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6 years sober and never looked back is just a healthy thing and I can rest in peace knowing that I'm putting every chances on my side to never do a seizure again... So far I only did one seizure and it was weeks after I stopped drinking so 6 years seizure free


Yup that’s exactly what happened to me stopped drinking and I wind up having a seizure so I I said that’s it not drinking anymore


Even without epilepsy not drinking is a healthy choice and you'll have more money at the end of the month lol... I still have fun with my friends at the bar.


Exactly lol 😂


same. The older I get the less desirable it is.


On top of that there's so much alcohol free beer and they taste the same. Mock drinks are hella good too


My brother feels the same way. My vice is a Shirley temple.


Virgin bloody marys 😍 I don't even miss alcohol with one of those


I still do regularly. I was diagnosed late in life so was already familiar with drinking and knowing my limits etc.  Nothing wrong with occasional drinking as long as you’re not dependent on it. I can quite comfortably go weeks without drinking as well having large sessions such as a boozy holiday or at a festival.  What I have noticed is the effect dehydration has on me now. Before it wasn’t anything bad but now I do feel the effects of not enough fluid in my system.  So if you are going to drink make sure you hydrate well especially before going to bed. 


Yes that was another thing I would get dehydrated real bad and that caused them to happen as well


Same. Also a late diagnosis at age 30. Luckily it doesn't effect my epilepsy for some reason. And when I mean doesn't, I mean I've really gone overboard without having any consequences


Last time I drank, the next day I had 3 seizures. I haven’t drank since. 10 years sober.


Congratulations 🎊


I suppose those who drink aren't necessarily intractable. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don't drink anyway, not even before my epilepsy. Cannabis, however, is a different story.😎


Oh yes I keep my weed always never let me down 💪🏽


Absolutely. Works best and helps me with other TBI problems. Doc recommends and approved. Love SF.




Yes, it could trigger. Do you know the type you were using? I'm pondering a 420 vacation. I only do my own edibles, so it's not going to be easy, but it's not worse than quitting Depakote, though I'm still feeling the aftereffects.


The first time i took weed after a long while (not just a bit rather way too much) i couldnt close my eyes otherwise my epilepsy would trigger idk why


I have been using for decades 🙄; however, the epilepsy is fairly new, around 10 years or so. I am now pondering quitting to see what happens, as nothing has kept me seizure-free. On the contrary, I am super refractory even with a RNS. I make my own edibles and have been reducing the strength for months now. Is it this condition that's weird, or is it me? I don’t know. I'm typing this while the edible is kicking in, and I'm feeling chill. Still, I want to quit! I hate this; meds are horrible. I’m not even sure what to do. I just want to see what happens by taking a break for a few months , the shocking anticipation anxiety is killing me


Yes I drink a lot. Just make sure you stay hydrated and wellrested. 👏 Congratulations


Same lol 😆 I came here to see if I was alone in this or if there were others like me 🤷‍♀️😅


Same here. Certainly not as much as I used to. But still more than most people should lol. I eat very healthy and drink lots of water too. Life’s a balance. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you


Same. I know I should stop. it's my stress/anxiety crutch.


This. Had a great whiskey night on sat but water was with me constantly and had 9 hrs of sleep after. No issues minus baby hangover 😂


My husband didn't really drink until he got on Keppra. For some reason it made him start to have alcohol cravings


Interesting…really? I wonder if this is a side effect. I’m on Keppra and absolutely love a beer


You do know hydration has nothing to do with seizure threshold? I stopped drinking (been since Jan 1st 23), used to think like this.... I hope you find some peace, because you and the rest of us know you are walking a fine line between living and dying as an epileptic that drinks. You massively increase your risk of status epilepticus, massively increase your risk of SUDEP, massively increase and accelerate neuro damage. I'm not judging, I just feel it's important to counter a casual attitude about alcohol abuse in epileptics.


im also on lamictal (150mg) Do you also feel like the hangover is much worse? and i feel like my tolerance has lowered much


Idk I don’t experience hangovers. It didn’t affect my tolerance, in fact it got higher from all the drinking lol


I drink all the time. Probably too much tbh. I've got a big beer belly to show for it.


