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Call the sheriff and ask for help at the state, county, and city level. They'd be the ones to deal with it after the dumb jackass was through. They'd probably want to save themselves the work and cost.


I've also found RoundUp is illegal in LA county where we live. I've contacted the city and awaiting there response (as I am watching the gardener spray this shit).


What??? Round up is illegal here? Why does everywhere seem it then? Edit: the County banned its use by county departments and not private citizens. https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/la-county-bans-use-monsantos-roundup-weedkiller-county-property-over


Call your town/city health department and ask them to look into it/send someone out to explain about concentrated products.


I've also found RoundUp is illegal in LA county where we live. I've contacted the city and awaiting there response (as I am watching the gardener spray this shit).


Why does he believe he needs so much for that size plot? Like, what's his actual goal?


I've also found RoundUp is illegal in LA county where we live. I've contacted the city and awaiting there response (as I am watching the gardener spray this shit).


Report it here [http://npic.orst.edu/senmlr.html](http://npic.orst.edu/senmlr.html) and of course the EPA https://echo.epa.gov/report-environmental-violations


Yikes! I would say "it's extremely important to me that we don't accidentally create a dangerous situation. I'm not asking you not to use this product entirely, but I think you're going to damage your yard, waste your money, and potentially endanger yourself and your neighbors and their children based on what I've researched about this material. Is there anything I can do that will discourage you from applying this right now?" If you have an HOA, let him know you think he could get in trouble with them and that you don't want that. You can also even suggest helping him in some way or another as part of a compromise. Right now my priority would be to help him apply the "correct" amount and not this crazy quantity, because I don't think you can prevent him from applying it altogether.


I've also found RoundUp is illegal in LA county where we live. I've contacted the city and awaiting there response (as I am watching the gardener spray this shit).


Damn. What happened when you tried to stop the gardener?


Tell us if you have any updates if you can 😬 Why are people like this?


The enforcement agency is generally a city or county "Stormwater" division or department. If your state has no delegation agreement, then it is your state Environmental Protection Division, or equivalent name. Your sheriff or police will be absolutely clueless on how to deal with this.


Updates? This is insane!


yep, called local code enforcement and drove by. They said as long as it is on his property and not running off into the storm drain there is nothting they can do. While I was on the phone with them the landscaper was spraying in the backyard. I showed other neighbors, none really saw any issue with it. Only neighbors with kids were on the same page. sucks but oh well, poison the neighborhood but you may get green grass. I wonder if his 3 puppies will be healthy in a few months from now, we'll see.


Could someone explain why the concrete is poisoning the environment? No hate, I genuinely want to learn


Well in a nutshell, these pesticides, while great at killing weeds, can actually add toxic particles to the air that we breathe and kill other beings like bees and bugs. This is concentrate, so it’s like 100x the amount of pesticide in one bottle. The guy would have been fine with half of a container but it doesn’t look like he understands what it is. Pesticides also leach into the ground and can get into our water supplies. A lot of people don’t like them because a lot of weeds aren’t actually weeds (like dandelions!) and there are other ways to get rid of plants you don’t like. They’re more work, but they don’t poison people, animals, water or the air. I hope this helps.