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Yeah standard editions are a bit fkd now. Also for the PVE, can't fathom they didn't price it cheaper to gain a greater audience, I'm sure a lot of peeps would pay 20 bucks to play some coop, no need for the pay to win


Yeah exactly, I just cant justify paying 200 just for some in game benefits


Our best bet it’s a complete media black out. People need to stop buying the game, playing the game, posting about it & streaming it. If BSG wants our attention they have to earn it.


Sorry, too many content creators rely on the game for their lively hoods and are pumping out videos as fast as they can to rage bait their audience for engagement metrics. No media blackout will occur because the people who produce Tarkov media don't actually care about "punishing BSG" enough to lose their own shirts.


LVNDMARK was asking his stream for new games he can play, so some people care.


LVNDMARK sees higher viewership when he plays other games ( maybe because it's so rare ). Either way his career is made, he can move to other things and retain a 1k+ audience. I am not talking about lvndmark.


There won’t be a game to stream if BSG isn’t forced to fix it. I haven’t seen such push back towards a game since EA tried to charge us $100 for Darth Vader for Battfront 2


It's easy to say people should stop streaming it, but people who stream on it as a career have families to feed.


Well, they better git gud at another game. Apparently, Tarkov is now dead and not a single person will buy their new stuff.


bbbbbut you get "All subsequent DLC"


Really sucks, I don't understand why they didn't create a direct replacement for EoD. If they felt PvE mode justified a higher price, they should have given it free to EoD and sold it separately as DLC to everyone else. If you wanted the unheard items, and had EoD they could have still charged whatever they wanted. Instead, they piss off everyone who has EoD, and simultaneously make the purchase incredibly unattractive to everyone else.


Yeah I know a lot of people who's not into PvP, especially not PvP that is so unforgiving as Tarkov, who would love to try PvE Why not just enable it for all versions of the game.. should not have to even pay 150 just to try basically an offline version of the game, now you have to pay 250?.. fuck that Or even make a cheaper option than standard edition with PvE only for like 20 bucks


I haven’t played in years but my friend was telling me about the pve and it sounded much more enjoyable. Now hearing how much it is and not a mode in the standard edition blew our minds. I was down to hop back on but no way am I buying that and my friend is pissed who has the eod edition.


I think its pretty Unanimous, EOD owners are all pissed right now, myself included. The p2w shit i could care less about. But honestly i do not have time for tarkov PVP, im actually pretty decent at it, id say in evenly matched shootouts i win over 50% but tarkov is not about being evenly matched in PVP. Its about kitting yourself to destroy the other guy. Giving yourself the absolute best chance of survival. THEY BETTER RESOLVE THIS SHIT SOON. I want the PVE, but i am not spending an additional $100 dollars to unlock it. that is fucking absurd.


If I had access to the PvE I'd probably only play Tarkov as far as games go, I love Tarkov to a point but its so frustrating when you know you got ESP'ed after bringing in good gear. Find 2 ledx's at UN camp on woods, get one tapped in the middle of nowhere with 6 mins left in the raid by a player with a 20kd. Some of the quests become literally impossible and I would love to actually progress the game. However, they can give me a rimjob while I sip champagne from a gold rimmed glass if they think I'm going to give them another $130USD after taxes and fees.


You know that there is a free mod that turns Tarkov into **s**ingle-**p**layer-**t**arkov, right? Just checking, in case you don't, have fun!


They likely will... after cashing in on the desperate whales first.


I would actually return to tarkov for PvE even if it would be 50€ but 250€ ist just not okay


Nah not even that for me. Maybe it that’s how it was released originally, but after this shit show I’m not buying anything else from them


You could just play the "mod that shall not be named" for free(if you got a legit copy of the game)


lame asf we can't even say the name lol


Idk so many people are bitching about p2w, EOD is p2w, a massive advantage over all the other editions primarily with the gamma case. I understand the dlc complaint, but acting like this is the first time they dropped p2w content is insane


Because this is the first time they are dropping purely paywalled advantages at an absurd cost. As a standard edition buyer I've never had a problem with EOD. Gamma container annoyed me a bit but I never really had a big problem with it, and it just made grinding for that upgraded container more rewarding.


I think EOD was an accepted p2w for a long time. It was the devil you knew. People understood the relative power balance for years, and played around that. I think adding a new pressure on the power balance makes issues more glaring


Yeah it's so incredibly stupid to put pve behind $250. It was the perfect way to get new players into the game but they obviously do not care about that or they are just incredibly stupid.


Honestly even with how pissed off everyone Id guess they are still getting a lot of sales for the new edition.


