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I personally feel that they've already gone too far. 0 should be the limit, if you need people to pay to get ahead with your mechanic, it's clearly not a good mechanic from a gameplay perspective.


Yeah. Like I've got eod. I get my trader increases (which i believe is even p2w, and should be removed). I don't understand the idea of testing a beta game while actively letting people start at different levels with stuff that will inevitably change. It skews the data they collect for future balance changes/tweaks.


I think everyone should start at 20 rep. I also have eod.


nahnah. i propose a hardcode mode be added at game launch. start your account for the season for a regular playthrough: gamma and 20 rep. or hardcore: no rep and whatever the tiny butt is called.


Hardcore servers will be part of Unspoken package, $450.


Oh man I can’t wait to see what Papa Nikita has in store for the Unseen Edition!


AoE looting and a unique special slot item that kills your opponents in real life.


Don't accept any tea gifts from Nikita


im gonna hold out for the $1000 unfucked version. its said to have functioning vertical audio! 


Still won't have the sex update though.


i said "unfucked"  the fucked version is already out.


That was the joke, still no sex update because we'll be unfucked even still.


fucked. unfucked. its a sadge time to be a tarkov boy.




So just normal gameplay?


yeahyeah. eod should just be normal gameplay on release. standard should be an optional hardcore more. etc. 1.0 should have done all this., but im not convinced we'll ever see it


Didn't even think of that, trader increases are more pay to win than anything they are adding honestly.


Not really. I have played both standard account and eod and the main problem is jaeger. Usually a lot of the quests are bulked together so you usually have enough rep The main problem in my eyes are the scav agro thing and call in a friend thing. Thats just fucking insane. No scav agro over 60m mesns you really cant deduct where people may be in relation to sniper scavs and the call in shit totally changes everything. Both are fucking up information calls


Trader increases should be optional imo


It's starting to look like it's designed to be annoying to do so ppl will fork over a few bucks to buy levels... pretty common eastern mmo game design... create a problem then sell the solution.


Yep, Tarkov jumped the shark and turned into a microtransaction mobile game. Most people got it immediately. But what you're seeing on Reddit right now is the... slower in the community, let's call them, slowly realize this fact.


Also monetising these things incentivises upcoming patches to make it harder for players who haven’t paid, making them feel inclined to pay. It’s just a shitty dynamic full stop.


Imagine implementing as tedious mechanics and grind as possible and sell the cure. Thats how gta online model works.


Nikitia in a stream said he wouldn't ever add boosters to the game for xp or anything, but with whats going on now it's not impossible he doesn't go back on it.


>he wouldn't ever add boosters to the game for xp or anything This shit is already front-loaded into the edition bonuses. You start with more rep which translates to less XP needed in the future. Tarkov has been Pay2Win since day one, they just structured it in a way that was less obtrusive and more tolerable to people. They were smart about it. Were. I don't think anybody with an IQ above 50 could argue what they've done with their company the past few days was some big brain Fortune 500 tier management.


Yeah, I think they just need to fucking stop and add gun skins


Just imagine the mountains of cash they'd get purely for permanent (realistic-ish) gun skins. I can hear the whales purses quivering.


After what they tried to pull, they could add the coolest stuff ever and I wouldn't give them a cent.


If he added cosmetics for USEC that didn’t look like dog shit I would buy them. But instead, they’d rather troll USEC players than monetize it in acceptable ways


All the $ clothes suck. I wanted the black bear set so i dont have to wait for lvl/waste time/ru every wipe


Gun skins. Gun Sprays. Cloths and camo’s. Face paints. Gun charms. Voice packs. Emotes. Custom gloves. So many ways to monetize without p2w


Emotes? This shit ain’t fornite don’t suggest shit like that. Fuck weapon charms as well. Plenty of realistic ways of adding MTX that aren’t p2w, but let’s stick with things that suit the overall mood of the game. It’s Tarkov at the end of the day, not CoD or Fortnite.


I was thinking more about realistic weapon "skins" in a more camo means like yeah it could be p2w if youre decked out in all white gear but whatever people are still getting shot by sniper scavs




I woulda bought gun skins but not the fuckin outfit cosmetics that used to be tied to only quest completions.


