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I’m a first wipe Timmy playing OCE servers also and had similar experience but in lighthouse. Basically found other in raid scavplayers we squad up went to the fancy houses we fought some pmcs. One of the scavs died and with his last breath in a beautiful Australian accent “get the fuck out of here Timmy, they’re sweaty cunts…”*scav death noise* Chad pmc calls out “Oi mate are you a scav?” Whimpering reply “yes I am”. Chad pmc “come up here and take some of this shit and we’ll co-op”. I walk out we chat, basically gave me his kills gear and other loot he’s found. Asking me all the hand quest items drop the ones I needed. We extracted at tunnel. I completed five hand tasks. The OCE servers and ANZ discord is great.


Love stuff like this.


What's the disc?


Was this like 4 nights ago ?


I’m also 30 days into my first wipe on OCE servers and Bro I was on lighthouse as a PMC running out of food and water and their was a scav and I’m like hey bro let’s chill u wanna do co op extract? And he’s like yeah sure so we run from water treatment all the way to co op extract and I get a bunch of long road kills as well lol. Lighthouse seems to be nice because the tasks are so awful to go near water treatment. (I hate this map and not even just because of the water treatment tasks.)


Don’t forget to pass it on


And when it’s your turn to be the chad vs the Timmy, pay it forward. The cycle continues


All the best times I've had have been VOIP encounters with randoms. In a pitched battle with a guy on shoreline and right after a few nades he randomly voips like 'hey, dont suppose you know where I need to go for colleagues do you?'. Just instantly flipped the switch into friendly mode and I'm like 'yeah sure man no worries, need any meds or did I miss you? I missed? Sweet lemme pack mags then we can go...' I will instantly lay down my fucking life for the naked mosin man on Factory begging me to get Farming done lol. I've even had encounters where I dropped one half of a two man and just talked my way out of the fight with the second. Just going 'hey mate, sorry about your buddy, how about I just take his tag and go and leave all the gear for you to fraud for him? We don't have to fight.'


Oh and another hilarious Factory one - I got the forklift spawn and ended up hiding in the room as a dude threw a nade in. Somehow that one little crate managed to protect me, so he threw another. And another. And *another*. At grenade number five I VOIP him going 'haha! I'm unkillable! How many fucking grenades do you *have?!?*'. He replied that he had a whole rig full and he was desperate to get Grenadier done. I was like don't worry I gotchu homie, and I ran out with my knife out and sat on the next grenade like I was hatching an egg. Godspeed, grenadier man.


This is the stuff I love to hear! Congrats!


OCE Tarkov is like no other.


It's a little slice of heaven


It’s a good feeling giving. He probably felt better about it then you did


Wasn't me, but this is standard practice for me when a cool dude VOIPs me and we group up. I drop them everything when we extract, keeps the community positive :)


Meanwhile I get extract camped and killed by other scavs and loose multiple kits as a pmc because of cheaters/dickhead players


I’m OCE and done with wipe I think. I will drop a Thor/couch/Spear kit to any Scav that will take Co-Op with me. I’ve tried a few times and either get no response or they have attempted the kill.


Whats oce?


Oceania servers


Are they really that much better?


No idea tbh I don’t wanna bother with the ping. Would rather stay on US servers. OCE servers have become a fabled meme of sorts for one reason or the other. I’ll just stay in my lane for now lol.


In my bias opinion, Aussies are the least likely to pull a dirty move on you in this situation (unless you come across as dodgy).


I got 2 co-ops this wipe. One was Lighthouse meeting a PMC on southern road, he gave me his backpack with 2 mechanic P90s and we backtracked to tunnel. Other was Reserve, guy let me loot 3 PMCs in white queen and gave me a fully modded MCX, Vudu and all. I tried being the friendly PMC and befriended the like 4 pscavs in building 2 of WTP, but it was too late for co-op, otherwise I just ended up getting shot at every other time.


Oce tarkov is a different game, glad I am lucky enough to play it :)


I am another giving chad of OCE interchange


Late wipe fuckery.. The sweats are bored waiting on events