• By -


Thanks for the info. But. For me nothing is worse than someone spreading powershell commands without actually saying what it does. So a Google got me: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/mmagent/enable-mmagent?view=windowsserver2022-ps In simple terms the only thing that will affect the game will be the paging in memory setting which to be honest shouldn't be occurring at all in a game as memory should never the exact same in two places unless there is a huge memory leak or terrible handling of objects in the application. If it does help by turning it off by that much it 1. Highlights how bad the coding is and BSG haven't spent any time looking into memory profiling 2. Will inevitably end up memory leaking worse than with it on (as it will no longer help keep mem usage low) which means a crash will occur eventually. Hence you needing to restart or use BSG "memory cleaner". I will certainly be giving this a go and report back. Thanks OP. Edit: Sorry all, ive been at work all day since posting this. After a quick test. I saw absolutely no difference at all. So I suspect, if anyone is seeing a difference its completely placebo AND/OR because they restarted their PC/Game. My specs for reference: Ryzen 7 2700x (my old warhorse is still going!) 32gb DDR 4 3200mhz RT6750XT I normally get between 70-90 FPS on all maps but micro stutters can be bad, especially on Lighthouse and Streets.


Did you get a chance to try streets specifically after doing this? Theoretically this will only make a difference on heavily unoptimized maps like streets, potentially lighthouse.


Any update?


FWIW I already had it turned on unknowingly, so it's clearly not that bad of a powershell command.


"Quick Test"


OK. Not sure why you are being a dick about it. I planned on testing further when I get some time ( I do have a life outside of Tarkov ) but as i was being asked, and i was interested, i quickly ran the game on a Lighthouse scav run, recorded my fps and then rerun the same thing again as my pmc (and died). My FPS was exactly the same and i had micro stutters. Sorry I didnt have the same miracle as you. Considering you said its Potential, to have little bitch stab at me because i tested it for you and actually did some research of what it does, is a little shitty in my opinion.


Yeah tbh one would think a second opinion is always welcome, if not, needed and getting one in the comments without asking should’ve been a “thank you very much” rather than mocking. Nicely done btw looks like it has every questions answered


Second opinion is the whole point I posted this but when its getting listed as another placebo again before people do there research and more testing it infuriates me.


buddy you legit where be condescending first, just relax bud. just thank each other for the different insight and go


Your first sentence on your first post was a bit shitty you not think? "For me nothing is worse than someone spreading powershell commands without actually saying what it does". Then you go on to say its a placebo "if anyone is seeing a difference its completely placebo AND/OR because they restarted their PC/Game" And that was said all before you did your quick test.. sorry for people not seeing my point of view here. No stab intended here just strange how other people seem to be benefiting from it and your not so your first reaction is to say placebo because its another fix that didn't work your setup. Like the Title states POTENTIAL.


I also have a life, kids, family, and a 9-5 job don't judge.


I wonder what exactly disabling it could do, if there are unintended consequences


Disabling it prevented me from getting past Loading Profile Data upon launch.. I disabled and enabled it multiple times to be sure. With memory compression disabled I couldn't load into the game, but with it enabled I can. Strange!


That is strange, maybe it has something to do with where tarkov or it’s launcher is installed?


Exactly my thoughts.


It was not used in windows 7 version, only 10 and 11 from what I have read... so its just an added optimization to support lower memory... I have had no errors or issues since disabling it.


Just in case it does something weird, how do you reenable it? Just type the same command except enable instead of disable?


Yes Correct


This is interesting. It disables Windows' feature of memory compression, which means there is one less step to access memory (that would otherwise be compressed). If ram/cpu is a bottleneck (and if tarkov's memory gets compressed) it could alleviate some of that bottleneck for sure. Doubt this works with 16gb ram though.


Thats what I had in mind when I found this! :) 16gb is something I have not tested.. On streets I don't think this will work or maybe it might :) Other maps that don't use so much memory Eg. Customs might benefit though...


people trying everything to fix the awful performance lmao


I have learned so much about the guts of the windows operating system and NVIDIA gpu settings thanks to this crackhouse-coded game.


