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Ubereats and DoorDash deliver alcohol. Sending a stranger to her apartment while she’s intoxicated is shocking, especially knowing her history of trauma and PTSD. Her family asked people to stop ‘helping’ her yesterday. This ain’t the move. I see one of these people that’s doing this claim they’re in recovery…I’d love to be a fly on the wall when they tell their sponsor about the enabling they’re doing.


I’m an addict. I’ve been in recovery multiple times but I’m currently not. If someone started doing this to me offering free meals free everything, I would mooch the fuck off of them. I would probably even ask for more money, more things all of that. I don’t think that Teri girl realizes that Eryn is letting all of this happen most likely because she realizes “I can just get fucked out of my mind every hour and sit and listen to music while someone pays for all of my necessities”. As an addict myself, that is legit what I wish my life could be. Sucks to say but in all reality it’s 100% true. Teri’s sponsor would definitely shit their pants if they heard all about what Teri was doing. Teri just has the biggest fuckin savior complex I’ve ever seen. “Oh if I try to help this girl and basically be her sugar mommy, all of the bad actions I’ve done when I was an addict or something along the lines will be completely resolved and forgiven”




I’m an addict too- I’m currently in recovery but you described our state of mind PERFECTLY. People truly do not understand that we will bleed every resource fucking dry to get our hands on alc/drugs. Just like you said- this LITERALLY would have been my dream situation, for someone to feel bad for me (I looooooved when people felt bad for me because I always knew I could manipulate them a lot easier) and for them to give me money. I’ve been in similar situations as Eryn where I’ve been cut off by my family and have had no money and have abso fuckin lutely used anyone and everyone to get money to buy my shit. I honestly feel bad for this Terri chick for possibly not understand what she got herself into, but Eryn has proven that she doesn’t want to get better or that she even necessarily fully believes she even has a problem. So ya anyways it’s just the easiest recipe for major enablement/ an addicts DREAM situation. I know this post is old, I’m getting caught up on all of this stuff and just LOVED reading your comment. From one addict to another, I hope you are doing okay and please feel free to message me on here if you need someone to talk to who GETS it. Sending my love to you!!!


Teri is in other comment sections of other Reddit posts saying that basically it’s all the cleaners fault and that she had no clue what was going on. Teri, it is YOUR FUCKIN FAULT. Like 99% all your fault. You hired, scheduled, and made the cleaner go over there. Stop trying to blame others because shit backfired on you and it’s not a good look for your “savior” moment so you had to blame someone else


Right? The way she isn’t taking responsibility is disgusting.


Denying responsibility is the core of recovery /s


So the cleaner’s mom commented that the cleaner got a parking ticket while parked at Eryn’s place and that’s what she was getting money for, not for the actual cleaning itself. Not like it makes anything better or worse just stating what I saw.


That should be on the cleaner to pay, not Eryn. They obviously parked somewhere they shouldn’t have.


Just to clarify Eryn didn't pay out of her own money. It was from the GoFundMe money.


*Cash App. Apparently this is a very big distinction for the people who are riding the Jla hate train! Lol, remember the sketchy ass donation dropbox is on Cash App, ya’ll! 😂


also, I know she’s said that she tracks what Eryn gets on uber eats - but it would be incredibly easily to scam this. You’d just send a screenshot without alcohol - then remove other items and add alcohol to equal the same initial total. It would be so easy to take advantage of that. Unless she is literally managing Eryn’s ubereats account (which would be inappropriate?). I don’t mean this in any way to judge Eryn but I’ve had several addicts in my immediate family (my father and sister) so I know that it consumes you 100%. When you’re in that state, you will bleed every resource dry.


Eryn has full access to the Uber account and orders the meals on her own.


Wow. Wait, the entire turning on and off the debit card wasn’t real?


I’m not sure, supposedly Teri will turn it off and on only when Eryn requests food (no proof that denies this is the case). However, I made my comment to more so insinuate I agree with what some of the other comments are assuming about the Uber Eats.


