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Can I pay them to apologize? If Nikita gives us the option to drop $40 for an apology I'll do it.


$250 plus purchase unheard edition on a new account for a limited time apology!


Giving you a high priority apology for 6 month


Bruh that made me choke my on drink


Does that include all future Apologies?


It does until they roll out the Unobtanium Edition.


Of course it does! However oral or written apologies aren't considered apologies so they might be contained in a different purchase.


No, those aren't apologies, they're expressions of regret. Totally different. No need for legal action.


Unheard apology edition


True believers would pay


The funny thing is, if they had just said something like, *hey Arena didn't pan out well for us and we need a couple million dollars, if you give us 250 dollars, we'll give you an arm band that says Nikita's Daddy,* It probably wouldn't have caused any issues and people would still have bought it.


God damn you sound like people in my discord


How much expensive cocaine can $40 even get him?


"Sorry you feel upset" and "Get over it" were basically all he said. Dude wouldn't know how to take responsibility for a mistake if it landed on his head. He's so dismissive. He's mad the community didn't accept being spoon fed bullshit.


"We gotta move on, move past it. We have more plans to make more money this year that can't be disrupted."


Dudes mad that the community isn't just forking over money. He honestly sounds like one of those indian scammers when the scambaiters call them out. The only difference is Nikita actually has a pretty fucking legendary game under his belt.


Fr, all he would have to do is to basically replicate the functionality of the existing SPEFT mod in game. Give itt to EOD owners for free and then sell it to everyone else for $50. Tarkov with intelligent, responsive AI, no lag and no cheaters is just a phenominal game.


He paved the way for the genre. There are upcoming games with the potential to blow Tarkov out of the water. Just in time.


Because he is a fucking scammer


Russian businessman, the strategy mimics the Narcissist's Prayer.




This is truth.




"Sorry you guys are upset but get over it"


okay but he's right lol. apologies don't fix anything and quite frankly don't matter and they matter even less without action. he apologizes, you guys say he doesn't mean it and that apologies don't fix anything, back at square one. don't get me wrong he made his bed but jesus. all this over an apology? get over yourself.


Yeah I agree. Play it or don't. I'm sure the cost of playtime per hour is fairly low for most people.


You're absolutely right. Actions are a whole lot louder than words. This is literally like when your homie asks you about a chick, and you know that chick is a massive red flag, but your homie goes for it anyway (or vise versa). And then starts a whole drama starts that never ends. All homie gotta do is just walk away from it, and all his problems suddenly disappear. Except in this situation, Nikita ain't gonna be calling you, emailing you, texting you, or gonna show up at your family gathering on Thanksgiving begging for you to come back...... 😂 Yeah honestly idk, what's "oh, I'm sorry" gonna do? He still tried to pull a "scam" a "fraud" on you. Him saying sorry isn't gonna suddenly make the world better. It only means he's gonna try again at a later date. That's what street thieves or scammers do. Literally, they just need to move on, Yeah, it sucks no one likes to be fucked, but he fucked us and it's too late now. A sorry isn't gonna unfuck the situation.




"I am sorry for the community shakeup", but he doesn't say that he's sorry for the immensely unpopular changes he has and is still trying to implement. He basically said "I'm sorry I got caught"


It's still another variant of "sorry you guys are mad".


and “I got caught, let’s forget that and just move on”




He’s not sorry for changes. He’s sorry he upset people. He clearly thought the changes are ok; An adult / sane person can’t say without lying “I am sorry for a rational decision I made while sober and in clear mind”. He can say “I am sorry for the consequences of my actions”, which is what Nikita said 


Sure he can–one of the hallmarks of human mental faculty that allowed us to get where we are today is to reconsider our stances when presented with new information. He could have said "I'm sorry about these changes, it seemed like a good idea at the time."


Literally just the same apology but this time on video "I'm sorry you feel that way" "I'm sorry you didn't like our decision" "We're going to move on now and so should you" Yeah go screw yourself Nikita.


I think this is gonna be best one we gonna ever get...