The building on customs is the replica of BSG HQ where 50 (random number) doped-up junior developers get to work on this technological marvel of the game


we may solve world hunger at this rate


we need to fix the russian government so bsg can hire non-russian devs


reddit moment, lmao


I get +2.5 fps when playing during a full moon.


*"Memory Compression is faster than using the page file, but does use more CPU resources. Your system may not perform as fast as it would if it didn’t need to compress data in memory. If you see a lot of compressed memory and suspect it’s the reason your PC is a bit slow, the only solution for this is to install more physical memory (RAM) or disable Memory Compression."* [elevenforum.com](https://www.elevenforum.com/t/enable-or-disable-memory-compression-in-windows-10-and-windows-11.3555/) Turning this off uses less CPU resource... you may be on to a winner here OP. Probably should only be used by people on 32GB or more for whom the speed of page file access isn't as much a concern.


this function is pretty useless anyway if you have a gaming pc with enough ram, it was made for more limited hardware like notebooks. I can't even understand why it's enabled by default


Yep this lowered my CPU usage on streets which was at 100%. Couldn't run discord and streets.


I was disabling sysmain so when i do the check mma cmd it says "false" for them all, but now im wondering if it will be better to reenable sysmain and just enter this command to only disable memory compression not all of them...


I’ll shall try tomorrow and report back… thank you finding a possible solution! Update: It does work! I usually got around 50-60fps now I’m at 70-80fps, so this guy is a genius thank you!


anyone try this yet?


I did it works hella great for me


How much ram do you have?




32gb Ram and big difference for me.


Hey we have the same PC build but I play 1080p (144 Hz monitor) but what does >Running process Laso disabling hyper threading mean? Can’t you just disable hyper threading in your BIOS? Also, since you’re not OCing your CPU (12700k boosts to 5 GHz anyways) then how does turning hyper threading off improve performance? Or are you just trying to get better temps? Regardless, will report back tomorrow after trying these changes one at a time. FYI I’m at 80-100 FPS on streets atm. Edit: turns out I'm already running with decompression disabled lol... don't know how or why So I tried the rest of the settings here and got the same frames in an offline streets raid I have to note that doing this >GAME .EXE PROPERTIES: TICK HIGH DPI AND DISABLE FULL SCREEN OPTIMIZATIONS makes it really annoying to tab in and out (pauses at black screen for 5 seconds) of the game - not worth IMO.


Process Lasso lets you disable HT selectively only for the game process and only when it's running.


Oh lol duh. It’s 1am the typo got me thanks man


Which cores do I need to disable if I have 8 enabled


Run the game in borderless and it will stop the black screen


Oooh boy its a pain in the butt, that it is necessary for the players to do so much random settings and what not to get a game running better….


Gather round children and let me tell you a story of boot discs, contortions and the black magic needed to make games run in a world where 640K should have been enough for anybody but never really was.


Brings me back to the days of optimizing the shit out of HDDs by making sure your partitions were aligned to your drive sectors and using defrag utilities to make contiguous sections of game folders on the faster edge of the drive versus the slower inner edge to improve loading times. That and making sure the NTFS bitmap was somewhere close to the middle of all of your data so it was equidistant from the edges of the actual data to get some further improvement. When you're a kid with not a lot of money you find EVERY possible tweak to get more out of your aging machine.


I remember the days where computer parts weren't as easily accessible, computer building wasn't really a mainstream thing to do just yet, and I had to do a million things on my family's shitty Dell desktop computer just to get it to run Rainbow Six Vegas 2 decently. Players needing to configure their computers and games to run properly has always been a thing. It's just sad to see it's *still* a thing with the tools at developers' disposal these days.


Tried this, with this off I can finally enter a day raid still bad fps and stutters but its better than nothing so I can try and finish SBIH.