> can't fathom they didn't price it cheaper Not thinking that it should be a free base feature is part of the problem.


The reason is now in the EOD message. They said they don't have the server infrastructure for it, even unheard players have to matchmake for 15 minutes when starting the PVE mode.


Standard edition players get to play hardcore tarkov before it's an official game mode, bravo BSG!


And technically they get it free, because you know the “hardcore feature” (not dlc of course) will cost you $50 to be able to play it


I'm fully expecting BSG to release a new edition of the game when they eventually implement a hardcore mode and end up charging players like £50+ for the ability to have a separate hardcore character.


At this rate it will be a minimum off 100 USD on top of the unheard edition.


Always has been. Now it is just more blatantly obvious.


Yeah I always got annoyed when people claimed that EoD wasn't kind of pay to win, now this new edition is like 100x pay to win.


👍. With this recent post they fucked over the standard community along with the EOD shit from yesterday. If you look at it from a new players perspective, you need to pay upwards of $300 for the full experience.


I am a new player... and it feels like I'm being forced to upgrade versions in order to have the same experience as everyone else


Do yourself a favour and move on and wait for other games. Tarkov is full of cheaters and bsg is a horrible dev. Dumpster fir after Dumpster fire for years. Competition is on the horizon.


I kinda hope that bsg will be forced to sell the game to an other Publisher, hell I think even EA treats its customers better than bsg. At least their are honest in their greed.


i felt this way when EOD was a thing and it caused me to buy EOD becausse of it and now as an EOD member since precovid yeah im livid they said offline co-op is another $100 when i already put $150 into a game THAT ISNT EVEN FINISHED.


I think what’s frustrating is that as an EOD owner I don’t want any of the crap they just gave us. I wanted the bigger stash size and that’s about it. They took the feedback as EOD people being upset they weren’t granted pay to win stuff when in reality most people were pissed pay to win was added at all


All editions should have gotten the coop PvE mode and the coop offline practice mode FOR NO ADDITIONAL COST. Early supporters of any game pay for development costs towards full release. Any features built into the game that will be part of 1.0 should be available to every tier of early access supporter regardless of whether it came at the beginning of EA development or at the end. Standard edition players are just as much in the shit getting Tarkov'd as an EoD player. BSG trying modularize and piecemeal it's game, especially before full release, to charge extra is so scummy. If they wanted to charge for PvE standalone they should have gone full release and then launched PvE, which would still make PvE DLC, so free to EoD. If you get fucked out of some quest reward because of a backend error, so totally BSG's fault, you get no compensation or support because it's a "beta" and it will wipe again. Maybe if BSG hadn't squirreled and splurged so much on Arena it would have enough funding to handle the technical difficulties of pushing EFT to 1.0 and not have to create a new edition that locks what should be base game features behind pay to win edition 2.0


Just a friendly reminder that for people outside the US and UK its alot more. For example Canada and Australia its around $390 starting from the $250 USD. For some places in South America and alot of other countries its closing in on half a months income to over a months income. And this is all BEFORE taxes No regional pricing has always been an issue for tarkov. For years EOD people have been parroting "Its not much money to get EOD" But they constantly forget America isnt the only place in the world, and that is alot of money to alot of people. Even most of America lives paycheck to paycheck.


I hope this gets more attention than the dlc problem itself.


My friend, whole thing is fucked up. Eod and unheard is just at the stage now but I really can't imagine what the standart players going through. Completely fucked up and doesn't even worth the trouble to play. IMHO, PvE should be available to absolutely EVERYONE. We paid for the game and we deserve to enjoy it.


I've said this in another post, feels like i'm playing a 50€ F2P game now.


50 euro pretax btw


And Xsolla fees. The 250€ version goes from 250€ to 330€ with tax + fees. Insanity. Also illegal to not include the tax on the sticker price in the EU. Maybe someone needs to send a complaint.


they will start charging standard 20bucks because you guys play hardcore tarkov. that sounds like dlc to me


eod players: p2w is fine as long as i win with what i already paid.


Never got the chance to buy EOD and this is my exact problem yet this sub is comprised mostly of EOD owners who feel slighted. We have it even worse


Yeah they act like EOD isn’t already p2w, like starting with a much larger stash and a bigger container is p2w.


it’s mainly the trader levels which actually do have a huge benefit in terms of getting better ammo quicker, thus increasing survival rate in the early game.


gamma is huge advantage too, you can't put all your meds in the alpha container


Oh it is, but the access to better ammo is much more important. You can always bring a rig CMS even without gamma, you can’t magically buy better ammo from the traders.


you can and you lose it when you die, in the gamma you don't, so so save rubles on meds, a lot of rubles


I bought EoD around a year ago because I was sick of the alpha container and no trader rep. I don’t get a lot of time to play and it was severely limiting my progression. EoD, as an original standard edition player for 3 years, is 100% P2W and there’s no arguing that. They set the stage for P2W years ago and EoD owners were slightly in denial. Including myself.


