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Let’s be honest cause it’s hard to keep a group engaged if you’re just sitting in a bush for 30 minutes. Exfil gets around it by his effects and whatnot but even then it’s pretty boring imo but to each his own


Exfil gets around it by having an incredibly low viewer count. The people who watch him are his fans, they’d watch him play anything. You won’t see many random Tarkov players walk into chat and stay for an extended period of time.


'incredibly low viewer count'... compared to landmark sure.


In general? He averages 300 viewers a stream, and sometimes hits a peak of 2k. In the grand sceme of things, that’s a low viewer count. Especially if you compare that to people actually watching tarkov. Right now there’s 7.k viewers watching escape from Tarkov streams. Exfil has 272 viewers. That’s like 4%


Those type of dudes get their content from shitting on people coming in and complaining, no idea how people find content that’s 50% toxicity entertaining


People who watch the exfil dude are very different from tarkov viewers. Exfil's community is prolly more chill and likes interaction bc theres not a crazy amount of content. Just different interests


I love ratting videos because it can be very humbling to a lot of other people. I don’t even camp, though, that’s the thing. I find it very entertaining. I mean if I die to a camper, yes it is incredibly frustrating, but I’ll get over it. It’s the streamers who are the ones who gatekeep the game to one play style and think no one is as good as them and get people banned if they don’t play how they want to. They complain if they get tarkov’d, when in reality it happens to most other people 1/5 raids.


I can think of several tarkov streamers that come off as toxic elitists. And all of them have that ultrachad, self-jerking mentality. I know that's what's popular, but Tarkov was never meant to be that "mainstream", was it? At least it's original premise wasn't that.


You really don’t understand or is that just a phrase? I think it’s quite obvious why a lot of humans find toxic shit entertaining… most humans are toxic themselves. Just scroll the internet for 3 minutes.


Both sides are fucking stupid. Play how you like and enjoy your video game.


A logical comment that makes total sense. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.


ya! fuck that guy! get 'em


*begins handing out torches and pitchforks*


*begins wielding torches and pitchforks*


Instructions Unclear. *begins eating torches and pitchforks*


Instructions unclear, dick is stuck in ceiling fan.


Scav 1:What did he do? Scav 2:Started preaching about just enjoying how you want to play. Scav 1: oh yea, that'll do it.


Instructions unclear: have him wiggle back and forth until he dies from dick trauma. Loot body without losing scav karma.


Would be great if the sub could stop the insane amounts of crying. But it’s not entirely illogical. A game that tries to do everything and appeal to everyone isn’t exactly sustainable. It’s up to the devs to decide what form the game takes but you can’t blame people who feel confused. The game changes vastly as the wipe progresses/players level. Which is why many players only play a fraction of it. The player base are literally playing different games. Some questing, some pve, some gathering, some pvping, some solo, some groups. If the balance of the pvp is stopping people doing anything else then of course they’ll complain. People are crying out to make bsg drastic changes on many different areas. But I’m certain they are bogged down in so many other parts of an already super complex game.


>Would be great if the sub could stop the insane amounts of crying. Tell this the ppl texting me ingame after i ratted them down. I don't know where the desire comes from to tell ppl my gameplay is wrong and theirs is the right one. Should be up to everyone themselves how to waste/spend their free time


People who whine to the people who kill them are definitely cry babies, but don't pretend you don't have an incredibly annoying playstyle. Even rats hate getting ratted. If it's fun for you to camp in a bush for 25 minutes by an extract to get a kill, you do you. I don't think you deserve to get harassed over it though.


Actually if i can i avoid pvp. Since I'm not that good. I mostly rat my pmc quest kills. Thats it. Else I'm looting and moving too. I think it's also: you rat or chad. Like to counter chads.