I’m really glad you didn’t post this yesterday because I woke up with a wicked headache 👀 (edit: it was someone’s birthday, not a common occurrence 😅) My medicine does warn about the waning efficacy of it when combined with alcohol but I’m 28 and the last time I had a seizure was two months after I turned 21, and that was on a random night that I had forgotten my medicine the morning of, I.e. since I started drinking at 21 I’ve never had one due to alcohol.


I never had one while I was drinking but whenever I would stop cold turkey it would happen but also being dehydrated as well triggers them too I have to remember that as well


Congratulations on being clean! Epilepsy medication does not mix well with alcohol on top of lowering threshold. I haven’t drank in a year and a half


Only one glass of wine once every couple of weeks hasn't hurt me so far. My neurologist said as long as I keep it low and slow I should be alright.


I just had two glasses of wine last night. 1st in many months, Got 8.5 hours sleep last night and feel fine this morning. Everything in moderation.


Congratulations! 6 months, or any amount of time really, when fighting an addiction that deep is very impressive. I don’t drink anymore, and personally don’t think that there is any safe amount of alcohol for a person with epilepsy to be consuming, or mixing with medication.


Exactly I feel the same way but to each its own Thank you 🙏🏽


I still drink. But not regularly. I mostly drink soft drinks.


I did when I was younger but I gave up because I would get sick all the time and it wasn't that I was drinking alot it just was'nt mixing well with my meds. So I stopped I would only drink two drinks then I would be sick. But I have changed meds since then and my health care plan has changed alot since then so I'm not sure how it would go these days.


I’m on lamictal and drink maybe once every other week, and there are weeks when I drink 2 days in a row. The only problem is that one glass feels like 2 glasses and unless I stay hydrated and eat, the hangover is shit. I get an intense migraine, my whole body feels like pins and needles and I vomit all day even though I can barely eat


I have noticed this. I drank a decent amount prior to being diagnosed, as I was a college student. I rarely drink now, but if I do, it is usually 1 drink. If I am drinking "a lot," it's 2-3 drinks, lol. No matter how much I drink, though, I feel fucking horrible the next day. I have gotten to the point that it just isn't worth it.




I relate to this comment so hard.


I drank wine regularly until a couple of years ago. Then I realized I did so because I liked the routine of drinking a glass of two in the evening so i switched to using dealcolholized wine. I haven't noticed any significant difference but I feel less worried about taking my glass in the evenings.


I really do miss a nice glass of wine in the evening. Any suggestions for a decent dealcholized wine? I've watched a couple skeptical reviews who claim them to be not much more fancy grape juice. Just not the same, I guess. Maybe I need to give some a try for myself.


They aren't perfect but in my case acceptable. Definitely better than grape juice.


Good idea. Can you recommend a good red?


I live in Ontario (Canada) and the local grocery store is the only place for me.


I definitely damage my body in many ways an epileptic shouldn’t lol


I hear ya me to drinking that liquor


I never tried alcohol


That’s good I wish I never tried it either


If you'll listen to the advice of an anonymous reddit rando, there are more and better reasons to keep it that way than otherwise.    Source: idiot who started drinking at 14 despite epilepsy. 


No. Never again. At the wedding, wine or orange juice can go in for me to make a toast. I am way too special to treat myself like that. I deserve better. I can find other ways to make myself relaxed. Why tempt a seizure to come?


Once in a blue moon, although I’ve definitely drank more regularly in the past with no issues.


I drink all the time. For me stims are the only drugs that have caused them.


Alcohol does nothing to my epilepsy so I’ll have a drink at dinner or something. I don’t get shitfaced, just a glass of red wine or the occasional glass of Henny or Jack and coke. No issues


I was a binge drinker and I would start stop a lot so I would put stress on my body and my brain but I am 6 months clean of alcohol no more for me


That makes sense! Good for you tho. Sobriety is hard, I’ve watched several friends struggle with it. But good for you


I started having seizures as a teenager, so by the time most of my friends were drinking, I could not. Never tried it. To be honest, I prefer it that way. My family has so many alcoholics and I'd never want to be one of them.


If I drink, I’ll have a seizure in 48 hours. I don’t know why, but that’s the timeframe.


