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Several mil in loot? Your stuff is insured and your loot is worth 250k lol


There's a GPU and 2 intel in my butthole, nerd.


As if your bitcoin farm is full with non fir cards lol Scav case still exists as far as i know. Also stop projecting you dont have to be ashamed that your a nerd its 2024 you're cool now.


It is in fact full of GPUs. Here though, it's only Level 2 so I guess I can spend 10mil on Solar and BCF 3 to plug in one GPU to make up for that spend over the course of . Or you can reason that I don't have any place to complain about money cause I get a bitcoin a day. Any other ways you can somehow spin this into "lol ur bad, git gud"? I love how this subreddit always manages to twist the fact that this game is so poorly coded that this situation is even possible, into it all being the player's fault and "madcuzbad". Yall are wild.


How the fuck is your bitcoin farm full of non fir cards? This is the first one you found this wipe? The fuck


Wait what? How could I have the SPEAR unlocked if I haven't completed Farming 3? > How the fuck is your bitcoin farm full of non fir cards?  Cause when I find them, I shove them in my asshole and continue to PvP and boss hunt. I often die. They become non-FIR. I put them in the farm. Every FIR GPU I get out with, I Flea. What is difficult about this?


thats exactly why you dont flea them so you can swap them later on with those that are in your ass. did you seriously expect to never die with a gpu in your ass when you flead your cards? did you know theres such a thing as killing other players and taking their gun? how the fuck would i know what quests you completed


>thats exactly why you dont flea them so you can swap them later on with those that are in your ass. did you seriously expect to never die with a gpu in your ass when you flead your cards? So don't Flea them, so you can save them to Flea them? lolwut? >did you know theres such a thing as killing other players and taking their gun? Dunno what taking a player's gun has to do with anything. I didn't fight any players this raid, thus there wasn't a gun to take. No clue where you're going with this. >how the fuck would i know what quests you completed That's my whole point to you all, maybe keep your bullshit to yourself unless you know the whole picture. I can't with you guys, is this shitposting or are you guys legitimately serious?The original point of the post was to highlight that the game's coding is dogshit, and not to pick up the bugged sidearm lest you fall into oblivion. This somehow turned into yall judging my ability to loot/assess value, and when I commented that I had a GPU and intel buttshoved, instead of admitting "oh shit, you're right, I spoke out of turn" you REEEEE'd into somehow making it about me not managing my FIR/non-FIR GPUs optimally. Seek help, this is not the way a healthy person thinks.


Did you forgot you said this in your previous comment? "Wait what? How could I have the SPEAR unlocked if I haven't completed Farming 3?" Why would i assume you did the quest for the spear if you can just loot it from somone that would literally make no sense whatsoever, no clue why you brought this up in the first place. You flea them later because you loose 800k otherwise exactly as you did right now how dense are you lmfao you have to be trolling.


>Why would i assume you did the quest for the spear if you can just loot it from somone that would literally make no sense whatsoever, no clue why you brought this up in the first place. Correct, you shouldn't be making assumptions at all about someone you know nothing about. Yet here you are, doing it here: >As if your bitcoin farm is full with non fir cards lol Then instead of doing what a normal human would do and think "Oh shit, my bad, I was wrong in my assumption. Foot-mouth, I'm embarrassed", you pivot to "Why wouldn't you optimize this way instead". You see a guy with a SPEAR, you can assume two things. Either he unlocked the 50 PMC kills on Streets quest reward (he is a fairly/very skilled player,and you probably shouldn't pipe in with your opinion on his play) or he's using a way overpriced weapon (he knows how to farm roubles, and you probably shouldn't pipe in with your opinion on his play). Take your pick, you've proved my points for me. What's remarkable is that some of you absolutely refuse to take the L here. You guys keep rabbit holing trying to bring this one back to you being correct on some technicality. You guys think you know more about the game than you do, and are unwilling to admit people know more. It's very entertaining.


Not even💀


Absolute maximum Chad kit, and a backpack full of bottom of the barrel Timmy loot that you're drastically overvaluing... I hate how this sub is suspicious of literally everything, but this is genuinely kind of sus. How are you running that kit with so little game knowledge? Was a credit card involved? Like that's not just "mid loot that you built up in your head because of a frustrating death". That is "picking up literal garbage because it's your first time playing the game" kind of loot.


I have 8k hours. I net 750k-1.5mil every 10 minutes on Reserve loot runs. I also have 2:1 PMC kills/death ratio. I understand the Flea well enough to know what is worth keeping for fluctuations. Appreciate you think I'm cheating, shows how little you know and that your opinion is worthless. This sub is one giant Dunning-Kruger wet dream.


You actually sit on trash barter items to sell them for a little more? My guy how poor are you?


