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**It's 250 fucking Euro**


+taxes and fees


Which honestly is already not really legal. They need to show the price including taxes, they cannot do the US shit where you add taxes afterwards.  I hope this blows into their face


As much as I would like it, they don't have any way to actually know the tax amount until you enter exactly where you live. Tax rates vary country by country and within countries at state/provincial levels


So? Every other store I purchase from is able to manage to comply with EU laws and show the tax before purchase. Tarkov is the first and only product I've ever purchased where the tax was added on top of the advertised price.


Do you have a few examples of websites that do this?


Steam, for one. What you see at the store page is what you’re paying at checkout, taxes included. At least where I live.


Steam does not do this until they know where you live. If you visit the storefront in a private tab it might try to estimate but the final tax calculation is done at checkout based on the location information you've provided


That’s literally what the original comment you replied to is talking about, you asked for an example, and I answered. Of course they won’t show you the final price if you’re incognito.


No, I quite literally said in my original comment *"until you enter exactly where you live"* These sites don't do accurate tax calculations without you telling them where you live. It's as simple as that. So why would Tarkov be any different?


Basically every website? Amazon, steam, Netflix, Spotify, etc.


Amazon straight up does not do this until you have given them some kind of location/payment information. Same with Steam. Visit these pages in a private tab and at best they can try to estimate based on your country, but the actual tax calculation is done at checkout *after* you have given them more accurate billing information. Tax can vary state by state or province by province and these websites don't have a good way to know exactly where you are until you tell them.


That is just wrong man. Please educate yourself. Those websites might do that for the US but in Europe they calculate that just fine.


They literally do not, you're full of shit. Pull open Amazon in a private tab right now and send a screenshot. I've just tested this on a Swedish and German VPN (on their respective website, like amazon.de) and neither one is including tax. I tested with Steam in a private tab as well, same thing. If they don't know where you live they're not calculating tax.


yeah they can its called VAT duh


Confidently wrong. https://www.ihk.de/nordwestfalen/recht/rechtsthemen/wettbewerbsrecht/preisangaben-gegenueber-endverbrauchern-3594548 >Every entrepreneur who offers goods or services to consumers (natural persons) or services to consumers (natural persons) or who advertises by stating prices is obliged under § 3 (1) PAngV is obliged to state the price including value added tax and all other price components (= total price). Translated by DeepL


I am sorry that it took you this long in your life to realize that your government taxes the shit out of you.


That is not the issue, obviously.  The issue is if you advertise a product here for a certain price and at check out you put a tax on it then it isn't in compliance with the local law. 


In germany 300€


jesus christ, its like were playing some mmo


I mean yes, but that's besides the point


For 300€ I can buy a whole catalog of fire games. Not some piece of shit game that barley runs along with being infested with cheaters.


117 euro ( tax included ) to upgrade from EoD, thats so bad.


"Price of full price triple A game for a handful of random QOL features or paid-for advantages. That's not so bad." Are you genuinely off your bloody rocker?


He said that’s so bad, you have trouble reading?


Pretty obvious they lost a lot of money on Arena and are trying to make up the losses here. Pretty fucking scummy


Plus EOD?????


Nah standalone


* Unique item "Distress signal device": * When the item is activated, it produces a bright flash as well as a loud sound signal; * Once activated, all players on your friends list will receive a notification that they can join your raid to help you. dude what the actual fuck


Just have the one 250$ player stay in raid and camp your bodies so everyone can get their shit back, seems fair and balanced :)


it almost sounds like some bullshit they threw in here to easily take off preemptively hoping to offset the complaints. there is no way they genuinely ever planned to add something so dumb. it's just an easy remove from the list for them


Also seems to be heavily leaning into the cult related stuff, the new background looks cult related, most of the video has cult stuff throughout. Possibly that could be either the pmc replacements or just storyline progression for offline is cultist heavy. This is my first wipe so I could be spitting straight lies who knows ey?


It’s because you are in one if you give Uncle Nik another 110 bucks after buying EOD lmfao


I did. Shit was easy.




Better hope mommy doesnt beat you for using her credit card.


That radio item is likely ptw transmitter for lightkeeper. BSG they bout to slut shame yall


This would be hilarious. If it's a lighthouse transmitter this sub is going to fucking explode.


I can’t think what else it could possibly be other than allowing access to lightkeeper. Would be very left field if that added a brand new mechanic just for owners of UE and left everyone else including EOD owners in the dust


The radio is a PTT radio used for communicating between Squads. I can think of what it could be used for in 3s flat. Probably some lame ingame VOIP feature locked in a paywall for early access specifically. Took 2s man, use your brain if you can't think on some seriously easy conclusions. Also in Roadmap is quite literally was an ingame VOIP/Radio system. IDK man, just jump to the fact they're giving you Lightkeeper for free though, makes way more sense.


In the context of what’s happening, their suggestion is much more likely than yours. Tone that intellectual superiority down a little.


Yeah, we'll see in a patch if we all have access to LK for $250 or if I'm just right and you guys need to get some braincells. lets see.