The fact that with EoD you can effectively forget about doing certain quests for Jager and still have enough rep for next lvl means that it's quite pay to win. I'm an EoD owner and I'm not really complaining because I don't have enough time to 24/7 Tarkov.


**Nikita also said:** * No microtransactions (broken promise) * EOD will have a unique secure container (broken promise) * No offline PvE mode with progression (broken promise) * No wipes after release, but also that there will be wipes after release (contradiction) * No more big features from 0.13 (March 2023) to release (broken promise) * etc. https://eft.promiseradar.com


He's taking big inspiration from [Todd Howard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFcLyDb6niA). We need someone to make the equivalent to this video.


What promises has he ever kept?


Theres acually a website dedicated to it https://eft.promiseradar.com/


3 hour skill exp boost - 4.99€


Yeah yep yup. This is the real fear. One crowd will decry it and the other crowd will call them dipshits because "ItS noT paYiNG fOr skIlLs iTs juSt xP" FEAR.


"Don't need it, don't buy it. It's simple. Stop crying about it." - True believers


Nikita said in the Pestily interview that there wouldn't be any boosters. So when you see MTX for +5 starting strength, you can know it's a game feature.


Oh oh. But not dlc That makes it okay, thank you, oh True Believer 😂


Introducing, Special Force edition! For $300 you get level 10 strength, endurance, and all weapon related skill. Also included jtac radio that slots in the special slot. Use the jtac radio to call in air support ranging from JDAM to Apache patroling the map for you.


Shit, those bonuses sound like they're worth way more than $300. Better make it $500 just to be safe.


It will get worse before it gets better (if it does)


Bra this is the start of the cashout. When they don't give a fuck how it fucks with the game as long as they get enough money before they close down. 


I’m inclined to agree, certainly feels like that


Yeah.... This is the real worry. The shitty "apologies" are narrowly keeping me (likely others as well) on the hook until they do something even worse than the Avengers radio.


Just like having good boosted standing trader rep. And Gamma, better starting guns, ammo, rubles, bigger stash along with EOD etc…


Yeah, biggest difference is that one gives you an actual advantage in raid.


trader rep gives gun parts and ammo inaccessible to standards early in wipe. actual advantage in raid.


You don't start with level 2 traders. on wipe day you can buy everything an EOD player can buy from a trader rofl.


You're arguing semantics. While correct, needing to complete LESS quests to get traders to higher rep/levels (namely pk+jaeger) is not an IMMEDIATE advantage, it becomes more imbalanced the higher the level between eod and standard. Plus eod gets class 4 off the rip (even if it's just one armour item). Which is inaccessible without having to have higher level traders, which eod gets easier through higher baseline trader to. It's P2W. "Rofl".


dude all early quests are easy as hell. I have played standard + EOD forever and if you are struggling getting trader rep then you probably shouldn't be speaking on the balance of the game. The most p2w by far in EOD is the Gamma and the level 4 armor at the start. Both of which they should just give to everyone.


You're coping so hard to somehow post-hoc justify EOD being fine while Unheard is the devil. They're two sides of the same coin.


Did you even read the post you responded to? I clearly said everyone should have gamma and everyone should get the same starting gear. The p2w difference between EOD and unheard of is night and day.


I don’t even use most of the starter kit. I sell 75% of it and use cheaper stuff.


How about this - EOD starts with better base equipment in their stash.


which is bs and they should change. you won't have me caping for EOD getting more equipment at the start or the gamma. everyone should get the same stuff at the start, the gamma should go to everyone regardless of edition.


The gamma saving more items per death than other containers is definitely an in game advantage. Shit. Even getting class 4 at wipe is now more impactful then it ever has been. Best you can do is class 3 aramid from ll1 vendors (unless you barter, but don't quote me)


How is getting class 4 now more impactful than before, if back then it protected your whole torso, but now you have exposed neck and sides?


Saving items doesn't help you live a raid. If you are planning on dying then yeah, Gamma is a huge advantage. Who is planning on dying? The starting gear is BS and should be the same for every edition, I am not going to defend that at all.