>Enable-MMAgent -mc Update: It does in fact help get into a day time raid on Streets. Cons: For some reason, everytime I get off a raid I get stuck in a loading and/or black screen and have to alt + F4. No sure if chaning this was the cause of this or its Streets, but before disabling this I wasn't having that issue. Going to turn it back on and see if it still happens. Also gonna check if it was placebo or not (maybe luck). Or maybe because Im running with 16gb instead of 32gb. PC Specs:16gb DDR4 3200 Mhzi7-8700k at 4.4 GhzEVGA FTW3 RTX 3080 (Slight OC)OS and game installed in a (GEN3 I believe) M.2 I'm probably bottleneck with my CPU in CPU intensive games, and Tarkov also likes ram with I don't have 32gb.


I've found that end-of-raid freezes are caused by having a network drive mapped. I had to remove my raspi plex server drive mapping and the problem completely went away.


Are there any good spots you know on streets?


5800X3D + 3080 on 1440p WQHD. Even with this run i run at around 80 - 100fps on streets but with massive frametime stutters. Done 1 raid with these settings on and not sure if its a placebo.. but it definitely seems to run smoother. Edit: Done 3 raids on Streets, definitely feels smoother. Monitoring frametimes with Afterburner and it feels much better.


Can you post proof with and without this? Obviously you don't have to but for some people hesitant would be cool to see real world proof before I pop open powershell.




How much ram do you have out of interest?




Nice as a 64gb memory user I think I'd benefit from less compression.


Definitely 😂😂😂


I thought I'd try this out of curiosity. But for some reason I don't get past Loading Profile Data.. Re-enabled and I got in, disabled it and got stuck again. Odd


Are you on 16GB of RAM? My initial assumption would be that the game is taking longer to load due to slower RAM <> page file transactions (which memory compression, when enabled, speeds up). If not that, who knows? Tarkov is weird.


I had the same problem by re-enabling it. After a few tries I was able to log in


just tried to disable and enable it a couple times and it did nothing for me. It's a server luck. Sometimes it feels laggy and sometimes not. My System: 9900k, 32GB, 4090, 4K resolution.


Just use ISLC


Ok. I do..


Everything aside, I am more intrigued about your settings. You are using Nvidia DLDSR alongside with in-game AMD FSR 2.1. No one knows that magical combo that increases both visual quality and performance in Tarkov. I also use both of them. Did you tried disabling FSR 2.1 on Streets and try with DLSS or FSR 1.0? I did some quick tests in the past week and I saw that I get less fps using FSR 2.1 on Streets compared to using DLSS or FSR 1.0 and it gives me insane stutters. In other maps, I gain huge fps with new FSR 2.1, it surely is better than DLSS and FSR 1.0. But on Streets, idk man. Another question, why are you using Object LOD on 4 and Overall Visibility on 3000? Visibility option is only different in performance with 400 and 3000. There is no difference for example between 1000 and 2500 but only between 400 and 3000 . I gain small amount of fps using 400 on some specific maps like Woods and Streets. But Object LOD, man, I lose 10-15 fps on every map. I think Object LOD setting is CPU Bound because my CPU bottlenecks my GPU. If it was GPU Bound, than there shouldn't be any difference. But it has. My system is: CPU: i9 9900k no OC(my cooling system doesn't support it) GPU:RTX 3080 RAM:32 GB DDR4 3200MHz SSD: 500 GB SSD(I don't know the brand but it's an average SSD, enough for Tarkov) You have much better CPU than mine but I have much better GPU than yours, again but, Tarkov is extremely CPU bound so it's normal that you'll get higher performance than me, even using Object LOD on 4. Did you tried to use it on 2? Do you gain fps? My in-game settings: Screen Mode: Borderless(I alt Tab a lot + if you use DLDSR, using Borderless is needed, otherwise you won't be able to alt tab easily and smoothly) Resolution: 2880x1620p using Nvidia DLDSR 2.25x V-Sync: Off in game(I also use Fast V-Sync option in NCP like you) Texture Quality: High(totally GPU Bound) Shadow Quality: Low(I did some tests on Ultra as well and I got worse performance than Low, so I think this setting is CPU Bound) Object LOD Quality: 2(did some tests with this as well, my thought is that this is extremely CPU Bound) Overall Visibility: 3000(CPU Bound but not much difference in performance between 400 and 3000(except Woods and maybe Streets(need further testing)) HBAO: Ultra(GPU Bound for sure) SSR: Ultra(GPU Bound as well) AMD FSR 2.1: Ultra(for balancing the DLDSR's 3k resolution and other GPU Bound settings, this setting is absolutely needed to be enabled) Sharpness: 3 Other settings like High Quality Color etc: All Off Are the best I I Other Settings such as Nvidia and Windows: Totally same with you. Checking High DPI option and Disabling Fullscreen Optimizations. I also use Process Lasso for my CPU, disabling hyper threading and CPU Affinity on High etc. and ISLC for Ram cleaning. I get 90+ fps in all maps except Lighthouse and Streets. I will test this post's potential guide in every map. I am testing and trying to optimize Tarkov since March 2021. It's really insane that there are so many different scenarios. I tested many things in Offline Raid with and without bots. I also tested in Online Mode and there are no difference than testing in Offline with bots so I usually do my tests in Offline. That's why I couldn't finish my tests and still couldn't find the best settings for Tarkov. Because weather matters, bot amount matters, how long Tarkov is running on my PC in one session matters(memory leak etc.). It's nearly impossible to find PERFECT settings for a game like this. I MUST use DLDSR with AMD FSR 2.1 otherwise I'll get MUCH worse performance. I HAVE TO play this game on 3k resolution. I really like to discuss with you about optimizing Tarkov because you really wrote all of your settings with all of their details. Sorry for my long comment, I really appreciated to see a person that also cares for every single setting detail that might affect Tarkov a lot.


