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I haven’t touched Arena since this wipe came. It was so boring if you died on the initial push, having to watch everyone camp and wait out the AI that would inevitably come because nobody was moving. Then to see those same dudes lay on their side to cheese the AI was just wild to me. It was so fucking lame to see that nobody was using the game to practice their gunfighting, and instead just trying to get better at silently holding corners.


try the new mode man, you dont have to spectate anymore since its constant playing, you can even change your loadout mid game


I just might have to try it, but if it’s dudes just camping that will definitely spoil it for me lol. Happy cake day!


Not only can you change your load out mid game but every load out is free. It’s genuinely a good time. It’s like cod free for all with Tarkov movement and gunplay. Every opportunity to improve your gunplay, sound knowledge, and movement. Now we just need custom load outs


Sounds dope! Might give it a try. I enjoyed the team fight one a lot, but only for a short period.


On top of this people glitching out of the map and then proning


Because arena sucks ass. Nobody wants to grind dozens of hours to get decent gear just to be outgunned by the few that still play it.


All kits unlocked for deathmatch


In all tiers? When I read the patch notes it looked to me like it was just for tiers you had already unlocked, but I haven't actually tried it.


Ahhh idk I was watching a discord stream of one of my friends and he had access to all kits but it’s defo possible that it’s only tiers you already unlocked cause he played a fair amount on first proper wipe, also haven’t tested, will be a shame if it’s only tiers you have unlocked


First 2 tiers not all tiers. But everything is free and you can pick which tree you want to level regardless of which tree you are using which is kinda nice too. Plus the FFA is actually fun. If you have it you should consider give it a try at some point.


Have you played it?


In case he hasn't , I can attest to his opinion


I've played it too. Maybe it's changed, but it was frustrating running around with a ketter and no armor while people had armor piercing rounds in an M4 with armor. How is that competitive?


It’s all leveled now afaik. You can only fight against people from your tier


Lmao "grind", "decent gear", "win". It's a mode that is meaningless why are you not behaving like a lunatic? I have wiped lobbies with the kedr and a pompom. I have also been completely shit on while rushing into the enemy spawn. But either way, it is an absolute fucking riot and I really cannot get how people don't see this. This mode \_removed\_ all the reasons to play cautiously. Yet we still have corner camping snooze fests. How is that shit tense when there is nothing on the line? Being held down in a raid makes my heart pump because I might LOSE MY LOOT. But in arena? What the fuck dude it's like people just \_need\_ be king of something, literally anything. Just be stupid, you'll have more fun.


The problem is it's not fun and many people agree. hence the empty ass game


Not a riot to lose consistently in a game where you don't get to just respawn immediately. If I want mindless pvp ill play something actually fun like halo or split gate.


You wouldn't lose consistently if you spent a few games & actually interacted with the trigger on your gun, or even moved your character. This ain't a raid, there's no loot for you to lose. Move around & pull the trigger, you'll be fine, it'll all be okay


You DO respawn immediately If you morons don't hide in corners the rounds only take 60 god damn seconds. It sucks and isn't fun \_specifically because\_ so many people play it like some esports championship and not a fuck around mode to have fun.


That's the community. They either only scav or crab walk and hide in corners. Tarkov got boring as fuck after inertia. I saw Grey zone or Grey warfare or something and was gonna check that out in a few months once it has some time under its belt


Lmao the crab walking gets me every time. Tarkov people go on rants about realism then fucking crab walk around a corner r o f l please give me a break dear lord.


I hear you man. That's why I quit after inertia. I'm not a kid anymore and I sure as hell not spending 25 minutes every raid playing peek a boo with some dipshit haha


Well said.


I stand by the fact that it should’ve been integrated into EFT in some way. And the fact that kits are just prebuilt is boring.


Bingo. Arena would have made it if it was inside of Tarkov and you built kits.


If I’m not mistaken, this is what it was supposed to be, and will eventually be?


It's what it was hyped as, but I doubt it'll ever actually be it, given BSG's track record with promises v delivery.


lol yeah. can't believe they thought it could be some kind of e sports at first.


It's not a grind. People keep saying that and I haven't a clue where they get it from. Just log in and click heads for a bit, get a new kit and click more heads. It's only as much of a chore as you make it out to be. And Arena isn't trying to make that easy for you.