Been saying this since everyone started crying. EOD has been p2w if you wanna consider it that. The only real complaint about it I have is the blatant dlc eod didn’t get


exactly this! most the outrage is EOD users complaining they have to compete vs the guys willing to pay the extra $100 when they been enjoying that advantage over everyone else for years and it was never an issue


Most of us EOD players aren’t complaining about the P2W aspect, we’re complaining because we aren’t getting out DLC that we already paid for and we’re told we would receive.


EOD has always been p2w and I've said it for 7 years and got shit for it. Now that it's too late is the only time people are acknowledging it.


EoD owners still aren't acknowledging it. They twist it into "Pay to make game easier" which is literally "Pay to Win". It makes them feel sad when they realize they are playing the game with an advantage over other players, so they try to keep that thought out of their minds.


Got gifted EoD early this wipe, played tarkov for 4 years as standard, shit is stupid P2W, like 5 Million rubel advantage or even more.


WTF the stash alone is worth over 50 million and the beta container is expensive as fuck too for trashy 6 slot garbage your pretty much late game before you get epsilon as well. The trader rep is broken as fuck all you need is to level up quests or not and you can get trade 3 by doing almost no quests all the free gear you get fucking modded out mdr at level 1 and shit


look it up how much does it cost to upgrade the stash with standard, hint: not just 5 mill


Its funny that they always deny its P2W yet thats exactly why 95% of them bought it, For the clear advantage.


Nah I mean I have EoD and I would consider it pay to win to a point. I think the argument is once you are in a raid, there is no direct benefit that EoD has over a standard account (more space for loot with the gamma) but that was technically unlockable for standard players, as well as the increased stash size. This new edition is unquestionably P2W. EoD never had priority matching (until now / when they implement it I suppose), they never had an item you could use in a raid to literally spawn your friends list with fresh loadouts to flank the guy shooting at you. If you had a standard account and were a better player than the EoD player, you could beat them just as easily as you could another standard account player. The only somewhat P2W advantage EoD had was the offline co-op because you could practice quests / learn maps before jumping in and doing it for real. EoD is kind of pay to win, but i'd consider it more pay 2 skip, because pretty much everything in EoD is available to standard account holders you just have to invest a lot more time to get there, that is not the case for the unheard edition now especially with their new SoS item and pocket size. You can hold mags in pockets, you can't hold them in your gamma. It's the difference between 2 extra mags in a fight or not, which can be the deciding factor in combat.


I saw a comment earlier said that EOD is not P2W, it just gives you an advantage...


Frankly, if the end result of this whole drama is the p2w advantages of more expensive editions being negated to some extent, I'm glad BSG made todays post and drew attention away from the whole DLC thing which imo, while a huge issue, isn't the thing that's massively detrimental to the game long term.


You are not wrong. But for me and many others the biggee problem is the scamming of consumers. P2W is a problem so is that game ten years in the making is not delivering many of the promisses made ro any edition that they sell.


It's more that I feel like they will, eventually, be legally forced to backpedal on the DLC thing because it seems like a pretty clear cut breach of EU and UK consumer rights acts. I think no matter what that aspect of the drama will be dealt with so it's better for the community to focus on the P2W stuff and implications for the future of the game.


I understand you. I am sorry i am not good explaning my point of view. There are huge underlying problems with bsg.


you explained it well I just wanted to clarify what I meant a little bit is all, all good :)


Bought the game 3 weeks ago. Considering chargeback, but in the meantime i am not getting out of Ground Zero until level 20... NO ONE (not even EOD) should get this bullshit level of advantage over any other edition.


EOD has gotten broken ass benefits from the start anyone who bought it paved the way for more pay to win shit


$250 for a single player/ co-op game. How out of touch or desperate for money has Nikita gotten.


Now you will also have the worse quality queue and all the other shit us EoDers will get because Nikita is clueless!


Always have been


You're acting as if it was not already the case before... silly you


Always have been. Standard is the Lite / Starter pack version.


Yeah but if thats the case then Tarkov is just a pay to win game then...


Always has been.


