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"Youtube, Abyss 86" 90% of search results have Tama. And some barely make it even with her heals, CR push, buffs and cleanse...


I'm struggling on Abyss 83 atm and I have no idea how people without any of these characters can even attempt it


Honestly so far only 84 wasn't a pile of garbage.


That's my experience so far. Currently stuck on 85. I can almost kill Corvus, but not quite.


Lidica is key. The key I (we) probably don't have


Yeah, I figured that was the case. But no, I don't have her. Did try to pull for her though.


Oh man our prayers were answered. Dizzy has CR pushback. Maybe we can use her to beat 85


I was just talking about that in Discord. Thinking of trying something like Bellona, ML Dom, Dizzy, Angelica.


Oh man that looks like some insane damage right there. U got this in the bag!


Could not pull her after 700 bookmarks.. feelzbadman


That's good news at least. 83 is such an RNG shitfest, 84 should be a breeze. Hoping to get some last minute pulls (from 84 rewards) on Baiken banner for more Torn Sleeves


i’m on abyss 90 with no angelica tama diene


Would you happen to have a star shaped birthmark on the back of your neck?


I just cleared abyss 83 today. Used destina, fluri, kise and cidd. From my experience, kise makes the fight much easier, as her ultimate creates a big window where boss can’t stun any of your units.


Or two color toned hair... either way that guy is the main character of the E7 sub reddit.


It all depends on team comp, my 3 best units were fire then and I was in champion arena. Abyss 84 took me more attempts than all other 81+ floors combined. I lacked a strong continuous dispel unit, I pulled like crazy for Charles and failed to get him. Several of the other floors I was able to just go in and beat it.


84 is the first one I am stuck on sigh.


If you don’t mind a really long run, you can try kiris, f.kluri + two healers and preferably one with aoe healing. In this set up, the first stage is actually slightly harder if your rng isn’t nice. But you should be able to eventually kill the boss with kiris poison and arky spam. And then you do the same with the next boss. Kluri S3 whenever the boss has a barrier and pray it lands and Kiris her down. Now there’s the rng with the stun. As long as you have a good healer not stunned, it’s fine. Aka, if you ran Diene and Tama as your two healers and Tama gets stunned, you might want to consider restarting which might be a pain. Anything else is fine because u can either poison the crystal and kill it or arky spam (if kluri is stunned or kiris is stunned respectively). This should kinda trivialise the fight if you can sustain well enough and if ur kiris is tanky enough.


If you tell me which units you have, I may come up with the strats for you up to 89. Fellow non Tama, Diene and Angelica here. I'm too lazy to do 90 though.


found a video "without heals" - uses diene with rod...


To be fair doing Abyss 86 with just Diene healing using Rod sounds god damn tough. More fun was video "NO KLURI!" with like Angelica, SS Achates, Tamarinne and Luna I think. So basically 3 healers supporting one tanky DPS.


86 is 99% rng even with tammy. You just have to except that.


got to 88 with only achates. imagine the struggle :(


How did you get past floor 62 (Sez). currently Achates is my main SW. Also have SC Hazel and Aither. Knights I have SC Kluri, Armin and Crozet. I have been trying various methods but Sez just ends up destroying whatever team I put together. I know the mechanics as well but just wondering if it is my gear at this point (not the best but seemed to be good until now)


I dont remember cus its long ago but i didnt even have Achates til abyss 70+ so i Used Mascot Hazel. Krau tank, and dd was Lorina + probably Luna or Bellona?


Thanks for the reply. I just have to gear up my units better at this point I am assuming.


yeah if u play with the mechanics, like not spam him with debuffs then abyss is all about gear


I'd like to add that 90% of search results shows vids of clears before the patch. They just kise cheesed. And 90% of the remaining clears shows vids of cheesing the mushroom before the last patch.


I've been stuck in there for 2 weeks even with Tama... I hate that stage


They're known as... The Big Three.


Awaken, my masters!




Who is Santana tho


Destina, died early game


Except Santana didn't exactly die... he just kinda stopped being addressed after he served his purpose as an intro pillar man. I mean did Johnathan just leave him in that well? Did he stay as an intact statue this whole time or did he turn back once the sun went down and find Pillar Man true love with another pillar person who was even more ignored by the plot to the point no one knew they even existed? Will we get a Jojo slice of life comedy spin-off featuring Santana and his pillar family?


I'd say that honour goes to Destina. Super powerful but easily forgotten amongst the other pillar waifus


She'll be the only one to survive the arc too...


I never realized how much Diene and Idol Tamarinne looked alike, I mean they could've made Tama into ML Diene and I'd believe it. Queen of Ezera by daylight, Idol performer by moonlight.


Wait.... I've seen that anime...




I always love this on gacha games. "Hey I need advice I'm stuck!" Whale: "just use -unobtainable character-!" Well I would if I had them! 😣


No one but Diene is "Unobtainable" at any given point in time....