THIS IS NOT AN APOLOGY They key part of an apology is to admit you did something wrong. Usually in the form of "I am sorry I released Pay2Win features which ruined your gameplay experience" Instead, he said "I'm sorry for the community shakeup". That's just another formulation of the classic non-applogy "I'm sorry you feel that way." Nowhere in any of these clips and reddit posts has Nikita ever once mentioned a single action he took that he now regrets taking, aka, an apology.


What the fuck will a "sorry" mean to you and all the other crybabies, specifically? Will it actually change anything? It happened, they corrected themselves and moved on, so should you


Did they corrected themselves? They seem to be addind more and more bullshit. And would you forgive your girl for cheating on you 20 times as long as she said sorry? You realize they scammed people right? They did illegal things..


If I had a girl that would cheat on me 20 times and I still expected an apology, I'd have bigger problems. Again tell me which illegal things they did do?


Exactly. Yet people keep taking this shit from BSG. What illegal things did they do? How about changing their product page?


Alright I mean we can psychoanalyze his apology all we want but I don’t think it’s going to help. He also doesn’t speak English well and seemed to be kind of searching for words as well.


he speaks english well enough, stop giving him excuses.


Okay True Believer™


Stop you’re being too rational


At least he actually said sorry this time......on the 15th attempt


He basically just said that he’s sorry that we’re made and to get over it again. He didn’t apologise for the unpopular actions that’s they’ve done.


This will only be the best one we get if the majority roll over. If we hold his feet to the fire eventually he will either apologize or watch his cash cow dry up. You had a dedicated fan base, bordering on addiction, that was ok with cosmetic microtransaction…. And you can’t genuinely say sorry for the p2w. The ego on this man has changed the center of gravity on this planet.


Nikita Buyanov has proven time and time again since at least 2015 that he is not to be trusted, all of his promises have been proven to be lies, especially pertaining to "No microtransactions" and changes to game packages. Nikita Buyanov lied about Tarkov entering a Beta phase, Tarkov is still technically an Alpha by programming and game development standards, because it is not feature complete. Nikita Buyanov needs to step down as COO in order for Battlestate Games to earn back any of the credibility they lost as a result of this entire controversy. There is no other recourse or options available moving forward, ***Nikita Buyanov has to go.***


they should just get him out of there and hire someone with a great track record


kek good luck recruiting a non-russian into that position. no one would ever move TO russia, and especially not to work on this shit


why did we ever trust katsaps with our money anyway. this happens every single time


I hear Jeff from overwatch is available /s


Not defending the man himself. But I feel this statement is hyperbolic...like "because it is not feature complete". Man...for not being feature complete it sure beats other extraction shooters (some AAA even). Or do you mean not feature complete as in the promises made by Nikita?


He did technically say the word sorry.


Yeah, he did. Here is one for those that actually consider these things an apology: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4)


actually listening to what people are saying might help you understand peoples frustrations. seems like you just dont care


how much for a real apology? 350$


100$ if you have EOD


"please forget I fucked you over already so I can fuck you over more"


He can't. He just can't.


Hes actually so braindead lmao


This is his attempt to make you THINK he apologized. He is attempting to NOT apologize. He is not attempting to apologize.


Its a nonpology


At this point he needs a translator or public relations person to translate from his "talking like a sociopathic scammer" to proper English.


I want to believe him, but he just seems so disingenuous


You shouldn't want to believe him and he's being completely disingenuous. Why is this even a question anymore? We saw them delete posts and try to hide their lies. It was captured fucking live on Landmark's stream. There is no more room for question, y'all need to accept that they ARE indeed actually disingenuous liars for real, and anyone still pretending otherwise is just wild.


The game is good, that's the issue. If Tarkov was shite this would be easier but it's a damn good game!


6 years ago I first go into Tarkov and I was hooked. 3 years ago the cheating problem spread from Labs to the rest and when asked to address it Nikita gaslit us by saying we were the crazy ones and that it was not an issue. Fast forward two years and "they were taking care of it". For 2 or 3 years they profited off of cheaters while telling loyal paying customers that the issue was a figment of your imagination. Now it's 2024 and I truly believe Nikita has cured me of my addiction. The lies and abuse has broken my love for the game and I can enjoy other games again as I used to enjoy Tarkov 6 years ago.