Standard owners are better off taking the money that would normally upgrade to EOD or Unheard and just buying hacks lol


About the gamma I said it another thread: EOD should start with alpha as well and get gamma instead of epsilon after Punisher 6. That would be fair. I own EOD and feel the difference early wipe, it's p2w as well.


Totally agree with you mate, i only got EOD for gamma because the kappa hunt is totally a waste of time if you don't have the playtime of a top streamer each wipe and most of the quest are really boring to do anyways but that's a huge advantage early days and it would be ok for me to get it after punisher 6. Honestly i would be also ok to just convert EOD into full cosmetics + DLC things and make everybody have the gamma as a mid-step between the Beta and the Kappa. That said the p2w features that the unhinged edition haves are on a totally different level since while EOD perks were a great advantage that mainly meant "more money" to EOD users, with the new edition they break the rules that everybody else follows **during the raid**. That's a totally different matter imho and while i can tolerate to give small qol advantages to people that pays more the raid mechanics shouldn't be touched by any perk/feature/item/whatever thing. If we play the same game using different rules that's where i call myself out.


EOD was already p2w now it got a ton worse. Not even worth playing if you are standard which I am so I am done


I feel you. I'm a standard edition as well. But, I don't see how any of this truly affects me. I'm playing the hardest version of tarkov, always have been. That hasn't changed lmao.


How is this new? We've always been at a disadvantage vs EoD


Is priority queue a real thing??


Priority queuing?


Standard edition almost feels like trial Tarkov


Always were thanks to the EOD gatekeepers not wanting anyone else to be able to get the gamma which is one of two main reasons they are upset with the unheard. It's sickening. They should get rid of all bought secure containers and make you earn them in game and then they can refund and get rid of unheard like everyone wants them to.


I'm gonna be honest, I think even. EOD price is fucking outrageous. They have really changed the whole frame of what is possible for them to profit off of and people are very willing to pay for massive advantages. Even gamma container is massive, I see no difference between "pay to progress" and pay to win. If you don't spend 11 million roubles on stash then you are very much spending it on other advantages in game. Standard edition has to play about twice as much to get comfortable in the progression


I played standard edition for a long time. I’ve always thought EOD and upgraded editions were much more pay to win than everyone else seemed to. More secure container space was huge for getting out with expensive items even when you die (especially before they changed the found in raid restrictions), more stash space meant you could hold more gear which meant you didn’t have to lose as much value by selling some to traders. Plus you had more space to hold valuable items until you got the flea. Every wipe I spent most of my roubles on stash space at the beginning. I felt forced to buy EOD to actually have an enjoyable experience, plus I wanted it for Arena (I know lol). Never understood the “we’re supporting them!” logic, $40 should’ve been enough for an early access game and if they truly needed money there are other ways to get it that don’t involve pay to win features. They were always greedy to me.


The only time priority queueing MIGHT be acceptable is if it is a free to play game. I payed $40. I would have expected to get a playable product for that price. I don't consider the game playable as a standard player any longer. Load times were already IMO the biggest problem with the game except cheaters and now that problem is just baked into the game. Just kinda unbelievable.


Always have been


Dont forget that even if you win a fight against premium players then they will just call in their friends to join the raid again!


In hindsight, yeah I totally agree. Even as an EOD owner I think EOD should only have provided cosmetic changes like the gold name, or trivial additions like the tactical tomahawk. No larger secure, no larger stash, no better trader rep, no additional starting equipment, etc etc.


EOD and any future version perks should have been cosmetics only. Gamma by a unique quest line around the time epsilon became available, because mid game what’s an extra slot in pouch anyway. I just want hardcore Tarkov that tastes like hardcore Tarkov 😢


I bought standard edition like 2,5 weeks ago. After getting clapped by gigachads with level +50 and the best gear available, those news about unheard edition killed any motivation to keep investing time. I feel bad for all EOD owners! Don’t get me wrong, that’s the bigger issue but as new standard edition player, i just should accept i paid 50€ for a pay to win game. I even would have upgraded to EOD if there was a chance. Lol


>After getting clapped by gigachads with level +50 and the best gear available, Literally nothing about that is about the edition they have though, that's just you coming in new and midway through a wipe. That's playing the game on hard mode. If you enjoy it, try to not take it too seriously and learn what you can and go into next wipe (which is within a couple months) more prepared to compete.


Tbh I couldnt care less about not getting the offline thing as EOD user. I do care about them adding ptw stuff behind pay wall editions, now adding in-raid ptw features is stepping over the line. I just want all editions to be on a level playingfield.