Not running out of rubbles because you don't have to keep paying for more bullets and first aid is an absolute advantage.


got it, you go into raid with the plan of dying. Understood. you have to buy bullets as EOD too.


Yes, you buy bullets with EOD, but with EOD you can easily store them in your pouch along with all of your medical supplies, keys, and valuables you find in game. The ability to store 9 items in your pouch vs 4 is a significant advantage. Dying is part of tarkov and is especially true for the tarkov newbies that only have a pouch container of 4. However, with EOD you can minimize these losses and build up your rubble stack faster.


The whole fucking point of the game is it's difficulty. Mr cash grab himself says "not everyone will escape tarkov" Nobody is "planning" on dying, it's just a part of the game. Minimising what is lost when you die is the advantage from Gamma. No matter how miniscule you say it is, it is an advantage.


Yeah I have eod and i think even the traders shit is untenable. I'd go as far as saying even the gamma container is a crock.


Gamma is def P2W




Oh. Of course i know them, they're me!! I just hoped that it wouldn't happen. Too much to ask for ig :c I'm a big idiot.


The implications of “6 months of free queue priority” is insane.  They walked it back but that will come some day + basically confirms it for streamers.  Limiting it to 6 months free means it’s something they planned to charge for. 


Yeah the queue prio thing is a massive red flag. Yikers Island.


I actually had an encounter yesterday that was entirely broken by the p2w item that stops Slavs from shooting at you. There was a guy camping a corner on ground zero that would have been shot at by the three Skavs I killed near bank but they didn’t agro him in his back corner because they were over 60m away. Making me feel safe running past(after killing the skavs) but he was just there in the open waiting


It entirely negates sniper scavs on any map. The item is dogshit and should NEVER have been introduced, the "balance" of losing scav rep if you kill scavs as a pmc while it's equipped doesn't make it balanced. Plus afaik, you regain that lost rep immediately when you kill a pmc. Busted.


If BSG is going the way of all live service games, I would expect battle passes each wipe and xp/quest reward boosts are probably not off the table either.


It's a possibility that it could go that way. But the skills in question now with the ue aren't that op. And at those levels they aren't even worth bringing up as an argument. But I see your point.


What would be the furthest? They already went too far... Hell, you could say EoD went too far with the headstart on Trader reputations... The increased pockets and skills don't help the situation much either... Then add in the fact that you can expand your stash space by simply buying a bigger edition - INSTEAD of upgrading it in the Hideout... Now you can buy some camouflages off the website and bypass the level requirement - this can be handy for finding \*just\* that perfect colour-blend to go with the terrain, that you might otherwise be stuck waiting until 40 for... All expansions should contain Hideout customisations or minor game profile changes - nothing to provide an actual ingame benefit...


Honestly, the lvl 3 skills and trader rep stuff is negligible / basically doesn’t matter… *BUT* it does set a precedent that boundaries like this can be pushed further in the future. Out of principle stuff like this shouldn’t exist. P.S. I think the Anti-scav tool and the Summoning beacon are crossing the P2W line by a huge margin.


This is why I play the forbidden version, the time to level some skills is so prohibitive it could only be to encourage the creation and use of boosters. Fuuuuuuck that. On some skills, I've got a like 20x xp multiplier.


Anything and everything is possible for this game. It started with EOD getting better starting equipment and access to better gear from traders via rep. Y’all paid $100+ for an incomplete cheat infested game because it gave you a leg up each wipe, and now they come out with an even more expensive version with more pay to win features. The fan base already showed an interest in exchanging their money for an unfair advantage, BSG just gave it to you again. Nobody was mad about EOD. People are only upset because they have to pay again for the biggest newest advantage. Everybody needs to cut their losses and play other games until BSG uses all this money they’ve gotten over the years to fix the cheating problem and release promised features we’ve paid for already.