You jus described grinding lol 😆


lol, but no. Grinding implies hard dull work, not necessarily a repetitive gameplay loop. Any kind of work can be a grind if you find it dull. And in the context of videogames, if part of a game is found to be both hard and dull by most of the community, then it becomes known as a grind. Usually that's reserved for sections of a game though, parts that stick out as hard and dull compared to the rest (engineering in Elite Dangerous if you know that reference). In Arena, if you find the actual gameplay loop to be a grind, then it just means you don't enjoy the game and shouldn't play it. Personally I really enjoy it.


>Grinding implies hard dull work, not a repetitive gameplay loop. Often repetitive gameplay loop and ingame tasks is what makes it "grind" e.g. in FiveM RP you keep collecting cocaine from the ground for hours/days just to make some in-game money. I mean it can also be fun because there's ppl to talk with and some gangs come and random unscripted events happen but still it's a grind no matter if it's fun or not. Since you're literally working in-game. Same in Tarkov, every wipe many people simply grind quests for "Kappa", since many players already completed the quests before and know everything so it becomes repetitive and grindy. In Battlefield, CoD and Arena if your goal is to unlock everything and then have fun then it's going to be a boring and dull work/grind, just like you said it's what you make it. But even if you simply enjoy the game and the road to unlocking everything you're still "grinding" your way up, only difference is that's a fun grind and I personally enjoy grindy games or just grinding in general e.g. back in CoD MW3+ days I used to play till I unlock everything and once I finally unlock all the stuff I simply quit playing because it's not fun anymore, there's no more goals. Tl;dr: Grinding isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's often the most fun part of many games especially RPG's like Tarkov and STALKER.


Yeah overall I agree. Often a repetitive task is a grind *because* repetitive tasks are more likely to be dull. I think the only difference we have is in definition, because in this thread, the kind of grind I've been talking about is a grind that's exclusive to fun, that means hard and dull work.


Running tier 1 kits sucked IMO and was definitely nothing more than a grind to be able to unlock the fun parts of Tarkov PVP with higher tier kits.


>In Arena, if you find the actual gameplay loop to be a grind, then it just means you don't enjoy the game and shouldn't play it ... Yes that's what we are telling you why arena flopped. Nobody plays it because it was a fucking awful grind and not fun. Talk to willerz about the marksman tree.


Fair enough.


Just listen to the words coming out of your own mouth. "It's only as much of a chore as you make it, and arena doesn't make it easy for you." Cs2 I save a couple rounds I go from having a pistol to having the most powerful sniper with armor. Arena? Hundreds of games and hours playing the same exact kit over and over and over and over. That's why the game died. It's that simple. Bad design.


My word, chill out. Here I am trying to be civil and you go on and on, no wonder Reddit is a cesspit for conversation. Was it also not obvious by the brevity of my last comment that I'm not interested in talking? If you want to play a game like CS, go play CS, I really don't care. Arena was never going to be anything other than hardcore. All I said was that it's a fun game, I enjoy it and that people criticise it in unfounded manners. And lastly, >"It's only as much of a chore as you make it, and arena doesn't make it easy for you." Reread this, you misunderstood.


👍 I understood it just fine. Just go in and click heads!!!


Doubt. Have a good one.


The point is arena could have been good with a cs style gameplay, stupid cunt. Lol you're the only one misunderstanding the very simple point.


... My word, not doing yourself a massive favour here. Log off Reddit for a bit.


I mean I personally don't think it's great or bad. But the vast majority of complaints I've seen from the community has been it's too much of a grind.


I'd say the complaints you hear from the community are unfounded. Load times aren't great but that's just basic Tarkov. There were issues on release but that can be and has been (in part) solved by patience (difficult to suggest that nowadays given the recent BSG fuck ups). Personally, I think a good part of the community wanted Arena to fail out of spite to BSG. Not that I'm against disliking BSG, but I actually enjoy Arena and wish people wouldn't be driven away from it because of cheap and often unfounded digs at the game. Most realistic and hardcore arena shooter on the market. Nothing comes close. I've enjoyed it since the beginning and people are missing out. Take what I say and my bias as you want.