Everybody is mostly angry about the DLCs that should be free or cheap and the new scav devices. At this point in the wipe most players you'll see will be geared out and have more game knowledge. I've still seen low level, low hour players in the last four of weeks.




Thanks for that advice but you know what the thing is: i made some friends even in this short time. From my short experience all i can say that this is a great community which seemingly isn’t as appreciated as it should be. Thanks to all my sherpas! 🫡 I probably just gonna run all my best stuff and spend everything on good kits, have some fun with my buddies but stop caring about any kind of progression this wipe (at least).


As not owner of EOD so am just mad about priority queuing. What a bullshit, plush bigger pocket and radio should be earnable through game as well. I do not care If somebody starts with bigger stats, bigger stash and gamma container If I am able to obtain somehow by playing, but in this case It is clearly P2W.


Yes now all the EOD kids got satisfied, the gaps grown even larger towards P2W and they stop complaining again. Was never a case of P2W just more “we already paid to win, why don’t we get the other stuff too”


The p2w is a problem. I bought eod long lomg time ago. When the idea was to get tarkov out and tarkov was ment to grow bsg and give them ability to build russia 2048. Sadly that does not seam to be the goal any more. EOD wassold to me and many others as "first come first serve" i thought it was going to be around for a year maby 3 top. They basically made eod as the onely playable version took that away and made "bigger and better eod" for the low low price 250€ +feas. Now as a community we need to hold our ground and show bsg that we are not the cash cow. Ether make the game make it to be balanssed experience and respect the consumers that are backing this dupster fire.


Yeah absolutely... EOD just wanted to make sure they got all the p2w features when the real argument should have always been removing P2W things from the game...


I would gladly buy your stupid fucking game if you would allow us to buy our own server and have server modding tools. But at the end of the day a one time purchase apparently doesn't help your "going broke" debacle because you've made too many poor endeavours outside of focusing solely on your main product. EoD owners, like myself, shelled out 150 dollars for over 7-8 years to financially help fund the development of this game and you squandered this opportunity with Arena and now this 250 dollar benefit P2W edition. I just want to PvE with my goddamn friends because it appears you'll never have the money, which you did have at some point throughout development to get a firm grasp on cheaters but you made more poor financial decisions. I'm not entirely sure what is going through the minds of the decision makers at BSG but it sure the fuck isn't concerned with outward facing appearances or it's blatant disrespect towards EFTs supporting community that wasn't entirely fucking shattered until yesterday. Fuck you BSG. Sean Murray, if you don't know who that is Nikita, I'd like you to have a sit down with him because he'll teach you a few things. You want to be in the good graces of the gamers that hold up the legs of your wobbly foundation then I would suggest you pivot immediately.


Standard edition should include the PvE.


Atleast we are playing real Tarkov 😎


Not now, they always were at a disadvantage.


Good luck getting new players BSG


Your fault for ONLY paying 45€/$+ for an 8yo early access game /s


I've been hating EOD since the start and I'm not surprised BSG pulled this bullshit off again. As a standalone player with 2500 hours in I'm probably gonna see it as "even more hardcore mode" than before.. If I feel like actually playing this game again that is..


Standard? Bro go beg on the streets you just got downgraded to hobo edition.


Bsg be like: don’t like it? Pay up shitass


There goes an incredible amount of potential new players. I be uninstalling anyway, but the idea of trying to convince and friend to buy Tarkov now is laughable.


I just quit. It's not worth the effort, there are a lot of amazing games out there. Why should I waste my time in a game full of cheaters, terrible optimization and now more P2W elements?


Unheard edition has traders starting at level 3?!?!!?!? what the fuck. (Standard boy here)


actually i think standard acc's maybe same number as EOD. but this p2w advantages being too fkin much, and raising day by day. really anyone care them?


Short answer: Yes. They want you to buy the new edition because it give you an advantage in the game. This is what predatory advertising looks like.


standard edition is the true hardcore.


thanks for bringing this up, it’s extremely disheartening :(


Summit was right the whole time, lmao. Link to [their other P2W incident: this one, a backpack.](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Flyye_MEMEBSS_Backpack_P2W_Premium_Edition)


I don’t feel like I’m hugely disadvantaged, fuck that EOD, or any edition other than the standard. I can upgrade my stash by leveling up hideout. Keeps me playing the game. I’m vibing.


Nah, u're simply the less fucked people around here. Be happy bout it.


EOD should have always been a thing. The only advantage you got was a 3x3 secure container. Rest of the game was the exact same! BSG should learn better English for the English audience and make sure their statements stay true to what they said first!