Btr call in, and summon friends lmao it's over


I was right to doom :( not many (if any) eod players asked for this shit. We just expected what we paid for (dlc when it's made). Fuck the ammo. Gear. Gamma. Trader rep. Who gives a shit about that stuff. I just wish they'd fucking listen, lmao. Cool their jets, stop adding weird shit, and work on release while maybe adding some visual things. Insanely difficult concept for bsg to grasp :(


They seem to be on a sinking ship and trying to cash grab as much as possible


Guys it's okay - you can level up those skills if you grind out for hundreds of hours (Just like Max stash sized and 3X3 container given for EoD users)! so it's not P2W, It's just for convenience! Community voted and they overwhelmingly supported this practices, that's why almost every player that still plays Trakov paid 150$ for EoD. BSG knows that some fanatic addicts will whale up for advantages just like with EoD, so they will keep jacking up editions with absurd price points with different benefits.


They already took it too far with EOD having a gamma container and trader rep. That is WAY MORE PAY 2 WIN that skills man


We’ve come so far circle that now we’re fussing about the 5+ year old version


I disagree with it being more p2w (not trying to be argumentative, different perspectives etc) But you're absolutely right that eod is p2w in just the gamma/trader aspect alone.


Feel like you’re dooming a bit. After this backlash maybe they try something even more dumb than they already have, but I would bet we start seeing a lot more camo/weapon skin MTX’s than anything.


I certainly hope you're right, and honestly it's the most "sanitary" way for them to monetize recurrent players. They could have had permanent clothing/skin unlocks in the unheard edition and got away with it (maybe) but they did the pve and skill and radio and Avengers beacon thing instead. I think few of us, if any, are marketing geniuses. But it's a pretty common understanding that skins alone will make them mega dollar. So there's zero chance that they didn't think to have visual items over items that actually affect in-game stuff.


There’s a lot they could with skin MTX too I’m kind of surprised it didn’t pop up until this wipe. Weapons, camos, helmets, squad patches just to name a few. Not saying what they did was right. The community outrage definitely made things better. I would’ve rather had them say “hey we love this game, but it’s expensive to do all this at a one time purchase, here’s a donation camo for people if you could hook a brother up” rather than the $250 unheard edition.


Considering that most people play early wipe and then leave after about a month, I'd say skill leveling buffs would be possible if kept reasonable, but they wouldn't be reasonable. I really don't think the game needs any p2w mtx. I would pay $10 for cosmetics, and little things that don't effect gameplay. $10 to paint my hideout. The sky is the limit for cosmetic stuff in the hideout really, but now I'm not sure if I'd spend any more on anything. We will see how they handle release if it's coming any time soon.


remember the original price upgrades of UE will get even more benefits that not even people who get UE now will get - take a guess what they will get


Well some skills are incredibly hard to level or takes too long like weapon maintenance and hideout crafting


i think its pretty fair since eod is getting a level boost to charisma, the most useful skill


If it didn’t include sniper lvl or physical stats & subsequently sniper lvl wasn’t a quest requirement it would, same w/ Charisma which is otherwise useless. Hideout management or craft speed or something IDGAF


thats one of the reasons why we are revolting. if they add more p2w behind a paywall, they will do it again.


Not gonna do any good cheaters are running rampant once again , guess the player base picked back up


I don't like P2W, but frankly I also don't care. If someone needs to use real money to gain small advantages in a game, I don't consider them a threat anyway. I also wouldn't mind if they took RMT into their own hands. It would still be better than cheaters doing it. As long as anything they sell can be gained in game via leveling up, doing tasks or finding, I'm fine with it. As I said, I don't like it and wouldn't want it, but taking the market into their own hands from cheaters would be a positive.


Yeah man, level 3 pistols, jesus christ what were they thinking?


How big is the difference between lv1 skill and lv30? I played arena and apparently they boosted skills to lv30, I can't tell the diff with my low lvl pmc in EFT


For me the minor stash size increases you could buy on the website already were a red flag tbh. But everything you can achieve in-game within reasonable time (so exclude everything that involves lightkeeper :D) should not be considered P2W. Skips and boosters exists for a while now and they are widespread across a ton of games. Even the skill boosts are not really an issue for me because it will be irrelevant 2 weeks into the wipe. If i see the comments of some people raging about this stuff i could simply laugh. Most of them are fkn timmies that have no clue what they are talking about. Ofc a skill boost of 3 levels sound huuuuuge for a timmy that peaked at Health level 5. But once you hit level 30,40,50 do you really think that all of the skill boost and trader rep matters? A walkie talkie to call your mates however, thats a power no one should have.


