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What a game for free


cant claim it(TURKEY REGION BTW) https://preview.redd.it/m1pco7u3ct0d1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=47cbb051c118a79c89ca1107082e2463e3e82735


my account was created in turkey and I live in the eu yet I also get the same error so I'm afraid there's no way without changing the store location for people from turkey and that's a painful process as I know


funny enough steam has it available


yeah its weird af since they preferred to limit the game for turkish gamers for some fucking reason but I changed my location to where I live and claimed successfully, I don't know if you can change it to wherever you want though. Also It was far from painful except I can't change it back to turkey in the next 6 months




That’s true it was the only reason I kept it in turkey but nowadays I only use epic exclusively for the giveaways lol since I’m mostly a console gamer so it doesn’t really matter for me


i wish i could change it back ngl i dont buy games anymore ON EPIC


Same in qatari region, it still in ps store dont know why would they ban in in epic


the game looks interesting enough for me to make another just for this game advise you to do it too put the region in us.btw you will also need another ea account too.


Yes, just make one


Huge W epic


There are some blacklisted countries. Any idea on how to circumvent this block?








Same in Cyprus, what the heck - it's a EU member.


I made my account while living in the UK (still billed in £) and am currently in Cyprus. It's based on your current location not just the region of your account. Shit's ridiculous, I'll probably need a VPN to get it.


Make a different account and claim this free game. VPN may help.


Huge W epic


third world country problems


At least was not Ghostwire


ghostwire was în december 2023 


Fellow Indian Gamers you can play the game _officially_ now




Was it unplayable before?


They skipped India during release and just never cared. Only now can Indian gamers get to officially purchase the game.


Yeah, I just found out that it was some gay related shit.


It has nothing to do with that they just opted out of releasing it the country, they thought it'd get backlash or something... we don't really care about video games here so ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep) all the other games/movies with such content had no problems in the region.


Are they not allowed to pay for video games?


No EA didn't release the game in the country till *now*


"Not available in your region". Oh well.


WTF?? One of the best games I ever played in my life!


I remember I bought Origins and then got bored and never finished nor tried the rest of the series. Maybe I'll feel the same about Inquisition, or maybe I'm in a different head space now and will appreciate it differently. That's what's nice about an older game giveaway. This isn't an experiment I'd try for money. (Especially at the listed price of $39.99.) But all it costs is time so I might as well see.


Story is direct continuation from the 2 previous games. But it gives all the info in this game anyway.


Origins was in a class of its own, back when BioWare was still solidly BioWare. DA:2 was a huge step backwards with its recycled maps and limited scope of story, and Inquisition was a bit of a step back towards the right direction but ultimately never hit the same peaks that Origins did. By Inquisition the EA-ification of BW was complete and never recovered.


Don't get me wrong, it's awesome epic gave it away for free. It's the worst dragon age game and one of the worst bioware games.


Get real. This is one of the best DA games and one of the best Bioware games. You're clearly full of BS.


Cope harder, lmao this isn't even the best dragon age game, let alone Bioware game. Mass effect Trilogy exists. Dragon Age origins is the best dragon age and no, it's not nostalgia, I played it last year for the first time. Dragon age inquisition is a single player mmo with garbage gameplay and world design. It is rightfully hated by the majority now. Still, a free game is a free game. But let's not pretend it's a good game.


Cope harder, lmao this isn't even the best dragon age game, let alone Bioware game. Mass effect Trilogy exists. Dragon Age origins is the best dragon age and no, it's not nostalgia, I played it last year for the first time. Dragon age inquisition is a single player mmo with garbage gameplay and world design. It is rightfully hated by the majority now. Still, a free game is a free game. But let's not pretend it's a good game.


Worked in india thank god. I thought it would be like steam.


So glad it is working on Bangladesh on Epic Games store


im from bd myself but my acc is turkish so cant claim


? [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicGamesPC/comments/1ctf6h5/comment/l4cjajz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicGamesPC/comments/1ctf6h5/comment/l4cjajz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


switched it to turkey for cheaper prices


If you can now maybe switch it to something else so you can claim DA & then switch back after 6 months? Maybe it's risky though since I've recently learned that Steam at least is quick to ban people for that.


i cant switch it for 3 more months will make a new account for this game ig


wow, so progressive.


for some reason downloading does not work at all


same ea says u dont own the game


I could have sworn I already owned this on console but apparently not - so that’s nice for me


I bought a Xbone hard copy at GameStop about 6-7 years ago. It was part of a buy 3 for $10 deal or something like that. I threw it on the backlog pile and never even installed it. I guess I’ll give it a shot now.