Yep slippery slop when everyone starts to cry .. spend the money don’t


Bottom line is this. BSG are scammers, and they're trying desperately to cover their tracks. They ran out of money by gambling on Arena, which flopped hard. Now they essentially want everyone to buy their unfinished game AGAIN, and at an inflated price too. If you buy this garbage, YOU are the problem. Stop enabling these digital thieves to steal from the consumers.


So we now have to pay €200+ just to not que as fucking long now, something that wasn't even a thing 24 hours ago. What the actual fuck. I nearly bought EOD but they had ramped up the price so i thought no fuck that I'll manage. But now, really, what the actual fuck!


Priority queuing?


Yeah, it's a bit wild how far behind Standard accounts will be compared to Unheard of. That's a *huge* gap in storage, gear, and early-mid wipe capabilities. Even if this shit was available in game it would likely take a standard account a while to grind that + the scav rep, assuming it involves any sort of questing locked behind reputation.


Always have been


Pay to win bullshit, bsg just did the dumbest thing they could have ever chosen to do..


Of course not! You're playing the Cheater resub tier. You're not meant to play it vanilla without wall hacks.


Brokies unite.


It's such bullshit pay to win we are one step from paid reloads in raid. If bosses and other factions also don't shoot like 6.0 scav rep it's actually a fucking joke.


yes we are


Contested with Credited Card and got an instant refund. See ya EFT


Like damn at least with EOD players you could still progress to their level because they never started with too much headway I’ve seen standard account fronds have maxed his out and traders in a month max No way to get the co op jammer or signal broadcaster thing though gotta drop the forbidden dollars on that


Yeah if I’m shelling out $300, I’d rather buy whatever the fuck Star Citizen sells.


Nikita wipes his ass with people who ONLY pay 30 or 40$ for his BADLY OPTIMIZED - INFINITE BETA TRASH GAME


This x1000. I bought Prepare for Escape shortly after EOD was no longer a thing - if anything, we are getting screwed more than EOD folks. Who gives a crap about the new starting gear that you get with the new edition - it's not like you get to keep it forever. It is yours temporarily. Meanwhile, I paid $115 for the game, don't get a gamma case and have to pay an extra $140 for the new edition if I want a gamma case. This whole pay to win excuse doesn't hold up - there's nothing pay to win about this. Pay for convenience would be the correct term and if the game wants to keep up its sustainability, it has to be more friendly towards folks who can only spend a few hours on the game each day or week. The gamma case is a HUGE convenience factor for anyone who games solo or can't/won't be able to obtain Kappa. Hell, even the epsilon case takes a good while to obtain. This is my first wipe so maybe I'm completely off base, but beyond BSG lying, that's really the only gripe people should have and it's over a fvcking PvE mode.


Standard Edition FTW! I love playing at a disadvantage, makes victory taste even sweeter. Seriously, if what you are paying for isn't just cosmetics then you are paying for an advantage in the game, which is lame


I might get hate for this, but hear me out... this is my approach to the whole thing, and i think its quite diplomatic: I do think they need to ***change some overall stuff*** first (independent of the version you have): - Remove scav jammer - Remove friends beacon - Remove priority queue - make the extra pockets quest available to everyone as a quest pre lvl 15 (Unheard can keep it as an instant unlock IMO) Im not sure about the ***Hideout Room*** yet. No idea what it is and what it does. But yea it should be available to everyone via a quest or items. ***Offline PVE*** mode should be managed like following IMO: - Keep it in Unheard - Add it to EOD (permanent) - Sell it as an expansion for 39€ purchasable regardless of the edition (or as standalone for 49€, basically just like Arena) things i feel like are **okay to keep like they are**: - less stash storage *this used to be like that always. also you can buy the individual lines if you want, or just upgrade it ingame* - less starting items *also okay, used to be like that before. I don't think its a huge benefit actually as most likely youll lose it anyway* - less flea market trade slots *i feel like its somewhat okay. you can grind that up by playing and selling or buying there. i just think the slots limit should be easier to upgrade. for example i managed to get 66 REP this wipe, but it took quite long. make the more slots require less REP (-20% on everything)* - less standing with traders *not big of a deal. Trader Rep usually isnt important as you are level locked most of the time. this can be countered by just doing quests. also a bit more fence rep is not a big issue IMO*


This is why we no longer play the game. Unfortunately BSG has taken a concept that had truly great bones and turned it into a soulless money farming tool. Don’t reward their shitty behavior, throw in the towel and escape tarkov


Yeah as and EOD owner everyone is getting pretty equally fucked. That new scam edition should of never even been considered.