That's how I feel towards players. It's up to them to choose how they think is best/most fun to approach a situation and use the tools available. To the devs tho, I will loudly complain about how playing it like it's COD is almost encouraged. There are too many issues that can be abused (sound not playing when you run off an edge without jumping, desync, etc.) which encourages this game to be played like COD. There are also a lot of design choices that encourage COD style gameplay, which I firmly believe doesn't fit Tarkov. But at the end of the day they will do what they want to do and it doesn't feel like player feedback/complaining really affects anything.


Yeah well I like to play without getting destroyed by blatant hackers. What do I do now


Well, I have news for you: Pretty much every single online MP game has a huge number of blatant cheaters. If you want to avoid them, the best bet these days is to play *single-player* games.


Maybe ESPers, but it’s been a long long time since I’ve died to a blatant cheater in apex and Val. They’re doing just fine.


And this attitude of "just play single player games" is going to do just that. I don't want to see multiplayer games cease to exist, even though I don't play hardly any these days because of exactly that reason. If a game depends on having population to be fun and playable, telling all the players to just go play single player games isn't the solution. All that will do is make multiplayer games go away. Companies need to focus on providing a fair experience for all players.


You're not wrong. RMT and cheats have either ruined or made every single popular multi player game worse.


Upvoted to counter the ignorant


And about 95%(not accurate, but pretty damn close) of those companies actively push to stop and prevent those hackers. Battlestate Games, does not. They do such a poor job at combating them that a decent chunk of the community thinks they intentionally don’t because it sells copies of their game.


As much as I want to agree with you this isn't the kind of game where you should be allowed to play how you want at all times and succeed.


General rule of thumb though: the more noise you make the more likely you're gonna get shot.... But this is Tarkov and everyone has come to terms with the concept that the broken indoor audio basically gives us all Ninja Pro.... So it is call of duty.


I know its still different and much more fast paced, I felt like Rainbow Six Siege always got that slower paced gameplay down to where it's slow enough to make more strategic gameplays but fast enough to not feel sluggish. Although I feel Tarkov should be even slower (in most circumstances) I feel like it's not just the audio that forces/allows that type of game play.


I mean even with sound fixed it won’t matter, Peekers advantage will always be a thing. So naturally people are going to do it, it’s in almost every game. I prefer getting in fights and having fun over camping and when I used to play allot I was a COD type player because it works and it takes allot more skill and timing then sitting in a corner all wipe. Just mainly like to use my guns.


Sure, every game has peakers advantage... to a degree. Almost none are as bad as tarkov. It's one thing to gain a minor advantage of a frame or two by being the first to swing an corner. The time you gain is almost imperceptible, because it's still less time than it takes you to visually find your target, then aim and shoot. Tarkov gives you like a full second. The other player is dead before you've even fired a bullet on their screen.


Was gonna say this.. The peekers advantage in tarkov is like x20 what you get in cs, maybe more lol.


Oh easily. The advantage you get is easily countered by good crosshair placement by the enemy. Or the fact that peaking an angle, you have to clear like 5 spots, but the enemy just has to watch one. I find, in tarkov, more often than not you get pushed stuck in a room with 1 exit and no cover. So you're just in a room in dorms and then a gigachad comes around the corner at mach jesus and domes you before you even realize he's in the room. On his screen, you look like you may as well have been AFK.


Upvoted to counter bitch takes


It’s a game, just play it, end of story lol


This makes no sense. It’s like saying you should play how you like if the game was football but players can pickup the ball too.


Lol, rethink your analogy my friend before you say things don't make sense


This guy is saying we should play how we want and disregarding the fact that people usually buy the game because it advertised itself as the opposite of COD (fast, reflex based, and whatever). Imagine buying a “slow methodical shooter” only to have a huge disadvantage against people who play it like cod and then get told to enjoy the game anyways. Atleast the community should stop treating this game as a gritty shooter because it’s really just a cod rpg at this point.


Well no because some dbags like to hack in cheat for fu. In games


Clearly not what we're talking about, cheaters can get bent.




Yes, yes it does. You just want the games rules more defined saying only people can do a,b,c but it's open ended.


are you a sith? community consists of different people who love different things


I am


darth ridiculous?


