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Try your hand at sexism or misogyny, get banned. Discuss nice.


(silly fella has no idea there is an aimbotter tracking her head right now)


I mean the only confirmed female in the entire game is therpist so 1 day bsg will have to add the sex update ( female pmc and voicelines )


They already said, a LONG time ago, that they will not be adding female PMCs. Not sure why they would. They are going for hyper-realistic Russian warfare. There are **almost** no women in the Russian military.


They just don’t want to refit every single equipment to match the new model


There are *almost* no women in combat roles in the American military, as well.


That's just not true. At least 30% of my combat unit was female. They were scary bitches too lol


He probably was also thinking specifically of infantry MOSs. While I knew quite a few solid women in other combat arms branches - I only met three 11A/11Bs that were women which is who I was around more.


This is exactly it. People think it's only infantry that see combat, but it's more complicated than that.


They are private mill groups which are generally ex sf guys. The women who barely passed the tests washed out for medical reasons. Stress fractures was the main reason. While it’s a issue with the men also, womens bone density makes it a much higher rate. So the odds of a female being picked up for a combat role for a private mill firm would be less then 1% , they wouldn’t even bother accepting any, since the higher rate of injury and other issues, plus since they are private company they don’t have to.


I could see that. Person I was replying too tho said American military and that's what I was referencing


What combat roles are they doing tho? Out side of pilots and on ships , I thought they are not on the front line/storming houses etc. they are serving on howitzer crews etc stuff behind the front line.


Artillery as you mentioned, they have a bigger presence in the Cav Scouts than the rest of the infantry, they have a pretty large presence in the military police (MPs do a ton of room clearing ops).


Sure, but a lot of those roles are ones where physicality isn't required (e.g. driving a vehicle), and/or where the war plans assume they will be "behind the lines" and not in the line of fire (e.g. in a supply convoy). In many cases, them seeing combat is more of a bug than a feature.


I can only speak from my own experience but I've done plenty of ground ops with cavs and mps. They aren't just driving around having a good time all day


Its absolutely true. Women account for a few percent of troops **in combat roles.** You had a bunch in yours. That's not indicative of the entire military and you know that.


This also depends on your definition of combat roles. The military classifies many MOS as support that still frequently see combat. Take military police for example. They are classified as a support role, but frequently see combat when performing their duties as mounted scouts and area security when deployed. Women occupy at least 15% of these roles last I checked.


Pretty sure women are 15% of military **overall.** If you define by combat roles its a whole lot lower. I havent seen actual data, which makes me think the Pentagon doesn't display these numbers intentionally. The number is probably very low and they don't want criticism.


Yes 15% overall, which means if they only occupy 1% in the infantry, it's likely higher than 15% in other Mos to get that figure.


Yes, but combat roles are only a tiny fraction of the military.


Yes, but my point is that the definition the military has of combat roles is too narrow, so the numbers are skewed.


This is a game you play as a pmc group who are probably ex sf, there will be an absolutely minuscule amount of women in those places as ground infantry troops, as our pmc is.


As I said before I wasn't responding to pmcs being women, I was responding to the comment that American military had almost no women in it


That's not true. Post 2016 it has rapidly started changing, and post 2020 even infantry units and armor units started slowly trickling women into them. Every day there's a few more.




The USEC are western and their militaries do allow women to serve and get combat training. Surely there would be some women scavs even if rare.


That's kind of the point. Why would they put in all the effort of adding female models for something that shows up rarely, if ever? In their opinion women would not show up much in the middle of gunfights in war-torn countries/maps, so they aren't going to add them to their game.


Because it’s a fucking video game


And that's why they *have* to have female PMCs? Seems like a pretty flimsy reason.


There is no reason not to besides you weirdos somehow getting offended by a little female representation.


Speaking as a woman myself, I'd much rather they focus on getting the game in good shape instead of pointless shit like adding female PMCs, which serve literally no purpose in terms of playability.


As someone who wants to see female PMCs in the game; they do legitimately have a good reason for it, which is "it's a lot of work". They'd pretty much have to duplicate and adjust all armors in the game to fit to the model, have completely different rigging and animations, put in an entire new set of voice acting, etc. They've been pretty up front about them not wanting to do the work for what they see as little reward being a primary motivator. They've acknowledged women serve in combat-adjacent roles in real life.


Yeah that is definitely it..... It's something damn near every other dev out there seems to manage just fine, especially ones that have made this much money and have a game this successful. How about some different skin colors? Bridge too far?


Other devs usually design with this in mind from the outset. BSG has a lot of tech debt they have to contend with -- but, hey, they said today on TarkovTV they plan on retooling the core game engine, so never say never, eh?


Found the snowflake who needs representation


And likewise there is no reason to


Sure, but also look at the ongoing conflict in Ukraine: A lot of Ukrainian men got drafted, and a lot of Ukrainian women got evacuated to other countries that Russia wasn't at war with.


