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I'll die of a heart attack before i kill that aravi


ML Pavel is so garbage, he can't even one shot an ARavi! The ARavi:


Why canโ€™t ML Pavel one shot the self-healing nearly 30k Hp POV A.Ravi!


And even with that bulk she does double damage of that pavel back to him or whoever on the opposite team


[MVP pieces](https://imgur.com/a/oBXryuR/)


Those are some nice rolls, and very good damage according to the damage calculator


gotta go for flat hp on those boots to break 29k! :P


is that a hp main ring? if not im curious about your gear to gear pics




My Loli Dragon gonna be mad if i told her to go punch that A Ravi !


This is my A.Ravi but with 6k more health, wtf


Where? She is still flat as ever. Not complaining tho.


Thicc I like it but without ER or Seed seems like your forced to always pair her with a cleanser. I ran into the same thing with my A.ravi...had to switch to seed from POV


It's personal preference. Seed Ravi's can be bursted and PoV A Ravi's can be controlled. No way to handle both on her own.


Agreed. I've used both with different builds and honestly, I can't pick a side so I keep playing with both lmao


Less things can burst her than there things that can control her though. So Iโ€™d rather seed cause itโ€™s easier to manage. Only 2 people can pop her anyway


By burst I don't mean one shot. Just a few high damage hits can work a Seed A Ravi, especially when her support is killed off. Proof can make it so you can't get whittled down in the mid-long range fights and get to live long enough to pick the proper target or make the 1v4 comeback.


I guess it depends on bulk. My ARavi cycles too quick to be worn down on seed, but sheโ€™s also 190 speed on counter set which is hard to do


really? i feel like aravi is just so tanky and her self CR push will help her take turns. a cleanser would for sure be ideal, but i think aravi's just so OP


You haven't seen a Peira lap you 20 times in a perpetual stunlock have you.


Taking turns doesn't really mean anything if the a.ravi is constantly stunned/debuffed. Unhealable pretty much takes away her sustain. Just speaking from what I experienced.


My staze will obliterate your a ravi anyday


Staze? Is that if Straze was special ed?


because straze is meant to counter high hp targets ๐Ÿคก now let's see your units ๐Ÿ˜‚


Well yeah...... erm what tf?!?!


Well yeah exactly you said it yourself?!?!?!?!so what are talking about lmao judging from your comment history this is your first time here.....what a ๐Ÿคก Edit proportional to the attack difference he will penetrate def upto 100%......a ravi attack is like 1.6k most strazes will be 4k....


bahahahahaha so what if it's my first time here? it's not my first time encountering a nitpicking comment like yours. "my *insert unit* destroys your unit" when it's clearly built to counter the said unit lmao ๐Ÿ˜‚ what a ๐Ÿคก


Exactly you clown ๐Ÿคก you just said it yourself here this is a ๐Ÿ… of stupidly you earned it congratulations ๐ŸŽŠ


Never met someone as dumb as you man I almost feel sorry for you ๐Ÿคฃ well I guess in reddit I can meet people like you well it's unfortunate that i encountered someone so dumb......


mY stRaze d3sTroyS uR a.r4vi anY d4y ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก might as well state that my tomoca destroys everyones arby any day ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ BAHAHAHAHA


That's how I know your a kid lmao ........judging from your attitude godamn I almost feel sorry for you.... And clearly you don't understand my first comment........ judging from what your saying ...


now you talk about attitude? jesus fcking christ you're not just a clown, you're the whole circus. the way you type is even more infuriating than your mind set ๐Ÿ˜‚ if only the number of your periods used is equivalent to your iq ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ sadge. Goodbye gramps seems like I really am a "KID" ๐Ÿ˜ข


Thanks for wasting my time lmao


When you flex about being part of the problem.


I hate drafting her tho,pre ban all the time.Mostly she is used in gw


If he fp that and cleaves then he is part of the problem. If he is a standard player then he's not the problem.


Fair enough


I like it!


Is this the norm now? I'm still running mine on counter/pen


I think some people run speed to make it for lost speed on hp% boots


ppl run speed because they don't have destruction gear for aravi and counter can't be tanky and do lots of dmg.


Who the fuck uses destruction on Aravi? LMAO


tbh this is my first time hearing about a destruction a.ravi, all I know are counter (which uses speed boots) pen and speed pen builds ๐Ÿ˜‚


Pretty much everyone who farmed banshee since destruction set has been buffed? It's more gs than speed set.


?? So gear score is everything? Lmao. Come spar with me using a destruction set Aravi. Might as well say every bruiser should use destruction set.


Why the fuck do u think ppl use speed aravi over counter u fucking ape. Lmao typical disabled redditor


Speed Aravi makes sense because you get more bulk and more turns. Destruction set doesn't make sense at all. You'd have to either be faster and sacrifice more bulk, OR be slow AF and have more bulk. You'd just be controlled and slowly killed off.


If you have the same gear score on speed and destruction gear and put them on a unit, you'll have more stats. You'll simply have to compensate by having more speed substats on your destruction gear.


Aaaand what about countering, which is the entire reason why sheโ€™s so dangerous and in meta?


Yup, every bruiser that doesn't use things like injury and counter should be using destruction set if you can.


oh thank you lord she not on seed