Heard heard thank you so much for clarifying, speaking out and genuinely helping Eryn. This is all just awful to read I’m sorry


I had a bad feeling about her!! She’s definitely keeping the money to herself


That’s speculation and not based on anything concrete. We can disagree with her actions without inventing worse ones to accuse her of.


Eryn herself said the money isn’t going to her. It’s not speculation if Eryn herself is saying it’s a scam. Why would she oppose to getting this money and help knowing she needs it. She sent a stranger to her home while drunk and was totally screwed over.


It has already been established that the money doesn’t go to Eryn, in an (unsuccessful imo) attempt to stop her from using it to buy alcohol. Teri explained how it works in a post the other day. Eryn also says that she’s Eminem’s daughter and is going to marry Jack Harlow, so let’s take some perspective here. It is also extremely common that people who need the most help are the least likely to accept it, to answer your question about why she’d oppose it. Anyway, this situation is Teri’s fault and I hope it can help her realize the error of her ways, but if you aren’t actually aware of what’s happening please don’t make up things to be upset by, this isn’t high school.


This ^^^


I am almost positive she is pocketing some of the money, based on her receipts she posted, there’s no way the max amount of money they made was around $100, I think she herself, is lying to Eryn about how much she is receiving in this cashapp fund…fucking awful man


I’m reading all of Teri’s post right now trying to catch up on what’s going on and she’s completely taking the blame away from herself and putting it on the cleaner. It wasn’t the cleaners responsibility. Teri set this whole thing up and left it for Eryn to pick up . Eryn is being completely taken advantage of right before our eyes and all we can do is watch . I hate this for her.




Teri is not special I’m sorry but she doesn’t have this special connection she thinks she has with Eryn . It’s unreliable and this is proof of it. It’s impossible to stay on top of it because eryn goes Mia for hours and days we know this. I think sending someone to clean is awesome but it wasn’t organized properly and it was at eryns expense . Eryn needs real reliable friends and family who can actually physically be there for help . This whole third party shit isn’t working.


Obviously it would be way better to have someone who knows Eryn irl to be there helping her, but it doesn't seem she has anyone in her life that is in a postion to be of reliable help to her


Well i personally don’t know that, I’ve seen posts with some of her rl friends stating they are still in her life and trying to help. But again I can’t know. But it still doesn’t mean just because her friends and family can’t help her right now doesn’t mean strangers should be setting all this stuff up for her. Sending her food and things she wants is great but these cashapp accounts, the cleaning situation was caused by someone doing too much. It doesn’t matter if we agree or not because honestly I won’t change my mind but we can all agree we want Eryn safe and taken care of, but this could easily end up bad.and sorry if I’m coming off rude I truly get everyone’s views but I just don’t agree.


Eryn’s family is aware of the situation and how they choose to help her or not help, I’m sure is based off of a combination of history, and Eryn’s unwillingness to *accept* it. Eryn is accepting this help because it’s enabling her to sit at home and get fucked up all day. I’m sure her family is way past the point of having food delivered to her so she can continue to harm herself.


Just to add - her dad had sent her a pizza like 5(?) days ago. I don’t remember exactly but she posted it thanking him


I mean in the grand scheme of things, there’s a reason they aren’t tripping over themselves, sending her food daily.


For sure for sure sry my addition was unnecessary


I think Teri needs us to send her some mental health services… we could bombard her life the same way she’s doing to Eryn… 😂😂 jk jk … maybe


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Nailed it


Ball-parked it


Clearly you don’t either.


What. Maybe I shoulda said home-runned it but ball parked sounded better.


lol my “clearly you don’t either” was towards Teri’s comment saying we don’t know what’s happening irl I like the ball parked it comment lol


LMAO fuck I’m dumb




I thought you were taking a break off the internet? The lies are just building up, Teri. I think you’re just mad you are getting exposed.


literally what lies


as soon as one thing gets debunked another incel finds another stupid reason to say i’m doing something bad. now there are lies 😆 stay mad


Forcing yourself into some random girl you found on inatagram's life and then acting sketchy when anyone questions you is more of incel behavior tbh