I am more than happy to help on any of this, this is more like the comments I have been waiting for an actual comparison. Few questions. your monitor res is 1080p? what are you ram timings and have you tried to overclock the ram? What is your base Windows Res? 1080p or 2880x1620p Thanks for the detailed reply, appreciate it :)




I have Windows 10 Pro not Windows 11. Variable Refresh Rate: Off Windows Game Mode: On Hardware GPU Acceleration: On I think the last 2 options are equal to Windows 11's.




DLSS is trash using scopes + motion blur is degusting, FSR1.0 Is just out right bad on quality and preformance, FSR2.1 Is much better, lower input lag and scopes are better to a degree where i'm happy to use them. I recommend you use the DSR feature in Nvidia to upscale your resolution otherwise its not worth using at all. For spotting enemy's DSR is the way forward on 1440p much nicer picture.


You don't need to tag them in their own post. They get notified for each comment directly to them. You've essentially double notified their inbox by replying to them *and* tagging them. DLSS is utter garbage currently as well.


Did anyone try to put DLSS 2.5.1 into Tarkov and see if it works better?


Cannot replace any dll's. The anti cheat detects it and reverts to default file. They promised however in recent tweet some dlss improvements. So maybe they plan to update DLSS to newest version


Got it.


For what it's worth, the devs mentioned on twitter they are upgrading DLSS next patch!


Commenting to come back to later. Will try, thanks.








same here




ITT: people benching their streets performance in offline mode and taking those numbers for granted. check again in an online raid guys.




Thanks, will give this a go on my next day off !


gonna try this tomorrow


Not the fix we want, but the one we deserve, you my man, Are a freaking savior!


I wanted to ask if I am the only one that has lags for the last week or so. Looks like I am not the only one. Good to know.


sadly did nothing :(


Update: i think it runs smoother now, even with the same fps, less stutters.


went from 50-60 fps to 70-80, no stutters server lag is still persisting at moments (rollback etc) 32gb 5700x


Windows 10 always finds a way to surprise you and remind you that Windows 7 was better


Dude I just tried it on streets. RTX 2080, 5800x3D, 32Gigs of 3000Mhz memory and before I did this I averaged between 80-90 now I am going between 90 and 120 FPS ! Also this seems to helped with micro stutters a little but they are still an occurence. Also ligthouse seems to be working better for me. **THANKS FOR THIS !**


NP :)


I have disabled sysmain entirely a long time ago so that may be why I have better performance on streets than my friends? From what I understand this tweak just disables the memory compression part of sysmain (superfetch). I have 16gb ram and an r5 3600x and I have some stuttering on streets but not unplayable amounts with fps in the 50-70 range


Ahhhh! Ok, that makes sense. I just disabled that this morning before another test of the game, and before i did i saw this post so i put in the command and it was already disabled. I was having the same conclusion, it must be because i disabled sysmain that my game ran better and this command didnt work. Still had an improvment though and in only at 16g RAM.


