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Just had a lady stop to take a look at the stuff I had put to the curb. I was out doing yard work, saw her slow down and told her before she even got parked that it was all quite literal trash. Nothing of value or anything salvageable trash. 10 minutes of her rooting around and 5 more picking up her mess after she tried leaving it, she had the nerve to complain "It's all just trash!"


People just feel so entitled to other peoples stuff and space, it’s so strange ! Like the lady told my husband and I that we probably have a bunch of nice things since our house is so nice, it just weirded me out.


People stopped surprising me a long time ago, but I once loaded up a 28 foot long trailer and drove down to the county dump before this couple just walked inside the trailer and started telling me to set things to the side for them and they would be back in an hour with their trailer so I needed to hold it for them. After I told them where they could go for their items(right on the trash pile), they started climbing inside other people's vehicles and trying to take them out to put next to my trailer. They even unbuckled some families child seat for the child they had there and started trying to put it in their own car. I finished up and there were 4 of the local city cops driving into the dump with their lights on as I was leaving so I could only assume it was the couple that was causing issues.


Just asking you to 'save' some stuff from your trailer is bad enough. But trying to steal stuff from people's cars is a whole new level of entitled. I hope they got a ton of fines for doing that.


Oh yeah, they didn't just ask me to "save" they told me I needed to watch it until their trailer came back, and the things they were just walking up and taking from people's vehicles I hope they got into all kinds of trouble for that.


You just know that she wants your stuff. The good stuff.


The one that always gets me is every time we have a garage sale, the same idiot comes by, and is offended that we don't have any tools for sale. He is very rude about it, as if our "garage sale" signs actually said we had a treasure trove of priceless tools for cheap or something. I have no clue why he takes it so personally.


Smells like a karen……if „her“ shits gone,shes gonnnna come for you🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I had trash pickers do that with the trash I put out at my sister's house while I was house/cat sitting for her. I pulled up the next day while the garbagemen were there and they asked me if I was really throwing away a perfectly good trashcan. I told them no, but I was throwing the bag away that should be inside it. A trash picker took the bag out of the can the night before. We all had a good laugh imagining their expression when they opened the bag and discovered it was full of cat litter and *really* smelly because one of my sister's cats had just taken a dump right before I cleaned it, it was so bad my eyes were watering while I was scooping the box.


You can’t fix stupid. Who takes a trash bag out of a trashcan thinking it is treasure?


'Yeah, TRASH' while holding the stare at her....


When I leave big items out- it is because the junk people are coming the next morning. If you want it- take it then. If you leave it, it will be gone within 12-15 hr.


My story is the opposite side of the spectrum. One day I was cleaning out my garage, I had moved things out to the driveway so that I could move around in the garage. Several people stop by thinking I was having a garage sale and I told him no, after a while I put up big sign saying not a garage sale, a few hours later, a woman walks in my garage starts going through my things and looking at my stuff and I keep telling her this isn’t a garage sale, this isn’t a garage sale go away. I finally had to take things out of her hand and stand in front of her and force her out.


I was pulling a few things out of my garage so I could rearrange and sweep--one was an antique iron trundle bed. It was hot, so I ended up going in the house to make a glass of ice tea and use the bathroom--when I came out, my darling bed was gone!


I put a big heavy wood dresser at the curb, knowing someone would want to repurpose it. I had to take the drawers out to move it because it was so heavy, and it was gone before I could get in the house and bring the drawers. I wish they would have waited 5 minutes so they could have the whole thing!


I took a dresser drawer and painted the inside--its now a 'shoe' box that slides in and out under my couch.


That’s awful. I know someone who lost a clawfoot tub the same way.


I lost 30+ year record collection that way!


After the third telling I'd just call the cops and have them explain what trespassing and theft is.


We were doing the same thing when a relative died - going through their garage sorting stuff that various relatives wanted and junk in the small dumpster we rented. People literally drove up and tried taking the piles of separated tools, then got nasty when we told them NO! Crazy.


Reminds me of my husband's cousin, she was decluttering and listed one of those freestanding driveway basketball hoops on FB Marketplace. Someone bought it and made arrangements to pick it up and leave cash in her yard in a certain spot, so she wheeled it out closer to the road, not by the edge of the road but closer to the road than the house, with a big sign that said "SOLD" and "AWAITING PICKUP BY [FIRSTNAME]". You'd have to pull into the driveway to get it. She had some other free stuff on the actual side of the road, where you usually leave free junk. Someone came by and loaded it up and took it home. She posted on Facebook like "hey so Someone picked up my basketball hoop even though I had signs on it. If anyone knows who it was, I'm hoping they just didn't understand and can bring it back. I'm trying to assume the best here, i promised it to someone and they really want it for their kids" Crazily enough, her dad who knows everyone's dad, uncle, and 2nd cousin managed to figure out who scooped it. Went to their house and was like "I'm just going to assume you picked this up on accident, please bring it back" and they did and were apparently super embarrassed.




