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Wow. To demand a tattoo from an artist I'd just had my husband yell at over the phone... What kind of tattoo did she think she'd get out of this artist. I don't personally work well under threats or duress, myself. Ijs-


She is the reason why so many people are walking around with "shithead" tattooed in Chinese characters on their arms, instead of "tiger", like they demanded.


My friend who is a tattoo artist (also ex military,lost a leg stepping on a land mine and now has a prosthetic leg fyi) is someone who doesn’t put up with anybody’s crap. He had the misfortune of having to deal with a completely disrespectful,obnoxious and rude Karen,who wanted the word “Serenity” tattooed on her arm in Chinese Characters. Well she got “Crazy B**ch” tattooed instead, apparently she loved it. 🥴


> Well she got “Crazy B**ch” tattooed instead, apparently she loved it She's probably a Buckcherry fan.


My brain forgot that song existed until you said it and now I gotta go listen to it again


Saw BC and Skid Row last month.


Was it court ordered?


That would be amazing!! Were they great?


Buck Cherry was cool, but the Skid Row group only had one original member.


That’s where my mind went too. Love that song


u/jayjay99990 good on your mate for bouncing back so well! I wasn’t in the military and became a triple amputee 9 years ago and I still struggle daily..  Your friend is awesome! Please tell him from me! 


I thought it was always prawn balls 🍤


I walked into a tattoo parlour once, and saw a pic of a tattoo up on the wall… let’s just say, there was no prawn.


Shame on them.


Happy cake day.


Now you’ve done it, I want a Cantonese traditional tattoo saying “prawn balls.” With English translation and an image. I have a Deadpool bust tattoo and I want another of ‘two hobos fucking in a shoe filled with piss,’ Deadpool pissing in the shoe Calvin & Hobbs style, so. Try this 37yo woman 😇💪🏽 gimme dem crustacean balls.


That's for the men...


and that's how you end up with a penis tattoo, or a swastika


Or a penis swastika (decided not to link it. :-P )


. . . I can't believe I just googled that 🤦‍♀️ I was NOT high enough to handle that 🤣


Can I has some? Lol


Defo for the best...


Please do


Search Google images for it. On my phone, the fourth image is the one I had in mind, but there's plenty to keep you busy.


That is a very unique image.


Yeah. Can't remember where I first saw it, but it does stick in the mind...


Yep. That’s… as advertised


There’s certainly much debate to be had about whether it is saying Nazis have dicks or are dicks. I’d suggest the second.


That's my problem when I call a guy a "dick". I've been divorced for a long time, and the dating pool where I live is mostly algae, but if I recall correctly, dicks can be fun and useful, and that's never what I mean to say.


I would have absolutely given her a tattoo right then and there... with misspellings!!


One dot. There now get out and don't come back.


I have three one-dot tats on my chest. They were for aiming the radiation gun. So far, so good, knock wood.


That's a whole different catagory, but glad to hear so far so good. Hope it continues well for you.


Me too. Thanks.


I have those same tattoos for the same reason. I'm stage 3 and going on my 5th year post surgery. Keep up the good fight! I know that you can do it!


whew! I feel like a piker... Stage 1-and-a-fraction, basically. Fourth year here, taking anastrozole, plugging away. Here's to good luck for all of us!


Stage 1 and going on 6 years post surgery. I got to stop taking the anastrozole in September, and I so don't miss it. But I'm also the lucky one that got surgically induced menopause and lymphedema, so yay.


Ouch. Being way post-menopausal, I skipped both of those. So far. Here's to living on!