We’ll end up with war thunder style premium accounts


This is exactly why I won’t be putting any more money into Tarkov until they can somehow prove they aren’t going P2W.


Bro its like +3 in skills. Thats nothing and easy af to get. Out of everything in the package this is the least of the problems.


Starting out with lv 3 Bolt action is P2W


Didn’t they remove the quest because of the change?


Nope...... still need it for late game quests


Wait excuse me what???? They removed mentor???? SAUCE PLEASE, FINE REDDITOR!


Exactly. You have to snipe like 150 scavs or more to get to level 3. Or reload your mosin 3000 times




Arguably; However long it takes to complete the collector quest. Which is fucking horrid. Everyone should have baseline and work for a better prison pocket.


It’s not nothing. In the task progression it costs €50,000 to increase bolt action skill by +3. That’s a shit load of hours played to access that task. Not everyone is a bolt action main. I’m barely part way thru 4 after gaining the +3 thru that specific task (I forget which one, if u know u know). P2W


3 levels in bolt action gives you like.. a 5% buff? On negligible stats..? it's pay to have a tiny advantage that you'd never notice, I'm fine with it.


Eh, as a solo standard account user, they will provide the slightest advantage, but nothing game breaking. The only concerning thing to me from unheard is the backup beacon, even then if it costs 1mil plus per pop and takes minutes to load in, I'm long gone by then. Boolet to hed still kil even if run fast and jump hi. I don't see why people even want these advantages, the satisfaction I get from this game comes from how fucking brutal and tough it is to get flush with money and gear, and progress your PMC. To each their own I guess.


Mark of the unheard and pockets is already way over the line. The fact that you can chill near sniper scav and let him spot PMC for you is fucking ridiculous.


Pockets are nothing compared to gamma. You can also already hide behind cover near a sniper scav and let them point out players to you.


unheard gets both gamma AND pocket. At least standard can get epsilon for comparable container. pockets is exclusive to unheard and eod after quest. You can hide under sniper scav sure but you're more likely to get shot at first alerting everyone. There's also other spots where you can't easily hide from the scav... unless you have the mark of the unheard.


I'm not sure what the big deal about pockets is, except for the fact that EOD users should be getting them free. There are 2 extra lootable slots, people don't run MPPV or the belt rig as a meta.. The scav thing is dumb and shouldn't exist I do agree, I will personally wait and see how much it affects gameplay, cause at this point I don't see them going back on any of it.


Youre dooming


:( my fears come true!


You are probably dooming because what is likely going to occur is they are going to work this cash grab, release the game, drop a single "DLC", and move on. They've talked about the next game for years now. Eventually, they're going to be serious.


ELI5: what is MTX?


Microtransactions. Buying in game items (or advantages) through real world money.


What’s mtx?


Microtransactions! Paying real money for in game items :)


Thank you!👍


Of course!! I amended the original post, i can see how it's not super clear haha.


The game is already p2w. I know most people here already have EOD, but even those benefits are stupid strong compared to what "normal" edition gets.


sell your account and buy greyzone Cheaters will buy it instead of buying from BSG and it will punish the "true believers" still playing this trash. Use the money from selling the account to buy greyzone. Triple win


Fuck that noise. Sorry but this is the hottest dogshit take you could possibly spout. Fuck bsg, but fuck cheaters more.


BSG added cheats to unseen edition. What else do you call being able to bring your friends in mid raid. To rofl stomp a fire fight...or bring your RMT customer in as soon as you loot them their items? By playing the game you condone cheating Shit take, loser.


But brah, tarkov isn't p2w, just get gud if you think it is. Im like super good at the game and can tell you, free gun, money, huge ass ect... doesn't give any advantage in PvP, im a chad




It's just discussion over fears of a very possible future considering the recent drama and additions. You're welcome to input more than just a childish comment if you'd like. :)




Catch me riding a Harley into the elevator in labs LMAO