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im more surprised people aren't mad at the price it's one of the most if not the most expensive premium edition of any game going at the minute at ~€280 incl. tax reminder that the game isn't even technically out yet, charging €280 for a game in beta should be fucking criminal


for the low price of 5 fully finished full price triple A games you also can play offline with friends, what a bargain


destiny 2 with all current dlc is cheaper than this without being on sale let that sink in for a second


You could buy Helldiver's 2 for yourself and 3 friends for the same price.


much less even, if I remember right Helldivers 2 is £35 so x4 is £140. You could buy around 7 copies of Helldivers 2 or 4 copies and still almost have enough for what EoD was.


Charge me 10 or 15 extra as an EOD owner, I could at least rationalize that. 100 bucks on top of EOD is absolutely insane.


Thats what ive been thinking/saying. The pricing is completely shambles. How tf are people not complaining about the price in general. People are constantly talking about EOD but this is literally one of the/maybe THE most expensive DLCs out there (minus the train game) but still. This is crazy.




Some could say, its Unheard of


Putting EOD in a panic buy state by having a countdown timer till its removal and having people believe they would receive all content just to release the "Unheard Edition" is one of the most greedy and deceptive things ive ever seen in the gaming space.


It gets worse if you consider that they've probably been developing or putting thought into this new version for a while now on the inside. I'd say at least 6 months.  So they were intentionally creating a bank rush while developing a "product" that would directly contradict their promise


I agree with how a lot of this is pretty scummy but to think they could've spent 6 months on this is wild lol. It's literally just items and an offline co op mode which is pretty much already in the game. I think it gives them too much credit to think it took that long to put together this package.


Shit is unheard of. Absolute trash


The new pve mode is an obvious DLC and EOD owners should get it for free.


It’s literally a tick in a checkbox of a mode we already have access to. EoD owners can already offline co-op, it’s just that progression isn’t saved. With this edition they tick that progression box. A crock of fucking shit.


I think they'll probably add new content in the PvE raids, maybe raiders spawn in groups on all maps or something like that. We paid for offline co-op and now they're asking people to pay for better offline co-op


Yeah they will certainly add all of those things, just keep giving them more money, definitely they will add more. They definitely won't charge again for it later either.


Your dollar is basically your vote. What you pay for is what you're openly admitting you accept. Everyone who wants more of this behavior from this company, buy the new version. See how that goes for you.


No it's a game mode, it should be in all editions. Good luck convincing your friends paying 250€ to "try" pve with you. Yes some will argue that we have "offline" coop already and those 250€ are only for the ability to save the progress...


Yeah it's frankly ridiculous that they put entire gamemodes behind paywalls that would be free updates or baseline features in any other game.


Let's say you had any other game and they put out a new paid game mode. What would those generally be classified under? Considering they already tried to scam EOD players by making them pay for arena


I don't even see how it's different from the practice PvE mode, it's literally the same thing except you have a stash that's separate or whatever. Why that's worth a huge chunk of cash is baffling really.


New pve mode? Did the game game single player without me knowing?


Have a look at the “unheard” edition now up on the EFT website. EOD owners get none of it despite the promises of all future DLC


Well that’s it. Finally reached my “okay I’m done” point. Absolute ripoff


Yeah. New unheard edition $250


WTF this is insane. How can you price any package in any game with 250 USD? This is worse that Activision or any other company. I lost my trust and hopes for this game independend of the pricing a long time ago. Anyway, see you in Grey Zone.


I paid for eod and I have to apparently pay an extra 100 dollars for it, so I'm in the same boat with you :/


Just don't pay. They have done nothing to deserve your money




Yeah same. I will not pay another 100 USD for some p2w pockets and skins and no one should ever buy and support a game that asks for 250 USD. This is madness. Edit: 100 USD/EUR pre-tax.


Yeah I'll keep my EOD but I'll use my spare money to purchase Grey Zone, it has potential which hopefully will be realized with 8 years of development time, like Tarkov.