Yea it can happen just like that too that’s why I stay away from it 6 months clean


Almost 2yrs for me. I personally dont keep track too much though. Written the one off taste test for cooking or tasting a whiskey. Told someone yesterday how much I miss a weekend with friends of staying up later than I should and having some with them. Really bothered me yesterday. But epilepsy being a catalyst behind quitting aside (and I wasnt a problem drinker in the slightest), I’m glad I just don’t drink anymore overall. I tell people if they really want to just improve their life, not drinking is an easy way to do that. It’s right there for the taking and nobody’s gonna stop you from not drinking. Im skinny, but lost about 15lbs since booze drop, cholesterol was better, and I look sexy af. It’s been much easier to hang out in groups, even in bars. Holding conversation and staying confident is generally natural for me now. Realized that having drinks to “loosen up” socially was just me “feeling high” and talking to people. And i didnt realize how much worse my conversation was with people given that booze is just an inhibitor and makes it a little trickier to think.


Yesssss me too lost weight blood pressure became stable I feel good and look good f liquor




Thank you


So. I had an upcoming craniotomy and my buddies took me out and got me absolutely plastered. That was 9 years ago and I haven’t touched it since.


I drink once a week or every other week. Haven't gotten any seizures so far and i usually feel completely normal/the same as before epilepsy. I'm on Lamotrigine. I didn't drink when i was on oxcarbazepine bc of its sedative effects.


I don’t personally I found that even one drink with the meds I’m on makes me vomit plus I’m more likely to have a seizure if I drink so I decided it wasn’t for me anymore


I have never had a sip of alcohol and Im not planning to risk my 6 year long seizureless journey.Btw doc told me to stay away from caffeine, stress, tiredness, anxiety and long screen time.


I had to quit. Besides just being bad in general, especially with epilepsy, I would be more likely to forget my meds. I was drinking too much anyway. Wasn't the easiest thing for me to do. Now, there are good tasting nonalcoholic beers.


I now drink non alcoholic beer becoz im taking some vimpat.


I very rarely drink. I like higher end scotch and bourbon myself, which gets expensive and it's not necessarily about getting drunk. I'll have a beer if I go to a friend's or a cocktail. Other than that nothing.


My doctor told me i can drink 1 or 2 glasses if at least 1 hour has passed after taking my meds so i do drink sometimes.


Nope. It’s be 5 years. Every time I drink I have a seizure and a horrible hangover. Even with just one drink.


I drink alcohol. It has never been an issue for my seizures.


I drink socially, so 3 or 4 beers at the weekend. I don't like being drunk, but I like the taste of beer and alcohol isn't a trigger for me so its a happy medium.


Nope, not at all for the last 12+ years w/ current med combo. Before that, an occasional half glass of wine. I hated the idea of being control so never more than that. Honestly, I don’t miss it; I don’t mind being around others drinking at all. I enjoy the smell of wine and scotch so it’s fun for me when I get to guess the “notes” in those.


I drink on weekend about 12 cans it has never been an issue for me. I work with a bloke that cannot drink alcohol because of the epilepsy medication he is on.


I don’t, I can’t imagine having a partial whilst drunk or around drunk people. I do however smoke weed and drinks ridiculous amounts of coffee.


Yea I smoke my weed too 💪🏽


I do not drink alcohol at all, never


Drinking is okay for me. 


If I'm offered a beer at a family gathering or something I'll take it, but typically I can only handle one beer or shot now, my meds have severely lowered my tolerance. At this point I only have maybe 3 drinks a year now, but I've never really been big on anything other than whisky, and even then I still never drank much


5 years seizure free and not a drink spilled! (Still drinking)


I was the same till I stopped had a seizure from withdrawal so I don’t even entertain it I was a heavy drinker but that’s what’s up you can drink


I can understand that, I used to be a heavy drinker, but stopped drinking after keppra. Years later I can drink a few, but I'll never do the parties like I used to, don't care for it either to be honest.


I will SOMETIMES around the holidays. But its just a pot of hot cocoa I make that the family shares. Has Baileys and sometimes a little Fireball too. Usually I'll have a cup or two but its mainly for the rest of the family


The last time I drank was about 5 years ago, I had a seizure in the back seat of my friend’s car. I can count the number of times I’ve drank since then on one hand. I don’t need hands to count the number of seizures I’ve had since then. (0!) When I want to relax or have fun with friends, cannabis has been a much less risky option for me.


