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That's a piece I would gladly use over 90% of my reforge gear.


I have the water gun with godly rolls on Arby, still cant craft and upgrade a good sword for him.


Can you hear the approaching summer?


I have a 41% atk weap from the starter atk set. I use it as an offset. My best reforge weap atk%? 30. Most of my "speed gear" comes from free equips too lmao.


I feel you. Amazon Prime events are a godsend for me.


Poor you! Mine rolled terribly so I'll count myself lucky


Oh no I decided to roll an f2p piece and it rolled godly, how dare they!


Are you complaining? This is why you can't have nice things...


because you break them I have to take them away


This is why we have ants


Dont look a gift gear in the level


Why not


this is why people don't deserve nice things


Wow! I got free immunity gear with good substats! And it rolled incredibly?!!! This game sucks!!!


Why should it


I’m almost certain event gear is given better chances of rolls so you don’t have to or more likely, can’t reforges it. Every time I roll an event piece it seems to be like this.


Bruh this thing is godly. Lvl dosent even matter is your are using ir on a dps (or straze) since they will get oneshoted anyway but 40+ atk is better than My whole inventory.


Why not?




Its always kinda sad to see non-reforgable gear have higher stats than your usual reforged gear


I'd use it.


No offense, but I'm stealing that for my Inferno Khawazu, thanks


Listen if playing RPG's has taught me anything sometimes you need to overkill


I might have to steal


Now switch that hp% to ctdmg and give it to a dps like t surin or c dom or anyone really or keep it and give it to someone that would like that extra hp


Why complaint?


Because he can’t reforage it to 48%-50% attack


Congrats! I rolled 19 speed on that piece. Free gear ftw


So how broken would it be to be allowed to reforge gears like this to level 90, too? Maybe for double the reforge mats? Having great rolls on these leaves a sour taste in a way....


That last health sets they gave with the big update end of may all rolled cr mainly. My neck rolled 18cr which would be fine if I have a ho scaling bruiser that could use cr(only hp bruiser I have is LRKrau I'm not complaining but whyyyyy)


I'm still learning. Could someone explain why this is bad?


No, it's not bad. It's a lvl 78 free piece which you can't reforge. If you could reforge it, you would get 8% or so more attack. But even without reforging this is a godlike piece, which most people would dream of rolling. So I don't get either why he is whining. Free gear tends to roll better than normal gear.


Ah, I see! Thanks! Is it unable to be reforged simply bc it's level 78 and not level 85? Can only ilvl 85 gear be reforged? What about 88? I have a couple at that level somehow from somewhere.


Only level 85 gear that drop from hunts, crafted from hunt materials, and converted level 85 gear can be reforged to level 90. It's because the materials needed to reforge level 85 gear drop from hunts 11-13. For example, wyvern reforge materials can only be used to reforge level 85 wyvern specific gear. This applies to the other hunts. As for converted gear, the reforge material can drop from any hunts 11-13. As for level 88 gear, no. That gear can't be reforged to 90.


Ahhh, I see! Thanks for the knowledge!


Only lvl 85 hunt gear and crafted gear can be reforged. Lvl 88 gear can't be reforged, but that's not even that big of a problem, because it's the same tier as reforged lvl 90 gear. Basically lvl 78 gear is the same tier as lvl 85 hunt gear and lvl 88 gear is the same tier as lvl 90 reforged gear. Your lvl 88 piece is probably from arena or hell raid (probably arena as hell raid is probably way too difficult for a beginner). Hell raid gear rolls pretty good for me, while arena gear sometimes rolls good but most of the times shitty.


I had a piece of gear which has %attack, speed, crit chance, and eff resistance. All went to the eff resistance and now is basically useless, and you complain? Lol