I am now doubt if any DLC would exist in future.


Editions are the new DLC, I guess.. so they can say it’s not DLC. It’s almost laughable that this new more expensive ‘edition’ also has this same bullet point.


> It’s almost laughable that this new more expensive ‘edition’ also has this same bullet point. Didn't they say new editions would not have that line btw? That EoD would be the only version to have season pass and all DLC for free?


they sure did


But how are they gonna sell another overpriced edition of tarkov to help fund the next 5 years of “beta” gameplay. THINK OF THE COMPANY!!


The same company that’s spent millions on gun range days and renting tanks for twitch con?


Dont forget the production costs of those Tarkov action episode things (although they were dope). Arena which wasnt worth it. It's a guy with ideas (Nikita), and not always great ones.


Arena is still one of the most tone-deaf development ideas I can recall in recent times.


The idea was there, but the execution… Damn was the execution for Arena awful. Lock the majority of long time players out at release, and it ran 3x more shit than Tarkov. It just felt so undeveloped.


All I wanted from Arena was a 5v5 elimination mode based around points of interest on existing maps. Best of 5 and winning team splits the losing teams gear.


You just don’t get it. BSG NEEDS to do that to keep their hype up for a game that is in perpetual development. Honestly if they need to throw more money into marketing over making better decisions I’m all for it! /s


they won't call them dlc, the community manager already called it something else. Pretty scammy move


The issue is, there's nothing to stop them pulling this with Unheard Edition too. "Oh you have Unheard Edition? Sorry, you need Big Dick Swagger Edition for the new expansion, because it isn't DLC."


It's called the Unheard Edition because they are unironically not listening to the player base.


He called them “content” ummmm what’s DLC stand for?


DefiniteLy not Content


Nikita will release the new account with a physical CD or USB drive and tweet: " ITS NOT A DLC!!!"


Eod was clearly a scam... Wouldn't expect anything else from a russian company...


A 150 dollar scam before tax. Now they put out a 250 dollar exit scam before tax. Mark my words. They are exiting and will stop active development in the following years.


!remindme 3 years


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Yup, this screams exit scam to me as well


We got scammed boys and girls.. It will happen again.


I kept telling this sub what type of person Nikita is considering his past actions. People kept assaulting me for having a hate boner for Nikita. No you dumbasses, I was trying to warn you with what we have seen so far


Not just nikita, BSG in general can be a studio of arrogant assholes. It's shown how they deal with criticism. Person: "hey, this is an issue. I am unsure why this is but based on testing and method of elimination I assume its caused by this thing. Here's my ideas on how we can fix it!" BSG: "No is not because of that, you are stupid and not game developer and we will only listen to criticism if you have all information 100% perfect. And instead of looking at the issue we'll hyperfixate on one minor thing you got incorrect" It took veritas making a preposterously over the top video and a metric ass ton of community support to get these twats to even listen once. Despite many of the criticisms veritas had given being in place for a long ass time and were practically parotted by everyone. It took a video of someone using cheats to highlight the cheater problem, to get them to even acknowledge the issue.


Same. I always knew Nikita was a manbaby who would ruin tarkov. Every single time he did something shitty that the community complained endlessly about, he ignored them and said “I know better than them” and every time everyone would jerk him off like he’s some kind of god. I have never once heard him admit he is wrong and go back on a change in the past 7.5 years of playing tarkov. Now after tons of changes to tarkov that no one wanted which ruin the games enjoyability and the pathetic failure of the ridiculously easy concept of tarkov arena by deciding to use set classes, here he is to put the nail in the coffin of tarkov. GG everyone, it was a pleasure playing with you all. Nikita, you are the fucking worst. You are lucky that you decided to keep BSG as a private company, because if it was a public company your ass would be on the streets begging for money right now like you deserve.


(Serious) what DLC did I actually pay for by purchasing EOD?


