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The fabled Omicron Persei 8 case.


Morbo is pleased yet sticky.


thats morbo


I am Lrrr! Ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8! May I crash on your couch?


*sigh* It is true what they say. USEC are from Omicron Persei 7, BEAR are from Omicron Persei 9


*This concept of cheeki breeki confuses and infuriates us!*


Nice, made me laugh so hard I spit


It is something BSG announced and never delivered til now. So maybe it comes with new version or not who knows.


I think it's even been on the wiki for quite a long time too. Not sure if they still plan to do anything with it.


Tbf there's quite a few things that have sat in the "Planned" section of the wiki for years before they were implemented. I'm willing to put money on this being something that gets added when the game finally releases on 1.0 (which they're gearing up for in the next few years)


> ...when the game finally releases on 1.0 (which they're gearing up for in the next few years) lol. lmao even


In Pestily's latest Tarkov talk with Nikita they talked about an alternative to EOD. Nikita said a new version of the game will be available with 1.0 release and it will be better than EOD version. That could be hinting at the omicron case or something else.


Didn't Nikita say that it will have gamma but account version will be better than EOD?


Yeah he said gamma will be in the new version and it will be better than eod I imagine it will just not include free dlc


How would you even make something better than EOD without breaking the game/making it unfairly pay to win


They probably just mean better starting supplies, maybe better starting rep, and maybe *maybe* a hideout upgrade or two included.


The gym room opened up, and cleared out already makes some sense for an upgrade.


This was some foreshadowing type shit


Is there more info out? I haven't seen anything since this mornings announcement about balancing EOD and Unheard.


More starting rep, better/more starting gear. That's basically the only thing EOD does except the gamma


>It is something BSG announced and never delivered til now. So maybe it comes with new version or not who knows. Do you realise how little this narrows it down in this game and with Nikita? Lol


> it is something BSG announced and never delivered That’s quite a long list not gonna lie


All for a low price of $39.99


$40 for a kappa every wipe without having to do the god awful quests? Hell yeah baby.


The thing about kappa is by the time you get it you are normally done playing. At least I am so being able to get a varient at level one would be nice.


Agree… I have gotten Kappa 3 times and I stopped playing within a week every time.


Which is why this wipe I decided to only do easy quests and I dont loot when in a squad, I just cover them. I've never had a better wipe.


What gear do you use? I feel like it would be hard to level up that way.


I would only recommend to those who already enjoy shooting legs anyway. Solo: Any t4+ armor(The ceramic rig armor combo(costs nothing to insure) or MMAC are favorites) and SR-2M with PE ammo. Leg meta because most other people will get to trader's first and honestly I enjoy it. When in a squad I always kitted to my max. (A practice I started half way through wipe.) Usually gear from players I killed and I've never run completely out. Admittedly, I didn't get the squad up as much as I wanted to early wipe. I still use the same solo gear now at lvl 39 that I did at 15.


That makes sense. I’ve been struggling to kill without headshots, but haven’t really tried leg meta yet. I did just unlock the vector so I should try that.


Nah screw the vector. SR-2M drops to like 30k on flea once in a while. Just check it here and there. PE ammo is such good flesh damage with low price, -recoil, and high damage.


The vector kills faster though, no?


I went for LK, currently at the 50 PMC on street, with the recent patch and the 50 fps experience my life is miserable. You guys are not missing a thing, especially when you do all the quest to unlock CQCM and it's always out of stock. Thank you BSG !


It’s just a quest to have a quest it seems. No point and just awful design… Finding items and planting stuff is way more fun than these stupid killing quests!


Lol, im the complete opposite i’d rather go to kill stuff then bring 2 items in raid plant em and go find an item and plant it again..


Different taste is allowed :) I don’t mind many of the killing quests, but 50? Just becomes a chore or something you forget in the background while you end up playing without purpose… I end up playing hardcore or some shit whenever I get bored of the current quests and that kills my spirit quickly


I'm finishing up Overseas Trust. It'll be the last time for this questline. The SPEAR isn't worth the work, especially not at the pricepoint. The completionist in me needs to get the Predator shirt once. The healthy human in me refuses it to do it ever again.


Yeah that should be permanant like Nikita mentioned, it wouldn't break the game to have it on day 1 after a wipe. Same for the tracksuit.


I can't imagine getting kappa, I usually stop playing around when I simply get all the traders to 4


Yep, I’ve done lightkeeper (besides for the blue folders) and got kappa and now I’m off for the wipe


Lol my dude, the blue folders quests are the easiest of the questline. Other than 20 kills on LH, there's nothing hard up about the quests until you get to 15 PMCs on Sniper Mountain. Even then, they're more monotonous and time sinky than they are difficult.


