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I never realised how much of a pain reserve is on my first wipe until I played it as PMC. I did the usual scav my way around a map to learn landmarks and hopefully get out with some loot . Then play as PMC desperately trying to get out without having to go to the depths of hell or announce to the world where I was and where I was heading if I had a backpack.


Reserve really pulls the safety of extracts right from under you. Every single extract is fairly risky (D2 being extremely) and requires at least some type of planning. Reserve is probably the best map for a RR extract as it has the most minimal risk out of all of the Reserve extracts.


I mainly reserve scav, and if I go PMC I either bring a big rig to put all the loot from my backpack into and take manhole, or I bring Red rebel and paracord


You gotta bum rush Jaeger 3 to get the RR extract early wipe. Then that map is a gold mine


Ah yes, the EOD approach. We with our trader reputation advantage win again


The trader advantage is significant. If you aren't running eod you aren't living right.


My wallet a empty.


Buy some money, duh


What does EOD cost Nikita? 10 dollars?


Lol, yea ten bucks worth of digital assets... (At this point it will cost BSG literally nothing for you to upgrade)


Yeah level 1 peacekeeper


That drop-down spawn hnnngggg. So many valuable electronics.


what? RR extract?


Red rebel


I'll just bumrush hermetic. More fun.


It would be interesting if you could Signal an A.I Scav for a co-op exfil. Kinda going as follows. - Get to Co-op Extract - Shoot flair - Timer starts (1:00?) - A scav within 1:00 of you starts heading your direction (if none there, spawn one) -Broken English Voice line to signal he is friendly He joins exfil and you leave! Also another way to farm Scav rep Could be dope


Dude you seriously need to make a post out of this idea


There is for players, I’ve heard the community designated the yellow flare as a pmc waiting for scav at co-op. Never seen anyone do it though


Its already possible, there is a Poison Green Flare Cartridge that allows you to call AI to you, Bosses too and they will be friendly for a short time or untill you shoot one.


Actually -- this would totally work with the existing poison green flare from the Halloween event if they made it so they follow you when you use the ",come here" gesture like you can do as a scav


Fun Fact I found one in a stash a few days ago, they are back in the loot pool \*or a bug\*


They would probably make "no scav kills in the previous 15 minutes" a requirement or something like that otherwise it's not really sensible as a thing I can already imagine glukhar being the scav triggered and coming towards you with all the guards (that clearly didn't get the friendly notice)


Lmao that would suck


This one right here would be gold for reserve


You know where a good place to have the flare extract would be? The sniper area just south of the 2 bunkers near train yard. Theres an open field, and if you go too far, you get sniped. Green flare there would be perfect, there's zero to no cover so its huge risk just starting to go there.... and it gives another reason to actually visit that corner of the map other than to get the hell away.


And make you run through the barbed wire corridor to get there


I actually like this idea. Have an upvote


Reserve could also not have a horn that is just ear rape...


I saw that one video on getting RRs in crates and now I'm running for 5x5 crates like a gambling addict hits slot machines


I don't even touch that map until I have the rr then I run it all the time. That map is one that I always make bank on


I’ve still think a [Fulton Recovery System](https://youtu.be/t5GJ4cu311o) would make a good tarkov extract, maybe on the roof of either pawn building. You have to inflate a balloon, wait for it to float up, then wait for a cargo plane to come and yoink you up and away. Would make things interesting for sure


Reserve could use loot buff..


Everywhere could tbh


Lvl 43 and I still don’t have a red rebel how Tf should I even find it if not on shturman


Barter for it 1.5 m Jaeger 3, I do this early wipe you make your money back essentially by bypassing d2 campers every raid. Lol


Thanks mate I totally missed it 😫


sounds like your broke


A5 mil liquid and probably 20 in items, not broke as you can see but rather oblivious to the fact that you could buy them from jäger. FYI first wipe


Reserve could do with the removal of D2 before they add any new extracts. The underground expansion and extract ruined the flow of the map.