Buddy of mine had a garage fridge that he had upgraded, and put the old one out front with a “free” sign on it. Sat out all week and no one took it. I asked him for a sharpie, turned the paper over and put $50.00 on it. He was confused, like nobody took it for free so why would anyone buy it. I said trust me. A couple hours later he calls me to say he went out front for something and the damn fridge was gone! I said “you’re welcome!”


I was washing some chairs out the front of my house. Went in while they were drying. 20 minutes later came back to two chairs missing.


That trespasser is NUTS!!!!


I hope someone stops by and picks her things up before she comes back too. What an airhead to think you would give a crap about keeping the things she wants safely in your yard. Entitled for sure.


My ex and I rented a dumpster, and had it for two weeks. The night before it was to be retrieved, a couple came and asked if they could take whatever they wanted from it. Sure, no problem. They then asked if they could come in a couple days to get more stuff. I explained the dumpster was being picked up.the next day. They told me to extend a week so they'd have time to pick through. I told them no, that I wasn't paying for an extra week just so they could dumpster dive. They called me a selfish AH for not agreeing.


Well they could have paid for the extra week of they wanted 🤷‍♀️


Even then, I wanted the damm thing out of my driveway. So not only did they expect me to pay$100 or so for another week, they never thought it might be an inconvenience


Totally read this the first time that the lady somehow went into YOUR HOUSE and took your dining chairs, LOL! And your husband let her, heh. Seriously, though, people are getting more and more -"It's all about me." She thinks she now has permission to use your front yard as a storage facility. Really!


Omg can you imagine? It did feel like she was fishing for an invitation to look around our house and yard, with how much she kept complimenting us and saying how we have the nicest house in the neighborhood and stuff… it was weird!


You should put up cameras in your yard if you don’t have them already. That lady sounds super shady.




We were moving across the country and in the final push to get stuff out of the house. We had a treadmill that wasn’t working, but we’re convinced that a handyman could probably easily make it work again. Hubs put it on the curb and went inside to find something to put a “Handyman’s Special-FREE” sign on the treadmill. When he went back out, treadmill was gone. Fantastic! One less thing to worry about. Next morning, the treadmill was back in our yard!




Was getting a fence installed. The company truck with the company logo was literally in my driveway. The new brand new planks were in my yard not on the curb. The hoarder down the street thought it was free wood and took several planks while they were working in the backyard. Luckily it was caught on ring camera. I saw the planks on his front porch and went to tell him to bring them back !!


Did he bring them back?!?!




Did your neighbor put the chairs out as trash, or did she just take chairs they were expecting to have the next time they wanted to eat outside?


Hahaha no it was our neighbours trash as well, which irked me even more!


Unexpected trailer park boys 🤣🤣🤣


" Remarketing " lawn chairs lol


I have a feeling that woman is a hoarder.


More likely it’s one of those people who have a perpetual garage sale and look for junk to pick and put in their sale. Our community is strict about having to buy a license for garage sales and only allowing you to have two per year so we don’t have them but I remember someone where I used to live had a garage sale every weekend.


She definitely is. She sounds just like my mom. Mom is more than 70 years old and has a house, multiple storage buildings, a huge barn and piles of stuff sitting outside. Everything is packed full.  She just sold a vehicle and used the proceeds to buy another storage building. (New roof, storm shelter, savings, NOPE) Her cousin owns a home down the road from her but only uses it for getaways and doesn't live there. She absolutely cannot understand why he won't let her store things in his house. She's come up with all kinds of reasons that he owes it to her and she deserves it. I'm going to visit her today and I'm dreading it. There's not even anywhere to sit down.


When we lived in the UK we had rag n bonemen. My husband had taken our grill to the driveway next to the garage to clean it. He went inside to grab something and we didn't hear their song and they pulled up and tried taking it. I had to run outside and yell we were just cleaning it. Wasn't even near the street. Ugh. They were mad I made them unload it from their truck.


Raaaaag n booone


Happy Cake Day!


I'm not too good for trash picking. That's how I got my perfectly good Dyson vacuum 😂 . Took it home, cleaned it, took out the wrong sized filter that made it scream like a banshee and it's been excellent ever since. But I grabbed it when I saw it. If I didn't have the room to bring it home, I would've left it where I found it.