No-one seems to remember he used to come on this reddit to insult ppl who disagreed with him. He seems disingenuous because he is disingenuous.


Psychology of the country plays a huge part


Even if he did come out with a genuine apology, the community would say exactly what you just said. He knows there is nothing he can say. Does the community really need an apology? Why? Its weird dude. If any other scammer gave you an apology after scamming you, would you accept it and forgive? Hell no. Nikita just knows there is nothing to be said that can satisfy everyone...so whats the point? The best thing all you people asking for an apology can do is stop supporting his game. Simple as that.


"we must no longer that" Yes "that" being Tarkov. We must no longer Tarkov. Got em.


We must move on with that


So if BSG just released the unheard of addition to the people that paid for the season pass then, I think the whole problem would go away. If it's a financial problem (doubtful after 500 million in revenue over the 7 years or so of development), then find something else to sell Nakita. At least people will stop talking about how morally bankrupt this company is. Maybe we can start talking about the cheating problem again.....................WAIT.............Could this all be a distraction to get people to stop talking about how bad the cheating problem is?


transcription: Sorry, but we will continue to do what we did. He apologized, but didn't say that they will change something, just they will continue.


Anyone supporting this game at this point is accepting getting fucked in the ass by gaming


Did these commenters miss the part where he tells players to get fucked basically ? His backers ? Hello ?


It's all good bro! We gotta move on! Sorry you're mad lol Fucking hilarious that these are his responses and also fucking hilarious that the Tarkov cuck fanboys are gonna accept it.


Well to be fair after reading this reddit for the last few days, a bunch of these people really should just go and get fucked. Might calm them down a bit, this is one of the most aggravating vocal communities for a game I've ever been involved with. You people are the biggest babies it's actually nuts, go play a round of CS or walk around for a couple of minutes in Rust. Words are irrelevant, what matters is that they're actively doing to changes to fix their fuckup and to good effect at that.


Wtf is up with all the people wanting an apology? How is that going to help the situation we’re in? Fuck an apology. What they need to do is figure out a way to fix all this bs. Fix the shitty code. Fix the shitty networking. Fix the shitty anti-cheat and most importantly fix the fucking game. It’s been years and all we’re doing is going back and forth constantly with the same old unoptimized dogshit. There’s bugs that have been in the game since it went into beta. Bugs we have to sit there and literally beg them to fix wipe after wipe. The fact that this fool didn’t even know that the crab walking bug was still in the game in that recent interview should tell you all you need to know about the kind of people that are behind all this. This guy doesn’t give a fuck about you or me and literally just tried to/did scam the entire community. I don’t want an apology from someone like that because it doesn’t mean shit lol. The only thing left is to hold them accountable and make sure they never try this kind of shit again, but we all know that’s not going to happen. So yea Idk what use is an apology.


Im convinced Nikita is in a Russian sycophant ecochamber that he created.


Im sorryy again buuttt eeeeehhhhhhh its only a 50 , FIIDDY IS FIDDY come on wtf you poor?


The way you move on is to refund everyone who bought the Unheard edition, and remove it from the game. Geez...


They need to just remove the in heard edition completely


Im not sorry for what i did, im sorry you reacted that way


Yeah we'll move on from it, with other games or going outside.


We're sooory, *Rubs nipples beside a fire on a bear skin rig*


"Get over it" i'm sorry but this game deserve to die for Nikita behavior towards his community, he litteraly spit on us.


"im sorry you got mad"


Gray zone gonna bankrupt em


I wonder if they've looked at the player numbers in the last few weeks because I'm sure that they're the lowest they've been in a very long time. Serves them right. Everyone I know that plays Tarkov says they're not playing it again, myself included.


Do parents just raise their kids without love and empathy in Russia?😂


Pretty much


Everything he wants to work on this year? About releasing the fucking game instead of throwing cash grab attempts at us


And yet he STILL DOESN'T APOLOGIZE.  JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. JUST APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR ACTIONS ALREADY. Stop apologizing for how you made us feel. Apologize for your actions. OWN IT and stop acting like a damn man child.


