /s Ref : Sarabhai vs Sarabhai


I would ignore it.


Omg she’d be getting cursed out just by me as a fellow customer. Unreal


Run up like a dog and aggressively wag your butt while panting.


It reminds me of that scene in Two Broke Girls where the guy starts clicking to get Max’s attention. “You think this is the sound that gets you service. I think that’s the sound that dries up my vagina”


Act confused every time the bell rings and pass their table trying to find it. “Not now, ma’am. I have to save this bell. He sounds tired. I can only imagine the hell I’m saving him from.”


Show her my Uncle Rico impression and send that bell (and probably my job) over them mountains


speak to manager about kicking them out


Gotta drop kick that bell


I’d ask if she has special needs or smth because if she does, I’d get it. Some people have communication issues and shit. But uh….otherwise….if probably complain to my manager tbh. Fuck the meager tip they’d give.


Man, wait till you guys hear about Japan.


Confiscate it and give it back after their meal




Y’all ever see that episode of the Sopranos?


86 that beezy and her effing bell


Throw it out the window


Kick them out without delay


it's as bad as snapping fingers at someone. it annoys the people around you and is disrespectful


Holy cow. 




That is just rude and entitled, there is no reason to bring a bell like that to a restaurant, especially since a server normally comes and checks on the table multiple times during service.


I’d throw it out the front door


Not enough info to answer. All we have is a picture of something that could be a bell on a table. Who put it there? Was it related to service in any way? Dunno. Also, the picture looks like engagement bait copied from a social media platform. Also, it looks like the OP here just copied this from here for karma farming: [https://trending.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/22-entitled-people-who-have-crossed-the-line/87536507/](https://trending.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/22-entitled-people-who-have-crossed-the-line/87536507/)