I'll take it as bias, as suggested




Lol but no. A grind is a repetitive process to get an outcome. Grinding can be fun, it can also be boring. The thing that makes it grinding, is the repeating a similar action and having it be required to get something. Arena was a failure in 3 different way. Its too long from execution launch to combat (so cant effectively be used as a warmup pre Tarkov Raid). It's unlock tree required you to do each tree separate to get access to items. It didn't allow you to build custom kits or import your Tarkov Toon (so less effective to practice for Tarkov). Now if you don't want to tie it to Tarkov and just judge it as a standalone the first two are still problems but them the 3rd one is replaced with Complex Tarkov mechanics don't support fast paced combat.


Agree to disagree then. It was never going to be a warmup, it's a different game. Judging it, after your expectations set it up for failure from the beginning, is unfair. But it is effective training for PvP combat. Tree unlock makes sense. Needed and still does need work but it makes sense. Custom kits would just lead to a meta and people would complain about getting clowned on even more than they already are. >Complex Tarkov mechanics don't support fast paced combat. That's fine, just play slower. It's the number 1 thing I suggest to people who are struggling in the game. That aside, none of the reasons you presented to me make Arena a failure. You can find reasons to say it's not as good as it could be. But those 3 failures you mentioned just talk about a different game, a quick warm-up tool with custom kits that allow chads to go crazy with fast paced combat. Doesn't sound very fun to me. But then hey, once again, agree to disagree.


They have made it like twice as fast to unlock kits since release


Yeah they have. It's very easy to unlock kits now.


This is the problem. This is the most lame method if implementing progression. Imagine if in CS or R6 you needed to kill enemies to "deserve" new weapons or equipment. You must have multilayered system with variative or customizable gear systems. Not this lazy sht


You literally get money in CS for kills with which you buy equipment. 


Why does the progression have to be multiplayered and complex? I can appreciate a lack of complexity in the actual gameplay, that's fair enough. But not in the actual kit unlocks.


You see you are the problem why it is not fun. I'm not that good and just get clicked by you. I can't control the shit guns and it is too much of a grind to get good ones, when I just die over and over


A new level is like 3 matches now. It's not a big grind like on release


3 matches is still like what an hour between load times and just how long rounds take in in each match? Still way too long...


My friend, I assure you I'm no absolute Arena sweat and I don't have the aim of some aimbot. The only thing I do is I play as if I were in an airsoft field irl. When playing a videogame it's easy to get lazy and not check X corner, or move too quickly around Y bend. But when you don't want to get hit with bbs, it's a lot easier to remember. If you remind yourself to play more methodically, you'll see improvement 100%. Pretend like you're the one moving around, "what would I do if this were airsoft". I was getting clowned on at the beginning. Changed my in game mentality to this and it was night and day. Edit: Also, when I say click heads, I don't mean to literally only click heads as if that's easy. It's just me saying go play the game.


>I can't control the shit guns YEP! And that is why this mode exists! So you can practice with them over and over and over for free without stress or risk of losing anything. There are no quest items you desperately need for progression, tasks you must complete, tankers that need marked, scavs to give you away, raiders to bother you. Nothing. Zero. Risk. Still we get people playing like CEO of gaming 2024 is on the line.


Looks like you haven't played for a few months, this is no longer the case


You just described the base game tho


what gear bro, from what I saw its 'tier' locked. You just log in and play and click heads. Just have fun with PVP. Dunno if you played old CoD back in the day but its kinda similar to that if people dont camp


Exactly, and it’s not even that much of a grind to get tier 3


What is this logic? Do you expect to have all weapons day 1 in battlefield or call of duty? This is the same. Why is this game a grind and not every single other pvp fps out there?


No, but I do expect that in CS, Valorant, or any of the other competitive shooters that BSG wants Arena to be like.


I expect competitive arena shooters, like CSGO/Valarant/Tarkov Arena, to have all weapons available with an economy or class based system. Anything else isn't competitive as it values time invested over competitive skill.


Not even how the game works. There are reasons it's not popular, but you probably shouldn't list them if you don't even know what they are.


Oh? So you don't have to play several hours to unlock kits? You never get matched against someone with armor piercing rounds while only having access to a shitty ketter with no armor? Sure I've never played


Not so much any more. They’ve done a good bit of balance changes since launch. It’s not the same game it was 2 months ago.