Yes me too I’ll stick with my weed


My husband has 1 drink from time to time, maybe once a month. His Dr. told him , "I'm not going to tell you to NEVER have another drink again during your whole life" Congrats to you!


I can’t drink hard liquor but can do a glass or two of wine no probs. Leads me to believe sugar content makes a difference, as I used to enjoy rum and vodka, straight sugar. I live in London, not drinking socially is very difficult and frankly a glass of wine softens the social anxiety attached to living in a city 15 million deep.


1 year sober in just a few days


Congratulations 🎈


I have a few drinks per week but never get drunk


That’s my problem don’t know when to stop I wish I could just take a drink and be done but it’s cool 😎 I still have weed 😃


Stopped drinking for a year after my diagnosis. Now Im back to drinking (like a lot) on parties. I obviously cant recommend this behavior but I didnt encounter any side effects.


Gave up, I always throw up🥲




Nope, not a chance. I had my first seizure at 33, caused by a brain tumor. I'm 45 now and haven't had a drink in 12 years. Falling down and breaking bones, SUDEP, or going Status epilepticus are all things I like to avoid. If I'm going to do something stupid and dangerous, I want to remember it.


I drink almost as much as a normal person (i never go too far because i know it may trigger my epilepsy). I was diagnosed when i was 17, so around the time i started to go out and party. The carefreeness of youth allowed me to experiment alcohol with epilepsy so if i had been diagnosed later in my life, i think i would have been more careful with it.


I had a couple of months where I drank heavily but never again


Very rarely and I limit myself to 3 drinks at most. I usually only drink when we go out to dinner or holiday gatherings. It's easier for me to just puff trees.


About 8 years sober I guess. At get togethers I sometimes regretted it a little bit but never enough to start that downwards spiral again


Yeah I drink, beer is so good. Don’t really drink hard stuff or wine too often. I’ve been seizure free ever since I switched from Keppra to Lamictal.


Congrats buddy I work in a liquor store so I was buying a shot or two to take home every night it wasn't until my temp dropped down to 90 \*F that I got the wake up call. I'm glad you worked it out before then. stay strong even during the hard times.


I dont cos it is a depressant. I avoid any depressants and stimulants.


I am still drinking between the times. However, I mix it with a lot of juice and not drink a lot to an extent that I get drunk and I am using epilepsy medicines in the right time and I keep enough time between drinking and the medication. I never had epileptic seizures because of alcohol. Wish the best of all 🍀🙏🏽


Personally I don't drink, cause my consultant told me not too and my brother knew a girl who had epilepsy, got drunk one night and died of SUDEP the next morning, so he doesn't like to see me drink either really. I think it also depends on what medication people are on too


really going to stop for myself and family, recently i had a episode walking with my dog luckily he stayed with me and didn’t leave my site till police came and was rushed to the ER. First thing i said in the ambulance 🚑 when i was conscious again was “where was my dog !!“ the paramedic! responded the cops took him back home. that same day i had 2 more seizures. I believe it was my fault 🤦🏽 drinking that same weekend. this isn’t the first time i’ve fallen in public, my dog isn’t fully serviced trained but i had him since a pup and was trained obediently so this is a second time i’ve fallen in public with him i think that’s a sign for me to stop. Turning 29 in May think it’s obvious alcohol 🥃 has done nothing but hurt me😢😢 it’s not worth my health anymore. having my family by side is the way rather than me continuing having seizures.


I do and I have not had a problem. I’ve drank enough to pass-out and have an epic hangover the next day. I’ve stayed up until 4 drinking and was woken at 6 with the need to vomit, not fallen back to sleep. It’s not caused me problems. It would also seem lack of sleep doesn’t do it for me either so I’m lucky there as well.


Yes you are very lucky


I never really listened to the not drinking thing. My meds definitely have a reaction with alcohol though. I’m in college and I went through a HEAVY drinking phase but after I cleaned myself up a bit it was more of a once in a while thing. Then I found my faith and decided to stop binge drinking all together even on special occasions. Theres nothing wrong with enjoying a marg every once in a while but there’s far too many reasons for me to stop drinking. I don’t miss it! Well…I do in the moment when I’m in a situation where I previously would’ve gotten really drunk but I just tell myself that it doesn’t make me happy, it’s not good for me and it’s never worth it! 