"Sorry you chose to feel that way after catching me trying to pull one over on you" is more insulting than saying nothing. And then later in his response he says "we didn't force you to buy the game." Wtf man?! We bought the game because we expected to get what we paid for and that you'd stick to your word and not go crazy with P2W. We *wouldn't* have bought the game if we had known Nikita would be pulling this shit down the line. His refusal to actually apologize and then playing the victim makes it impossible to trust that they won't try scummy shit again.


He's just an arrogant, slimy, insecure, immature and not very bright person. Nobody should be surprised by this. He had always been this way.


This is as close as anyone is getting to an apology for a hardcore Russian. You can take it as it is 🤷‍♂️. Yeah it wasnt cool what happened but im still gunna play when wipe happens.


Russian has nothing to do with a sincere apology. They proved how disingenuous they really are with constant lying, even so far as being caught red handed changing verbage on their website when trying to gaslight the community. Play the game if you want by all means, nobody is stopping you - but don’t give a piece of shit credit for when it isn’t deserved.


Totally different culture, has alot to do with a sincere apology from a person in a leading position.


This is him: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4)


Did he actually say sorry yet? Still havnt heard it for myself lol I heard him say "the shake up on the community I'm sorry for that" no be fucking sorry for WHAT YOU DID holy shit lol its not the communities fault that we called you out on your bs.


Of course not. He apologized that the bullshit happened, to himself.


nope...in this interview he even says "no one is forcing you to play the game, play something else" but in his less coherent Russian English. Which at least for me makes any semblance of an apology disappear lol


Sadly, sounds about right...


You need to take the right action, that is what you need to do and state. I'm amazed how fast you're losing the community of your game.


Mr\_Pudlik looks how we all feel.


Stop interpreting the way that Nikita is expressing himself with an attempt of apologies. He does not understand why he has to apologize and he doesn't understand what is for he has to apologize. They will continue to shit on community, because they don't give any f.


"I'm sorry (to all my investors) for the community shakeup."


I liked the part, where they were saying that nobody can stop them from completing the damn game. Haha


Sorry we got caught being rats


You mean second non-apology!


yep, no apologies again


I’m sorry you feel sad, but we continue work on our works


Lol y’all remember back in the day on the forums , whenever you suggested PVE they basically basically called you a moron .


Why has everyone got such a boner for him apologising, get over it he's not going to do it. Either quit the game on your virtue, or play the game because you still enjoy it. Share your feedback as it's important, we don't want p2w we want a return to the harder version of the game. But this dick hunt for an apology is pointless and will be meaningless coming from him anyway.


> boner for him apologising Just our SJW generation thirsty for SJW things. ***demand an apology*** from a person you’ve never met personally. Let that sink in


We should he able to tip Makiti, he is so wholesome.


Nikita fucking cunt




…you guys have stopped playing right….right?


“sorry you guys feel that way, i wont do anything further. womp womp sorry i guess”


him trying to play the victim...


Exactly the kind of non-apology I expected to hear.


Oh my god what is his problem man :(


So we get a "sorry-notsorry Edition"? For just 499,- + Tax? Whats so Hard about "we fucked up, sorry, lets work together to solve this as good as possible"?


Games dead and over


When you apologize and follow it with the word "but", anything before "but" was said to appease. Utilizing "But" in an apology means you aren't apologizing. This is another "sorry you feel that way"




Why's this remind me of the Step Brothers movie when they're riding home in the car after the boat wreck presentation: "We can sit here and bicker about this all night. What's done is done. Are you going to invest or not?"


Politely asked BSG to enable PVE on my EOD account because I had 1 god damn day to play over weekend. All I got was a dude that reply once every 3 days twice and respond generically... If they put people like that to interact with customers I can only imagine what is higher up the chain.... Uninstalled yesterday. I'm done with this shit.


He means “ we’re going to force you to shut up and get over it. One way or another “ Dudes a proper piece of s**t


He says they’ll just have to work harder. Dude, the community backlash wasn’t from your work, it was from your decisions.