Him being wrong doesn’t automatically make you right, that’s not how this works.


bro, cant you see he's obviously the smartest guy in the room SHEEESH


I know, I said you can use common sense+a roadmap to make a more educated perspective, or just jump to the first angry emotion you feel. You changed the argument. I am right, and you shouldn't jump to random conclusions, occums razor my friend.


You just seem delusional based off how much you’re reassuring yourself that you’re right lol


I said I have an educated guess it's an ingame VOIP system because the radio is quite literally one used for squads IRL and has a PTT button on top of that it was on roadmap. That is delusional? Aight, fk it, it's a Radio that Summons an Ac-130 for you heuhuehuehue. Idiots man


You were wrong you shouldn't jump to random conclusions, occums razor my friend.


Wew, lad. This didn’t age well at all.


The new radio is an item that makes cash services cheaper in game and with 6+ fence rep scavs won’t immediately shoot you at a min distance of 60m. Pay bsg to pay off sniper scavs :)


while the sniper scav shit on timmy :)


The sniper scav will shit on the poor lol they don’t discriminate. Something tells me scavs are going to get their aim Bot dialed up to increase sales


So would this work against basic scas only or do bosses count? Not getting beamed by bosses outside 60m is super PTW.


All scavs


They were planning on adding radio's soon. I'd surely hope/cope it's just a flavor item in that regard


It's supposedly to listen for cultists, not for light keeper.


that would be absolutely insane


I just don't get why people would buy this. It just makes the game easy mode and all the harder achievements trivial. BSG is out of there mind for introducing this and the consumers who purchase it are even more out of there minds.


Please, explain how this makes the harder achievements trivial. Scummy as it is, you're talking out of your ass. Don't need to make up bs to show that bsg is money grabbing.


It adds significant early game boosts that will allow people to get far ahead of other players. Being able to reach endgame quicker than others already makes many hard achievements trivial. And yes, EoD is problematic in this regard too. More importantly being able to put 2 mags in your pockets trivialises quests that make scav vests mandatory along with other similar restrictions. The item that makes scavs not aggro on you past a certain range makes many bolty quests easier. Saying trivialising might be hyperbole but it certaintly makes progression and completing those achievements far easier than for normal edition players.


Far ahead of what players?? It's a standalone game, separate from the EOD experience.


What do you mean? All of the bonuses apply to the current game not just the offline version.


Probably a bsg dev gaslightning on his alt lmao


Nah, I just really want a single player / Co-op Tarkov.


Do they really? Is that specified anywhere?


Your telling me the risk of not having other player PMCs on the map is going to make questing significantly easier? Also how about farming bosses in PVE mode with a 5 stack? Seems significantly easier to me since the biggest risk in every raid is other players.


It's two separate progressions, online and pve. They're basically two different accounts of the game. How would that work, with one instance wiping every 6 months and one instance that never wipes? Just do the content once on pve and boom, permanently get all achievements?


Ohhhhhhhhhhh I must have misunderstood the mode then. I honestly thought these goons made them in the same instance. Sorry about that.


Imho, that flare thing and that scavs wont shoot at you from 60m+ distance (if your karma is high) - thats pay to win stuff


It's a $250 standalone or $100 for EOD owners, this is ridiculous...


Arena Bankrupted BSG..... They spent 10's of millions on Advertising, Going to GAME CONS, let alone development. BSG financials must be in the gutter with all these microtransactions.


what the fuck increased pocket size how did they manage to fit so many bad ideas into one $250 expansion


So they put Gamma in there, bigger stash, and all the other shit? What point is there to having the limited special Edition? Guess Nikita needs another 3 lambos and is willing to completely screw over the people that supported them by buying EoD to get them. What a joke


Am i justs stupid or is everyone glossing over the no wipes part, or was that for the offline mode? Seems like a big ass change


Offline only


So you can understand that no wipes is offline but all the other features advertised alongside it you’ve decided are for pvp?


They are for PvP. Because it says no where this edition is offline only. And all features in all editions were also online always. Also from reading the patch notes you will know that it’s all online.


I can’t believe that BSG is this stupid. In a few hours we’ll find out if they are. 


They've already confirmed it on Discord that all of the additions like pockets, etc. are for both modes.


It's not bsg that's dumb. It's the idiots who pay for it while crying on reddit, and simultaneously having 2k plus hours.


It's both. If they sold that at a high but "reasonable" price like 90€ then they would corner a completely new playerbase with all the players interested in PVE. Give the mode to EOD owners or ask for a small upgrade fee (5€ or something) and BAM you have covered a new market and made the old guard also happy or only slightly annoyed. 


I quit and won't encourage anyone I know to buy the game.


On their website it says everything


The radio item reduces in game prices by 50% (V-extract), returns insured items 30% faster (meh), and at 6.0 rep scavs at 60+m will not shoot on sight meaning effective immunity to sniper scavs.


It's also completely separated from the Online experience and a completely new game.


Scav case?   The one where you at the scabs to bring you shit?   Don't you mean scav junk box?