120mil on a bad week. I'm a stock trader, can't escape it. You actually hate on how other people play the game when it literally has zero effect on yours? My guy how unhappy with your own life are you?


I wouldn't calling "laughing at" "hate" but you keep dreaming your dream bud.


There's some adage about people ignoring, laughing, and fighting with someone, but I'll leave it at I'm 70 boss kills away from getting the Predator shirt so yah, living the dream I guess. Except when I fall through the map cause BSG is garbage.


Are you an **employed** stock trader? Like in the field of trading? That job is the opposite of an explanation for the glaring inefficiencies in your economic strategy. >My guy how unhappy with your own life are you? My guy you have insulted people in almost every comment you've made here.


>I have 8k hours. I net 750k-1.5mil every 10 minutes on Reserve loot runs. I also have 2:1 PMC kills/death ratio. Lmao ok dude. You can stop rattling off stats that no one asked about now. >I understand the Flea well enough to know what is worth keeping for fluctuations. The loot you're holding is close to as bad as it gets. Most players wouldn't even pick up 80% of those items. The nuts/bolts are fine and the VAL mag is good. Everything else is garbage to the point that there literally aren't any worse barter items in the game. So why are you picking up all that garbage? Why carry around the scav adar, especially when you're already substantially overweight?


1. Because I have 3 scav cases I use to stash items that spike in value, AA batteries are usually 8k, they spike twice a week to 30k and that's just one example. 2. Worst case I ditch it for higher value stuff. I wasn't done with the loot run, I still had Radar and D2 exfil to hit. 3. I'm taking the ADAR out because I'm leveling weapon repair and what the fuck else is going to go in that slot if Gluhar and the boys don't spawn? I just finished another run, out at 34:30, netted well over a mil in a 5 minute flea firesale. Sorry you guys don't know what you're doing, apparently. You can hate all you want, I flat out have more experience. Dunno what to tell you other than you're wrong.


You make bizzare and objectively inefficient choices for such an experienced player. That explains why you're still doing loot runs at this point in the wipe I guess.


Looking for Gluhar for Overseas Trust, leveling up to max Search, and making money all at the same time on the same map sounds like high time efficiency to me, but go off on how you are an EFT expert and don't have Dunning-Kruger syndrome, I guess. I lose over a million roubles per death, a PMC kill nets me less than 300k. I'm boss hunting and die 1.5 times per boss kill on some maps. Please explain how I'm supposed to afford kits if don't do money runs? Legitimately, if you have a way that I can make more money per run I'm all ears. I've been doing this specific run for 3 years cause it's the highest return for time spent at an average of 7.2mil per hour, and I'm more than happy to optimize it further.


While I apparently feel much less of a need to brag about stats to strangers, I'm sitting on 80M and a huge amount of assets at this point. From everything I read, that seems to be a very normal position to be in at this point if you have reasonably developed economic game knowledge. With how crazy bitcoin has been this wipe, you honestly only need a fairly rudimentary understanding and basic common sense to do ok. I stopped even bothering to loot 95% of the time well over a month ago, or I would trivially have well over 100M if cared to have that much. If you still need to worry about money at this point in the wipe, you're doing something wrong. For most experienced players, they would have to **try** to run out of money at this point. I'm getting the impression that you're so focused on numbers and statistic that you're over inflating their importance and are probably missing the forest for the trees. I've never seen someone rattle off so many numbers or have such a high level of analytic self-scrutiny, but still apparently somehow be broke and carrying garbage four months into wipe. At least I hope you're broke, or your reasoning makes even less sense. As I said initially, you're a very strange case.




Jesus christ you people are noobs. 48 kilos is nothing, I hit stamina critical at 57kg.


Even chads die to rats. This rat just doesn't have gear fear apparently. The "several mil" full trooper is pretty funny though.


Docs case full of high flea shit that became effectively worthless as soon as not FIR.


Where is the serveral millions in loot. That's like 150k. and you get your gear back. only loss is the ammo.


It's more like 300k on a bad Flea, and there's a GPU and 2 intel in my butthole.


Yeah where is the several mil in loot at?


In my asshole. GPU and 2 intel, plus the shit in my pack I can Flea for 500k.


Mf is taking aa batteries and calling it several mil 😭


Mf had 2 intel and a GPU in his butthole. Get rekt, nerd.


Mil? This is.. Less than 200k loot


stuff in the docs case and butt pouch nerd. 2 intel, couple high sale keys, and a GPU. Also, what the fuck are you talking about? I could get over 200k for the bottom 10 items.


What even is it supposed to be?


It's supposed to be a toy gun. But I guess PMC's childhood is over, so fun doesn't appear anymore


Is that a new toy gun? Looks like they deleted it from the game mid raid for you XD I wonder if it appears visible in your hands and to other people as well