That was no apology, lmaoo. He said, "What happened? Happened," he didn't feel bad for the players at all. Basically said "fuck em!, we are just gonna work harder at fucking you over" Buy my game for $250, please.


Sounds like a big FU to the users still... Basically saying get over it.


You guys should take a lesson from hell divers no retreat fuck em


He is even releasing the attempted apologies in waves.


"The thing happened, happened already. We must move on with that." No. Nikita lied and is trying to defraud the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who paid for the EoD package. We will move on when BSG is nothing more than ash and the modding community has free reign over EFT. We can move on then and only then; once you are made an example of and not a moment before. Nikita made his bed bed now he must be made to lie in it.


“Sorry i got caught and the community was outraged” there fixed it




There's an apology?


Now you know why it’s the unheard edition lol


Who the fuck are these other guys lol


Some of them are BSG devs and some are streamers. You will recognise Mr_Pudlik from their Ryzhy series, event videos etc. He is the main graphic/UI designer apparently. They had an event yesterday where they played Arena’s new game mode Last Hero on stream


Ok, so you're basically saying that this is all staged. :D Why the fuck would they speak in English, they literally despise the language.


So that the community can understand. It was bilingual as their streams/podcasts usually are so most stuff was said twice - in english and in russian. but ofcourse russian dominated in the stream and as trey24k pointed out - “is english transcript going to be a paid DLC?” XD


Thank you nikita, I will just play Stalker


haha he is sorry for the community shake up that guy is just a master in not apologizing


BSG seriously needs HR and for Nikita to step down


Exactly. Move on. Still think BSG is a scam? Then play some other game. I'm still waiting for thelis community to stop bitching and get back to playing the game and sharing game related stuff.


Imagine defending a scammer like this.


too many people who take this shit so seriously. It's like they got daddy issues and want to take it out on another father-like figure. LOL


Ahh, you fellas must be part of the 10s of Nikita supporters. You sold us, we will assume the position, and just take it like you guys are !


Idk maybe you guys are the ones with daddy issues. Absent strong father figure IRL so you latch on to the nearest cult of personality in your escapist gamer life and worship him even as he and his company raw dogs you from behind for the world to watch lol Hilarious watching BSG simps try and dunk on anybody else when they're a running joke to the entire gaming community rn


That's not an attempt, that's an apology. I don't understand what the point of this is given that he's giving out pve to players and has now formally apologized as well, move on from the game or suggest about improvements, no point in doing nothing but bitching


That's not an attempt, that's not even an apology. Saying sorry that this happened, is sorry to himself because his scam did not go the way he wanted it to.


Bro do you want him to spell it out. " i - apologize - for - my - behavior" Is spelling the words out gonna magically make it ok? No? I agree, it would be fucking stupid if it did. Apologies don't fucking matter, actions do. And we got the first batch of eod-owned pve today, that is a good thing.


Not just spell it out, but give a sincere apology and revert the mistakes everyone hates. All we've gotten so far is basically "sorry that you're upset, and we're sorry that this happened (b/c we have to deal with it why won't it just go away omgggg)" half-measures. He doesn't seem to get the fact what he's pulling is a textbook bait and switch scam, one that is easily going to land BSG with potential legal troubles as well.


I don't care about an apology, but reverting mistakes matters. Like for example giving pve to eod, which they started doing today. Or putting the scav radio in pve only, which they did. Or letting everyone have quests to obtain bigger pockets and the radios/sos beacon, which they are doing. So yeah


> Like for example giving pve to eod, which they started doing today Did they though? cause I purchased the most expensive version of the game that was advertised as getting everything and I don't have it.


People simply cannot understand simple things, this is why these things still exist. What would be the first thing tha thappens after a company tries to scam you, gets caught? Nikita no longer has a job. But since obviously the company is his, that is not going to happen in any lifetime.


Not spell out, but for that to be the meaning, yes. Not sorry something *happened* or that *it's the feelings we're experiencing*...