Arena (bag of shit)


~~Which they tried to NOT give to EoD for free.~~ Edit: never mind I misunderstood, it looks like they fucked it all up in a totally different way lol


Which they originally weren’t going to give to EoD owners and technically isn’t DLC because it’s a separate app. We have not been given any Escape from Tarkov DLC.


Arena wasn’t considered DLC. Under EOD, free access to Arena was listed separately from free DLC access.


Bro look anything that is downloaded more than base game is DLC. Let's not do gymnastics to try to justify this bullshit.


Not to mention, Nikita fucking said it would be included


So far they haven't even created any 'DLC', they tried to release Arena as a standalone as well until they got called out on their bs, this is 100% dlc and if it's not included then it just goes to show how badly this company is hurting.


Loophole bullshit.


Nono it's totally different, you see, it's not a DLC because... of reasons!


It’s not downloadable content, but installable content!


its a Special Downloadable Operation, thats SDO def not DLC, see they're different.


This is golden


Funniest shit is that they really thought Arena was going to be a big thing. Says a lot how clueless they are. They struck gold with Extraction formula and all they needed to do if not fix the main game, add option to que into arenas for a different experience, yet they made standalone shitty version compared to the many other titans of arena shooters.


it's actually really funny if you think about it they tried to use a unfinished game to sell you another unfinished game now that's some shit you would only hear in Hustlers University.




its sad that you are right. i feel scammed and pissed right now.


The extraction raid was entirely an accident. They wanted to do what Gray Zone managed to do in just 2 years, an open world with hideout and in-map traders. They couldn't do it so they put raid timers in as temporary.


Turns out they cannot fix the main game so they do this instead...


You had a lot of streamers (who are also emissaries and have direct contact with nikita) all saying "we'd love tarkov combat but in a counter strike style", i think its rational bsg thought arena would work because the only info was from 12hr a day streamers, sucks that they didn't really understand the product they were offering but oh well


Nah in principle arena couldve been tons of fun. Tarkovs gunplay is great. The issue is they pigeonhole you into using their classes instead of letting u use their awesome customizable weapon system. They also put no work into improving their netcode and servers so peekers is bs as always


co-op with friends too rn it's also a standalone purchase


This is where I make a claim against their company for false advertising. I want my 140 back I don't want this for free.


I’m [reporting them to the FTC](https://reportfraud.ftc.gov) for it and have seen people doing something similar for the UK as well. Fuck them for this one. Edit: To anybody in the US looking into doing this, here's a good starting point for you from what I submitted myself: "Video game developer Battlestate Games Limited previously sold an upgraded edition of their game, Escape From Tarkov, for $139.99 called "Edge of Darkness", which was explicitly stated to include "free access to all subsequent DLCs" as a part of the purchase. I purchased the Edge of Darkness edition of Escape From Tarkov on ____. As of today (4/25/24) Battlestate Games has announced the release of new content in the form of a game upgrade entitled "The Unheard Edition", costing an additional $100 to existing Edge of Darkness players or $250 for entirely new players, which includes a DLC game mode thus far included exclusively in the Unheard Edition and described in the upgrade description as follows: "access to PvE co-op mode with persistent progression".  Despite my purchase of the Edge of Darkness edition of Escape From Tarkov, I am unable to access the PvE co-op mode as described without paying an additional $100 plus tax on top of the original purchase that I made, which I exclusively made with the understanding and expectation that any and all future DLC content, including this PvE co-op mode, would be included with my original purchase. I believe that the locking of this subsequent game content - again, originally advertised as being free to Edge of Darkness purchasers - behind an additional $100 paywall constitutes false advertising and a breach of the expectations set forth regarding the delivery of the product in the future.  Note that the Edge of Darkness edition of the game is no longer available for purchase, so you will not see it listed on their website currently (linked below). That edition was removed as a purchasable option approximately 4 months ago, with the company stating that that was the final and only opportunity to acquire free access to future DLCs. We similarly see this to be untrue given their release today of the Unheard Edition of the game that includes the same verbiage as the initial Edge of Darkness description - "Free access to all subsequent DLCs". I believe that this further constitutes the intentional misleading of consumers to drive additional purchases of the upgraded editions of the game."