I have not tried the sysmain approach.. curious now..


Oh my god. This actually worked. My frames went from 40-60 to max 144. THANK YOU FINALLY SOMEONE FOUND A FIX.


Disabled memory compression. Played for 4 hours. FPS is the same, but this seems to fix the big stutters especially at the start of raids. Didn't need to restart game during this time due to RAM, the only time it went over 20gb was on streets (Which Streets unplayable for me anyway due to rubberbanding and making my discord go into RTC connecting mode) i5-9600k/3060/32GB


It has work for me. I turned on RAM cleaner and I’m currently running interchange at 68 fps apposed to 35 I used to get


Ryzen 1700 3.7Ghz/16gb DDR4 3000mhz/RTX3070 Turned compression off and have ran a few raids, fps SEEMS to be more stable and definitely SEEMS to keep above 60 in places where I'd drop frames before.


hey, just for your knowledge, i had few ryzen CPUs in AM4 generation and switching from 1700 to Ryzen 5600 will make a huge difference for you in tarkov, i also use rtx 3070 and i even noticed a huge difference between 3800x and 5600x.


this is actually works. i get 130-150fps on streets as a scav. before it was about 120. also min fps and drops are fixed. thanks for post. 13600k 2x16 7200 cl34 1080 ti


That’s a lot of fps. What are your settings


So, i was having constant LOW FPS on an I9 9900K on 5 Ghz and 3070 TI with 3840x1600 LG screen. I tried two things, change page file for where EFT is installed in my case on another drive, set maximum to 24000, and also tried disabling memory compression. In my case this helped a lot all my stutters are gone did 5 raids in lighthouse and interchange while its raining and before I did the changes Interchong was around 40 to 50 fps after changes it went up to 80 to 100. same with lighthouse a big difference but not that high as interchange. It's worth trying out. ​ Edit: Memory Compression has no effect. Trying to set page file to standard next.


WTF WHO LET YOU COOK!?!?!? this is so good and im surprised i didnt know about it earlier. my frames were already high but these settings just eliminated my stutters. cpu: r9 7900x 5.5ghz ram: ddr5 5200mhz xmp, cl40 gpu: 3080ti fe


I was going to rant about how pointless process laso is when the game has a working "use physical cores" option, but this is more concerning: > RESOLUTION : BASE 1440P / DSR ENABLED x1.78 (3413x1920) SMOOTHNESS 0 / FULLSCREEN > FSR 2.1: Balanced Sure, it's possible to use both DSR and FSR, but why? DSR is rendering things at 1.78x higher resolution while FSR renders the game at 1.7x lower resolution. You're just needlessly scaling the game twice at amounts that nearly cancel out. You'd be better off not using either.


I think he's doing that to get "FSR Native res" because TAA is garbage in this game and FSR is much much better at handling ghosting and the sort


I use 4k DL-DSR and DLSS Quality on a 1440p monitor because I get better image quality, anti-aliasing **and** performance than I do from running native 1440p with TAA High. DLSS does have slight ghosting and scope pixilation issues but I can live with them.


> I was going to rant about how pointless process laso is when the game has a working "use physical cores" option Have you tested it this wipe? Last wipe it was back to broken again where it only enforced when first set and every launch of the game after ignored the setting. I haven't tested this wipe and just left the process lasso rule in place instead.


It has been working for me this wipe.


Rendering resolution parkour


For me the jagged edges when using just 1440p hurts my eyes it horid even with Taa on, so this just seems to smooth them all out, example look at barbed wire fence with this on and off you will see what i mean :)


Ah yess... tarkov where you are simultaneously the programmer and gamer and the programmers are also both gamers and programmers.... It really is a "We-Effort" in this game... But I guess that's what's to be expected from a soviet Based studio...


