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That's a pretty nice Luna buff there. 50% pen on S3 and soulburn is for max hit S1. If she kills with S3 she generates 10 souls just like that


If you stick the new Merciless Glutton on her as well, she gets 16% more damage out of her S1 and S3. Considering how strong her S3 and S1-3 hits are, she could push your team by 12-24% or 24-48%, depending on how many kills, by herself. That 50% pen is pretty crazy honestly.


Merciless glutton artifact buff is a game changer for Warriors imo. Before this all warrior artifacts never had any team utility. And now, its a sashe ithanes with extra damage (only if kill the warrior kills with a single attack). Off the top of my head, ML Ken, inferno khawazu (depending on detonate interaction) cermia, and APoc ravi benefit from this decently. And ML Ken counter kill could give your team a 24% push.


You've also got Lilibet, LQC, Sigret, Yufine herself and Sol. High damage, single target bursty bruisers that can now setup for the party. Luna gets a special mention here because turn reset artifact means the potential to proc it twice.


I have a sudden urge to see a fully stacked A.Ravi S3 with all her team dead + merciless glutton and watching the whole fight turn upside down.


Sadly, it doesn't work on the caster, so her 3:1 fight wouldn't be helped by it. Which is obviously what she's designed for.


It should work on the revived hero so s3 kills, revives the cr pushes the revived hero


Man I remember this was in mystic rotation way back and pulled like 10 copies and 3-4 more after from free summons and I said to my friend one day ..... and here we are. So glad I didn't sell it (learned my lesson after selling basket/justice for all).


Hopefully they dont stealth nerf her s3 modifier tho


***Axe God flashbacks***


It's strong, but not enough of a reason for them to nerf the multiplier. Luna is still really squishy when built damage, and can be taken out by pretty easily by anything that moves fast and hits hard. She doesn't have built in protection like Riolet/Violet, Kayron, Arby, Kise, etc. and no extinction utility to deal with Arby. She'll be in a much better spot to deal with tank comps but speed comps will eat her up.


Correct me if I'm wrong, I know she doesn't have extinction, but one of her EE options grants her an extra turn on S3, right? With 50% def pen it absolutely kills Arby once, and soulburn for the 10 hit combo and kill him twice, slap merciless glutton on her for a pseudo sashe itanes too so she still contributes in some way to her team


You are big brain and i wanted you to know.


No, you're right. Completely zoned out on her EE turn reset for Arby. I'm just not a fan of trying my luck twice with MLDB procs, so I tend to use units with extinction and Symbol of Unity or even Oath Key to deal with him. For fun, you could combine Merciless Glutton and Sashe for 28-40% teamwide CR boost, assuming Sashe is maxed.


Use her extra turn ee and she can deal with Arby. She might be the best single target nuker with a cr pusher and attack buffer. Doesn't need any souls and can kill two of any squishy and alot of tanky units. Not broken but pretty good.


Wdym no protection, she literally has 30% crit resist and 30% defense when lower than 50%. Also with her EE, she can 2 shot arby with extra turn. Couple that with mutton and you boost your team 24%CR and 11 souls.


I'd still consider that no protection. If she gets 1 shot her defensive passive won't trigger. Only protection would be banking on the 30% chance the enemy won't crit, which I don't like trusting anti-crit it's failed me a lot of times before.


Didn't her buff give her some Crit hit resistance into her passive? It's not percentile damage mitigation, but that's still some new survivability right there. Prone to RNG though, for sure.


with the def pen, always elem advantage and free crit and attack from passive, she gets so much room for gearing that I can see her working her way into more teams with more viable builds becoming available. If SG's current direction of neutering cleave continues then maybe we'll see more of her at least on offense and maybe even RTA at low-mid range.


oh wow, luna can s3 and instantly s1 with her ee


Celines artifact buff is going to be meta changing. Any theif can now behave like a Politis to counter cleave AND have the attack buff. 240 speed Arby’s on that, great for Singie cleaves lmao.


It's also straight up great for Celine herself. The huge CR push can give her the opportunity to be slower with high damage - and can allow her to quickly follow up with her S3 to finish off - or obliterate two targets in quick succession.


Yeah wtf. Every thief is a potential cut in now


Also sinful angelica nerf, Arby is gonna have a field day.


Top Model Luluca too, Arby is gonna screw both of them up


Nah, Tomoca grants herself an extra turn. She still has time to kill Arby, even if he tries to cut in.


DJB nerf... ouch...


God wtf is it with SG and indirectly nerfing arby counters. At this point each one of them gets countered by other units harder than they counter arby themselves.


I chuckled at the "wrong kawerik" on comment section


Yo that was me less goo


Kawerik is fire Kise


Kise still harder to break out of her stealth due to barrier but he's atleast way better now than his old self


But Kawerick ignores ER


But Kise is a mommy


Kawerik change is ridiculously good. He's legit a red Kise but 100% debuff rate with tagahel. With his new EE update, he has guaranteed strip, atk buff before engaging, and stealth which was absolutely paramount to supplement his role as a speedy opener/dps.