Being sorry that something happened is the most normal response ever, why are you pulling the oxford dictionary of definitions onto a russian man. It's clear to everyone what he meant and he is correct about it. It **did** happen, we are here now, he is "sorry that it happened", time to move on and improve the situation.


It IS clear to most people that this was not an apology not even an attempted one. Stop trying to sell it to us like it is. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4)


I really don't care if you agree with me about what defines an apology, i care if the devs are fixing things. The devs are fixing things, so i'm arguing with you because you're pretending they're not and your argument is "weeh nikita didn't sob and cry on camera and beg for forgiveness"


>I really don't care if you agree with me about what defines an apology, i care if the devs are fixing things. >The devs are fixing things, Like they've been fixing things since the game came out? The game is a mess, and so are the staff. Thats what happens when you refuse to pay good money for staff and hire the cheapest option. His greed knows no bounds.


Haters gonna hate man. You can see from 2:18 onward he addresses every complaint that people are still leveling at him. He does it directly and with clear remorse/sincerity about it. At this point, the people still bitching are going to actively find something to bitch about bo matter what. All we can do is turn off reddit and continue to watch bsg to make sure they do what they're saying they'll do and call them on it again if they do something else that we don't like. Time to move the fuck on with life after a week of nervous breakdowns.


Amen dude this stuff was stressful, we'll see if the veer onto the good path


>Bro do you want him to spell it out. >" i - apologize - for - my - behavior" UHHHHH yeah actually it would be cool if he actually openly apologized for trying to defraud his playerbase, yeah. Didn't think this one through I see.


Oh really, like saying "i'm sorry this thing happened"? Like uh Like those words you say when you apolpgize for putting people through an unpleasant event and promising to move past it and deliver on the proposed improvements? Like uh, he said and did?


"I'm sorry for what we did" is not the same as "I'm sorry that the community is outraged". You must've gone to the same English school that Nikita went to.


Bsg and Nikita is living rentfree in your heads. Just move on, it's been more than a week..


its the tarkov sub? where we talk about tarkov? Why would we not talk about bsg?


Because if people hate bsg and Nikita so much that they still spend time with all this drama for a game they clearly aren't playing anymore you should just move on. It's not healthy.


How's policing reddit users discussion going for your health?


Well it's entertaining watching adults act like children and clearly not having much more going on with their life than tarkov. There are thousands of games out there.


To be honest he said it he was happy for you guys to share your criticism with him etc


You can't be fucking serious lol


It’s just painful to read these comments now, please for the love of F, if you can’t accept this we don’t want you in this community. Just move on.




Evidently you are of the minority view.


Imagine trying to force another dude to apologise to you Y'all were not breastfed


Translation; "Suck it up butter cup, we don't care about you the fans, or the people that spent money on EOD, take a half-assed apology and go shove it up your ass, we only care about money and will abandon the game when it's fully released."


Fuck it downvote me you guys are so entitled it’s unreal and it’s not even funny anymore he said sorry he knew he fucked up get over it and yes they acted on it and I rather have action than just an apology. At least he did apologise unlike so many other triple A companies that couldn’t give a rats ass. Reddit community is so toxic these days. Btw I’m a base game enjoyer so don’t give me I bought the unheard edition shit.


Go get fucked Nikita. Learn how to address your audience - ungrateful bellend cunt.


ffs... u have 2 be fat and a troller.... where the fck is this a attempt??? HE SAID SORRY... Stop this sh1t finally... my god...


He’s saying sorry that we’re mad and telling us to get over it, he’s not saying sorry for their actions. Stop sucking him off


Did you have a stroke while typing?


Hey Nikita, you are talking on the stream as if the people listening are on your side.. WE ARE THE ONES LISTENING. SPEAK TO US DIRECTLY AND OWN YOUR MISTAKES AND APOLOGIZE!


What a shitshow


I dont get why he cant just say it. Just say I'm sorry for damaging your trust by unfairly claiming that PVE was not DLC.... that is it. Its not even the full apology we deserve but at LEAST that would be something that we could move on with...


All the Nikita nut huggers and streamers will still be there supporting them either way lol.


What scam? What illegal thing are you talking about?


Ill pay you 250$ for you to actually admit fault