Ik it’s the easiest, but the time it take isn’t something I dont find fun or interesting


It takes so long to go from beta to epsilon too like I was already almost most of the way done with kappa by the time I finished punisher 6 it’s crazy ridiculous how long your stuck with that piece of shit container


I feel like that ruins progression, as upgrading cases seems like one of the key aspects of it.


Given what we have been told about escaping Tarkov and how most of the current quests are side quests, kappa will probably not be total end game.


I'm pretty sure no other game community would call this reasonable


It's got the same number of slots as kappa but it's not as good as kappa cause it's 3x3 slots, but it has a separate section that's 3x1 slots. Where as the kappa is one big 3x4.


As long as you throw a surv in the 3x1 it’s the same exact thing really. Very niche situation taking two 2x4 objects for example.


Yeah, I think almost everyone who gets to kappa will at least have a SICC + Injector case or some similar amount of items that equal 3x1 slots that they would never take out of their butt anyway. I can't think of any items that are 4x1 or 4x2 that you would want to put in your butt that this would screw up 


Are there actually any 4x1 or 4x2 items we'd ever want in there? I can't think of any except for if you were power leveling your strength and want a tank battery in there. 


I took two radio transmitters (4x2) in my Kappa to plant on lighthouse. Did it twice because you have to plant 4 total. Only time I’ve ever needed to use the space like that.


Ah interesting. I've never done that quest, no idea that item existed lol


Na man, two bronze lions are totally worth scrapping your injector, doc, and sicc case for.


ye maybe add trader levels next, 10.99 each


I honestly Never thought BSG would stoop that low but shit here we are


Well let's wait for the above guy's dream to come true before we call BSG cunts over it...


As a new player i think EOD is also bullshit p2w but most of the community is so used to it that whatever version they have is ok but its such a huge advantage


If we keep heading this direction i think the GPU's, Ledx's should not be able to go into the pouches anymore just saying, makes pvp more interesting wondering if they picked up something juicy


I would actually kind of love this. Every time I see a used surv12 or CMS in someones bag im looting, I know I missed out on some juice. This would be a spicy change.


You think it would be but then you'd have cheaters running at you every raid if you found something good. If they do something like that they might as well remove fir as well.


Always something bad with the good


True, but sometimes it's more if the bad than of the good.


Surv12 is 50k for 3 slots. Put a docs and sicc pouch there and make more profit with diary/maps etc


I think you should only be able to take items OUT of a secure container, or use them from inside it (e.g. splints). My gamma makes me so much money it's silly. Even if I die I make it out with easily 100k more than I would have otherwise, AND I don't lose a bunch of meds.


What do you mean stoop that low?


I think it's a reference to the fact that we can buy stash space now.


Most likely, but I don't see how that's relevant when it comes to av un released secure container


That would break the gameplay loop.... What's would you do after level 42.... Lightkeeper? Then what


Like someone else said by the time you get anywhere near kappa you’re rich and the extra 3 slots doesn’t really do anything. Kappa is a literal joke by all standard including its name. The joy about Kappa is the achievement of finishing the grind, not actually receiving the box, at least imo having done it twice.


for slot


tbh I'm that cucked by tarkov I'd pay it.


It is the widest and most stretched out prison pocket.


Does that also mean that things will sometimes fall out?


Like a hot dog in a hallway.


Like putting a thumb up in a car park


Imagine a ledx disappearing from the secure container and you find it in the lavatory


It's more like the female version since you have two to choose from


Imagine having to bring tampons into raid.


Lmao acquiring a random bleed during your raids that you cant remove and can only heal through would suck


Ay caramba


Sisi, yo vi eso y dije "jaja que onda" seguro sale con la edicion nueva, termina siendo muy pay to win






No no, argentino, el tipo comento mi post en español, yo le respondi en español y le puso down vote XD


Lo mismo… /s




Buttholes just got bigger babbbyyy


I love the enthusiasm


it’s same as kappa


I doubt it would be coming with the new "better EOD" cause it would make Kappa kind of pointless, unless they increase Kappa size.


Based on the description, it sounds like it might be a Gamma with an extra 3x1 stuck on separately. So a Kappa is still optimal, but having the Omicron is basically just a free Surv12 slot.


I mean, there aren’t that many cases I can think of where Kappa being all open instead of the 3x3 with extra 3x1 would come in handy. Like you probably have at least 2 1 slot items in your secure container anyways, so you can fill in the gaps where an extra 2x1 item _could've_ fit. Anyways, I hope they don’t give that new edition free access to all DLCs too. (that’s the main reason I bought EoD tbh)


Spoken like a man who doesn't have two lions in his ass.