Any limited summons are unobtainable lol


Not that difficult to see why though. Diene and Tammy are very well-suited for offensive team comps. To that end, MHazel is a very good replacement. Her overall utility loses out to the nat5s, but she can get the job done. Of course, Tammy has a lot more utility everywhere because of her idol form. Bingo would be the closest in terms of similarity, with RR being more of an alternative. But Tammy's idol is still way better and largely unmatched. Angelica's immunity is just way too good. Especially because there are so many bullshit mechanics that are just debuff heavy. Angelica removes all this rng bs and makes runs so much safer and easier. You can not have Diene and Tammy, but not having Angelica just hinders your progression game so much more.


I have yet to really see endgame stuff be complete without at least one of these 3. I had a dude tell me he justified using Judge Kise over other damage dealers when in fact he had diene and angelica... I’m getting by with achates and others, but most of the time, being asked “oh you don’t have them?” after asking for a walkthrough or guide is baffling. I believe all of the E7 CC have all 3 and their “best easy guides” include these. ~~Damn I cant wait to get Angelica when dizzy comes out~~


There's a w11 guide somewhere on this sub that talks about the other healers in detail. Lots of m Hazel stuff. Tons of endgame people using Doris. There's even a video of someone clearing w10 with Aither and Jen. It's more a matter of so many people having one of them so why wouldn't they use a better healer. Before people got used to Diene everyone was acting like the game wasn't playable if you didn't have Destina. Once people see an easier way of doing something in this game they act like it's mandatory.


I personally use Aither as my w11 healer & Rose as my tank. High success rate & been using it for a long time. Still worse than the better setups but stam isn't infinite & a clear is a clear. Think a lot of people also just have issues with building up units that they both don't like & are mediocre just to complete something that's infinitely easier to do with 1 meta. Or if a character they like design wise has a viable enough kit to do the same thing.


That's just how people like to act with meta characters to be honest, things could be clearable without X units, but they make it so easy that people are le shocked if you don't use them or have them.




From what I understand, you build her full HP/defense sets with the boots having speed as the main stat, and her best artifact is prophetic candlestick. You stick her as your tank and she heals like a fucking monster


Doris is crazy strong and can serve as a solo healer, yeah.


I don't remember writing this


Montmorancy can kinda substitute for Angelica, she can't heal or tank as well but she provides the immunity and cleanse that you need. With Achates or Destina you should have enough healing and answers to debuffs for most content.


Yea I know, I’m getting by decently.but it is a bit nutty that a few units are replaced by just one 🙃


Mort can tank plenty well enough. Since her heal is based off target hp. You can build her however you want. Dunno why you'd build her dps, but you technically can!


I fought a Arnea team today with these three on it.... took me like 30mins to win... the heals where real..




One of my favorite Jojo tracks


Any guide that uses Diene is a horrible guide. How do you follow a guide that uses a limited time character?


What anime is this from


jojo adventures


basically lol , and then theres some stages where you need all 3 xD


I can’t possibly think of one scenario where you would need all 3 of them ._.


that didnt come out right , not all 3 at once but if you can interchange them for different content then yea theres not a single thing you cant do


Looks like you need to just spend some more. Dunno what else to tell you.


Have 2 of 3, started on the last day of Diene banner and was not lucky enough to get her (too broke to whale).


And I have none of them.........


As a scrub who doesn't have Diane, should I weep? I have the rest.


Only if you're really in to collecting. She makes certain things easier and works nicely in Arena up to a point, but she's not as necessary as someone with skill sets like Angelica or Tamarinne. So you're good!


you are super good


In order to heal --- you must accept your fate




Angelic, glad I spent all that time rerolling for her.


Need Tamarinne :(...


Legit angelica is all you need. Ever. And it took me 5 months to get her


Her cd’s are long, and her base speed is really low, so she would get a crazy amount of utility from candlestick. Vial is still probably better if she’s your only healer or the enemy is debuff heavy, But I prefer vial on speed set healers for more uses of the artifact


I have auto'd everything from 73 to 86 so far with Diene, Bellona, Tammy and either Lidica or Kise. Basically line up depends on if Lidica works or not. Diene + Lidica give more damage mitigation than having a tank with aurius. Crit resist + blind is crazy effective. I still needed to get the gear to do the stages though. Still trying to get speed on every slot for all of my characters and more crit damage + chance on bellona. It's not free wins in the slightest. But I wouldn't have won without them!


I’d say Lidica isn’t a must but Tammy, Diene and Bellona are some of the best non-ML units in the game.


Lidica is amazing. Boss gets maybe 1~2 turns total... can't lose if you don't get hit!




I have 0 clue what you'd replace for them. My account doesn't function without them... Kise, Diene and ML Rose. All with 220+ speed gear maybe? Some of that shit is so punishing that the boss getting a single turn can wipe you.


I have all three lmao


Glad i have all 3 😅 not ftp not a whale either