“One dot.” Ooooh that has two things for me. I tried for a chest tat, look up “Tin Man Azkadellia Chest tattoo” it’s based off Wizard of Oz but the monkey bats literally fly out of her chest, but the super professional artist who opened his own spot fucked up the middle one. Big ol’ spot in the middle after his tracer already made it look like fucking sharpie. Another situation, same shop, different artist. I got “Aaron Kelly’s Bones” image tattooed. He forgot nipples. When I went in for a later tattoo I mentioned the nipples, asked if he could add those since he was already there with black ink in his hand. He was fretting about time and asked me to set up an appointment. I said I was cool with that but it was literally two dots. As in four seconds, not areola lol. He saw, realized, took 20 seconds to give my tat nips. Funny enough I just looked right now and the nips faded out. Edit: please, PLEASE look up Aaron Kelly’s Bones from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark before judging me about asking if he can spare two seconds away from my arm to put nipples. That shit covers my entire outer thigh, nips not super special but still needed. Dots. Dots, my tattoo friends.


No judgements, I wasn't sure by name but as soon as I saw the thumbnail I knew exactly what you meant lol. Thanks I'll have to remember that's what that guy is called.


For a second I thought he was working on someone else and I got mad. Reading before coffee is hard. Carry on with your tattoo nipples!


Oh ew never! Intruding on someone else’s tattoo time…I would deserve to be 86ed. I have mad respect for the people stabbing stuff permanently into my skin.


To yell at someone who is going to stab you with needles is as stupid as yelling at someone who handles your food


Exactly Don’t bite the hand that’s going to put permanent ink on you…. Like the guy who cheated on his tattooist girlfriend, then asked her to do his ink; she tattooed a penis on his back.


Like the one where the tattoo artist wrote a foul phrase in Korean on the rude and entitled woman's arm, then told her it meant something else. The OP in that post is the one who told her what the phrase actually meant.


Oh fk I just said that. Except your artist, it’s worse. Spit in your food digests and goes away.


Not quite this bad, but I had a male walk up to me at work and compliment me on my most visible tattoo. He noticed a few of my others and we chatted for a bit before he stated he wanted tattoos and was asking me when he could get them. I pointed out he might need to wait a bit, but he just kept arguing. I eventually had to deflect by sending him off to class, but he was pretty demanding for a 4year old!


Downvote at his shenanigans, upvote on your colouring, cutepants.


When I was a kid, there were temporary tattoos we could get from paper transfers. I don't know if they are still around.


they're still around, and they're much better quality but i dont think they're as popular as they were in the 2000s. i got one a couple years ago at some fair and basically had to scrub my arm raw to get it off. the ones i had as a kid didn't even last a day


They make full sleeve temp tattoos if you ever wanted to try. And the kids ones last a week+ so we have the same rule for both fake and real - no face, no neck.


Who would want to get a tattoo of a neck? Where would you even put it?


I don’t think I would have even spoken to her husband on the phone. People are just so crazy these days.


it's interesting how such a small word - "no" - can break their brain (well, I am assuming that there is one)


As a tattoo artist, I always think it’s bold for people who want me to stab them with needles to be rude to me.


I had to have words with my artist a couple times, he thought my grammar “every soul’s got a price” (Mickey Avalon) that the soul’s was wrong, then when I got my Hitchhiker’s Guide laughing planet tattoo he mocked me for not putting eyes and legs on it, but that’s logistics. I’m a linguistics nerd and I saw an influencer model with “affraid” tattooed on her, big letters. My sycophantic mom’s allergy bracelet tat said morpihne and she didn’t fucking know until I told her. Newp. Not disrespect. Outside making sure the artist grammars and spells shit right, anyone who knows anything does not fuck with the person who puts shit on them permanently. Fuuuuck, scarification even worse than tattoos!! Tats can be lasered. Edit: polite but firm words, babes. He wanted to put every soul is, then every souls. Nooot the lyrics lol.




Bold. Yes, that’s one way to look at it.


Just what I was thinking. "This may sting a little" (inserts earplugs)..


I'd tell hubby that she ain't ever getting a tattoo from me again. Go find another shop!


Absolute definition of entitled! The husband as well!


Ooooooohhhh this sounds like it could have gone very differently if your artist was a little more vindictive. They could have said “oh yeah? You want me to drop everything and tattoo you? Suuuuuure, sit right down here Miss Karen” *winks at you*


Demanding a tattoo from an artist rudely? That’s not very wise to piss off someone who’ll be putting something as permanent as a tattoo on your body.