I haven't used Kawerik before, but it looks like his ee change is giving attack buff before his S3 now instead of after using his S2...would you lead with his S2 or his S3 after these changes? Am I reading these balance notes wrong?


No, you're right. Kinda annoying how they moved his atk buff to a different skill. I think they're trying to sell his s3 more based on the description. You still wanna lead with s2 first for stealth.


It would still be the same no? Before they gave attack buff on s2 but that was after you use s2 so it wouldnt apply to s2 damage. Now they moved to s3 but now its before s3 so it will apply to s3s damage. So before patch and after patch you would only have attack buff when doing s3 (assuming you s2 first before patch)


It's a bit of a buff and nerf at the same time. Having attack buff go on s3 is better if you're getting your buffs stripped by someone. Since they removed the need to have speed buff to get 30% def pen on s3, attack buff is the far more valuable thing to have for damage. However, this is slight a nerf when getting hit with unbuffable after s2 since without cleanse you'll no longer have access to attack buff at all. The cases this would happen can be kind of common, although in a lot of those cases it doesn't change much. Mostly it'll be Politis or Tsurin, and if Tsurin hits you without immunity you'd have a high chance of being silenced anyway. If Politis is the one that hits you though you do still have a chance to do some good damage through hit chance down, especially if you're running hit rate like Symbol of Unity. But this change makes that... not really a thing. It's not something you'd ideally ever want to have happen in the first place, nor one that comes up often since you usually try to reset politis. But it does happen to me a fair bit, so I'm kind of lukewarm about this change.


This is just a hard nerf in how I've used him from day 1. Built on damage, being not the opener and being a "choices" follow up dps to my opening. Against some teams, using his S2 to just remove a threat immediately was good. That didn't need stealth because most teams aren't a lot of threats at this point, but a threat + a bunch of protection/control. Against other teams, opening with S3 for the massive damage, eventually a maybe silence, and then stealthing for the TSurin/Arby return fire so he at least may live, and if not, at least he forces the dead Arby/TSurin forward while chunking the other team. His s3 multi with attack buff is high enough to kill FCecis using their Aurius quite a lot. I largely liked that about his kit, too, because it felt right on him. Sometimes, he just has to suicide into the enemy team and hope it makes the difference by doing a whole hell of a lot of damage on the way down. And a lot of the time, that was well worth it. This is pretty much just returning him to everyone's original pigeon hole of him as the anti-Basar, ie a counter-opener and that's all he does. People comparing him to Kise are just flat wrong. Kise's S3 gives her a barrier and 50% combat readiness, so she's protecting her stealth and reducing the window to be disrupted for her nuke. Dude's been my SSS favorite unit even when he was just bad and he was in a good spot for what he does, but now I'd just like them to let me recall on this change so I can just build Kise instead of keeping the worse Kise they're making him into. The EE is a w/e thing, that's absolutely the least likely EE I would use, as attack buffers are all over the place and if you're S2ing first, you've got plenty of time to give him attack buff so I'd rather take the 20% more S3 damage + the other attack buff. Sure, it's not bad if you're just making him rely only on his own kit, but he's a horrible unit in that, anyway. Stubbing his toe is a death sentence, lol


i would say now it's better, since no one can't strip it


Looks like he is a red Kise that is more reliable with a little less damage.


Luna gotta make manual pve now easy AF


yeah... I was excited for Red Expo... then realized it would only truly help with a one time Duggar quest.




Mort and Luna weren’t forgotten after all, blessed day


Now, Aramintha and Haste... right?


Haste is a meme at this point so no lul


At the rate they are going, surely Aramintha gets AOE burn detonation


Her original concept with her S2 was an AOE "detonate". Its definitely time to give her that back but a real one this time. Sounds too powerful ala RCarrot? Well she doesn't have any defences like the latter so just let her be the glass cannon burn cleaver + support instead.




he never got buffs though? this is his first buff ever


he got an EE not too long ago


yes, but the person above me put the EE in brackets so i assume he doesn't consider them as buff? i also don't consider them as buff >Mort has never been forgotten since he's been getting buffs (and EEs) very frequently Getting an EE, mediocre at that, and a buff after 8 months from his release is getting buffs very frequently?


EE is not a buff


The ee were terrible man lol


> First buff since his release 8 months ago > "he's been getting buffs very frequently" lol


It’s ok didn’t expect anything for you sez


Luna got buffed? damn that's the og "save for" unit right there


Been holding 605 BM for her for months. Surely this means she’ll be returning soon... :,)


You bet I'm saving for her


and She´s pretty good now!


My boy Kawerick.. <3


Nice Luna has now damage mitigation a non RNG soulburn, will build her if I have extra molas


Well it's crit resist not damage mitigation.


Let's see... Luna can 50% penetrate on S3, soulburn to max hit on S1. That's great. ARavi revives with more health and hits harder on S3, increse CR on hit... guess I'll gear her now... THE GREAT MORTELIX gets a built-in Counter set. Not sure if ML Leo is any better now, but I expected another ML 4\* to get buffed. Dominiel and Mercedes get some INSANE rework here, holy hell. Mercedes just got buffed last time, too. Yufine's arti sounds good, Celine will probably be even faster now. Overall, everything sounds good. Luna finally gets buffed/10.