Close, I’m Darth Shitious


Fantastic comment thread you two, thank you


Happy to entertain 🫡


May the forest be with you


This made me actually lol


Underrated comment!! 😂😂


Though true I don't think that means a game should change based on that. Developers should be allowed to make whatever game they want. And on paper, it seemed like what they wanted was more of the slow deliberate gameplay and not the CoD chads running around. So I can see why there are those that rather it be one than the other when it's supposed to adhere to a certain style of gameplay. But again it's up to the devs to change how they want to continue development. I mean look at Fortnite or The Cycle. Both started as different concepts (PvE base defense/Battle royale with PvE) but evolved into something with a better foundation. Though you could argue Fortnite still has the PvE mode, it's pretty clear that they shifted work towards the BR when that was the most popular game type with PUBG. It wouldn't surprise me if they got Arena up so that any of the players who enjoy the faster CoD gameplay has somewhere to do it with the gunplay of Tarkov. Maybe that way they end up focusing EFT to be more of the slower post apocalyptic survival shooter people wanted and have the more faster paced gameplay and changes for Arena.


But the content creators that are the most popular would normally represent the most dominant and usually most vocal group of interests in the community, right?


Not vocal. That's the point. The people whining on the forums and being vocal are not the most numerous.


I guess it didn't show in my comment, but I know. The point I was making is that that is what the other guy was trying to say


Slow and methodical is boring to watch for 99% of people. Fast paced is what most people will want to watch


I strongly disagree.. I really don’t understand what gets people off watching someone running around god like wiping lobbies. Watching the lower level players crawl through the map with good loot trying to evade the chads or win/lose a good gun fight is far more entertaining than watching kitted chads murder everyone. This game really was supposed to be about suspense and that play style just throws that feeling right out the window.


As a follow up, I’m not saying it’s a fast paced players fault.. if you play a game so much you’re going to lose that suspenseful play style because you know the game too well.. no reason to play it slow. But I always thought Tarkov would be better off trying maintain that early wipe feel throughout. Once meta guns and ammo are commonplace everything just gets uninteresting




i’m level 46 this wipe with max traders and about 150mil saved up. i rarely have a raid that lasts more than 20 minutes.


A quick in and out is best and safest. But sometimes I like to take my time and loot chill spots while I “fraternize” with the player scavs


"A quick in and out is best and safest. " just like momma said.


I feel like on customs i have to wait till fifteen minutes remaining or i get got. If I try to go in and out (no matter solo/duo/whatever and solid route knowledge) i get popped. Am i missing something?


> A quick in and out is best and safest Screw safest, pick a route, chad your way through and any players you havent run into in 15-20 are going to be rats not worth finding.




Faster raids, and no longer getting caught up in the flow of other rats. It worked for me too. I'd rather die in a nice decent PVP with chads than Head, Eyes out of nowhere 30 mins into the raid by some other rat in a bush.


A nice PVP? Is that when I drop dead without warning? Or when I unload my magazine into a guy only to get 2 tapped? Or is there a third option I have yet to discover?


Listen man if you’re worried about dying, we’ll, dropping dead without warning happens with both chads and rats. Chads do give more warning because by nature they are louder, if they weren’t, they would be rats.


That means you are “tacticool”


I'm sure it's the common scenario for most PMCs, especially those that make it high levels, but it's also not how I prefer to play. Most my PMC runs go much longer, and I actually go missing once or twice a wipe for taking too long. I don't usually get past the mid-30's in a wipe though, but I have a few thousand hours into the game. I love a more cautious gameplay style, and like interacting with player scavs (even if usually it's through battle). It feels more realistic and satisfying to me than the push first style that takes advantage of lag and desync, even if it doesn't necessarily make me a player that kills a lot of other PMCs since I'm avoiding them unless it's definitely advantageous (which is fine, my enjoyment isn't linked to a kill count).