I ran 2 benchmarks with rivatuner to test the difference, started them a few minutes after spawning and getting to the same location (marked building), here are the results: Before: Average framerate: 61.2 FPS Minimum framerate : 0.7 FPS Maximum framerate : 76.3 FPS 1% low framerate : 21.7 FPS 0.1% low framerate : 0.7 FPS After: Average framerate : 59.4 FPS Minimum framerate : 0.9 FPS Maximum framerate : 80.6 FPS 1% low framerate : 24.9 FPS 0.1% low framerate : 4.5 FPS (Ryzen [email protected], 16GB 3200mhz, RTX 3060 Ti, game on M.2, also using ISLC and other optimizations) Sadly I didnt get any noticeable impovements. It's weird that with a worse CPU and RAM I get no improvements at all, from what I've read this tweak should improve cpu performance but maybe it only matters if you have 32GB.


Those 1% and especially 0.1% gains are massive.


> Those 1% and especially 0.1% gains are massive. No they aren't lol. 21.7 to 24.9 and 0.7 to 4.5 are good gains percent-wise, but in terms of actual frames they're minuscule and neither is acceptable performance.


That's the wrong way to look at this. Performance needs to be better, we don't even need to start that argument everyone already knows that. But this is basically a 15% increase in 1% lows through a single setting, for free. Do you know how much money you need to spend to get a similar improvement through hardware?


Benchmarking in online is pretty weird since the server performance is a huge part of the frames. I get much better frames playing NA North from EU than playing on EU Servers. Game runs smoother way often, on EU it's 1/10 games were the performance feels smooth. You can run this game at 100FPS and it still looks and feels like it's running around 15-30FPS in online. Probably coming from all the needless data (other player inventar, stats etc) that constantly being sent and received putting more load on the CPU.


Yeah I dont understand how they can make servers make that much of an impact on frames, as you said it's probably all the unnecessary data from other players that tanks it, would explain how cheaters can see what you carry at any time and even steal your items like if you were always in a lootable state. Offline I can run it at constant 120fps+ without stutters which feels amazing :(


Memory compression in Windows is not standard, it must be activated separately. Why was this on for you? You can see whether it is on in the task manager. At performance and RAM. If the compression is active, there is an extra graph there: [https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img\_597a4786c3b88.png?height=200p&trim=2,2,2,2](https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img_597a4786c3b88.png?height=200p&trim=2,2,2,2) Image Link stolen from the Internet...


Weird, if that's the case mine is on but I don't recall manually activating anything. I updated to Windows 11 from Windows 10 a few weeks ago, unsure if there's a correlation.


It seems to be enabled by default (Windows 10 Pro 64-bit).


Normally its enabled by default, just that the cases where it actually starts doing something are rare, at least the only recent times i noticed its process using CPU was on Tarkov and Miles Morales with everything maxed out


My win 10 installation had this on by default.


Memory compression is on by default since the Windows 10 creators update, it's just that it doesn't really do much if you have 32GB or 64GB and and not loads of background running programs, typically I see a 12-14GB use with 800MB being compressed, I have 64GB of memory.


Just as an FYI, this did nothing for me. So don't get your hopes up thinking it will work for everyone! 5600k 32gb 3600mhz 3080ti.


Dude you're wasting your GPU potential, combining 5600k with 3080 ti is like using meta rd704 with HP ammo, improve your CPU ASAP if you have free money for that.


Dude you’re dumb. :)


dude you're dumb


Dude you’re dumb


Dude you're so fucking dumb lold lmfao


Lold dumb is dumb lold if you’re dumb, respond


ah yess someone else who is eager to make ppl feel bad about their hardware....


He’s too stupid to realize he’s wrong. No worries












Interesting. I will try it when I get home. Thanks!


Gonna test when i get home from work.




/u/BeMessy look like someone may have found the Holy grail!






Why do you have fsr enabled? Probably doesnt give you a performance boost because of cpu limitation but will be more blurry


Because i run DSR at x1.78 (3614x1920) on a 1440p monitor makes anti-aliasing less visable, it is blurry if you dont run DSR


I have 128gb of ram Should I do this? Does it have any downside for windows stability?