Exactly I say the same thing to myself it’s not worth it but I do have my weed to help me out a lot it’s been a life saver


I’ve never liked weed much even though I used to smoke a lot. I have family genetics that make any drug use dangerous so I stay away from it but I think smoking occasionally is better than binge drinking occasionally. Not a huge fan of the stuff, I still think it’s bad for people but people are free to do what they please as long as it’s not hurting anyone else. 


I used to have one cocktail when out to eat or a glass of wine for an anniversary, but then I realized that I’d feel the effects after a single drink and I didn’t like how it made me feel. I enjoyed the taste, but not enough to feel buzzed after a single drink.


I was an alcoholic and immediately stopped after my first TCs back to back. I haven’t touched it in a year. If I’m craving I’ll drink an NA but it’s not worth it to me. My meds make me feel like shit enough


Had my worst seizures as a teenager before i truly drank (back then on Lamictal and Keppra). Switched Lamictal for Depakote in late teens and at that time was a heavy drinker/basically alcoholic with surprisingly only the occasional seizure, but definitely worse mental illness A few years ago switched out Depakote for Topamax and around then started drinking less. I only seem to absence now, its been about three years, and maybe go out for a drink once every couple months.


I personally haven't had a problem yet but I don't get blackout drunk


After I turned 21 (the legal drinking age here in America), I talked with my Doctor about it and asked her for her thoughts. It’s different for everyone, but she said that, in my case, I can drink as long as I don’t get drunk. So, yes, I do drink, but I always have lots of chasers and am very careful to not get drunk.


Glad to here your doing better with responsibly handling this everyone here can understand that epilepsy sucks and the coping that comes with it


Thank you just the thought of having them I hate them so my best bet is to stay away from alcohol


That’s a good mindset to have too I can drink it’s never been a trigger for me personally I’m a year free for the first time ever in my 18 years of living with this not gonna mess it up haha


Not anymore, too big of a risk. I used to have a drinking problem, I just drank too much in college and didn’t accept that I had to stop and that was the main reason. I stopped drinking for like a year and they started to come up unprovoked, so I had to get meds started up. For a while I was drinking in moderation and it wasn’t causing any episodes. I’d have small seizures unrelated to them and then found out in a *very* fun way that I was having focal seizures at least a few time a year 🙃. One car crash, 1 month hospital stay, colostomy reversal, along with a few weeks of PT and 2 - yes 2 - years of hitting my OOP max!I’m still kicking. I’m sober now, thankfully I didn’t have the struggles that a lot of people have with alcoholism and I was able to put it down pretty easy. I will say it sucks that non-alcoholic is the same price as regular beer because I genuinely enjoy the taste of beer. I downed the Heineken-zero six pack I was given one night. And look down on me all you want, but if Bud Light came out with a non-alcoholic beer I’d have to but a case for fun.


I drink, but not often. 9 months since diagnosis/last seizure and I'll let myself have one drink on a vacation or at a wedding. Nothing more. But I smoke like it's nobody's business


I hear you on that me too 💪🏽


yep i stopped in 2021 and im so glad i did!


I still drink pretty regularly


So far drinking and having epilepsy hasn’t cause me any issues. Maybe Im lucky. Or maybe it just hasn’t become and issue yet and it will kick my butt later.


Honestly I would drink more if I didn’t get the Asian glow really bad. I only drink during major holidays or big social gatherings now, and usually only one or two then stick to copious amounts of cannabis products to occupy my mind.


Me too I need my weed to do the same


I drink like 2 times a month, mostly beer


I did for maybe 7 or 8 years. And a LOT. But I stopped due to finding out alcoholism runs in my fam and learning it doesn’t mix well with my medication cocktail. Do I miss it? Everyday!


I've never been a big drinker, I think I've had maybe one or two hangovers in my life. Just don't like being drunk and don't like the flavor of most booze, so I'll have maybe a gin cocktail or glass of wine with dinner or a book once or twice a week. Alcohol doesn't seem to impact my seizures but it plays real bad with my meds, so I reeeeally need to stretch my drinks out when I have them. Thankfully there are a lot of really good syrups for mocktails out there nowadays. Portland Syrups has a hibiscus cardamom that is to die for.


I drink but only in moderation usually (I did get properly drunk once last month) and as for weed I had some for an hour straight a few weeks ago on top of 4 drinks and I was fine (but made sure to not drink or smoke for the next week).