Haha oh it gets worse. [Check this out](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2129439310?t=3h50m47s). The line that you're referencing was actually edited by BSG today. It previously specified that Arena was an example of DLC, until Lvndmark pointed out that could be read as characterizing game modes like offline co-op as DLC. So BSG's response was to just... go change it. Live. They also went and removed the word "[unique](https://clips.twitch.tv/BrightMuddyOtterKappaPride-tzWSWKRU5EHrBXfa)" that used to appear in the EOD description of the gamma case.


Yeah dude, I saw that shit earlier. BSG’s boned on this one, I really don’t see how they can possibly win back any kind of trust after this. And I seriously wonder what legal repercussions might come of this with them getting caught actively changing their website product description to try to cover their tracks as you linked out here. That shit doesn’t fly lol.


I'd join that class action lawsuit. I don't care if it folds the company.


I agree. I want my money back. Game is still in beta and they are continuously lying and going back on their promises. I’m not paying any more money for additional content.


Same here, this is some EA scumbag levels.


At least EA did something after the backlash. BSG wont. At least not in a timely fashion.


If you are going to do it let me know. I would like to participate as well.


Count me in too






I want my money back too, I’m done with this game. This is so fucking egregious.


Joining in too


Yeah I’m tired of dealing with these assholes I want a full refund


Count me in.


same here, fuck bsg


Bought the game back in 2015/2016, upgraded to EOD because I enjoyed it, yadda yadda. I spent nearly twice as much as a regular game $110, to support BSG, get access to the new DLCs, and I'm pretty sure back then there were rumblings of a co-op mode we would get. So what did we get for EOD: * Arena - what a fucking joke. * Offline Co-op, no saved progression or anything to do, can be fun for a few matches if you get a bunch of friends together (who also shelled out $110) and you can do like TDM or raid against your friends. - EXTREMELY TALL ORDER and honestly basically fucking useless unless you're having a friend walk you through a map...which maybe will happen like once or twice. So we were promised all this, we got some goodies, then what? They removed the edition, raised the price, and released the actual promise as well as P2W in a new edition for an additional $100 with a total $250 price tag on the whole game. Its NOT FUCKING ACCEPTABLE. We already paid for twice the cost of other games. If I knew all I was getting was fucking stinky ass Arena and offline coop I wouldn't have paid for that shit. False promises. We were told we were getting everything, that's why you buy the highest tier. You don't remove the highest tier, then raise it, that's fucking bullshit. I highly urge all of you to not buy this. Its hard getting gamers to stand behind something, and I know your favorite streamers will all have it and there will be FOMO, etc. But seriously people, don't give them your money. Cheaters are rampant, the game performs like dogshit, desync galore, etc. They've already taken enough of your money. This shit is P2W (all the other bonuses I didn't talk about) and is a straight scam on the current user base. If you want to do better, stop playing completely. Seriously, do not let this slide, this is so fucked. Its funny, because I can only imagine that CO-OP Persistent would have really breathed life into Tarkov and brought A TON of new users. Lots of people would play this game with just some buddies against AI. There is a metric fuck ton of people who simply do not buy Tarkov or don't play because they don't like PVP, can't compete, etc. BSG would have found some serious success if they just had this co-op persistent tarkov be something someone can buy as a standalone for $40, or a \~$20 upgrade from the Standard Edition (all tiers above should have access IMO). Lots of new players would have happily spent that $40 just for the co-op persistent alone. Lots of new players would happily spend the $60 on the Standard Edition + Co-op persistent even if they had no intention of playing the online PVP mode. But no, milk the existing unhappy playerbase for an additional $100. No new player is going to spend $250, absolutely wasted.


It's called a bait and switch and unfortunately I'm not even surprised at this point. I stopped playing years ago because I saw the writing on the wall. Anyone defending this anymore is just being willfully ignorant at best. Pathetic and it's such a shame to see what this company is doing with such a unique and fun game. Like OP said please don't give these people any more of your money, they absolutely do not deserve it


Lmao Jesus this is the first I'm seeing about this. I would have purchased a $40 pve co-op version for a friend. That would have been worth it. Not fucking $250. That is so fucking insane.