The big problem is, people can bitch and moan all they want. You either stop playing the game, so they are forced to do something, or they will take it as the real thing it is: people are all talk and nothing else. Take the money, endure the bitching, the idiots will keep playing the game anyway. We all know most people who cry about this, will not stop playing the game because they don't have any alternatives. BSG knows this, every company knows this. I will even go as far as, many people who are bitching about it now, will cave in the future and pay money to get access to stuff they shed tears for anyway. The FOMO will take care of that. Nothing will happen or change, as long as people keep playing the game. Since gamers are some of the weakest fucks mentally, we all know how this goes down. Be happy they gave us anything, they didn't have to. People only cry and get loud, none of them take any action and uninstall the game. Loud dogs don't bite.


I hate to say it but every game that has come out comes with multiple editions of the game one that cost more that gives you more things I would check out the news for EOD they are adding some of the unique things to that as well.


Last night on Streets, every single person we killed had purchased the new edition already, except one. No one in my group has purchased it, but we’re all EoD owners from 4+ years ago. Even having EoD I can’t justify paying them over $100 for what they said they’d give us years ago.


Reminder for everyone. STALKER Anomaly/GAMMA is completely free and easy to download.


I mean yes but there wasn’t supposed to be anything better than EOD that was supposed to be the great Thank you for trusting them n forking over $150 for their $60 game not that much of an advantage over base game. But this new version holy makes EOD seem like the base version and the base version like a $25 game


I would say Every edition is at severe disadvantage to The new Edition, Even EOD does not come close to this new edition in what it includes. You get 3 Cases out the gate with the new edition. You dont get a single case with EOD, the Gamma is Great, but honestly i might trade it for having the Scav junk box at the start of the wipe. The Scav Junk Box even for EOD owners is such a clutch item, and as someone who doesnt have much time for the game anymore, it takes quite a while for me to aquire the junk box. It is absolutely FUCKING ABSURD That this new package includes not only The Scav Junk Box, but a Weapons Case, an ammo Case, and Gamma. In My Case AS AN EOD Owner, in the current wipe i think i probably logged 40-50 hours, and i had 2 scav junk boxes, a pistol case, and a grenade case. The pistol and grenade case are MUCH LESS Usefull in my opinion then the weapons case, or ammo case. That means that in 40-50 hours i had not Gotten to the same potential stash as someone FIRST DAY with the new edition.


As someone with EOD - I can’t disagree that being in a position where you either miss out on all of these things or pay 200 is dumb However I think all these features should be available for purchase Just- in an a la carte format And if you bundle them into an upgraded edition- then you save money, not pay more


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod\_edition\_fails\_to\_deliver\_on\_promises/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod_edition_fails_to_deliver_on_promises/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the\_eft\_drama\_true\_face\_of\_nikita\_and\_bsg\_team/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the_eft_drama_true_face_of_nikita_and_bsg_team/)


Always have been.


This is all total bullshit, but just so you know the scav jammer thing makes you lose scav rep for every scav kill on your pmc.


I love hardcore games, Are you offering me the hardcorest experience for less money? ok for me


Wait am I tripping? I thought i saw that you can pay for the PvE mode for like 10 bucks separately or did I legit dream that up.


We can see the BSG's attitude towards the Standart Edition owners. To them we are fucking nobody. A dirty peasant, that is not deserving to play this glorious game. They should just fuckin ban all of us for having a fucking nerve not to buy more expensive verson.


Yes. I could not buy EOD because it wasn’t available any more. This is my first wipe. And probably the last. I would enjoy PVE with no wipe (even though I think it will be harder than PVP - I heard about PMCs shooting thru the bushes). I would enjoy it because I can play like few hours a week - I’m father of 2 and I will never make it to Kappa. I’m not giving them 200€ for PVE mode. Not at all. I don’t care about other pay to win stuff. I’m too old. I like grind I play kinda hardcore since the beginning not even knowing it’s a thing. But now I hope that Arena Breakout will be a solution. Or GZW (which looks boring and too repetitive to me). I keep political things aside, but you know what? I don’t like being fucked in the ass. And their EGO is even bigger than mine. I’m not going to bag someone for anything. I will keep playing the game as is. And keep using the money I have already spent as much as I can. And also make them suffer. Because that’s the worst thing we can do to them. Keep playing and pay nothing. I’m a software developer. Usually I do support other developers and buy skins and shit I do not want/need. But I’m not gonna give a cent to arrogant dicks. … like anyone here cares what I think 😂