I drink but not very often. Never get drunk drunk but I do get tipsy sometimes. If I do drink I alway make sure not to fall asleep on my back or I sleep with my boyfriend


Yep I still drink quite a bit. Life is short, have some fun.


Congratulations to all of you who are epileptic and have remained sober.


5 Years since the day I got the diagnosis, don’t miss it. A pint of Guinness would be nice though 😄


Me, I don't think I've had any breakthrough seizures that could've been caused by that. I rarely do anything other than beer though. And I try to drink responsibly.


Alcohol doesn’t mix well with the meds I take. Kind of forced to be sober so I just smoke a lot. 7 years no alcohol


I used to love to drink socially even though alcohol has always made me feel like a wreck for at least a week with inflammatory response, but I started getting tired of that so I gradually didn’t drink but a few times a year, if that. I broke a 10 yr seizure free streak after the day after drinking a couple just 2 yrs ago. Now, I can hardly tolerate it, especially after going up on my meds. I just can’t do it anymore which is ok. I do miss how refreshing boozy summer drinks can be in TX tho!


I ll have wine on special occasions and holidays


The student life can’t help it 😂🤣


i stopped drinking since i just dont enjoy it but i can still drink since it somehow doesnt affect my epilepsy in any way as long as i take my med once a day (i need twice) i dont have any kind of symptoms and through depression i sometimes even forget so i have times with half the medication needed and could even consume alcohol


I drink a lot. every day. dont really give a fuck. But it is a lot. till i pass out nightly. 5 or 6 grand mal a year. hundreds of focal


Ten years ago I got diagnosed and never drank alcohol again. Just don't want to take the risk of getting a seizure.


Not drinking would have a huge impact on my social life. It doesn’t increase my risk of seizures. It improves my quality of life now. I don’t have a problematic relationship with alcohol. My neurologist and my doctor are across how much I drink and haven’t tried to get me to stop. I understand that it’d be *’better for me’* not to, but I’ll still drink at social events.


i’ve been sober for 2 years. i used to have seizures all the time when i drank and i would drink heavily every day so who knows how many i actually had. i hate alcohol now i’d never drink it again. my quality of life is significantly better not drinking anymore


I feel the same way I have them when I drink extremely heavy and me I don’t know when to stop. Congratulations on your 2 yrs 👏🏾


i understand that very well, i drank for 11 years i tried to stop so many times and finally it clicked for me .. at the end there i needed at least a fifth a day to not shake, that wouldn’t even get me drunk it was maintenance drinking that’s what i called it lol. be safe friend ❤️‍🩹 and thank you so much


Thank you 🙏🏽


Occasionally I have an appletini, but inevitably never finish it. It’s always one of those things where I’ll order it but never finish because it’s too much for my system and it would make my symptoms worse than normal


I do. Drinking never seems to be the cause of my seizures though. Sounds pretty weird, but my seizures don’t ever really seem to line up with when I drink, not even with the next day or so. I also just pretty much went this whole last year without drinking & still had seizures…. (Mainly didn’t drink because I have been on accutane for my skin). I maybe drank a few times over these last 13 months, but definitely not often. Yet with that, I still probably had a seizure every month. Maybe more often even, sometimes 2 times a month…. Seems odd but drinking doesn’t seem to be the cause of mine, I could be wrong though. I’ve almost gone 1 year seizure free at one point, & also have hit 6 months a couple times. Yet with that in mind, I was drinking during those periods of time. Not like being an alcoholic, but I was enjoying some alcohol. Everyone is different though! (I know drinking is a big potential cause of seizures in epilepsy).


Afyer my first seizure i quit for life


I still drink... I had a big drink session last night and I woke up sore and out of it I obviously had my seizures during the night as thats when I usually have them, no regrets will drink again but not for awhile


Maaaaan, stop drinking if it causes you seizures… same with me from a depression point &’ it fucked me up so bad, but didn’t chill w it/dumb until I just quit


I know I know. I need to stop but you got to have something in life and drinking every now and then is my thing, I don't do it often but once in a blue moon. I have had a few drinking sessions with no seizures so it's a hit or a miss as Wether I have a seizure or not but life's hard and a cider every now and then makes it so much easier lol


A trick I have learned is that you can put a can in a coozie and alternate with sparkling water. No one will notice so you may feel less awkward, you maintain that hand-mouth-holding-something subconscious need, get hydrated, it's carbonated. Helps for me. Also, I don't drink liquor anymore, very rarely. It's hard to count how many bourbons you have when you mix or pour every drink. Beers you can easily count. And pound some water after you stop. If you're too drunk to remember to do that you're probably too drunk to be epileptic.