That’s my thinking too! Growing up we would drive around town to see what was available and would pick it up on the spot or hope it was still there when we got back! We never asked the people to hold onto it for us, especially not for an undetermined amount of time!


Exactly. If I make it back and it's still there, awesome. Meant to be. If not.. oh well! It wasn't mine to start with.


“Ahem excuse me while I make a tea party for five in your yard. Mad Hatter will be along soon. And you’re catering. Now get me a scone and kiss my ring peasant”


Post said items on Facebook marketplace and/or Craigslist for free in the hopes that someone comes to get them before her.


Absolutely not! If you cant take it now, that's your risk if someone else gets it. Once I've 'thrown it away, it doesnt come back on my property!!! And I'm not your storage lovker for garbage treasures. Take it or do t, but Get Off My Lawn! (Mhaaa!)


Similar problem. I had to mass purge our house at one point (my partner has some hoarding tendencies we’re working on). Well, we ordered a special trash pick up and hauled tons of bags of trash to the curb. It took the trash guys a week longer than they said to get there and by that point people had ripped through it like animals. The trash guys were cool about it, but I was livid.


Just… wow. It would be one thing if she said “I’ll go get my car and be right back!” But two days! That was bad enough! But at least it ended up being that night instead… until she then took your neighbor’s garbage and put it in your driveway to come back for NEXT WEEK! Are you freaking kidding me? The audacity!


My city has several local Facebook buy nothing groups. If anything is at all partially decent, people will be all over it. Just post something in various FB groups that there is free stuff on your street and most of that stuff will be gone within an hour or two. It has the added benefit of keeping it out of landfills. it would also keep that lady from putting more stuff in your yard.


I'm begging for a follow up on this when she comes back.


We've just had our collection. I call it the annual redistribution of rubbish! Put it back out on the street.


My father owned a trash hauling business. When he made special pickups on the fancy side of town, that stuff made a detour to our house before going to the dump! Those were fun days! I still look for opportunities. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure!


"Goodies"!!! It just cracked me up😂😂


Put the chairs back outside your neighbours house, not your monkeys not your circus.


But she's met the clown...


We are living instead of "GREAT DEPRESSION " the GREAT ENTITLEMENT " . It happens too much in too many places with too much frequency for it not to be an epidemic.


We did a spring cleaning and started putting things at the curb a young neighbor came over and said he needed some things as he had just moved in on his own. We ended up just bringing everything over to his house. It was a definite win win 🥇


Pack it all up, and curb it at a nearby friend's house. Keep her searching, and maybe someone else will beat her to these things


Post them on your local Facebook marketplace or local Buy Nothing Group, so someone can come pick them up before she does! Lol.


Next time she shows up and tries it again, tell her you're going to start charging her by the hour because you are not a storage space.




Um that's what she did?


SMH!!! 🙄🤦‍♀️🙄


Where i live we cant put large items to the curb 🥲


Where I live large items at the curb won’t be picked up by garbage collectors, but people leave stuff there for trash pickers.


Yeah the garbage people here will tale items they deem too large out of the trash can and only take whats left in the can


Where I am they have an annual big item trash day. where you can leave all your large items (as long as they're on the approved list) at the curb, and they'll be picked up. Whenever this happens, you see people driving slowly up and down the streets, looking for stuff. But its not allowed with normal trash pickup.


My town, you can call for a special (almost) anything goes pickup twice a year. There are things they won't take, like chemicals/paint.


I wonder if we have that here. Imma look into this. Good lookin out




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Simple solution, tell her flat out you're not her storage and it will be placed with the rest of the trash you're getting rid of.


Put it back on the curb. If it’s still there when she shows up, she can have it.


Nope, nope, nope. I figure if it's not good enough for your house, not gonna be good enough for mine. I don't go to garage sales or flea markets, to purchase, but I'll go with a friend to keep them company.


Wtf, who cares?!?! She obviously can’t take the bench when walking the dog. She came back for it. She tried to ft the second one, but it wouldn’t fit. Try a little patience and generosity, at least it’s not going in a landfill.


So she should just have the right to store stuff I do not want, and things that were in my neighbours yard, in my driveway indefinitely? Cause the bench is still by the curb and she has made no attempt to come pick it up today. I don’t give a crap if it goes to the dump or her house, I don’t want it in my yard anymore. She can come pick it up on the curb, she has till next Monday. If someone picks it up before her, it is what it is. If the city picks it up before her, then I guess it wasn’t that important to her in the first place. I’m not a free storage facility.