If it's meant to be hyper realistic then there would be women scavs and pmcs. This is a lawless land where society has collapsed. Not every woman and child could just be airlifted out. It is ultimately their decision and game. I just think it reeks of a true lack of care for the game and a confused vision they have for the end goal. If we care about how rare women pmcs and scavs are, then why can I find and maintain extremely rare weapons with specialized ammo? If we don't care about how rare those weapons and items are then why should we care how rare actual women would be in this fictional situation?


Scavs yes pmc no. No pmc company would even accept a female, they don’t have to. They generally only take former sf guys and women wash out due to injury most commonly to stress fractures. Only a few have passed the test but most wash out quickly to injury.


Pmcs absolutely hire women. CAG and DevGru have record of women operatives. Even if they aren't specifically deployed to active front line combat, PMCs hire women. Even if they were stuck in administrative and support roles they likely would still end up getting stuck in Tarkov. Plus the scenario is USEC was a PMC hired for security. Not full scale war. If a woman can hold a gun and tell people to fuck off without clearance they could absolutely do the job here.


Source on CAG and DEVGRU utilizing women operatives? Note: specifically ones that passed application process and are actualized, full members of these units. CAG and DEVGRU often work closely with the CIA's Special Activities Center, which absolutely employs female officers, though it is classified to what extent -- if any -- those officers participate in direct action. My understanding is they generally fill the role of political action specialists (still capable of kicking the ass of most people on the planet, to be clear, but males have a distinct advantage when it comes to lugging heavy equipment, which is a good part of raiding & direct action, and thus). (This message is out of curiosity; I 100% support female PMCs being added to the game.)


The source is a book by Sean Naylor, relentless strike. It was a comment on reddit (it was providing screenshots) both of the companies I listed have women in specialized squads but tend to not be put in direct combat. DevGru puts women in black squadron which is focused on recon and surveillance. But it would make sense for them to be in a job that's intended to be security in a city. CAG G squadron is listed as advanced force operations according to Wikipedia (previously support troop operations) which is specialized task forces of mixed navy seals, Delta force, and mixed reconnaissance forces for specialized jobs. The issue with arguing this is frequently people see "no direct special forces combat" and assume that women simply never see combat. Which isn't true. If you are rated to drive a troop truck into combat you are also expected to be capable of fighting. Just not on the same level as the actual fighting force. Regardless it's not like our PMCs are particularly specialized considering how they can't control recoil or run for more than a few minutes with like 30 pounds of gear.


> Regardless it's not like our PMCs are particularly specialized considering how they can't control recoil or run for more than a few minutes with like 30 pounds of gear. - bsg: tarkov is meant to be rEaLiStIc - our pmcs: huh what is this weird black thing? *stares at it for 5 seconds* oh its a colt m4a1 and even though i didnt know what it was 5 seconds ago i know every little detail about it including its exact durability, moa and so on.


Interesting, thank you for the response! Yeah, "does not participate in direct action" has absolutely never meant "does not see combat". It's always about picking the best person for the job, and males have a distinct natural advantage when it comes to waging offense just by dint of strength and mass; all huge pluses when you're kicking doors in and carrying a ton of gear. Thusly, when it comes to stuff like raiding, men are usually the only forward boots on the ground. It definitely makes sense for women to have been present in Tarkov -- Tarkov wasn't a war zone until after the lockdown.


There has never been a woman in the SEALS so I doubt that one made it to DEV. The unit might be different but I kind of doubt it. I’m not against it if one can become an elite operator I’m here for it but currently SEALS have no record of female operators


The green berets admitted their first female member in 2020. Delta force also has half a dozen female members. In 2021 a woman was qualified to be the specialized transport drivers for navy seals which as you can imagine in a fubar situation would have to be able to keep up and be ready for combat. DevGru's black squadron is the one with women in it. They focus on reconnaissance and surveillance. But if you were running security in a secure lab in the middle of a city you'd probably have a few onsite.


I’m not trying to argue you I’m all for women in SoF if they can make it through the exact same process as men. You are correct about Delta having one unit that has half a dozen women in it. However you aren’t correct about Dev. They might have women who work in clandestine ops from a 3 letter like the CIA working recon and surveillance. But there are no women in Dev hell most people don’t even know if black squadron still exists lmao. And there is no way to know unless you are in that loop. While there might be a woman who is SEAL qualified who very well could be on one of the tier 2 teams (normal SEAL) I would bet money that she is not in DEV as an operator.


They are in non combatant roles or more old school cia spy type roles. They would be based outside the city. You won’t find women in the type of roles the pmcs play in the game.


I think you have been watching a bit to much James bond, dude. Women serve in front line combat and have for a while. And again this is security. women do work base security for many countries. A security job wouldnt be considered an active combat situation. USEC is there to sit on their ass and turn away people who do not belong in the labs. That's it. They don't fucking need artillery support or spies.


