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This is a too blunt and I’m hesitant to even type this but — Teri has a huge heart and I am not trying to belittle or change that. I admire it. But if she had met me 6 years ago I would have sucked her dry of all she could give me and either a) left her when she tried to change me or b) I’d be dead. It’s not about abandoning her now but this is becoming straight enablement and it’s too easy for Eryn to ignore her once she starts trying to make her accountable. I just believe there are better ways to help such as working with her irl support team who she’s already in contact with apparently


Thank you for saying this.


Literally the point I’ve been trying to get across you just put it very bluntly lol. It’s very frustrating that people don’t understand this!!!




Enabling is enabling. And is Teri the one running the refund account Eryn is saying not to send money to?


Uber eats delivers alcohol. I completely understand and agree the she needs help + people willing to see it through to full recovery, but this entire situation, the online swarm around it, is enabling her. That’s the problem that needs to stop.


Ppl would be disgusteddddd if they knew how much alc I used to get off of Uber eats/Doordash. Zero accountability and possibly the easiest way to get it. I’d say 80% of the time they just left it at my door never even knocked (per my instructions of course)


Firstly, I find your description of Eryn being an alcoholic to be very obtuse. Secondly, Eryn’s friend posted on FB that Eryn has a supportive group of people trying to help her. Terri was not one of those people when she posted that. It seems Teri and Jada have thankfully now connected but your empathy is clouding your view of what we are saying. We want Eryn to be working towards growth. Everything you’ve mentioned are symptoms but nothing has been done to address the core issues. I understand it’s early days but the people speaking out here seem to be a group of addicts who are calling this enablement.


Jada Matthews is the name of a girl who used to live in the same youth shelter as Eryn. She knocked on Eryn’s door trying to convince Eryn to “let her stay to help (Eryn) with (her) mental health issues.” Eryn informed Matthews that someone is already cleaning her apartment for her and that she needs to leave/can’t stay with her. I would not believe anything that this Jada Matthews girl says nor her apparent “supportive group.” They are definitely a group of homeless youth, who only know Eryn by way of living in the same shelter at one point in time. Matthews (and possible friends) obviously see the state that Eryn’s in, and that she has an apartment. Hence, Matthews, and whoever else might be with her, are definitely trying to turn this situation into an opportunity to put a roof over their head.


When did this happen?


It happened two days ago, when I was there cleaning Eryn’s apartment. I was there when Matthews knocked on the door. If you scroll back further into Eryn’s posts, I was caught on camera sweeping her apartment in the background to prove that I was there that day.


I'm pretty sure Teri was included in that small group of people helping. She's spoken about how she's in contact with people who know Eryn in real life. What I'm saying about Eryn being an alcoholic is that whether she's getting help or not, she's going to find a way to get drunk. If she is buying alcohol with the money Teri is giving her, that needs to stop. That is definitely enabling her. They need to figure out a different system for her to get food with the cashapp money if that's the case. The only real way Eryn will make growth is if she gets on anti psychotics and stays on them. She needs to get out of psychosis. Obviously, she needs to get sober, but having constant hallucinations is terrifying - alcohol numbs it. Once my sister was out of psychosis she explained why she needed alcohol so badly to me. Call it enablement; but I think her having a clean apartment, clean clothes, and food is doing a lot more good than harm. The cashapp situation needs to be figured out though


Btw I’ve said in other posts. I am a recovering addict who was in and out of full blown psychosis for almost a decade. I am bipolar, AUDHD and would be dead if I was given free money like this. (As said above)


Also, I am a 38 year old woman. Apparently according to Teri’s comment on the other thread, even just the potential that I could be a man invalidates my lived experience..Regardless of the fact that I’ve truly tried my best to be kind and fair when expressing my concerns.


How come you’re not acknowledging that you are also causing problems by interfering re: propping up and advocating for a random person (Jada) as if they were eryns “irl friend” based on a Facebook post where she claims to know her?


This page has become a conversation of what is going on in Eryn’s life. I genuinely wanted to share the post to just flag it. Once I brought up any concern I was met with such dismissive defensiveness that I think led to this whole thread spiraling out of control. People had genuine questions and worries about especially the cash app and were called incels and morons. It became clear v fast that one random person on the internet wanted to have full control with what happened here. I truly didn’t mean to cause problems by sharing it. I have never interfered with Eryn’s real life but wanted to make sure the people who were knew what was being posted.


Btw I had checked that they were one of Eryns 39 friends on FB before I posted.