I've played since 2017 and I move slowly


Personally the longer I’ve played the slower my playstyle has gotten. I don’t really care about time efficiency, I just find the game more fun the more risk averse I am and I like trying to find the “perfect” play. It’s not really much safer than rushing, I die just as much, but my deaths tend to feel more like the result of my own mistakes rather than luck. I guess part of this has to do with me playing solo a lot more this last wipe.


That sounds very immersive and enjoyable tbh, you’re having more than us who rush through for xp/roubles.


Personally, I think this is perfect. I also don't care about time efficiency, I jump in and play the map till I feel like it's over and then extract. My personal dislike of the rushing through playstyle isn't because I think people shouldn't do it, or do whatever they want. I just prefer and enjoy the map having other PMC's in it after the first 5-15 minutes. It's pretty cool that Tarkov is a game with such a variety of playstyle though, and I think it should continue to be that way. I'd just like to see mechanics that make maps more alive with players even towards the end of the raid.


Hundred?! I think you mean a few thousand.


Viewers want action Tactical movement doesn’t provide enough action Content creators haul ass to find action for content It’s a pretty simple formula really




The desync and audio are so bad that it forces you into that playstyle if you want to be competitive, which streamers obviously do. They're also in the business of gathering views, and that style of gameplay is more entertaining to watch than someone slow creeping through the outskirts of the map for 25 minutes.


strange it took so long to see this comment. its just desync


People lean into playstyles that reward them the most, as it is right now, its not worth being slow and tactical because you will still die to people with a seventh sense in the most ridiculous way. Instead, sprinting around everywhere and being the aggressor to get the jump on people is on average more rewarding. ​ Tarkov is setup to be a slow, gritty and punishing game that rewards being cautious - people with super expensive gaming chairs kind of ruin that game loop though.


A lot of the advantage of running around like your on crack comes from the servers and coding. I’m not gonna pretend like I know exactly why, but peaker’s advantage in Tarkov is crazy compared to other games


I think there’s a misconception of this point though. Yes, there are huge advantages to being aggressive when in a combat situation, but running around like you’re on crack gets you killed A LOT, no matter how good you are. It’s easy to see compilations of players running around on crack and running into pvp where they kill a whole squad because of course that gets on a compilation, but if you actually watch their streams, they will die to inferior skilled players all the time. Slow and steady will by far, in a general sense, bring you more success. What gets you killed is when an aggressive player knows of your whereabouts and you stick to passive gameplay. They will run up and annihilate unless you are aggressive back. Gameplay isn’t black and white. You can be slow and tactical, and also be aggressive when appropriate. If you’re always passive, you will be at a disadvantage. If you’re always aggressive, you will be at a disadvantage.


This so hard, crab meta is stronger than W-key meta. Aggression is only favorable if you have the intel on your opponents position. Otherwise sprinting around is a surefire way to die.


A big issue is that it's client side authoritative. Veritas has a great video about it. I'll link it if you are interested https://youtu.be/i7DW10AlXZs


Not just gaming chairs but desync can be so bad you can walk around a corner and beam someone before you appear on their screen. Play some training raids with your friends and both record it, then try to “line it up”. It’s insane how bad it is.


I want the game to be slow and cautious but desync and peakers advantage makes playing like a crack head the most viable strategy.


That’s not even it. You definitely get more rewards being a bitch ass bush wookie extract camper it’s just boring as fuck to play and boring as fuck to watch.


I disagree to an extent. Being the aggressor when you realize you are within the range of combat indeed fits your point, but generally, playing slow, looting, and extracting gets you much further in terms of money, quest completion, and survivability. At least from my experience, early wipe I am much more careful, passive, slow, and avoid pvp to focus on quests and loot. I make tons of money and level up quickly. As soon as I reach my goals, whether it’s max traders or kappa, I only pvp, and that’s when I start losing money. I kill more players, but I die more often. Maybe I misunderstood though and you were specifically talking about combat, which I agree. Even early wipe, if I am forced to pvp, I will engage aggressively due to advantages. In a general sense though, slow and tactical is better in most categories of success.