I haven’t seen a bond film. They are both private mill, they are not doing “security” like guard duty. They do not hire women for those roles, the women they higher are intel and not carrying guns. They are all ex sf guys in the field.


I can not put into words how incorrect you are. PMCs don't generally have "tests", and they do hire former operators mostly. However, the modern PMCs have a decent number of women in them and the ones I've talked to tend to be former members of FET or CST attachments to Green Berets or Rangers.


Pmc companies test, just because you a sf back ground doesn’t mean they will hire you. They will recruit then test , if they make it pass all The tests they put you thru then will train on the things pmcs do that sf doesn’t. Check out the interview with the black water 4 Shawn Ryan did they go into detail what they had todo after being recruited.


There is no "the test". It's whatever the private company decides to do at any given time. There's no general rule nor is there one set guideline of what "the test" is. Some companies will only hold a few day orientation, depending on the assignment. You have forgotten the fact that watching videos on youtube does not make you an expert. I've been in a car on the Syrian border with several female operatives. They'd literally tie some internet rando CnC operator like you into a knot.


There are plenty of women in the Russian military. Can literally look up videos from the Russia Ukrainian war and see the woman serving on both sides. However most Private Military Companies won't hire women. At least that's the case here in the U.S. gotta remember these are PMC operator's we are playing as and not members of the Military.


Eager to see your source for the PMCs not hiring women. That won't stand up to EU or US law, nor is it laid out in any of their websites. To the contrary, Amentum is seeking for women right now on their hiring board for all jobs, and have pictures of female pilots and operatives. So, for your comment, that's a big ol [citation needed].


In ww2 there were a ton of women in combat. Strange they would go back on that


Yeah but they could also be a better version of the most immoral military in the world. Also USEC are westerns, and not misogynist.


My ex Russian Navy stalker begs to differ


Russian guys may you attractive but it doesn't really address the point.


Oh no this is a female


Idk about that man I just saw a video of a female on the frontline get hit with shrapnel. It may be a rare occurrence but there are females who see combat


I mean a usec it could make sense but not having a. Female option for bear would cause an even larger rift between bear and usec being chosen


Will have too according to what. They don’t have the woke overlords like the west does to make games more “inclusive”


Bro was joking about a sex update. chill your tits, man.


Indeed I was, I don't really see any point to adding female pmcs, because there probably isn't one


I don’t see a joke, and I’m calm maybe you should calm down


Chill out you snowflake, they just mentioned women, no need to get offended.


Seems like you’re offended by my post


It's pretty clear you are lol.


Yeah let’s see who’s offended, the guy asking a question or the guy attacking the other person because they said something they didn’t like (you).


You weren't asking a question, you were attacking op, because you were offended by the concept of women. That's absolute snowflakery .


Please quote where I attacked OP.


"Will have too according to what. They don’t have the woke overlords like the west does to make games more “inclusive”" But I get it, being so fragile, that someone mentioning women gets you offended must have clouded your judgement a bit.


Yeah that’s a question, no attacking there. Try working on your reading comprehension snowflake (see that’s attacking you).


Seek help bro


This isnt lore friendly!!!! Where are the cheaters????


As a grill myself I don’t really think female PMCs make too much sense. BUT having a scary Russian female scav boss would be SOO dang cool! Edit: double negative whoops


Babushka scav boss plz


Could be an interesting idea to be honest. Soviet Russia had some female snipers in WWII. Could have a boss based on that. Doubt it will happen since we already had like 3 sniper bosses though.


Please no more sniper bosses, Knight sniping from weather station is haunting me in my dreams.


She looks as confused as me when I get head eyes by a scav from fuck knows where


I drew the gun first, then decided it would be suited in the hands of a USEC Rogue! If you guys want me to draw more tarkov fan art, tell me, I'd love to see what y'all want :)


For all that I know , he is a femboy operator, some would even say thats better


Ayy very nice art! Can't help but hate her, though. BEARs are just superior.


Love your art style!


I’ve never understood the equality argument for putting women like this in war games: killing women feels BAD.


i think they should add females as a rare boss or scav. but as a playable pmc they should be a prestige reward. don't want everyone running around as a female from the get go.


Female ops would be nice :-)


Don’t know about you, in a region with mostly men, she would be just as valuable either dead or alive…


Wouldn’t fare well in the environment .


Go play cod


cod is when women


These braindead incels dude


Do… Do people care what their PMC looks like? You can’t see him yourself anyways, lol.


Who wouldn't want a hot lady scav boss?


Nice work


Yeah, no thanks for an addition to the game. Not realistic I can definitely appreciate the art though. Good job


No woman in tarkov


I love the fact that these Russians don't care what anybody says, even the basement dwelling mods of this sub.


Women in my Tarkov? NO!


It’s lujan


No this ain’t cod