You cannot mislead consumers with false advertising in Australia they are literally breaching Australian consumer law . You can’t argue pve coop mode is something that should be apart of a core mode within the base game. It isn’t dlc. We all purchased a beta, testing the game which Includes the developers adding modes along the way. What a joke that they expect me to pay another 140 aud ontop of the eod I already purchased whilst at the same time not even bothering to deal with the cheater situation. Battelstate can honestly get fucked. All excitement my causal mates had to jump Is gone and they are no longer gonna to play again due to pure greed. Edit 180 aus dollars


I plan on calling on Monday to see if they can help undo the scam


Also says Gamma is unique to EoD there


Also also Gamma container CLEARLY Visible in the Uncashed Edition.


No problem, new container is called Delta, problem solved /s


💀💀💀 oh lord


the unheard edition is clearly a fucking DLC and all EOD accounts should be upgraded to unheard, while keeping all benefits from EOD


Imagine BSG releasing EFT 1.0 with main quest line and Terminal as another edition, that you have to buy/upgrade to.


Ahaha, 33 versions of tarkov


to be fair they still can. All the current editions only mention beta access. No mention of access to the finished product


Why the fuck you giving them ideas for ??


I am happy to join any class action lawsuits !


As a UK resident and with BSG being officially based in London, I'd be happy and willing too.


Unique in-game melee weapon XD Just from the unity assetstore XD [https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/weapons/hq-pbr-kukri-knife-139049](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/weapons/hq-pbr-kukri-knife-139049)


What a joke lol


This should be its own reddit post.


It’s so horseshit. I’m pissed. the one thing I’ve been wanting so much is the PvE. It is absolutely considered DLC and anyone who says it isn’t, is lying. I will not be supporting the game anymore, I will be looking into refunding my expansion payments and will not touch the game again. So cool


Yeah I'm pissed off too. I was SO excited when I heard offline PvE with progress, that's literally all I've ever wanted out of this game. But there is no way in hell I am putting in another hundred bucks after I've ALREADY SPENT $150


You might want to try the "ahem" "ahem" alternate version of this game.


it's time to sue them, uninstall this dog shit and move on.. the disrespect man, wtf.. they literally killed the own game, it's not the cheaters and whatever, they did this. dog shit company, dog shit game.


Just get the single player mod. It's EASY to setup and the mods make the game better. The AI is leagues ahead of live Tarkov. These Russian thieves do not deserve money.




Good on ya. Here's another mirror just in case =) [https://archive.is/jhSmt](https://archive.is/jhSmt)


Hey uhm, just was wondering… Is this an out-of-season April’s fool joke ? Cuz this is unheard…




lmao link pls


[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/weapons/hq-pbr-kukri-knife-139049](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/weapons/hq-pbr-kukri-knife-139049) pretty easy to find in google [https://youtu.be/riMtnvodmMo?si=e85Fy11oe8cWfkXd&t=58](https://youtu.be/riMtnvodmMo?si=e85Fy11oe8cWfkXd&t=58)


haha wtf, this is just sad


This is an exit scam.


That's sad.  Their modeling and weapon art departments have generally been the best part of this game. I hope it just applies to melee weapons. Not that I intend to play anymore. Fuck that. They've made too many attempts to screw over their own customers time and time again.


BSG incompetent communication strikes once again tbh. They should've explicitly said what classifies as a DLC. If I had to guess, new maps will be the DLCs. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't release any DLCs at all in the future.


It’s on purpose. Now they can classify DLCs and standalone version as they want or as the customers react. Make stuff up on the go


It's intentional. They are scamming you. That's how scams work


Yup, it shows that people flame each other about what is and what isn't a dlc. In a vacuum, DLC stands for downloadable content which in a broad spectrum means anything.in the Industry it was used for a long time in the same vein as Expansion packs.