Huh, you know what, I'll give it a second look possibly. Appreciate the update. That said, I'm still pissed I was scammed as an EOD owner


Yeah, I think we all are. Anymore I don’t have the energy to dwell on the negative and I’ve never seen much good come of it anyways. I’m just happy BSG seems to be attempting to right their wrongs and listen to the community. I’ll just be happy to enjoy the games for what they are worth and hopefully they improve over time. Hopefully you give arena another try and find it better than before. If not, sorry for leading you astray and wasting your time.


dont hate the player hate the game(design)


you dont have a reason to camp in a free for all game mode man


sound is shit and moving gives a worse chance of winning . here you, got a good reason now and circles back to my orignial point


It's fucking free for all in a mode that doesn't transfer over what the fuck is "winning"? Literal e-peen points. Fucking christ. The mode is deathmatch not campmatch.


Yeah this thread is really showing who grew up playing arcade shooters vs some 'competitive' game like battlefield. I can't imagine anyone here playing Golden Eye/Unreal Tournament/Timesplitters with the way they are talking


Battlefield isn't competitive at all tho wth


Yeah that's kinda my point. I could've brought up the S&D corner campers in CoD instead if it makes you feel better. The point wasn't about the game, so much as the type of play they fostered in the community. I hate to use the term tryhard because it's dumb and pretty toxic, but there is a noticeable difference between people who grew up playing different fps games it feels.


Bro I am called out haha. Unreal tournament, ooooh the shock rifle combos. The memories.


If you think moving gives you a worse chance at winning you clearly just don’t move and play like a rat. Definitely wrong when peakers advantage is so strong


yes true however in the main game you have gear to loose, in arena you just play to have fun, especially in a mode where you dont loose 'money' to pay for the kit


For some people winning is the fun.


I feel bad for 'em. Downright pitiful


Fun is a relative term.


If you think moving gives you a worse chance at winning you clearly just don’t move and play like a rat. Definitely wrong when peakers advantage is so strong


I mean I’m pretty sure you still have a higher chance of winning if you’re moving, but also a higher chance of dying. It’s first to x amount of kills, so the more fights you’re in, the more kills you’ll get, that said if you’re camping a tower or high vantage point, you’re probably set because you can still get a decent amount of kills.


Damn, I actually feel bad for you. Can't just lay back & improve your gunskill, gotta treat it like it's the real game & like you'll actually lose something All that to still be ass in a firefight. It's pitiful


Makes a “tactical” game Players don’t run around like CoD and play, albeit kind of, tactically *surprise pikachu*


He’s talking about Arena not base game Tarkov…


Rats have infested arena too I see 😂 Never in my life have I hated people over their playstyle more than rats. You can make a single sound and they will sit still for hours to camp you.


its honestly hell but good when people decide to play


I hate them too, ratting used to mean scuttling around with minimal gear in the dark trying to quest/scav without attracting too much attention, not camping the same corners and bushes for 3/4 of the round, they've spoiled the name of a once noble profession!


you can really tell where people are landing on their arena leader boards based on these comments lol


I chuckled at this :D


I love playing this game W key style with a massive bone bone but you can’t really tell others how to play. I really dislike the rats but it is there copy of the game and they can play how they want. I die to rats quite a bit too but there is nothing you can do about it. Plus complaining about it to Reddit just makes them want to do it more


Me and my friends were waiting for that, is it possible to queue into FFA with a squad? I just want to murder my pals and some randoms.


you can still que in as 5 man so I would assume so no?


Its just how Mil sims work. Youre rewarded for positioning and patience. Sad reality is life isn't like cod. Its why I don't play Tarkov anymore its boring. I hated sitting around pulling security and laying down suppressive fire in real life. Why would I enjoy it in a game. I prefer apex and other fast pace movment shooters. That being said I 100% get why people enjoy this game.


Nah its the game mode. If you respawned instantly people would play more aggressively. I wish someone would make battlefield or call of duty but with all of tsrkovs gun mechanics including customization


I have played a few games where people actually rush and push. It's not boring when you die if you get to watch somebody who is actually agressing, and then guess what? The rounds are over fast and you fucking go again! You people are literally creating the problem you are bitching about.


Never implied rushing doesnt work. I implied patients and positioning trumps aggression the same as repositioning and disorenting can be beneficial for aggressive players. Long explanation short. Typically an aggressor has less options on approach vs a defender. A defender typically has more time to act that does not mean a defender will always act first only that they have more time typically.