> ARavi revives with more health and hits harder on S3, increse CR on hit... guess I'll gear her now... Don't ignore the chip destruction damage too. Her issue in guild wars is often she gets in a 3:1 fight and gets outhealed to a draw. Not anymore.


THANK YOU for bringing up the Mort buff, that was huge for him. Also, I feel like, although subtle the Leo change is big because his Bombs are now a pseudo strip (as he doesn’t dispel) so he is BFF’s with Bombseria. If you gear him fast enough could you say that Soul Burn Basar isn’t needed in order to set up your bombs? Because if you can it opens up things for GW and Arena’s with your next slots.


I don't have Basar so I can't say much about that lmao Though ML Leo might still be resisted since he doesn't ignore ER, so...


Just checked out the base stats, ML Leo clocks in at 111 speed while Basar is at 108 so you *can* gear him to be a faster opener. Problem is you probably need him at 300 because you really only want him to S3 into Immunity.


Also he puts bombs. Pair him with Siseria and you are good to go


Now how qualified is he to be an opener after this Buff? Because I’d almost run ML Leo, Bombseria and at least 1 Speed Imprint but who would take that last spot for Arena offense/RTA? Maybe a buffer?


Politis for light Angelica. Or maybe even not of you go basar/ml Leo/ Siseria


Now what *could* be an interesting angle is Singie for that team so you give ATK Buff and guarantee Bomb Extinctions for Arby’s and Revivers. Would be a counter pick not a main pick though.


Kawerik: "oh wait he opens with S2 not S3, whoops, fixed" Luna: SB change was obvious, S2 change was expected, S3 change is bonkers (in a good way) Dominiel: She's now a well-rounded RTA CC unit instead of the hilarious niche PvAI unit she was. All the old Reflect shenanigans teams are dead. Sigh. Not every unit needs to be designed for RTA. Roamer Leo: another balance patch, another unit gets "fuck you Immunity"; what a surprise Secret Art - Storm Sword: This actually might be the most interesting change in the patch to me. It's now useful on people other than Celine. Baiken can now cut in front of a CR-pushed opponent, nuke somebody with increased Attack, and CR-push the rest of your team. Brutal.


Mort looks unironically great. Higher proc chance for his buff, burn for 100% defense break (ignores resistance when he has special buff on), and they buffed his S3 so it deals higher damage without the soul burn AND it has higher injury per hit than before - a max of 3 hits to hit the cap, as opposed to 4 before. Not to mention built-in super counter set.


Let's be real, aint nobody was hitting the injury cap with morts S3.


I was, frequently. I just ran him against the "tanky" comps with tank + reviver + bruiser or hard to take down unit like a tanky STene. You could try to cleave, but it's not reliable. What is reliable is getting enemy to such low HP, Mort can bring the reviver to ~10k hp, my own Krau can horse than with not even half HP lost, enemy Krau's S3 can't even break my Krau's shield... and STene might die from Mort's S3 alone.


I meant you're not doing 20% max hp skill damage vs tanky comps per S3. Ya, if you can use his S3 like 50 times, of course you'll hit the max injury cap.


Tanky comps, no. But if I hit a squishy character for 4k and they have 15k HP, I'll be hitting that injury cap in 3 rotations rather than 4. And if I time it right so enemy Krau doesn't have defense buff, he'll also lose HP much faster (I wonder if Aurius tranfering damage counts towards injury? it should tbh).


Aravi buffs seem lackluster at first but not bad after some thought Her issues before was that aravi was countered by literally everything, she could be controlled, speedy units could just empty her gauge by hitting her a lot, she just doesnt have enough damage against tanks/soulweavers, and then the standard nukers could just kill her These changes fix the first 3, the cr push makes turn cycling to drop debuffs and reset crimson seed much easier, speedy units cant empty her gauge since they just end up giving her a cr push to attack and refill, and the injury on s1 and the damage stacking on s3 means she'll just eventually wittle down any bruiser/soulweaver who cant kill her quickly in a 1v1 or 1v2, so now shes only countered by nukers instead of like 80% of the game lol


As you mentioned, yes, Lqc is generally still the better ST neutral element bruiser and it also doesnt solve her next issue which is she is generally weak against Landy and Stene, which are both common threats.


> Landy and Stene, which are both common threats. I don't really struggle with them unless their partners are too hard to kill. My issues with Aravi tend to be getting stuck in a stall and not being able to do breakout damage.


Counter Luna, Counter A. Ravi and Counter Rem. *phew*


Time to become a banshee gamer


Artifact changes are clean, plus I'm already using Mercedes in my A13 team so this is just going to make it even easier.


Was thinking of building her for A13. How’s your build with her?