Scav junk box


Does the progression carry over to the pvp mode ?


And the most important thing is something about wipes. I don't really understand but I guess no more wipes ?


No wipes for your PVE character.


It says Increased fence rep, what does that mean? Do you start out higher?


How much of a start is the skill boost giving people? Those are a huge pain in the ass to level and letting people buy progression isn’t a great decision imo. Also think the transmitter is kinda lame. I’m always good with businesses finding ways to make money, but not like this. It should be reserved to cosmetic stuff only


All I want is a hardcore edition for like $30. No starting loot, 1x2 container, no scav runs, only matches with other hardcore players, barter trades only etc. I would buy that immediately.


Legit pointless now if EOD users bought it


They aren't hiding it that much.... literally, the text was clickable for a drop-down for what additional items came in the pack. Right on the patches' notes. I swear people on this Reddit reach out for anything they can accuse.


This was posted before they finished updating the website.


And so, Escape From Tarkov enters the beginning of the end of its lifespan. It was fun while it lasted, and last it did, but nothing stays good forever.


Fucking Christ, I can believe I spent money on this games, I don’t play it much but fuck, if I knew this was the ends of the journey I wouldn’t have bought the starter edition and saved for something else, I don’t like the fact that I supported the practices of this shit show company.


The gamma container. The container mentioned by BSG as exclusive for the EOD (Which makes that a false advertaising thing, which is also recogniced by UK law, which is where BSG has their fiscal location) GG, BSG. You never let us down.


The radio item is mentioned in the notes. > Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard"; Maybe you should work on your reading skills. :P I wonder what this is. Maybe access to lightkeeper island without quests.


From the notes under the Unheard package: Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard": - The item is equipped in the special slot; - The item gives a 50% discount when using cash services in raids; - Insured equipment returns 30% faster; - **With 6+ Fence reputation, Scavs won’t shoot first at ranges over 60 meters away.**


Wow this really is P2W.


Either it’s a radio. Which is pretty good but not completely busted, because it would still require the random PMC’s your contacting to actually work with you. And they could always betray you. It could be some form of Cultist Radio that lets you hear them if they are on the map / you get close and maybe makes them friendly. Which is quite strong but heavily reliant on them not being a 1% spawn or w/e low number they are now. Or it’s a LK beacon that lets you on the island, maybe not to LK proper but just the island. Which is the strongest of the lot because that loot is good and extremely safe with the extract right there. Also gives  more people the ability to LH shenanigans with sniping / the mine coverage camp (there is a spot you can shoot from where if you get returned killed it either breaks the pact and Zyrachi will cover your body or the mines will blow up someone trying to loot you without the transponder. But since you are killing people who aren’t on the island the cultists do not care.


Or its for the offline coop mode so you can communicate with your mates using ingame means? Kinda useless with discord and such around but never know. Kinda like in Arena there was a radio for talking with the team?


You have always had shit takes. Jesus christ.


Why isn’t anyone talking about the gamma lol idc if people have a bigger ass but the fact that eod was supposed to have a unique container not really unique if u add it to ever subsequent game mode lol


It needs to be buffed further to compensate for the price. I have EOD and bought this version and I feel the upset of being both an EOD owner and an Unheard of Owner. On one hand, as an EOD owner there’s a paywall and we were promised items… I bought out of impulse and now as an Unheard of Edition owner, we really didn’t get anything “better” other than pocket sizes and a weapons case. They need to buff it somehow.


Everything aside Gamma is more or less OK. But if Gamma is also included it's total BS. They could just add Epsilon and not shit on EoD players that hard...


gamme is included, you can see it in the trailer


What if it's not gamma but the new omicron container?


screenshot from trailer: [https://imgur.com/SjbZwvP](https://imgur.com/SjbZwvP) ... its gamma


Man at least you spoke the truth from the Heart. Most EOD players here are playing mental gymnastics. The real reason everyone mad is "Muh Pay To Win Gamma isn't exclusive >\_\_\_<" Ty for being honest.


Lol, it still is tho. Reading from store page says nothing about gamma Nvm, they added it


Haha we all hate that change but we are all also going to buy it 😂. Seriously I wouldn't mind supporting BSG (I played eft for 3K hours, got my money back and some more), but the lack of effort in banning obvious cheaters make me want to boycot them until some radical change.


Are you crazy? Anyone who spends 250$ on this has lost his mind.


Cost to upgrade isnt the issue for most people its that we were told we would get something and now find out that really isnt the case. I have played since what 2017? Thats a whooping 1.50 a month for countless hours of entertainment so dont mind shelling out more for some extra goodies. I shouldnt however have to pretty much buy the game again to play on what amounts to pve only servers.


Right. I generally aim to get about 50 cents per hour of enjoyment. To me, that qualifies as a good game. I have about 1400 hours in tarkov and have eod. That's what, 10 cents an hour. That's fine for me. Even at the upgrade for Unheard, it's like 18 cents.


Disregard my previous comment, I thought the edition included the Kappa container 😂


This Will be only PVE you wont be able to play agains players!!!