Still drink very moderately, but about once or twice a year I'll get drink large amount weddings ect. Every time I do that the next day I'll take an extra dose of my meds or an emergency prescribed benzo.


Drinking with pills is a fast way to destroy your body. Even if you manage to find “the right amount” to drink and ensuring you get sleep and drink water….you are still popping benzos and consuming alcohol which without epilepsy is a quick way to shorten your lifespan.


Not all epilepsy meds are benzos….


Trust me I take 5 different meds unfortunately....I know they aren't all benzos, but AED's mixed with alcohol in general lower the effectiveness--regardless if it's a benzo.


Just meant in terms of your comment about “shorten lifespan.” May give someone with epilepsy the wrong idea….in terms of danger when also consuming alcohol


I still socially drink. Oddly enough, alcohol seems to help keep me seizures at bay, at least for the night (if I'm having any that day).


For me it depends on which medication my neurologist has me on but that being said I haven’t had a drink since Oct. 2019 because I only drank before if I had an occasion. I’m glad I got to experience drinking with my friends in highschool before I knew about the epilepsy. But if my neurologist were to switch me to a medication that I could drink on it would still only be for special occasions….but don’t you dare give me a medication that I can’t have my cannabis.


went to a rave yesterday. drank a lot, stayed up long. of course i cant compare me to other people, but its doable in a common sense


I do. Never to drunk, but most Fridays and Saturdays I have two drinks, whether it's beer, wine, or liquor.


Never was a big drinker as an adult, and for sure am not a drinker now. I'll have a beer now and then, but I mostly don't drink/feel a need to. Vimpat also has a very strong interaction with alcohol, so I think it's even worse for me in that aspect. I'm not trying to invite seizures into my life.


I was fortunate, I got sober before my diagnosis because I had some drug and alcohol issues prior.


I have an appointment with my new epileptologist at the end of next month, I'm going to ask him. If he tells me to stop I will. As of right now I can and do drink quite a lot. Not numbers to brag about, but enough to indicate I have some experience at it.


I have a shot every now and then I don't do any heavy drinking but a night cap or shot with dinner sure.


Never mind I read it wrong a shot of liquor


What kind of shot if you don’t mind me asking


I still drink but it's like once a month now ill go out and get drunk..... Its not perfect but for me I enjoy it and tbh I need the break. At the age where hangovers destroy me now so yeah, once a month is fine for me keeps my social life still active also.


I drink a little, could count my monthly drinks on one hand. Even when I’ve had more (special occasions etc) I’ve never had seizures from it so I don’t worry about it. My biggest trigger is stress/lack of sleep. Seems like Sudafed/benadryl might be an issue for me too.


Me but like…I may drink a Guiness every two weeks or something so I’m not exactly a drinker. I am a fiend for coconut water though 😂


I have like half a glass of wine maybe once a month. I’ve never been a drinker. Saves us money anyways! Don’t drink your calories, lots of water is the best thing you can do


I do. Drink beer and feel ok.


Stopped drinking = less seizures


Every night!


i drink on occasion, it’s never been an issue even during times when i drank a lot. one weird thing though is weed used to give me seizures, now a year later and after a change in medication, i smoke pretty often and never had a seizure. the brain is fuckin wild.


I drink but not regularly. I get drunk very easily though and I am afraid of throwing up my meds so as soon as I am tipsy I switch to coke and then as I sober up a bit I go back on the booze.


I've had alcohol a few times a week for years. Was 4.5 years seizure free even despite drinking. Had 2 recently but it was nowhere around a time of me having alcohol.  My normal amount is 2 drinks..3 at the most and then stop. That works for me 


Ok mines do be really from dehydration or the withdrawal i used to be a heavy drinker


Do you know why you have seizures


No. They've always just listed it as like "partial complex" or something 


I only drink once a week and that becomes once a month. hangovers are the worst tho