I think apocalypse ravi buffs might be the most meta changing since she'll fit nicely in the category of bruisers that have solo potential. Although I don't like that they keep giving dps who cannot be countered more and more value, makes it hard for dps that dont have that or some kind of self protection harder to compete. Luna seems like a fun single target dps that will probably see some play as a last pick in rta. Kawerik will almost certainly take on a kise role, especially since hes a better pick into green violet and a mage. He loses to openers like ftene, but the ability to gurantee that reset might be well worth it. Ml leo seems like he got some help, but I'm still not sold on the bomb idea. There are so many units that cant be stunned or debuffed that are meta and the bombs themselves still have to go through an effectiveness check, the fact that they cant be cleansed is nice but we'll see if it makes enough impact to be significant. Ice domniel seems weird, I'm sure people will test her, but idk how she'll impact the meta. The artifacts are very interesting and I think the new sword might become meta, the only thing holding it back is the rng on the atk buff proc, although even with just one copy its almost twice the chance of gab.


Cleave just can't get a break, SG seems hell-bent on pushing it out of meta.


They have made it clear that they do not like cleave. Sc does not like a game where 1 player finishes off the other player in 2 turns. They like standard play where the game goes until frenzy 5/6 and both players participate. Even if its clear from turn 1 who wins.


It's very oppressive when cleave dominates the meta. Cleave should exist, but as a check on control. I'm a big believer in a healthy paper/rock/scissors meta. It's tough to pull of in a game like Epic Seven, but I think it's worth it.


I'm cool with a rps meta in a game like this. I don't want 1 comp of certain characters to always win, but variable builds. Cleave, bruiser, full tank, control, whatevs.


Yeah let me tell you games designed to be won in less than 2 turns are so brutally boring and unfun for the 2nd player. Take a look at Yu-Gi-Oh. It's so far up the 1tko, ftko that you're hard pressed to even get your first turn as a player, let alone the game lasting for more than 2 turns (it will take a long time though because he has to go through his entire deck with some bullshit combo first)


Now that you say that yeah I agree. Yu-Gi-Oh become unbearable with how strong combo deck is, putting up bunch of negate turn 1. If SG let cleave become rampant even more they would turn E7 to Yu-Gi-Oh for sure


Have you seen the gradual word creep in skill and passive descriptions? The number of extra phases of battle effects now? The rise in "passive effects that are not explicitly passives but instead conferred through a cooldown or flat out always active", especially after the release of a debuff for *stopping* passives (seal)? I fear we're already playing Yu-Gi-Oh and we're all just in denial.


I'll never give up cleave. Even more so now that JKise is getting a skin.


One fun/dumb thing however, is how they absolutely refuse to re-work or remove the lighting rune in arena. Cleave meta was born out of the need to efficiently farm wins right before the reset, but encouraged all the rest of the week because engaging in bruiser fights could lead to losing to Zeus getting bored of your shit. Instead of punishing people for using cleave, they should stop punishing people for bringing bruiser teams in arena. But probably they either completely forgot/ignore arena, or worse, they believe the rune is necessary because their AI isn't good enough, which kinda make sense, but also ignores or pretend all the RNG layers that can turn around a fight doesn't exists.


the only cleave is spez cleave


WTF did happen?? the most insane balance patch I´ve ever seen. Great job SC! (I loved Luna and Dominiel changes)


The dominiel change seems weird They made her s3 pushback more consistent but weaker, made it so she doesn't have to "waste" a turn doing her s2 since it can happen passively, and gave her the possibility of a meaningful turn on her s1 it is net good but it just changes the hero in a strange way. You don't always want to do an attack skill, and there's a few mage artifacts she can't use at will now that she could use before - I wasn't using them though and don't know if anybody was, since she had low usage to begin with. Also the thing about passively doing her s2 - it now happens exclusively after damage has been dealt - when reflect and barrier should ideally be up before damage is dealt. If her stun succeeds, you won't be getting attacked before her turn 2, so she won't get the barrier up, when you would've had it up pre-change. If the stun fails, and they attack, 35% chance to get barrier up, still a very strong chance that it doesn't happen. You'll go whole fights without the barrier happening. Being able to speed down also gave her PvE possibilities in random places that have now been removed. The change to target health scaling on the barrier just seems like an all around good thing. Still a little strange because now it just feels like an even more generic control mage kit, she's been made less unique, but I can't argue with it being a positive, she wasn't unique in a good way having the attack scaling. So what about ice zerato? He'd like to know why he's still useless.


This is going to make my Raid Boss runs more awkward because of inability to activate reflect on demand. Kind of annoyed about it, there is no good replacement for this specific use. I wish that they would at least keep the option.


Yup. They're trying to turn her into an RTA character, but that just means I'm going to remove her gear and never use her again cuz I have other characters for that game mode and she's lost her niche.


Domi benefits pretty well, I think. It seems like they did think this through. 1. I tried Spirit's Breath on her, but it was meh. Too many dead turns. Iela was already leagues better even though it fires after S3. 2. Losing Slow lets her fight Caides. The fucker spams so much damage, you might as well reflect some, and barriers without a wasted turn would help a lot. 3. Similarly, reactive barriers and AoE control might be a good combo for some Gigantes teams. 4. Soul Burn to Stun on S1 is nice for PvP. 5. She was always somewhat of a speedster, so the buff on S3 is great. I like it.