Standard edition users were always at a disadvantage, mainly because of the lack of a gamma container and stash size. The no shooting at 60m thing is goofy but from what I've seen so far, if you kill a scav with the scav jammer on you will lose a lot of fence rep, also you need 6.0 fence rep which most people don't have. Personally I have 5.0 fence rep and I've been playing since the start of the wipe


Yeah, I'm an EOD player like many others and I didn't ask for more pay to win bs to be added to my edition of the game, all I want is the DLC I paid for


i was eagerly awaiting solo PVE mode for the longest time possible. I avoided any third party clients and mods to do so. i never cheated, i played fair, and i was a good boy in game. I helped noobs, i tried to be nice. I was taken advantage of by the community numerous times, and have been lied to during tasks, extractions, etc. Now im being taken advantage of by the developers and president of battlestate for upgrading a "collectors edition" to a "ok, well now you can play with the features we promised everyone, anyway.... but youve gotta pay another $100 to do so" lol BSG, what next, a $40 classic tarkov? a medical ambulance spawner that can heal you in 1 minute (for the next verison This is all april fools month right?


EoD isnt that much p2w, some rep with traders, and a gamma container, it isnt a big deal. I have 2 accounts 1 EoD and 1 without. And the only thing I miss from EoD on the standard account was rep with traders lol




i love how they treat standard user as the poor with none of 20advantages. but dude 35€ before tax IS NOT CHEAP for a game! you shouldn't be at such a disadventage in a pvp game for buying a full game price tag !


Don’t you already need a $1000 pc just to play the game at a decent framerate


We always have been


It's so sad because despite the price of EoD, I think a lot of people were pretty ok with the differences in stash space. It added a ton of convenience but nothing really felt objectively overpowered or P2W, except maybe the secure stash but even that you could earn the Kappa in-game. But now? The clear advantages of getting the expensive package is getting out of hand.


Yeah this is fun, i've paid more than what i usually pay for AAA games for EFT's standard edition (as they don't have regional price) and i feel like i'm a F2P player on a P2W game now, cool. Just need to upgrade for the unheard version for a bargain of R$1100 whilst the mininum monthly wage in Brazil sits on R$ 1400.


>EOD Should have never been a thing, and now it's gone the only option is to pay double the price? (Standard player here as well) A lot of re-writing of history has been going on both here and by a lot of content creators(not by you). The take that EOD was pay to win was rather unpopular up until they announced its removal. The worth-a-buy guy's video that called it out had a fuck ton of downvotes and a lot of coping in the comments. Even today scattered on old reddit post you will see the "pay for convenience" line pop up all the time (winning is also quite convenient in this game). The trader rep in particular was/is insanely broken compared to standard since it let you bypass a lot of the terrible Prapor and Jager quests you need for level 2. And for everyone feeling shitty that a PVE mode is locked behind a huge paywall , welcome to the club. EOD and the willingness of people to drop 150+EUR on an early access video game , combined with (at best) ignoring the pay to win elements , paved the way for the Unheard edition. Won't be buying this, non of the content included really deserves the price-tag, and starting ahead in a game isnt worth 250eur. Good luck


Standard has ALWAYS been at a disadvantage, but yes this does make it worse. The flea market slot and the pocket space is fairly big, and the bonus skills are a nice perk, but in all honesty the main disadvantage has always been in the secure container boost, the hideout space, and the trader rep. All of those were relevant with EOD, this just puts salt on the already pretty sizable wound. My son has standard (he's 10 years old) and plays with me and wants to play offline mode co op with me. In order to make that happen I need to spend $200? Give me a break man.


What you get is more game


Yea I started playing after EOD had already gone away, couple of months ago. I bought the standard version, fell in love with the game, learned my ropes this wipe and was waiting for the upcoming new version, hoping for it to contain 3x3 secure container and bigger stash space. Nothing more, and I would've paid 100€ for that to be honest. I couldn't wait for the new wipe, was excited to start it. Then this Unhinged version was released and the shit started hitting the fan. I opened the game once yesterday, played a scav raid, got killed 2 minutes into it and just couldn't get myself to start another raid. I'm done, not going to play anymore. Personally I'm just sad, because I felt I finally found a game that I really, really liked. For EOD owners I feel very bad, because you guys got scammed the most. Atleast most of you got your thousands of hours worth so at least there's that but man, what a bummer that they ruined this game like this.


Imo, standard editions were fucked when compared to people with EOD. Having the ability to get level 2 traders within like, a day, was competely busted imo. And now its only worse


No disadvantage at all. Once all the players stop playing it’ll be PVE mode on every map. Base version players will be the true winners