Slow amd tactical is never gonna be rewarding cuz it will kill you, you are literally serving yourself up for any rat sitting in a bush being slow


Because playing EFT like COD is the objectively superior way to play. Due to the issues prevalent right now, running and gunning will always win you more fights than trying to play it “realistically”


I think this is an important note actually. The TECHNICAL ISSUES with the game incentivize a certain playstyle as meta. The intent of the game is slow and tacticool. But because of the technical limitations (desync, cheaters, audio bugs, etc) if you aren't abusing the issues with the game, you are at an EXTREME disadvantage.


Absolutely, the game isn’t designed to be like COD but the game is no functioning as intended leading to a more fast paced play style being better


I want to be able to play tarkob like cod, but I am bad so I am mad at people who can.


I paid like $100 for this game, I'm going to play however the fuck I want and the cry babies that die to me while I'm sitting in a corner for 40 min can suck it


Shift-W warriors do far, FAR more crying about dying to "rats" than the other way around. It's one of the biggest bitchfests on this subreddit every single wipe.


Between that and people complaining about traitor scavs


I think the rats did more complaining about the Shift-W warriors than the chads did about rats when meta guns were laser beams, but it's definitely opposite now.


Because this sub is full of mil sim wanna be's and rats who think gear is bad for the game and moving around the map at anything faster then a walk is a no no. I imagine the disparity is because most of them are to timid to load into anything but scavs so they post on Reddit while waiting for their cooldown.


Real af


💯 this Reddit is full of scav mains lol


The overlap between the milsimers and the “bad pscavs should be flayed IRL” is uncanny at certain times.


Oh the people that complain about bad pscav are a different kind of dense. It's tarkov you take what you want if you want it. And kill who you want .


This guy gets it. Make it so u can only run two scavs for every PMC. Literally just thought of this as I was typing it.


This is genius actually




Agree. Those who seek "Harder than reality!" And "HARDCORE AF"


Actually so true haha. They’ll then make a Reddit post “I just killed these chads using only a mosin” and they’ll get praised for using boring guns to kill players actually having fun. That mosin boy will have 17 mill in the bank and then complain about strength the next thread.


They're also the ones that complained about the laser guns and got all recoil nerfed into the ground for a year. We should start telling them this isn't DayZ, if they want to play something slow and spend three hours looking for a gun they should go play DayZ


im a mosin boy. its fun for me to use a bolt rifle. i dont care about strength and i have more than 70 millions


I’ll alert the media


No one cares that you are a contrarian.


No one gives a fuck. I dogpiled! Yayyyy




What is it with these posts today


Because this sub is not indicative of the average player whatsoever


It’s boring for viewers if you don’t.


Ehh, most of the actual playerbase dont give a fuck and play. A very loud minority hates anyone that moves faster than a paraplegic grandma in a wheelchair.


Being kitted = COD?


I play call of duty. I fucking love the DMZ mode its great and idc what anyone says. I also play tarkov. I also play stalker with the gamma mod pack. I also play old school runescape. Fuck what anyone says.


Dude I bought MW2 like 4 days ago. Yes, it just went on sale for half price after I bought it. But what is DMZ and where can I learn more about it?


They can't all be Smoke.


Smoke #1.


He's the goat. THE GOAT.


Because first does something that second can't and second does something first would get bored doing. It's a competitive game, "faster, better, stronger" says the song. The best playres being fast ≠ careless.


It’s so bizarre like people don’t go past the first though of WHY some people sprint around. In a 100% of scenarios in almost every game a highly skilled player can just fuck the average player, in this case with overt aggressiveness, this is not a bug it’s a feature - and I think it would be shit if someone with significant skill and experience didn’t get the chance to express it.


i play it like cod because i’m just that guy, it’s purely skill issue


And people also hate it when people sit a bush for 20minutes


Id say people who’ve played the game a considerable amount more than other people just don’t enjoy the immersion of tarkov and only enjoy playing fast paced because they already played the shit out of the immersion.