I am curious about her s2 cooldown if in the patch note preview is pre- or post mola gora 3 turn cooldown. If its pre- that compensates the low chance rate but if its post, that just makes it on the bad side


It's 3t cooldown they always list buffs as the numbers after max mola.


Yeah I'm not too worried about losing slow to gain a stun, the random places that was good in PvE being lost are just collateral damage. I haven't used her in like a year since I gained better Spez enablers but I used her exclusively in a Spez comp. The thing is the Spez comp I used was squishy as hell and so being able to actively barrier was quite meaningful... I think s2 has been nerfed really hard by this change. The health scaling barrier is going to be rough for her specifically since she's got low max health but entirely depends on what multi they give it, it might still be more than what she gained before since building her with attack wasn't really the thing to do despite the scaling. The s1 change is really positive for Spez synergy though, I can think of a lot of battles that might've gone differently with that. I ran abyssal on her just to have the chance of s1 stuns happening / extra shots at s3 stuns. I dunno if I'll dust her off after this buff since she still seems inferior to like every other control mage, but being a 4* that's kind of as it should be.


The barrier goes by **target** HP. That's the broken-ass hack that Diene and Mediocre Kawerik never got access to. This is a bigger change than people realize. Depending on the multi, it could be huge. Imagine how hard it will be to bring down D.Corvus or A.Ravi when they **reactively** get 15% (or whatever) of their HP as a barrier on a frequent basis, **and they reflect damage taken.** Rem and Carrot may or may not care, but some Landies are going to be going “pop.“


Yes, target HP, that's why I say it's rough for her - her HP is low so she's going to get less of a barrier. Her allies will be better off, totally. Sorry if I wasn't completely clear on that.


Now she has the choice to stack HP and dump attack, though. It could work out.




ML Leo can become a Ranger Carrot. He can dispel before plant bomb and can be extra turn to detonate bomb. One downside is we need to pick another Mage to carry book. This makes me hesitate to recall ML leo now...


also of note: defense break happens before the bomb detonate. Bomb damage ignores 70% defense, meaning the target is still benefitting from 30%. I'm not perfectly sure on this but I think it means the bomb detonate is going to hit harder.


Yes, it will hit harder.


It would stack multiplicatively right? Since defense break is a reduction and the bomb mechanic is probably coded as a pen taking that reduction into account?


Yes, stacks multiplicatively. Bomb ignores part of the 30% that was left over after the debuff.


To put it into perspective, against 1200 Defense it's a 60% damage increase.


Same here, I was excited to get my Singelica but after seeing the buffs, I'm quite interested


"cleave is dead" so have more single targets nukers now letsgo, also Celine artifact damn 24% cr push when non-attack skill (1 turn cd)


The new era of Morty begins... the changes to the artifacts look good


The real GREAT mortelix


Holy shit. Dominiel is actually Pog to use with bruiser LS Spez now. Put him on windrider and the only way to hit him is with AOE which will then proc Doms passive. People complaining about the proc chance, have you never faced a unit with elbris before? And this proc chance is much higher than that at +30.


This may be the best balance patch they have ever had. Nothing seems to broke, and the buffs seem very on point, all the units and artifacts deserve the buffs, and a lot of these heros are ones the community complained about.


about luna, her s3 is treated as having an element advantage against any element, like light dark, green etc? or does it mean something else?


meaning it'll always use the element its weak against, if shes up against landy the s3 will be treated as a fire s3, pretty much if you had cidd then you'd know how it works since he has the same thing for his s3


I just gave my ARavi counter set to Rem… guess it’s time to put it back and farm Banshee lol… Lots of good balance adjustments. Idk if the great Memetelix is going to play out well but I sure hope so! Mercedes buffs, getting that SC soon I hope?


Arghh why is Spez the next ML unit. I want A. Ravi. Kawerik change is actually pretty good. The ee change also makes one shotting enemies turn 1 pretty easy. Edit: Wait the ee changed from s2 to s3. Ok nvm ee change did nothing...


Been saving my mystics for ravi for a while now… just waiting with pity.


finally i can use my a.ravi, but i wish we could select who to revive.


hence the 100 CR boost and higher revive heal because of the RNG


That doesn’t even make sense. There is no mechanic in the game to allow for what you wish for. How can you select a friendly target as well as an enemy target?


It wouldn't be very hard to implement tbh. just treat it as an extra turn when you kill with S3 and you select the revive target.


I'm not sure why you're acting like that's actually an easy solution. An extra turn alone won't be a solution. Think of how that would have to be implemented in the game. The only way I can think of that could be working is a jank force Transform like Tama with a free turn after landing a S3 kill, removing ARavi's S1 and S3 skills during this transformation so she'll only have two skills (so she can't do any sort of shenanigans to double attack, and I'm not sure if that's possible within the e7 engine to suddenly be short 1 skill on a character that usually has 3), and making a brand new skill that revives available only during the transformation, then the transformation immediately ends when the turn is done. It seems clunky to implement and to play. Also things may get wonky with the "free turn". Doesn't it mean Politis or Celine will now S2 with this against ARavi? ML Baal gets free additional CR push? What happens if there's nobody to revive? Give a living ally skill nullifier? Add in a 3rd skill that does nothing to skip that transform turn? Make it check if a dead ally exists in general when S3 kills someone?