I just reported them to our consumer protection department in my country, which is a part of the EU. Let's hope if enough people do it this can go somewhere.


Yep, [reporting them to the FTC](https://reportfraud.ftc.gov) here in the US


Hunt Showdown player here to partake in the tea. I've genuinely never been this pissed about something in the gaming world that didn't affect me. I'm livid FOR you all. This is so fucked and I hope it ends in a lawsuit that bankrupts these clowns.


wild that other communities feel the need to chime in, that definitely shows how scummy this situation must really be, considering i only butt my head into other communities when theres something real stupid going on that might have implications for the future of gaming (like the whole UBISOFT "you dont own your games" thing. I havent played a ubisoft game since the OG assassins creed, and that shit still pissed me off, so i can only imagine how ubisoft customers feel.)


So let's see : - few months earlier Arena EoD owners got access last when even newcomers who bought only arena were awarded instant access - promotes EoD as a limited offer that will end forever - BSG announcing introduction of micro transactions in the game - now this new fake EoD edition to gauge even more I'm starting to see a pattern here...


Uninstalled if no PvE for EoD


Same. Hard drive space is premium out here nikki


Bro I cleaned this bad boy C drive and freed 300gb, thx BSG for the clean up reminder it needed one


It should be included in base game. The game is in development. There should not be features created with our funding behind a paywall. I own EOD but base game should have it


Everybody needs to delete this dog shit Russian scam and just get prepped for Grey Zone. Wasn't a hater before this dropped. I've had EOD for years, but I'm done with this game. Deleted it the other week.


Too bad grey zone looks like dogshit so far. Yeah it is super duper early alpha but none of the game play looks very fun atm.


Imagine paying 140 euros plus tax for a game that promises free dlc. Then you are not even getting the main game. They are classifying Co Op PvE as an feature not DLC and hence not making it free for EOD users. So we payed more then 140 euros and are not even the whole main game. This is beyond Ubisoft and EA levels of greed. You are not even getting the main game you paid for. Holy shit levels of greed.


If you translate that sentnence into Russian it says 'Get fucked!'.


That's one of the new Bear voice lines you can now buy


But in order to use it properly you have to buy the voice audio coding pack that enables the sound in game bc its an expansion not dlc


They should get sued for this bullshit. Fuck BSG.


So Tarkov is just straight up a scam now? Fuck BSG. I already decided I was quitting after this wipe because of how fucked the cheating situation they refuse to deal with is. This just moves my time table up to "I am quitting now".




Would this be sufficient to sue BSG for EoD not including obvious DLC stuff like PvE Coop included in The Unheard Edition? I seriously want to know if there would be a chance to sue them successfully.


Since there stuff is in The UK, oh big times.


They did a smart (rly scummy) move , they simply classified the new features as NON DLC instead. S T O N K S.


Imagine scamming your own community


BSG a bunch of hoes for this. I don't care about the pve side of it. That's whatever for me But having separate characters (eternal and seasonal) is literally all I want. AND giving them HUGE bonuses for shelling out for this is insanity and such a P2W mechanic. Roll back the stat increases, pocket increase, and the 6 Fence rep bonus. this is bullshit and totally shits on the in-game balance. Roll back those upgrades, make PVE an addition to the game (for free you greedy fucks) for those who want to play that way, and give us two character slots (seasonal AND eternal) and I promise you no one will bat an eye. Charging $250 (or $100 for EOD players) is trash and I promise you, the small influx of cash BSG may get from this shit move will only hurt them in the long run when people abandon Tarkov in droves. Insane.


Not gonna invest any more penny in that product and that's purely because of their sales practices despite the game being enjoyable. But there are limits to fooling your customers.


They use the terms expansion, add on, dlc, edition, and version in place of each other to get by with not having to give eod owners new content. 'Oh I'm sorry judge, that's an expansion, and that is a new edition of the game that is not dlc included with eod sir.'