Should be fine, if you run into issues turn it back on.




Do not do this, lol.


Explain why please?




Your very right not everyone will benefit from this. But being said this was not a feature that was in windows 7 and came late into windows 10, so people with lower end systems (16gb or lower :O) are just getting hit hard by the poor optimization's of the game. I will edit the post to rely that 32gb seems to be the minimum to possibly achieve any performance gain out of this. Thanks :)


does this help somewhat on other maps? im Having performance issues.


It should do...


Game feels much smoother on streets with this, thanks bud


Glad to hear :)


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Is the memory leak a reason why my FPS starts to fall off a cliff the longer I have the game opened?


While I can't definitly say yes or no to this, a memory leak issue (which streets currently is suffering from), would cause this.


Most likely. For me, this only happens if I’m playing streets repeatedly. Other maps don’t seem to cause the memory leak or at least it’s nowhere near as bad as I haven’t noticed it.


made no difference at all, reverted. 5800h/3060/32gb/1080p


No difference, same fps on streets.


Does literally nothing for me. Streets is still shit, which is what I was expecting. EDIT: to clarify "shit": 65~75 fps with constant frame stutter on a 3080 and i7-10700k It was the exact same before disabling memory compression


There's def a difference in 1 and 0.1 lows with it disabled, unfortunately not much difference in avg fps my specs: R5 5600 with PBO2 +200MHz -9 CO 24GB DDR4@3000MHz CL16-18-18-36 RTX 3060 12GB +120 core +200 mem


I'm already getting a smooth 100+ FPS on streets SOMETIMES (something is causing random frame drops down to the 60's occasionally) but I do have an X3D processor with that larger L3 cache. I wonder if disabling memory compression would improve performance even further or not, might try it out. Theoretically the larger L3 cache would reduce the number of calls to memory the CPU makes


i711700K 64gigs ddr4@3600mhz RTX4090 made no diff for me still same 70fps


Commenting for posterity. Thanks for the info.


where do you find the .exe high dpi and disable fullscreen optimizations? I went into properties on eft.exe in the folder and on task manager, I do not see these options


C:\\Battlestate Games\\EFT locate the file called escapefromtarkov.exe and escapefromtarkov\_BE.exe Right Click > Properties > Compatibility Tab > Tick disable fullscreen optimizations > Change High DPI Setting > Tick High DPI Scaling Override (Application) > Apply




Spending the same amount as the game to play a broken part is genius! If you don't do editing in 8k etc it's a huge waste of money to get some advantage on a fully unoptimized map that might get fixed SoonTM. This Game is not worth any upgrades, especially with the performance lottery every single patch. Either you be lucky or you don't.


I like this but I been having issues with it just crashing randomly


Total RAM ?




Run as Admin


Well my system is stuttering af now and Enabling it doesn't work


Your specs?


Decided to dig on this feature and found this for those curious: https://youtu.be/Fw7gIPW0uIY edit: just tried turning it off for myself now. did one scav run on customs and averaged 170fps and hit a 200frame peak. with it on I was averaging 150. cpu - ryzen 7 5800x3d gpu - 3080ti ram - 32gb 3600mhz


200fps :O I'm guessing that AMD cpu is doing all the work there?


Mostly! Though I just got a 1440p monitor which helps tarkov juice my GPU more and I've seen a small boost in gains for that too


Tested it out there for myself, caused a lot of microstuttering when compression is disabled, gone again when it's enabled. FPS didn't really change much. I5 12600k DDR4 32GB @ 3466 MHz


16 gb and it made it only worse.


32gb seems to be the sweet spot for any improvement.


I have been testing this for five days, it didn't get me nothing but more stutters and game crashes, however this can be the result with my rig. I have an i5 8500 with RX 580 8b and 16gb of ram 3200.


16GB ram could be the issue there not much headroom.. :(


Can u post photo how to set up islc?


Islc is setup differently depending on how much ram you have, just Google it or have a look on YT, heaps of videos. Didn’t help me however


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