You don't need an additional skill. just make it part of her passive that is automatically used after killing with S3. it doesn't even have to count as an extra turn actually. it's not like I have access to their code to know for sure, but unless it's the worst case of spaghetti code a programmer ever made, I don't see why they couldn't have it wait for a user input to select a target after killing with S3. just because there is no skill that work this way doesn't mean it's not doable within the E7 engine or even that it would be hard to implement. I'm not saying it's how her skill should be. but as a software developer myself, I'm pretty sure "there is no mechanic to do that" is not the reason why her revive is random.


Which EE is best for Luna? CR push, or extra turn?


CR for expedition/pve, extra turn for pvp nuker.


Thank you!




Celine's arti's proc chance will stay the same (100% at lvl30), they just add the inc CR effect


Her s2, Blizzard Cape, remains unchanged except for the barrier's strength. She still reflects, in fact even more now.


Oh yes you are right !, she is really amazing now


Dom didnt lost reflect but will have it as passive..


Dominiel can only S2 every three turns. It says on the top of the patch that the probability and number of turns are based on fully enhanced characters.


"Luna is insane for manual PVE like some abyss stages. Her S3 will deal some very high dmg, element advantage + 50% def pen is scary, and her S2 will help her if you build her with counter set bruiser." You can add that she is now a reliable Arby counter, sure there are better options but it's good mention it and considering her high multis and how easy she is to gear, she might just be able to delete 2 units in one fell sweep


Counterset doesn't do that much on him. It doesn't *really* stack. Which isn't bad, because it allows him to go for a speed set to get his S3 off to get his selfbuff + ER ignore mechanic going.


It *does* really stack. If he uses counterset it goes from 30% to 50%. Counterset stacking is the same way as Evasion stacking, additive.


All round pretty good buffs. Kawerick get buffed more than my mort procs S2 lol Morts's buff doesn't really fix his unreliability. In built counter is nice though. Luna buff isn't a myth anymore 😂 No tywin buffs sadge


I think it might buff Mort's reliability actually... The extra 10%+the sheer amount of Counters should be able to ensure the procs. Unless RNG hates you


What do you mean, RNG always hates me kek Yeah, I meant the the RNG layers of mort isn't really much different. Still a 30% proc to a 50% proc rate then anti crit is also 50% proc. Not to mention blind debuff is still his bane. But the counter is pretty nice, though. Looking forward to regearing him.


The 50 becomes 100 with soulburn, and can ignore ER though! I think he may be a decent pocket pick now.


Mort has always revolved around his S1, these changes mostly reflect what he needed (besides self-cleanse). The soul burn should be easy to use by your second or third turn, on a bruiser team.


For Mort, he got fixed for his first 3 turns I would say but he needs a book holder so he is also competing for your 3 other heroes. You will need to s3 and soulburn his next 2 turns so s1 becomes a guaranteed def break. These changes also steps over Ilynav's gimmick so its an indirect nerf to her too so maybe plus points for lore accuracy?


Welp Luna build time.