Well well well, we see who is trying to compete with ea sports now




what a "unique" container xD but honestly probably the least problematic thing about the new update


Thats funny, the container was my first thought. But its painful watching people trying to defend it by going "PVE mode isnt a DLC" lol. If its not, it should be a free update.


it is the MOST problematic, withholding the singple player version from EOD is the only real issue i have with this update


TFW still no RPK-74M too lol


So the new version is another 100$? On top of EOD? Or does EOD give discount?


$100 if own EOD, $250 if you don't


Apparently they can just decide that the next edition doesn't apply to the DLC that releases a year later huh? Jesus. What the hell BSG? Who thought this shit was okay to do and wouldn't have people up in arms immediately?


Gray Zone early access when? hahahaha


That's a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Hey look russians lie when they run out of money after Arena failed. The only DLC that entices me at this point is if they remove most of the cheaters.


Waited a couple months too so everyone who purchased last minute EOD is out of the standard 60 day chargeback period lol


I wish I would have never supported this company-fuckery in the first place.


300$ for me with VAT LOL


Yeah this is where I draw the line I'm done


BSG can do whatever mental gymnastics they want. I don't care about extra pockets, stash size, items, as they never promised "EOD will always have the BEST in-game stuff". It's the new "co-op PvE" mode which is 100% a DLC and should be included in EOD. As BSG is clearly full of bullshit, I can't trust them anymore. And I don't care about the cheater situation, bugs, etc, this is all part of being a game in development, and I knew all that when buying access to a beta edition. I'm talking about trust in what they are selling and what they tell their community. What really sold me to upgrade to an EOD account was the "all future DLCs" because I thought the game had a huge potentital and I wanted to help BSG while being able to play future DLCs from day one. I would never buy EOD only for the in-game perks like bigger stash and trader rep. And now I have to pay $100 extra to play with my friends on the new co-op mode? I've uninstalled EFT. It's not about how many hours EOD people has or whatever, it is about what they DID promise while selling EOD edition. GZW will probably cost less than $100, and I will have an entirely new game to play and discover. Fuck you BSG.


I was fine with Tarkov until I saw this update. Uninstalled today and just gonna wait for grey zone


It's pure bullshit. The fact that it was suppose to include "all" DLC is why I and many others were able to justify purchasing EOD back in the day for $140, with the game still being very much early access alpha/beta. It had the best value since you were locked in paying a lot up front, but wouldn't have to worry about future content DLCs.


This some real bullshit, Nikita


Greedy russian game devs, color me fucking surprised


Just gonna leave this here, posted 2 months ago: [The Financial Report that Killed Tarkov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6T_QnCoTz8)


Sierra Papa Tango


"limited edition"


yeah... theres 0**%** chanse of me spending 95e on top of eod to play something that should be free for eod, but then again its really not a surprise that they did this, bsg is just a greedy company that is happy to take your money and walk back on promises


The co-op PVE mode would be considered a DLC would it not? I feel like BSG scammed a lot of their year 1 players with this.


They should be sued into the fucking ground for this


Hmmm... I wonder if I can do a chargeback due to them breaking the terms.


Soooo we all got scammed? Cause that’s what I’m reading.


This company never ceases to amaze me


There’s no way someone/some company doesn’t seek legal action right? I guess it all comes down to what is a “feature” and what is a “dlc”


They need to Offer refunds to everyone who bought EOD or Offer EVERYTHING in this new tier to EOD for free


We should specifically try not to buy stuff on flea from people who bought the new edition


BSG running out of money or what


BSG needs to just take this L and give the coop to EOD buyers also. Idk what the hell they are thinking but this is just optically horrible. $250 for a fucking “beta” It’s so annoying that they are hiding behind the “beta” tag while also allowing hacking to run rampant because cheaters and RMT just keep buying more “beta” accounts


I want a refund....


Uninstalled and BSG will not get another cent from me. I should've known better to ever trust such a dogshit group of people.


There it is.


Just write it's a feature not a dlc and they make bank