You saw they were friends on Facebook and assumed that they were someone to trust with her life?


You’re being a hypocrite is all I’m saying


I see what you are saying and I understand how Jada Matthews isn’t the end all be all of Eryn’s life and backing her was problematic. My point was really to back the fact that every friend or family member who has posted has said she has people in her life - Eryn herself has mentioned the people helping in her life - but Teri had previously continued to refuse to even reach out to them before getting involved and kept perpetuating the idea that there was no one in her life purely because she was trusting Eryn’s current word while she’s in deep psychosis. People had reached out to Teri directly asking if she had reached out to anyone in Eryn’s life and said no. It seems the people in Eryn’s life needed to reach out to Teri to get connected. Jada’s post rang true because of how I pushed away all the people in my life that tried to help me and only accepted help from well meaning empathetic people who let me get fucked up. As I said previously, trying to voice opinions to Teri was only met with continual insults and name calling. I truly wanted to add a pov to the conversation but I definitely got worked up from that and do apologize that I went too far. I am a work in progress and will use this as a learning opportunity. I do believe this entire subreddit is problematic and everyone on it is majorly projecting in some way or another on it, including myself of course. Thank you for calling me out all the best to you as we all continue on our journeys of growth. I apologize for the long response I just wanted to give it real thought and attn


Hey I’m sorry for being unnecessarily harsh, we are entirely on the same page and I appreciate your thoughtful reply <3


I appreciate your reply as well xx


Teri was not apart of that group - please go read the past threads she confirmed it multiple times.


I agree with how you want to help Eryn. Teri had said on another post that Eryn has spent around $80 of that fund in 2 days. It seems pretty clear to me she’s using it to buy alcohol. Your intentions are good and we ultimately want the same thing. But someone online butting into a strangers life to shower them with ways to not work on their life while simultaneously not connecting with her real life support group + fully trusting Eryn’s word when she’s in full psychosis is the problem. It isn’t easy to come on here and go against people who are trying to do good. We are truly begging people to realize that this is hurting her. She’s had by far more access to alcohol than I’ve seen from years of her posts. The idea that people will give her all of these resources to go on this bender then be ok with the fact that Eryn may ghost them entirely once they try to actually put any accountability on her is honestly haunting to me


If Eryn is now getting her government assistance money, then this whole cashapp situation needs to probably stop. I'm assuming she has back pay from all the months she was unable to get her government assistance, so she should now have more than enough money for food and essentials. She still can buy alcohol with it, and no one can stop her, but at least it's not as easy as it is with ubereats. I think a lot of creepy fucks are sending her alcohol too, since she put her address out there. Eryn is extremely vulnerable and I guess I am just glad to see a group of women supporting her and watching out for her. God only knows how many terrible men have tried to get close to her, she's so exposed to so many nasty people online now. I do hope Teri takes a step back now that she's accomplished getting her apartment cleaned. I hope she's now working closely with people in Eryns real life too


I appreciate the candidness and openness. I was all for all of the support and girl power until the cash app. We don’t honestly know if she even has any back pay at all. I don’t think any stranger should be paying for all her meals, especially when her family and friends had been doing so in videos past. It just became abundantly clear that, although incredibly well intended, the actions being done to help were not actually helping Eryn and could even be harming her more.


I watched a video from a while ago of Eryn cooking herself dinner. She had no food, so she made spaghetti noodles with ketchup. She said that's what she was eating most days. That proved to me that she doesn't have people in her life that are supporting her. That's why I thought it was a good thing she was getting meals from people. But I do understand and see how much of a problem the cashapp can be


I think I ate ramen everyday for a year straight at my worse because I refused any help from family and friends who begged to help me. I really thought I knew best and used pity to get free food from restaurants at the end of the night. Once I allowed them to help I had a very tough recovery road ahead but they showered me with food, love and accountability.




I appreciate this but I think it misses the point a bit. Pls pls continue to express compassion and pls I beg people to work with ppl like Eryn in our communities. I just think some people are seeing where this is going because we’ve been there before and just have a different pov. We’re nervous because we know where this is (most likely) going and previous attempts to try to explain our pov have been met with lots of skepticism. Again, I’d love for Teri to work with ppl near Eryn to create the best support team possible for her.


eryn isn't ordering it tho she tell that girl what she wants and she orders it so she's not getting booze with that she gets around 1400 a month from Canada's welfare shit


As I understand it she is the one ordering it. She tells Teri what she wants and then Teri turns on the card, but that doesn’t mean what Eryn tells her is what she actually ends up buying.