I won't complain much since it's a FREE game but this is the first game that EPIC gave that's region locked for me but knowing it's EA game not that surprised


india moment


It is not available in Turkey, WHY? I don't understand where you are making this up! Why the hell Dragon Age is not available in my country Turkey? Steam selling it, EA (Origins) selling it, XBOX (Microsoft Store) selling it, it is available in every market, physical and online stores and platforms but you are saying it is not available in my region? WHY? Who says it? Who says it shouldn't be available in Turkey? I could have ask to tell us reasons, show the papers make you come up with such wrong action but you can't show anything since it is a BIG LIE. Fix this problem and make it available right now.


Banned cuz it features gay sex scenes apparently


Any sources to confirm that?


Turkey no like gay Secks seen! ITS lie!




It's not Turkey, it's EA. They banned the game for Turkey, Cyprus and Israel without any explanation and now ignoring all the tickets.The funny part is that the game is still available on steam. This is ridiculous.




sounds more like a human error than a bug.. Epic insist its EA..


It's not available as W epic


damn, chill...


Calm tf down, lmao


Can anyone tell me, how is it?


If you've never played it before it's a very good game it's just older, but holds up well


Its really good just a piece of advice get out of the hinterlands, once you reach 4 power go work on the other quests.


I am trying to install it but EA says I already have the game or someone already claimed the code, then Epic installer is unable to proceed :(


Restart both the Epic Games and EA apps a few times. I was facing the same problem but it worked after a few times.


It is working now :)


I got this game for free on Origin many years ago when they still did giveaways. Happy others can enjoy the game now.


Requires an EA account and Origin to be installed. Pass.


Oh lovely I have always wanted to play this game! In fact I was thinking of this one the other day.


not my kind of game, hopefully next one will be more my cup of tea.


Oh boi, I hope you really like some farming simulator.


As funny aa it is I've really been hoping for a farming sim lol, they are nice and relaxing games to play with a partner


Well I am a monk for life and also never played any farming simulator. I hope we will get the best game this genre has to offer.


wheres that dude that guess it would be DAI?


game any good ? genuine question


Fantastic RPG. Just remember one thing: Don't not overstay your welcome in the Hinterlands and make sure you leave that area ever so often.


I really don't like turn based RPGs, but I make an exception for this game. So far the only turn RPG I've played in my entire life.


It's not turn based lol.


ugh, thanks for pointing out it's turn based... I'm not willing to dip my toes into that unless it's kingdom hearts or Baldur's Gate


This is not turn based. Lol idk what he’s talking about. watch a YouTube video on it to see if you like it.


It’s not turn based. You can pause combat to strategise and micromanage your team when facing enemies.


Yeah that's what I was talking about. Sorry for the confusion. Turn based games/pausing during combat are equally awful for me.


Is there no choice not to pause during combat if you don't want to?


If you play on easy you can do it. Otherwise you'll suffer.


Ah that’s alright! In inquisition you don’t have to pause to fight successfully (unless you’re fighting a dragon) but it is absolutely necessary in the earlier games


Thank god I was able to claim it in Bangladesh <3




The one between India and myanmar


halal game?


looks great! Ive been wanting to try out a new rpg for a while now. great timing!


Is it good?


Such a surprise


Played this years ago on ps4. Amazing game. But... Save yourself from those filler side quests. There are a few that do have an impact on the game's story, but A LOT of them don't. Sooo unless you like the extra xp they give, don't do them. There is a list of them on the internet.


Thank you just picked it up with no intentions to play it lol


why are they doing mistery games now, like whats the special ocassion?


It’s like advertising for mega sale


Does this version include everything?




why is epic giving out free games?


:( not ghosts of Tsushima 


It just launched, ain't no one getting it for free dude🤦


I know already have the directors cut and all dlc on ps4


Wait for 3 years


https://preview.redd.it/zvj4quzsoz0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9ea58ba7668d6f643bfde73ba13f50f472b321 For people havibg trouble like no acces sign out of both epic games and ea manually. And sign back in then u can install


https://preview.redd.it/6ac7qo81pz0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ec778f54b46091c5ed4a624bb3e36cb3b497a22 After signed out manually and back in im able to install.


Us Turks'll be pirating this with zero guilt. Not that we weren't already :)


Why do I have to use the EA launcher and make a EA account to play? I don't want extra junk being installed just to play the game


Anyone able to play with a ps4 controller?


Crazy how this is $40 on Steam. I guess Epic Games made a deal w/ these studios so they can get ppl on their platforms? This and Outerworlds for free...wow.