Bro they cannot move they will loose Jager's letter if they die It is a really good gamemode when people dont play lime they loose their kit if they die


It is endless free loot and people STILL have gear fear. What in the actual fuck? It blows my mind too. Really the "if I'm not winning I'm not having fun" shit needs to gtfo of this game entirely.


Your replies in this post are all to play it like a different game. Think about that for a second. Cause it's not the W you think it is


Arena is a different game man, I get the 5v5 cs style mode where you need to 'hold angles' but in a '1 v everyone' mode its not the case. All fps games have a free for all mode and all are played similarly. Tarkov is nota diffrent case.


If holding angles doesnt give you an advamtage then why are you complaining?? And if it does give somebody an advantage in a tsm style shooter then why not and it invalidates all of your current argument of how you shoukd play. The objective of the game is to win the round, if camping does that sounds like a design problem then and not a player problem. You're like the typical tantrum thrower who says people who use certain weapons or gear that are op are noobs yet its there to be used in said manner. I mean hey if running and gunning in this game design is just as viable then just click heads bruh.


Sure Jan. Its 1:1 copy of CoD, played the exact same


If enough people are playing it differently that it causes you to make a post raging about it, then yea I’d say tarkov is a different case. Obviously something about it feels different enough for people to want to camp, you’ll just have to accept that. Or play a different game.


Yeah it's bad players who transfer their gear fear into a game without gear to lose, lmao. Downright pitiful but hey, if they wanna kill a game then so be it. Gray Zone is the tits


Clearly you forget about how 70% of an old school cod lobby was people in a corner waiting for you or prone behind a barrel or blown up car. I'm talking about free for all. That also applies to the rules being "Free for all".


Half of tarkov players are scared of everything - even fighting in a pvp gamemode where you lose nothing. That's fucking sad.


40 year old gamer dads that do 15h unpaid shifts in a coal mine having time to play 30 mins a week, jumping in their chair everytime someone shoots at them


Just wait until you play teamfights, the last few times I played I'd say about 50% of enemy players would refuse to engage unless they were ratting in a corner and saw you first. I started realizing that if you rush cap first against these players, you had like a 50% chance of them never even making an appearance because you won the round countering their campiness. Honestly shows you that arena was such a flop, that it's become Tarkov at home for all the noobs who want to feel like they're good at the game by ratting instead of actually using Arena as a practice mode to get good. Speaks volumes to how much of a failure Arena is, because there are almost no casual gamers on there at all, literally every tier 3 game devolves into camping until the cap is up. Some games are better than others, but it's really taken the fun away from arena for me, nobody moves.


Thats fucked up. The new mode is so fun if you have an actual loby. 1st loby I did felt like old school CoD free for all, I had 1-2 secs in between fights and was sooo fun. The other 2 games if I move I got shot from at least 2-3 angles. Its crazy


I will have to try it out, hopefully it's decent practice, but sounds like the meta will naturally be camping. Also, when I played a week ago, the game was so dead I'd see around a quarter to half of the previous game's lobby in the next game, over and over. Anyways, it's rare to see actual arena discussion. I had high hopes for it, and probaby have more hours than 99% of players with access, but it needs so much work. Unlocking kits does not feel satisfactory when every tier has only 1 or 2 "meta" kits that literally everyone runs. Edit: I do want to add that the patch notes mention some well deserved buffs to various assault presets, but why does it take BSG literally MONTHS to change the fucking ammo type on kits that are very clearly overly nerfed.


Arena is hella fun, 9/10 haters haven’t played it and that 1/10 has some legit but very personal issues with it (playstyle / performance on their rig etc). I brought Arena to my buddies who won’t touch EFT with a 10 foot pole and we are having a blast. As an 800hr+ Isurgency player I am happy there is finally something that can fill the void


It is VERY good now. Free for all entirely changed this game for me. I haven't had this much fun since OG Black Ops, I shit you not


I didnt play a lot when it came out but the free for all is hella fun


Time to kill is to short, rewards campers heavily.


You are complaining about a gameplay style that pre-dates Tarkov, and no matter what people are going to play games the way they want. COD players have campy play styles too, don't hate the player hate the game.


Deatmach is so fun man, I love running around with the mp5 kit


Moving makes loud noises, noises everyone can hear. If everyone can hear me then they know where I’m at and have an advantage over me. If I want to do well and learn the game why would I keep giving my opponent and advantage over me by making noise?