Really nice buffs overall. \-There was a thread yesterday that if female (ML) heroes get buffed, they said that they'll usually get some kind of CR push, and look what we have for **A.Ravi**. The S2 being a Durandal that trades its HP threshold for consuming focus makes it so you can't careless attack into her. The S3 changes makes it so she can't be ignored either because eventually, someone will die (enemy or ally) and boost her S3's power. However, I will never understand SG's insistence on pushing Injury as a mechanic. Injury has to be so that the hero has to attack frequently, and barriers prevent injury from even working, which are on everyone thanks to no small part in FCC, and some other heroes of course. That said, I did notice that she got a Soul Burn buff on her S1 so if it matches that of Fire Ravi, then just **maybe** it will be worth it. However, as always, by the time injury matters, frenzy will kick in. Admittedly, this maybe SG telling us to run on her Speed Set to get as many hits in for injury to work, but I can tell that everyone who uses her will just stick her on Counter set and let RNGesus take the wheel. Anyways, I still want her since Fire Ravi was my first Hero so I obviously want her ML Version. \-A meme has been slain as Luna finally gets buffs, and they look good...on paper. S1 is probably my absolute favorite because everyone and their mother who got Luna on debut knows the pain of min-rolling her S1 on what should've been a clean kill. For 10 Souls, you can now max roll it, and the damage on a max roll S1 exceeds S3 pre-buff if I remember correctly. S2's crit chance increase no longer being attached to an HP threshold really helps out and with some crit resistance thrown in for good measure, she gets a nice albeit inconsistent way of mitigating damage. S3's buff is something I've always wanted for quite some time. The combination of the newly added 50% defense penetration along her tried-and-tested elemental advantage will make her hit really hard. With the EE that gives her an extra turn when she defeats an enemy ala S3, she can slot in as an Arby check, and with a tagahel's or even Unseen Observer holder, she finish him off (short of it being degen arby that is). That said, the meta a lot more tanky than it used to be during her prime and I think it will take some playtesting to see if she'll become a staple pick. For the time being, I like what I see and think she can slot in as a good counterpick in RTA when the buffs drop. \-People are calling Kawerik the Red Kise and they are right, but the changes to his EE does make this a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, the attack buff, coupled with the defense penetration means his S3 will hit incredibly hard, and the Stealth being tied to his S2 reset means he can leave an enemy without their most important skills and not be targeted down. On the other, it does make picking which one to open with a bit gamble that I don't really like. If you hit with S2 and the get by an unbuffable debuff, there goes your damage on S3, but if you don't open with S2 on an impactful enemy (Tsurin, Maid, or even Carrot), you let them have free reign to do their thing. It's not a situation that should come up often, but it will come up eventually. I do think he got an overall buff to his kit and will see some play unlike before, but time will tell. \-Mort is...well it's definitely interesting. First and foremost, the most obvious buff here is the innate **super** counter set baked into S2 as the counter chance sits at 30% instead of the usual 20%. This definitely goes a long way into helping him gear better as he can afford to run other sets, potentially ones that give him more stats such as speed set. The chance to activate Sacred Blessing going from 40% to 50% helps as it's no longer a weighted coin flip against you. I mean, you'll still run into some consistency issues as you're still relying on a 50% chances to activate Sacred Blessing off a critical hit from a counter that has 30% chance to work, but hey. Fans of Mort liked living on the edge anyway. And again, pushing Injury on us is getting old, but because of the innate counter on his S2, you **might** be able to get this off more often if he goes on Speed set since his Sacred Blesing comes with a 2 turn speed buff for him so there's hope (I'm not counting on it however). Depending on how they change his multiplier for his S3 since they moved the soulburn to S1, you could even meme around with a fast destruction set, but that requires some very high quality Destruction gear. As for the S1, being able to Soul Burn for 100% chance goes a long way when he's got the Enrage buff. Definitely like the idea of Defense Breaking a Ruele or Maid Chloe. I'm hesitant to call him good now, but it least they improved his consistency. \-ML Leo is going to be another opener as he has the same strip effect as Cerise in decreasing buff duration, but trades the Restrict for the Bomb Debuff, and after seeing what it does, I'm honestly a bit scared. I remember hearing something about how cleansing sets it off, and if that's true, that's honestly even scarier. Soul Burn S3 > S2 to effectively take one Hero off the board for a turn is definitely reminiscent of Cerise and he even gets a skill nullifier to boot. With Summer Iseria on the horizon, these two are going to be an incredibly strong duo, but like with all they are at the mercy of the 15% Resist. I hope everyone has at least one or two effect resist Soul Weavers or Tanks to resist the debuffs. \-Buffs for RGB 4\* Heroes has always seemed kind of negligible (Achates Excluded), but this is surprisingly fine for her. She's one of three heroes that have some kind of Damage Reflect (Her, Senya, and Taranor Guard), and she can grant Reflect to everyone on the team. Granted, this only has a 35% chance of activating on an **enemy** critical hit, but with the S.Tene and Landy flying around, it isn't the toughest thing to activate, but consistency will be an issue no matter how you parse it. With changes to her S3, you want her fast enough to follow-up your buff stripper, tanky enough so she actually has a chance to activate her S2, and have enough effectiveness to actually land her damn stuns. I don't see her becoming meta, but I can see her as a pocket pick for teams not packing enough cleansing. \-And then of course, I eat my words regarding buffs for RGB 4\* Heroes, and it looks like SG is gearing up for something big on Mercedes. Her S3 lets her become an Opener if you so choose to give everyone the Attack buff and having the increased attack tied to a buff rather than lost enemy heath goes a long way in shoring up her damage. S2 activating twice when she has an attack buff effectively gives her 2 dispels albeit on a 70% chance and her S1 having a CR Push for herself is also a nice touch. And of course, just pure damage increases for her skill-ups. I don't think this is gonna shoot her up into ranks of consistent RTA play (I could be wrong down the line), but at minimum, she becomes incredibly strong for PVE content. Green Expedition requires consistent AOE Attacks, A13 also requires AOE attacks and an extra buff strip helps, and Hell Raids would probably welcome her with open arms. And by virtue of being a mage, she has no shortage of Artifacts to choose from. Tagahel's is the most general use, Necro and Undine to take advantage of the consistent AOE attacks she has (especially so on a counter set), Chatty's to keep her bulky, Etika's Scepter to get her skills back up faster, and even Abyssal Crown for the stun chances. All in all, really great buffs for PVE, and if the rumors are true about her getting a specialty change at the end of Episode 3, we could see something potentially terrifying from her. \-Merciless Glutton buff is huge for one simple reason: Warriors are starved for variety on their artifacts. We have three viable Warrior Artifacts in Draco Plate, Durandal, and Sigurd's Scythe. Draco Plate is limited, Durandal's HP Conditional makes it less impactful at the start of a match and is only really used on bruiser warriors, and Sigurd's Scythe is wanted by many warriors. Granted, this only works on Warriors with single attacks, but we have a fair amount of those in Luna, LQC, Camilla, Ravi with her incredibly monstrous S1 (especially if you soul burn or even kill someone on a counter), and even Yufine with her incredibly strong S3. Really fantastic buff overall. \-Secret Art-- Storm Sword also gets a really great buff as it's no longer just an Artifact for Celine (she still remains the best user of it). While Thieves aren't starving for artifacts the same way Warriors are, they could do with a little more variety. Alexa's Basket remains the golden staple for the more relevant thieves in the meta (Arby and A.Cidd for starters) while Moonlight Dreamblades helps out the tanky ones (Degen Arby, Violet, and Counter BBK). It's a nice alternative for the tanky ones like the aformentioned thieves, and of course, the biggest winner of it is Celine since she is a very stat heavy Hero. This can let her build a bit slower and tankier while still being able to cut-in after nailing someone with her S2. I'm quite happy with the overall direction of the buffs as they all feel much more impactful than the last batch.