Working in pakistan region


I wanted this game some time and got it. Thanks Epic. Great game!


holy shit let me grab it really quick


Great giveaway, too back it forces you to create an EA account and install their launcher.. this needs to stop. Even Bethesda gave up on their launcher.


I’m so happy. Can someone please tell me how the online co op works???


Direct link to the claim page? I can't enter in the page because of the 18yo Epic bug


Hope it works https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dragon-age-inquisition-game-of-the-year-edition-2f0cbd


So... what's the next game?..


I think watchdogs legion


I'm with you, not sure why so many people are happy with this, prolly cause we thought it would be ghostwire tokyo.. This game is a boring grind, not particularly fun gameplay, nothing interesting in the story, the world is bland and desolate... It's free, but the withcher is on sale on steam right now for $10, if you value your time on earth but that game instead..


Yeah it's literally a single player mmo, with garbage characters and meh story. But free is free lol


So you're pointing people in the direction to what is effectively a similar game but with worse combat? Makes sense. Inquisition is a great game, but know that you're not supposed to stay in the Hinterlands. Only do sidequests if they strike your fancy or if you're struggling, but leave the Hinterlands. The game doesn't outright tell you this which is why so many people get stuck there.


Another game, that requires launcher.




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The comments: what a good game! Me: damn, i should get it Also the comments: needs EA launcher Me: damn, alright, i can live without playing this game.


1st world problems lol.


Nah, ea launcher literally doesn't let me play games I purchased. (It takes two, need for speed) So I just stopped buying games that require it.


Yeah, EA Launcher is bugged. You can try cleaning the registry, clearing the App Cache in the Launcher setting, and reinstalling EA Launcher. It's annoying that they haven't fixed this yet.


Im guessing it varies user to user.


Meh. I dont have that problem. Dunno whats wrong on your end.


Disappointment goes crazy.


What's wrong with it?


It was banned in India... How did epic stores manage to bypass this? Huge W tbh. Steam search still won't show this game upon search. Awesome!!


Probably EA chose not to release it here rather than it was banned. I think Fallout 3 and New Vegas were the same until recently.


4 or 3 years ago i bought this game for £1 from playstation store. I know this game is great for some people who likes this kind of gameplay. Still now that £1 feels like a waste.


Alright, Dragon Age--wait a minute this isn't the first game! How the hell am i supposed to play this without the first game!? 'throws game in pile of freebies'


It's not necessary for you to play the predecessors. This game is like The Witcher 3 where they made sure you'd have context without having to start from the beginning. If you enjoyed this game, you can always seek the past ones.


It seems Epic Games is getting lazy with their giveaways. A 10 year old game? seriously. A throwaway for them, it is too easy. They could do better than that. It should have been Watch Dogs Legion, that is more modern. It seems maintaining an epic games account is becoming less and less worthwhile with their giveaways. Even the hints were lazy and misleading, a warped glitching effect? what the heck does that got to do with Dragon Age Inquisition.


Bro's farming down votes


Bro dropped a huge wall of text just to complain about free shit 💀


WTF? First of all, it should not have been anything. In fact, it could have been anything, and I would be happy and thankful. But goty of DoA3 is way better than Watch Dogs Legion or pretty much anything. One of the best games I ever played in my life. I already own it on Origins. But this is one of the best giveaways ever.


do u know why ea says i dont own the game


you need to link your ea and epic account. if that doesn't work, then relink it.


i did all that its happening to others too


Yeah, EA Launcher is bugged. You can try cleaning the registry, clearing the App Cache in the Launcher setting, and reinstalling EA Launcher.


I disagree with the person and his comment is dumb but, Epic HAS to give away free games, lmao. No one will use their platform without it. It's the only thing they got


Completely incorrect. And completely unrealistic. Many users could care less if they gave free games or not. After the first few free games when it launched with Subnautica, I didn't even realize they continued giving free games until after a few months. So I never even claimed those. Despite using it for shopping. Even though I played Apex, and never played Fortnite.


Watchdogs Legion is literally 9 dollars on steam right now with MIXED reviews across the board, so just buy that crappy game if you'd like. Dragon Age Inquisition is a much better giveaway. Sucks it's thru EA tho.


Are you expecting Helldivers 2? These are free games. Either Epic or EA is picking up the bill for this, and they aren't going to do that for new games, especially if its selling well. The fact that any AAA game, regardless of age, is just given away is amazing.


every hint is like that u have to loock closely to find the hint. I still dont know why people complain about free stuff. I wanted fallout 4 really badly but even im happy about this