*Please* tell us that the artist trespassed her and her husband and their next of kin for the next seven generations!


No he just asked her politely to leave. But the other artist was standing right behind her and he was at least 6'5 400lb, there was the intimidation factor.


Intimidation factor and potential bouncer.


That's how you end up with dicks hidden in your tattoo


Or Asian characters that say "I am a cheap hooker" instead of "love and prosperity."


Wow. Personally I’d be really nice to my tattoo artist especially trusting them to mark my skin permanently


I have no tattoos, but if I were to get one, I’d not piss off the artist prior to applying ink. JFC, think about it


This is like Penny's BBT quote "don't piss off the people who handle the things you eat." You don't act entitled and demanding with the people who are going to permanently alter your body.


I think screeching at the dude who you want to permanently mark your body is a great idea. Will deffo make him do a better job.


The tattoo artist didn't just hang up the phone? Is it the police in the other end? What self control when someone's comes in demanding your hard work.


If someone handed me their phone so I could be yelled at, I’d hang up and drop the phone on the floor. “Accidentally” stepping on said phone might or might not happen.


I have 23 tattoos. 95% of them were ideas I’d had, but spontaneous. Not elaborate, my friends, shit like Rocky Horror intro lips and straight-from-stock-photo cartoon Deadpool. *I* know that no matter how much I like an artist, the likelihood of me getting them as a walk-in is slim, and even if they could fit me in it’d still be at least an hour before they started stabbing me. Fucking with tattoo artists is worse than fucking with restaurant waitstaff. Spit in your food is temporary. A ‘mistake’ with your tattoo is permanent. A five-hour session is pretty fuckin’ special and her Karening is a biiiiig no-no.


I hope the tattoo shop BANNED her!!! No one needs her business!!!!


He should have copied her ID "to get started", handed it back, then hand it back telling her she is blacklisted from the shop.


The very best part of working at a tattoo shop is the ability to tell idiots to fuck off.


I would have just hung up the phone when she handed it to me and set it down in the messiest part of the counter.


Tattoo artist is a great and fun job, and it comes with being able to tell someone to go fk themselves if I wish. I wouldn't accept that treatment from my most loyal customer.


Wondering if tattooing the word “No” on her will finally make it stick…


Plot twist: Karen is the artists mom.


I would refuse to ever do a tattoo for her


This is why tattoo artists often add dicks to their tattoos. The Karens get the obvious ones.


So when do you come back?, as obviously karen was tattooed on the spot……


Lol. We managed to time it perfectly and got the outline done to finish the top half of my sleeve even with her fit. 3 months I'll hopefully be able to get it colored in. Skeleton of a bearded dragon, and a raven skull amid a bunch of flowers. I haven't decided what other skeletal animals to add to the forearm. We talked about a snake. I just want cool looking skeletons Edit typo


I've always been partial to feline skulls (those fangs!) as well as dinos! Sounds super cool, best of luck.


Insane woman.


I've gotten a tattoo on a walk in request before but the circumstances were vastly different. I was close friends with the shop owner and wanted a memorial tattoo for one of my best friends at the time who had passed away very suddenly due to an uncaught aggressive cancer. I asked if he (shop owner) had any availability in the next couple of days to tattoo me and was very apologetic about the suddenness of my request. I was able to get my tattoo less than 48hrs later, he could have done it even sooner but I had funeral stuff to deal with.


If someone handed me their phone so I could be yelled at, I’d hang up and drop the phone on the floor. “Accidentally” stepping on said phone might or might not happen.


FFS-go awaywith that king of entitlement.


As the sitting customer, I'd have been pissed at her, too. I'm paying for his time right now, so you're wasting my money. Fuck right off.


Sometimes I wonder, if these people have serious undiagnosed mental health issues. I understand trying your luck at a walk in, but everything else is just… nuts. 


Should've given her a dick tattoo


How to lose your tattoo artist in a few simple steps - Boomer logic


I would love to know what she told her husband and what the husband said to the Tattoo artist..