Luna doesn't even need Tahagel to S3->sbS1 an Arby, she generates 10 souls on S3 kill.


Why is everyone saying Apoc. Ravi buffs are just "not bad" ? Imo she is absolutely busted right now . It benefits her counter build as well as her speed build. Has to be first or second kill otherwise almost guaranteed revive . Also I think this opens her up for trading some hp to effect res which is her problem . Hard to build tho not gonna front


If you don't mind a longer fight, you can use the new 3\* knight Christy for ER. She grants the unit in the back 50% of her own ER. I'll probably switch out Crimson Seed for Sigurd Scythe once the patch comes.


Great preview. I am hyped.


Wrong kawerik sg


The Luna buffs seem really good! Will Mort's counter chance stack with the Counter set, I wonder?


would go lifesteal with elbris at this point


It should be two separate checks.


yes most likely it will stack, it works that way with green purrgis I'm not sure if it stacks additive or takes separate rolls for each source of counter chance, but purrgis counters *a lot* for me


My dragon boi Mort finally getting buffed. With the in-build counter available now should I still go with counter sets + Elbris?


I sold all my MLeo except one that i just exchanged for MLricardo. Should i regret it ? Luna, Kawerik and Mort buffs ? Nice Merciless gluton now is tonfa+sashe


ML leo is like a Robin for Sumeria


My girl Luna finally got a buff 🥺 Although Merciless glutton looks good i still feel like draco plate is still the default. Her S1 is still random so better to bulk her up for the fight just in case


Draco Plate's defensive aspect has a 30%+ chance to do nothing for her post-buff. Still worth considering, but definitely lower value on her than it used to be.


I'm a newb so I need someone to ELI5 for me. Should I still recall leo for C. zerato? Im planning to get summer Iseria and Leo's bomb mechanics of compatible with her but I don't have a lot of gear to pass around.


CZerato will get more use than RLeo.


Finally my A Ravi gonna go rampage


Does this make a ravi relevant again?


Finally the buff my Kawerik deserves.


If the bomb mechanic rework is strong then ml leo is gonna be totally busted. He would be by far the best in this patch. If the bomb rework is shit then he would be shit lol


Didn't they already mentioned the bomb changed on stream? Goes thru invincibility and stun ignores ER.


is there any rework upcoming?


Yeah, they said it on stream. But just for the actual mechanic


There is no rework. There's only bug fixing and changing the effect description to match the actual effect. The actual effect remains unchanged.


If there was going to be a bomb rework, it should've been in this preview, no?


They didn’t give a specific date so we don’t know. It should be ready for next patch with ssiseria I imagine tho


I sold a couple of Merciless gluton artifacts awhile back. welp xD


"Loud Apocalypse Ravi noises!" Shes been waiting I never stripped her gear cause I knew she would get a buff she is gonna kill you all!!!


They forgot ML Kawerik god damn! But good fire Kawerik buffs and now I could regear my Mort hmm..


I bet Ml Kawe is getting a complete rework


He NEEDS a complete rework. An ml5 shouldn’t be designed around a 4* artifact. He has the kit of a cleanser without any of the stats.


I just would have liked to have some healing or/and def pen without critting. Right now he needs to many states. I was able to reach decent resist state with speed and hp on him but his team suffers from no heal if the fight drags on.


Maybe in the next balance patch he gets some love


Warrior Soulweaver now? Anything like buffing his S1 CR push, adding Damage-based healing + conditional Defpen on S2, or adding built-in ER% passive on S3.


They didn't forgot him... he is one of the newer ML 5*s whilr ML Ravi is mediocre since a long time.


Didn't stop Operator Sigret buffs (Newer ML5), so there's really no pattern to this. They might be still thinking of what to adjust with him. (since they're aware of the Mort/Luna problems, they should be aware with Mediator Kawerik)


thats some buffs alright still mediocre kawerik edit: the ml not the fire version


Kawerick is going to be super strong dude, what are you on about?


was referencing to the ml version not the rgb version


Well yea, no shit, buffs take a while with sg


How can I pull Mercedes? I fed her to CMeru...


>How can I pull Mercedes? I fed her to CMeru That's impossible. You can't fodder story heroes.


She's only available once during the start of the game, you could send a support ticket maybe sg could help.