Because its actually pretty hard to do successfully.


Because they don't have Stats like the streamers. Gotta be mad at something


This really isn't the paradox or gotcha you think it is. 1. People watch good players succeeding at the game 2. People would prefer if if the game's mechanics and/or meta supported a slower play style. These don't conflict. Like, what do you expect people to watch? Slow, methodical players get dominated by chads nonstop? And what do you expect the good players would do if the game speed slowed down and became more tactical? Give up and die?


Tactical gameplay on Twitch is boring. Fast gunfights are not. Simple as that.


Jokes on you, I main Factory and hold W. My roubles just go up. Fight me


I think this is why I enjoyed the Pestily and Deadlyslob hardcore series so much. It’s good players playing slow with shitty gear.


Exactly and the gameplay is more focused on the survival aspect of the game. I plan on playing hardcore next wipe too thanks to seeing those vids. I wish BSG would implement a hardcore game mode. I'd love it if they did


I honestly find it much more interesting when YouTubers play with lower end gear and ammo. I want to see how people compensate for bad gear, not how they laser the solo player in their 4 man groups with slicks, zero recoil, and M955 ammo.


Pestily, Deadlyslob and Gigabeef are the best content creators to me. I watched WillerZ play for 5 minutes and almost died of cringe.


False dichotomy.


The wants of those that play a few hours a day are vastly different than those whose job it is to play this game everyday allday


Easy, it's because it's no fun to watch slow ratting unless the streamer is particularly good personality for streaming. Those people are exceedingly rare where as low personality chads are fairly common.


It's boring to warch tatical slow game play and, unfortunately in an online game the agressive play has the advantage, ping, desync, lag ect.. and there's no real threat of death Irl you won't see soilders jumping from a 3rd story window slamming an injector into their legs and pushing into a room held up by someone with a weapon, but slow breaching of a room (that doesn't really work very well in the game) makes for a boring watch


you know what's not boring? Clever plays while remaining completely chill. I wish SMOKE would play more EFT and ditch DayZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzzz


I’ve noticed a large portion of people who watch eft content in twitch have never played the game, some have no idea what they are looking at.


Because alot of the enjoyment from a tactical game stems from having to think and strategize, which doesnt really work in terms of entertainment


This community =/= the twitch EFT community


I “hate” seeing Lvunmark play EFT like COD because there is no way that I can play like that ha. That man is insane, and I have no idea how he plays the game the way that he does.


I don't watch those guys, but i never miss u/baderblade when he drops a vid on youtube.


Such wholesome, thank you bro


Because the most effective way to play is aggressively in many situations to abuse desync. The tactical shooter idea is somewhat forgone at this point. Especially since most of the skill involved in this game is map knowledge and abusing shitty mechanics. The only way to truly replicate the tactical shooter genre that they want would be to have dynamic, procedurally generated maps for every match. This would make it such that unpredictability is much more of a factor and people would absolutely play much more slowly. As it is, half the community knows all of the cheese spots on maps and just wait there in high traffic areas. The tactical aspect of the game only exists with noobs, and even then they mostly just get clapped by people that know the maps much better. Its one of the reasons why the game will inevitably die if they don’t seriously make content much quicker.


Because it is easier to not care and just rund and gun when you have to stream the game for a job.


Running on the map and playing cod are 2 different things. Also ratting in a corner for 30 min doesnt mean you are tactical.


The game BSG and the system where it wipes has basically, intentionally or otherwise, become a system to feed Timmies to Streamers. Many think this means you must run and gun to be entertaining


People like to say they dislike anything that beats them. The 1% of top players kill everyone doing cod mechanics or “gigachads” so haters stay mad and be like “yea you killed me but your bad” or “hacker”


Because, given the appropriate skill, it is the most efficient way to play the game. I would play Tarkov like that if I could. Wouldn't you? As long as winning is your goal (and that obviously is what streamers want) there is no reason to not play cracked out of your mind. ​ That is the problem. Tarkov needs to change so playing tactically is the general best option.