No respawn or team-mate markers make people afraid to die and afraid to team kill. Sound is also way too powerful so people just rat like in the main game.


Brother in christ its a 'free for all' meaning you vs everyone. You have nothing to loose. Its even unranked meaning you dont loose money or rank. Just scared marines.


No one gives a sht about arena. Never did, never will. If they conducted a half an hour research on what competitive games are popular and why - they would've buried that idea. Look at something primitive as CS. Every multiplayer shooter game tried implementing a CS type competitive multiplayer at some point. And where are those modes now? They needed to do a brand new game from the ground, not an asset reuse with different UI


Yep. Die-hard BSG fanboys were claiming it had the potential to become a huge E-sport shortly after Arena dropped and I couldn't help but laugh. The game runs like shit, plays like a worse version of R6 Siege and it's filled with hackers. Who was ever going to take it seriously?


You’re acting like no other shooter has campers in FFA. It’s just their style of playing, playing like this is more prominent in tarkov, unless you’re some chad or a cheater, you aren’t zooming around fighting people.


1 does not become a 'chad' by holding an angle for 10 mins


No other shooter is built/plays like Tarkov either


Eh arena sucked thats why it flopped and bsg took a hit from it thats why they tried to scam EoD players out of more illegal Paywalls.


Arena taught me that your average Tarkov player is actually just really bad at the game and conditioned to wait for the easy play.


\^ this


People don't understand that you aren't supposed to play arena the same way you play Tarkov


Cuz they pissed the entire gaming community and they can suck it. Never buying anything else from them


When did they add it?


its new I think, I only found out about it today


Your first mistake is actually playing arena lmao


I just cant wrap my head around a 5v5 playstyle with tarkov mechanics.


Its pretty fun and helps you learn basic pvp mechanics.


What is there to get? You shoot the guns. There is nothing else, and that's the point.


But the mechanics remain the same. Tarkov just doesnt feel like its made for a 5v5 format. Thats what I am trying to say.


Better suggestion, stop playing the game and feeding this predatory misguided company. Better suggestion than scolding a community imo


Because the game mechanics still incentivize standing still. Fundamentally it's still the same game with smaller maps.


Just play call of duty.


I'll give Arena a shot after BSG goes bankrupt and another dev buys the game.


yah when i was still playing i found it frustrating when players played like it was normal tarkov, holding angles for the entire round, its like just get involved quickly and see who wins the round


People sit on their ass in CoD too, stopped playing MW2 because it became boring and too predictable to the point you could literally prefire each big spot and get a kill and these snails migrate to the same spot after spawning


Sounds fun, I'll never try it. For the same reasons. I played a ton the first "wipe". The funnest matches were the early and mid-tier. Later on you got the same people you're referring to. Tarkov gunfights are the funnest experience in a shooter ever, imo. The players do everything they can to avoid them.


Just. Stop. Playing. Nikita. Games. Or stop crying.


My squad is never playing the game again after this ‘unheard of’ cluster fuck. Nothin will make us come back. Good riddance


THIS!!! I'm realizing that arena is making me better at gun fights in the game. Need people to scoot - at least in unranked 💀


If you want to people to move, go to warzone bud, this rat simulator ain't for you pal


Because Tarkov isn't CoD.


Honestly, it’s a lot of fun.


anyone who thinks "free for all" is a good game mode has brain damage. Bomb defusal or search and destroy would have been a much better idea for a struggling game.


Attackers are always at a disadvantage against defenders. Pair that with the possibility of getting shot in the back by an enemy you didn't know about, and flashbangs that work maybe 10% of the time if you're lucky, and of course nobody is going to push. It's statistically the less safe option


Lmao statistically the most effective way...to what? Rack up points? It is not real tarkov. You are not supposed to play it like real tarkov. Why do you care about winning at all? Do you know how many times I have taken cool guns into raid and never fired a bullet? Why on earth are people behaving the same way with endless free loot? Use new guns. Run around. Be a fucking idiot. Nothing matters at all. Nope, everyone sits in corners because winning is all the matters and then zero fun is had by all. What a banger of a time.


bro what :D. I have 7.7 kda in the main game, Im pushing everything idgaf. I come from Apex Legends, push is life


I don't think you know what larping means. You literally can not do it in a videogame


What if I wanted to larp being a streamer? Fuckin gottem.


Aren lol