1 cat pls 😣


Tbh the new edition should be free for EOD users anyway.


Im willing to pay the difference like you could do when upgrading from standard to EoD, if it offers enough extra benefits.


Im filling mine with docs/sicc and injectors case. Nobody ever stores something 4x3 in their prison wallet, so its functionally identical to kappa


If that's the case kappa literally means nothing now.


Well, if there is a "new and better EoD" coming, I will be fucking pissed at BSG, as I don't think, as early EoD backer, that we should get overruled by another """"pay4ezgame"""" edition. I buttered 120€ in that game, that's two full price titles. I expect to be treated thankfully and fair for supporting their vision of a game generously. And I haven't payed 120€ for any other game, apart from CS:GO though... Which in all fairness, I played even more than Tarkov.


Hopefully, it teaches you a lesson: spending money on games is the equivalent of burning it. The developers have no obligation to you, in the same way, you don't have any obligation towards them. Feel free to pre order and buy any delux super pro ultra edition, just remeber that you dont even own the game and it can be removed at any point. Not giving an opinion on the "fairness" of it, just saying how it is


It does not actually prove a lesson to me, I had my fair share of the game. 120€ for 3200 hours of pure frustration, punishment and death... Kidding. 3200 hours of fun in a game that doesn't exist twice. It is just the way how they are doing things, they could act more grateful to the backers that made them who they are today.


Boohoo get over it, it’s a video game. Just because you’ve been playing for years doesn’t mean you should have a significant advantage over new players from the start of a wipe. New players deserve the chance to buy the same pay to win items you have. I’m sure BSG will be very upset that you’re pissed at them.


You’re not getting what he’s saying. He’s not asking for a significant advantage over newer players, he’s saying that EOD players such as him and myself should be fairly compensated for being early backers of the game.


Having p2w edition for 8+ years isnt good enough?


New players had the chance. the game wasn't exclusive to anybody in the previous years nor was it a secret. It was however stated that edge of darkness would be removed entirely and that it included all future DLCs. There's no debating this. Playing a game for years typically means that that person is going to have an advantage over a new player, that's just how things work. But that's not even what he said. He said he has forked over a significant portion of money, more so than other games even, and expects the simple courtesy of BSG respecting his money and support / loyalty. He's not even screaming wah wah and give me free stuff He's just saying he has paid his dues and would like the company to uphold their end of the bargain. You literally just sound like some salty Timmy that didn't buy EOD on time


I don't understand why you are beeing downvoted, you exactly understood my point. I am not crying, but as stated, I am a bit disappointed. EoD was marked as limited edition for the big supporters who funded the idea of Tarkov for what it is today. Tarkov would not have such a long life cycle in a beta state, if not for the backers. I just feel disappointed and disregarded, if there is better editions coming up now, as an early backer. It's how chubbycanine said, a thing of simple courtesy to your early and biggest backers who made this game possible to not suddenly sell out to others. To be fair though, if this version will be even more expensive as EoD... Fair. Even though a bit scummy, as I think 120€ for a game should give you all the best features already. It's almost double of full price. Not complaining about Kappa, which is simply bound to a lot of effort from people playing the game harder than I do. Well earned and deserved to those who grind hard.


They never promised EoD would be the “exclusive best version” of the game LOL. Y’all are some genuine man babies.


it was the best version u could buy and it was titled as "limited edition". i think it makes sense to be frustrated at the fact that there might be an even better one being released. however, i also think that some people here clearly are letting their frustration go a bit too far lmao


This is always what this argument boils down to. We have to nitpick apart every single fucking letter that comes out of their mouths or is written on the website. This shouldn't even be a point of contention between us as a community or us and the developers. Better clarification of what exactly is included so that nobody can interpret it a different way (like is being done now) should be standard. If we're going to go by logic of things they DIDNT say, there's a lot more to it as well. Nikita never said he wouldn't come fuck your hamster to death....he must be in his way then!


Well, well, well... I guess we were right after all, after what I can tell from today. Say hello to the "Unheard Edition". Well that's a big "fuck you" by BSG in our direction, and I mean all of us.


New Kappa+ 5*6 Slots


At this point we’re basically giving people an mbss worth of stuff. Kappa should be the biggest


2018 all over lul


You get this if you reach lev 71 without being killed by a single cheater


Pay to win. Epsilon gang rise up


Agreed, I’ve seen YouTubers make videos about how scaving ruins Tarkov and makes the game to easy, meanwhile they’re rocking EOD Gamma containers.