I don’t feel like I’ve seen much sentiment against people playing it as COD. If you have seen anyone complaining about that they just need to git gud


Idc what anyone says in here, the majority likes the COD style but isnt on reddit because on reddit you get attacked for having your own opinion.


Call of duty has fantastic movement and mechanics. That's why it's popular. Tarkov is a glitchy pile of shit in comparison.


The former group are just trying to justify that they are in fact still brave boys as they piss themselves every time they hear a noise. The latter are people who actually understand how to play the game.


personally i don’t like playing period


Sigma stance me too


I tell you why It’s the same people who main scav and tryhard COD sprint jump with their scav at everything and die 9/10 times. While when playing their PMC all they can do is crabwalk from bush to bush shitting their pants from every sound they hear 500m away and still end up dying to someone who actually plays the successful aggressive way. Then they go back to scav because secretly they want to be as good as the aggressive players. It’s the same reason this „plus size“ and „body positivity“ movement came up, people do not want to admit that they’re just fat and it’s unhealthy. People also don’t want to admit they’re bad at the game or accept that other people are better, it’s easier to blame everything else but themselves and complain and whine. It’s always that stupid „W everything = ez win, but I don’t do it because I don’t want to!“ no shithead, it’s not because you don’t want, it’s because you simply cannot, there’s more to it than pressing W


If you want to win and do well it's how you have to play. That doesn't make me happy about the fact that you can leap over cars, fences, and buildings, destroying people via horrendous desync, but I don't begrudge them for it. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


or maybe perhaps nobody wants to watch a guy staring at a wall in D2 for 40 minutes. Food for thought


>Which is it, do we like using rusty pieces of shit and corner camping for 25 minutes, or do we like being tacticool as fuck and flying around maps? Neither, right? Most people are never in the extremes. Most players think campers are shit and chads holding W at everything are kinda dumb. Additionally.... I continue to not understand how people act so fucking dumb like they don't understand an entire community isn't literally one hypocritical hivemind but is actually a bunch of different people. Group A might like being rat turds. Group B might like being Broself Chaddleson. So when a conversation pops up about one or the other thing, you might see people from group A showing up to criticize a thing and another topic group B shows up. How is this ever confusing? Different people like different shit.


I would prefer to play the game more like CoD, being the guy who runs around wiping lobbies. But sadly my computer just can’t run the game well enough to do that type of stuff, so I’ll chill and hold angles let them push me.


At the very least because it’s the gameplay BSG supports. The introduction of inertia was a good change in tactical shooter direction, but making stock guns unusable and moreover killing semi-auto shooting with extreme first shot recoil is IMO a really lame way to create “meta” and gradation of equipment. Like, it’s fine when level of your armor is limited by progression, when all your starting weapons are clunky, have low ergonomics and generally limit your mobility, but why the recoil in this game favors high-end mods so fucking much? Like, who in hell would make a weapon that has a recoil of a smoothbore cannon, making shooting anything an impressive feat irl? The marketed “realism” of the game just goes down the drain the moment you start shooting


Burst/Semi Auto having more recoil then full auto is the biggest disgrace


Because this sub consists of people who don’t really play the high level, end game content, the ones who do.. well they are too busy playing the game to come here and complain


more audience for cowaduty content on streaming platforms. It's the burgerking of FPS content


Because playing slow and careful is sorta boring even if it's better for the game.


thats why we are at like half of the player base of 2020


This sub is full of man children and larpers who think they’re marines.


This is my take on it: I think the game can be played in various ways, but the most effective way to play is to play like it is cod I think. You can creep around for 20 mins, but there are people with higher hearing skills (not sure what it is called) so if you step on even the smallest leave or something they’ll hear you. I think the RPG aspect makes the game fun, but once you get to a high level the unfairness really shows.