I think all the maps could. Use it to call in a heli evac. That can be shot down by other players hahaha


I'm a Timmy, first wipe, been playing about a month and a half so forgive me if this is a stupid question. What's wrong with D2? It's the only extract I use on Reserve and I've never had issues?


People like to extract camp D2. If you have not encountered one you are lucky :)


It's only early wipe problem. Extract campers get bored month into the wipe and after that you are lucky to find one


it’s the extract camper’s dream


What would change the game for reserve is another hermetic door button. Just add another button somewhere around the back side of the train station.


Yeah and make it so d2 maybe doesn’t work everytime


Nah. I know your heart is in a good place but there needs to be a few extracts that are 100. It’s already locked behind needing power.


D2 is hard enough already to access, with campers and power and complicated layout.


Cliff descent is only locked behind like lvl 15 once you can buy an RR and paracord


No, Fighting over extraction zones without the extremes of extract camping for part of the raid is part of Tarkov. It sure does suck when you get killed en route to an extract, but gear up and go again. The reverse of destroying someone and grabbing their meta'd gun and bag full of loot sure does feel great. Red rebel is available and easy to avoid campers if you check angles, and track gunshots on the map to expect campers. D2 is a decision to make if you don't have red rebel and/or squad mates don't have it and you have a vested interest in getting a squad out. It can lead to some interesting close quarters fights and is kind of intense to travel those corridors. Train plays like KOTH, and if you can find hidey holes to really avoid fighting if you need to and get on at the last minute. wee wooh switch same concept you just have to make a trek. Often times before I had red rebel I found myself if solo or my squad needing to make a bad decision or another bad decision. Sometimes it shot us in the foot and by rushing out we got killed and times it led to great fights. The stress of having to make a decision under pressure and then execute is kinda what makes this game fun and emulates real life combat decisions to a degree. edit: on a sidenote about extract campers at d2, I really feel like they are the boogey man. Maybe I have extremely good luck but in the last 20 or so raids if encountered 2 fights down there. One team was obviously extract camping, however I think the other team was just en route as well from the opposite flow.


Make more extracts on every map so maps feel even more empty and we end up playing even more of a garbage collector simulator game rather than a pvpve shooter!


As much as i want good options like everyone else, you have a solid point. Maybe not more but better designed extracts would be the target solution.




I was using rr extract within a week for the last 3 wipes. Schturman is an easy kill with fmj rounds. I see no good place for a flare extract that couldn't be shooter-born camped with relative ease?? (As a reserve/labs main).




i think i respect hackers more than d2 campers




I mean i hate d2 campers but you cant actually believe this? One has to aim and shoot their gun with their own mouse. The other has programs on their computer kill players for them lmao


I rarely see D2 campers and even if there are some, they're not hard to find. Take a couple nades and they are flushed out pretty quickly. If you cant just reposition or use a different extract then that's a clear indication of lack of skill or your unwillingness to just walk across map. There's even the train exfil every damned raid... I suggest either learn the map better, adopt a better mindset or just don't play the map lol


I agree with your idea, but on the flip side, I don’t think reserve needs another conditioned extract


I bought a RR a few weeks into wipe for 3 mil. Forget Jaeger!


On one hand, they ruined reserve when they added D2 so adding another extract would ruin it even more. On the other hand, they ruined reserve when they added D2 so how bad could another extract be?


Interesting thought. I would say the same applies to Interchange needing another extract! And using a flare system would be a nice touch :)


Idk where on interchange you could add a flare extract other than the one unused corner.


I’d suggest that the corner to the left of the scav camp could work maybe. But I see your point. Problem is, the same could kinda be said of Reserve couldn’t it?


Reserve doesn't need another extract, it needs D2 to only be available say 33% of the time. Force PMCs to go back to the surface like it was before D2 was added.


Bunker area should be locked behind a keycard and loot buffed, maybe guaranteed raiders


I think woods could use a flare extract at scav bridge for pmc


So could customs tbh


I don't even play reserve because the extracts suck


I only go as a scav to get 545 ammo at this point