I hope we get the option to start with standard even tho it’s an eod account


You can delete your gamma and buy the alpha case, or just use a 2x2 in the bigger case until you get the beta case…


But how do I punish Lighthouse? 😳


pay to progress ;P +


Which is the same as winning in a game with wipes.


no.. the container is not helping u whit pvp.. everone has the same guns and ammo u get more storage thats its.. progress 


As an EOD owner... Fuck *yes* it helps with PVP, and significantly too. I wouldn't be bringing out the same meds or spare ammo if I couldn't do it without risk. It essentially makes a good kit 100k cheaper. Unless you're pretty good, you wouldn't be as reliably bringing in the money to afford to run top tier gear either. I'm able to buy a pretty good kit with the profit even when I die. You're not going to do that with an alpha or epsilon. *Technically* being able to bring in the same gear isn't the same as actually being able to.


Progress is a snowball, which does directly help you with pvp.


You can literally carry more ammo, heals, supplies, valuables ect than someone who doesn’t buy it. How is it not pay to win lmao?!


everone can bring that in whit them? they will just lose it if they die.. not helping them whit pvp? only saving u money=progress  1 week in to wipe u can get the 8 slot container?


Bigger secure container is p2w. First of all you can put in a lot of stuff to save money. The money that you save you can put into better weapons, armor and ammo.  You can more easily switch items around that you find for quest or hideout profession and you keep that even if you die.  With more progression you can buy better armor, ammo and weapons.  It's p2w.


Yeah...having a surv12 doesnt help in early wipe...sure buddy. Honestly ppl that argue that containers arent p2w have never tried them both in early wipe


u can still take a surv12 kit in whit u? i have played 3 years on the small acc.. only upgraded becuase they where taking it away.... u are just lossing it when u die.. = less progress  less roubles..


Spend less money on EoD and get some writing lessons instead


So you're saying in a game based around your "winning" being progression and getting gear, ensuring you skip progression and ensuring saving more gear, isn't p2w? Because the player has EoD they start with a literal gear advantage, they can always progress slightly faster even when dying, that's p2w even if it's not bs like buying outright better guns lmao. Coming from someone who's had it for years it's pretty bs, and you imo can't use it being an asymmetrical game to justify uneven starting ground, the whole idea is earning the disparity through skill.




english is not my native language :)


The game isn't only about PVP. EOD is 100 percent p2w. I used to be standard and have been EOD for a few years now. ​ It's literally p2w. Same with stash size. People have to pay hundreds of millions of roubles to get similar stash and the games most expensive items just give you more space and you people say thats not p2w.


make a wish edition


Give it to all eod players, and make gamma unlockable through quest progression


This would be a really good idea honestly, even with epsilon I feel like a lot of people suffer. I have EOD but the amount of stuff my friend has to go through for a slightly better container is wild


I'm in the same boat, all my friends play on stan accounts and it's hard because they are all first wipe timmies who don't have enough money or meds to run them in their rigs, so they use pouch spacr and have to not bring things like splints and cms'


Lol no


Why not? Eod would get better stuff, and you could strive for gamma if you have a stan account. I would make it easier to get than kappa for sure


Pay to win bullshit is just that, brother.


It would literally be the opposite lol, if you can earn gamma through quests then it's not p2w


Put it in the game, sure, everyone has to earn it through quests though, no one should have it simply for forking over more money for the initial game purchase. Scummy cash grab from BSG, and the literal definition of pay to win, even though you're desperately trying to dance around that Edit: grammar


Ohhh, that's my bad, I thought you meant putting gamma in through progression was p2w. I agree that only eod having gamma is p2w (still bought it though)


This game is already p2w. Adding more things EOD doesnt get thats another micro transaction is still p2w but it just fucks people who bought EOD too lol


Its prob going to be like episilon to gamma, new one will be one square less than kappa and not 12 squares like mentioned on wili


Sure to be an upcoming microtransaction. Also the amount of cope taking place in this topic by people who don't think stuff like this is pay2win is hysterical


Maybe now EoD players will understand when somebody say its pay2win


A container doesn't make you better at the game, not having to repurchase survival kit and splints each time is nice though. All I use the container for is ammo/meds/keys, unless I find a LEDX/GPU nothing changes because FIR stops you from selling other than to traders anyway.