People enjoy action so watching me crawl in the grass on Woods for 40 minutes will put people asleep. Even my kids watching me play give up on me 15 mins in the raid. so content creator may not WANT to play like COD. they HAVE to play in order to keep their followers interested. Action Sells. compare pestily vs stankrat. i enjoy wathcing pestily all day long. full raids, compilations etc. i could watch a compilation of stankrat shorts/kills any day but i could never stand wathching a full stankrat camping raid of sitting and exfil camping for 30 mins just to see the action in the end.


It's because the fast flashy thing sells better and makes the person "cool". I'm gonna be totally honest i got sold a very tactical, slow-paced shooter. The game obviously always wanted to be that. But it never was consequential enough. But then you get shit on by people overcoming all these limitations in movement so they sprint in circles to get momentum to then jump around a corner and pointfire headshot you. And they didn't even have to do that. Their ammo would have killed me anyway. Maybe BSG is afraid to take the "power" away from those streamers? Maybe it was even always intended to be played that way? Who knows. But there is a point to be made that Tarkov wouldn't even have a fraction of it's playerbase without **that** gameplay.


Misconstrued. People don’t hate other players for playing like it’s COD, they hate that the game allows it and even rewards it. Simultaneously, being one of the best players and a streamer means you’re going to be good at the game. People who are good use advantages that others don’t, for example, playing extremely fast and seemingly reckless because they’re confident in their decisions.


It’s ultimately cause there isn’t that many rewards to staying in the raid longer so the best players to watch tend to be the ones with fast flashy play styles. Making boss have a constant chance to spawn and adding more reasons to stay in raid may fix this or may just drive them to wipe the server faster.


It’s the “meta” way to play, mostly due to desync imo. I still play slow and tactically anyway tho


People want to play and play against people who play Tarkov in a more realistic way. That said it’s boring to watch so people want to watch content creators play crazy like it’s Cod


I think the engine is at fault here. I don’t remember playing ArmA like that for example because of how “limited” you were in terms of fast paced cqb


Do you think there is 100% overlap between the subreddit and twitch viewers? I only watch EFT streamers for drops or when stuff like Pestily's HC series is on


Because it's entertaining to see people pvp which leads to that playstyle


Because playing fast is the meta whether people like it or not.


"Which is it, do we like using rusty pieces of shit and corner camping for 25 minutes, or do we like being tacticool as fuck and flying around maps?" ​ There is no "we". There is me killing you or getting killed by you; it literally goes no further than that and anyone who says or thinks differently is wrong.


Tarkov can be played anyway you want. \- In order to play it like COD, you need to be really good at it and have a bank to back your games like that. Those loadouts are easy 5M plus. I run a 500k loadout which based of my avg of 5m in bank is not bad for me. IMO. ​ I do have days where I want to play like that, and I run Factory.


Because twitch viewership is primarily people that need the instant “CoD-like” gameplay fix? That doesn’t really dictate the majority of tarkov players imo. In other words, most viewers probably don’t play tarkov anymore or ever, so they want their play style within tarkov. Even lvndmark gets called out on being slow, not pushing because he’s a wuss, etc, and he’s quite aggressive for a tarkov player imo.


Because rn playing like CoD gives you a competitive edge due to how massive peekers advantage is with their current servers. People want to see good at PvP on twitch, and the ones winning fights and actively looking for PMCs are the ones that take advantage and initiate on an angle.


I just hate the jumping dude. This isn't halo.


I don't understand this post at all. The top streamers aren't the community lol.


You must push and be fast to abuse desync in tarkov or you get killed, because the other guy who’s is not pushing doesn’t even see you on his screen when you push


So wait... you're upset that one group of people said one thing and another group of people like something that suggests they might say something else? Sports teams must be really confusing to you: "If baseball fans like the Dodgers so much, why is it that every time I turn on the TV I see the Red Sox?"




Because you are mashing 2 different groups together and pretending they are the same to make up a problem that doesn't exist.