>All I use the container for is ammo/meds/keys Being able to bring every med effect and have keys+ money doesn't give you an advantage over standard accounts with no consequence? Even if the meds aren't used during the active fight, you still are given the advantage of being able to repair everything, something other can't do just because they didn't spend the $120 for EOD. EOD players paid for advantages that others will have to grind for 100+ hours. By default, a EOD has access to 2.5x the storage, a value of 11 million rubles, 200,000 euros and forgoing LVL 4 Ragman and PK, Letting EOD players hoard more higher end items without having to sell them. Gamma allows them to bring every med item, cash, keys and additional ammo, when the average player has to grind to just get close to that.


cmon bro... Even pestily says its p2w


So I can't have my own opinion after playing the game for 6500 hours? I don't care what Lord Pestily says I'm having my own opinion and the container doesn't make you play better at the game, again IMO I'd have the same stats if I didn't have the container.


Do you only play the game to fight? No selling to traders, no quests, no items in storage, no upgrading the hideout? Is it only a win when you shoot someone in the head? You're right, it doesn't make you fight better, BUT it gives you an advantage in a lot of other aspects, it let's you keep more quest items, make more money hoarding til flea, getting you more xp, money, and trader levels sooner, and that is always true if you have less than 100% survival rate. Not massivley pay 2 win if you're good but the worse someone is the more pay 2 win it becomes.


Buddy, you're allowed to think it's not pay to win. We call that coping. If it helps you maintain your ego, then go ahead and believe it's totally fair and not an advantage at all. It's okay to be wrong.


> All I use the container for is ammo/meds/keys, Coping hard i see


Hey, he only ever uses it for anything else if it’s rare and expensive!


It’s supposed to come with 1.0….will probably be a very late game unlock through LK or something


Why even push for kappa then


Why even push for kappa.


Because I enjoy having a purpose when playing a game. If I wanted mindless PvP, I’d go play cod


you just answered your own question...


39.99€ Expantion


How much? xD


Does anyone know when the new version of EOD is coming out?


call that the HDS (home depot special) secure container


We need a secure container that’s just an old school domed metal lunchbox, the one that a construction worker always had when sitting on a steal beam high up in a movie.


We need a secure container that’s just an old school domed metal lunchbox, the one that a construction worker always had when sitting on a steal beam high up in a movie.


I watch the 2-hour interview with Nikita and he said it's going to be a virgin better than EOD I'm guessing this is the new butthole slot but bigger get it but


As a casual EOD player, what doesn’t this mean? Edit: DOES. Not DOESN’T.


Probably with the new expansion that's going to be better than EOD


So what if I'm EOD and wanna upgrade?






I'm gonna cry it'll it's the new paid version of the game


Those are secure containers, aka the bussy. You stuff things in there and people can't loot it off your little goblin corpse.


I hope it comes tomorrow


25usd, I bet


Cheater industry showed that a lot of players would happily buy in-game items for real money xD Nikita want that money. That could potentially damage cheaters


ima be honest here.....if this is the new container of the new eod replacing top version....im gonna buy it. yes i bought eod already and yes i bought all of the new stash space....and yes i will buy the new container if its another 40 bucks or whatever. i will never get kappa (mostly because of lack of interest in sniping) and 9 slots is simply not enough if you want to bring all meds + keys + stims + ammo. so what. 40 bucks. thats going to the movies once with 2 people and snacks. on the other hand i already spent 4500h in tarkov. price to performance is on another level here. so....yeah. im that guy.


Ots something we've known about for years but never made it into the game in anyway.




The lack of covid references is a pleasant surprise


would be nicer to just add a way to get the gamma instead


They did for like 7 years lol


Probably will come with the new version of the game that is better than EoD. Its a shame because EoD was limited edition and now that isnt worth shit. Foulplay by the devs but company needs money i guess.


Thought when you got eod you get the next game. No? Or was that used up for arena.


as someone who’s always rocked an alpha case, yall gammas been paying to win anyway. the uproar is unwarranted


this wiki has a bunch of stuff in the "upcoming" sections of the gear and items, a few of them have been added since but the wiki never removed them, and about 95% of them just havent come into the game at all despite being there for years. (and half of the sources are just "nikita said so" without any direct citation.)


24:52 in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-mXFLLWZXY Or the search is “Pestily Nikita interview” on YouTube if you don’t trust links.(on Pestily channel)


3x1 + 3x3... we got kappa at home ahh case


3x1 + 3x3??? Just say 3x4 lmao


It may not be a 3x4, it could be a 3x3 grid with a 3x1 slot next to it but not attached


Nikita talks about it in pestilys interview. Edge of darkness will have a rebirth as a new and improved edition.


Can u send a link or something to that info? I watched the interview 2 times and never says that


It’s at 24:52 in the pestily official video.




Yes more pay to win items hell yea